r/SneerClub archives
Flyer at my local university advertises new LLM religion and wonders if all moral and political philosophy is "obsolete" 🙃. No mention of the usual targets but thought this sub would enjoy. (https://i.redd.it/axxn858fs8za1.jpg)

“Is my moral and political philosophy obsolete?” mfw akinator guesses my favorite sopranos side character on the first try

It was the Russian interior decorator wasn't it?
His house looked like shit
Is it paulie?

damn. i hate when im reading through old stuff on reddit and in the middle of a sparkling, scintillating discussion i find someone has written over all her old comments with nonsense, fragmenting the discussion permanently. what hilarious, moving, romantic, haunting things could she have said? just to wash it all away, in this digital era of permanency? wow. that takes courage. i bet she was really cute, too

Neil DeGrasse Tyson has entered the chat
This has to be parody
What, "neoliberal?"

All right, I’m still better than ChatGPT at the GRE. I should start a religion devoted to me.

I still cant believe that me, a fucking machine learning person that speaks english as a second language beat ChatGPT at the writing portion of the GRE. That's supposed to be what it's *good* at.

wait until this guy hears about the dictionary

standardized testing as a marker of intelligence

These people got stuffed into lockers in 6th grade and never left.

I work in machine learning and, excuse me, GPT CLUB??????????? I cannot think of two words on their own that come closer to crushing my soul.

^(well, not any that don’t involve abuse of hierarchical power, anyway)

I never fully noticed how creepy the logo for OpenAI is.

Juxtaposed with the content of this flyer, it definitely has “cultist” or “sect” vibe to it.

it looks like the logo of a company that unsurprisingly reveals itself to be evil and summons satan as the final boss at the end of a video game
It kind of looks like the logo for Aperture Science (2007 portal video game) and I wonder if there was any intentional or unintentional influence (although the portal example is much less creepy). Which is kind of ironic since in that game, that company does end up creating some omnicidal maniac, but not so smart AIs.
Im just looking for the hands with a ring.
I guess that still counts as an iris, truly the window to the machine soul. Poetic given the bullshit that is being spewed forth.
I wasn't talking about a window inside the machine soul, more like a window into something else. But if you don't know what I'm thinking about best not shatter your innocence.
The size of the ring is directly proportional to the amount of shit that they are serving up.
It actually looks like a series of paperclips linked together into a rose. And I'm not joking: that's literally all I can see when I look at it now.

‘While you had premarital sex, I studied the blockchain. While you…’

‘Chatgpt can now do the blockchain’

‘My life is over! Im obsolete!’

"Also ChatGPT can now do your mother." "WHYYY"

But the real danger is the trendline. Before, AIs couldn’t score even close to the 50th percentile on these exams. Now they’re scoring in the 90th.

By extrapolation, if we wait a few years, they will score in the 130th percentile. And that’s assuming a conservative, linear model! Their test scores could grow exponentially!

That is actually hilarious, please go join some meeting and report back.

School, like chess, is for computers now. Just go feral and live like a wild animal. I like crows.