r/SneerClub archives
So, turns out my (non-US) university has an effective altruism club (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/13f0mib/so_turns_out_my_nonus_university_has_an_effective/)

Bleh, they’ve been putting up obnoxious posters everywhere (that are poorly looking too), of course kind of hiding the AI doomsayer angle and playing up the “how can we best improve the world”, even though they definitely have an ‘AI safety’ division.

God damn it why does this crap have to infest everything.

“The Make A Wish Foundation is infinite% more practically effective than all AI doomers”

also talk about castles a lot

I studied philosophy in a college in San Francisco in the 2000’s. I had some dumb conversations with compsci bros while out drinking in those days but I can’t imagine what it’s like now.

More and more its becoming like an actual cult.

Hang up posters next to them talking about your new democratic organization called the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

I find any of those things on my grounds rounds here, I’m dumpstering them. I’m paid to clean up over here, it would just be doing my job.

So apparently every university on CONUS has a club now due to money?

I looked up if it existed where I'm currently doing grad school, and it turns out that it does. Who the fuck are paying these people? Should I go and ask stupid shit in their meetings? I wouldn't be able to help myself to ask them about fucking SBF or whatever variation of roko's basilisk I can come up on the spot that sounds the stupidest.
Holy fuck the Uvic one formed in 2016. :| and yes you should.

I mean presumably you already have an evangelical association.

How dare these people I don’t like not conform to my stereotypes!

maybe if we give kids the optimal amount of trauma, that’ll give them unlimited rocket fuel to go to the CryptoMoon! (a techbro effective altruist said that, yes really: https://danielmiessler.com/blog/the-right-amount-of-trauma/

What the fuck
I…kinda think those are fair thoughts that can come about in the head as one explores themselves and where their values are derived from. I like to play Devil’s Advocate a lot with myself and while I’d never share thoughts like these online, I’ve read much worse. what the fuck re: cryptomoons though

Im new here.. i have never heard of this effective altruism.. wtf is it