r/SneerClub archives
Scott Aaronson writing things like this (about starvation and sex) is terrifying. This is from 2007 and he later regretted that, but wow... (https://web.archive.org/web/20071006184928/http://scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=260)

Robin Hanson says what I was trying to say much better than I did.

Yeah, that would usually be the time for a well adjusted human being to reconsider their take

Robin Hanson is also a complete creep. He did a similar thought experiment, “gentle harmless rape” or something like that
"Gentle silent rape". Even typing that out makes my skin crawl.
Bolano is one of the greatest writers of the last half a century, living or dead. Nothing else to add really.
IIRC Hanson was comparing rape to cuckoldry, with the "out" where he would claim that he's not saying rape isn't bad he's saying cuckoldry is bad. Still completely creepy, but involves some extremely elementary awareness of right and wrong as some concept that others might have. Meanwhile Scott just sincerely wanted to share how his giant brain has caught liberals in a contradiction. Somehow he just can't imagine that other people can solve his utilitarian calculations for unknowns like "how much moral worth does this guy give to other people". edit: and he knows he's being sincere, and he is axiomatically a good guy, therefore by definition any consequence along the lines of people figuring things out about what's going on in his head, is people being evil.

What a puzzling conundrum! 🤔🤔🤔🤔

I'm continually amazed by cishet white dudes in STEM and their creepy obsession with "getting sex."

He’s not really interested in the question, not in the way he’s posing it anyway. What he’s actually looking for are arguments supporting the normalization of incels (the victim) being served free sex by society (as a reparation) as a form of charity the same way we have soup kitchens.

Everyone can see through his little rhetorical dance and that’s why people find the post offensive.

you just don't understand, man. this genius is trying to solve the worlds biggest problems.
If it was a simple problem it wouldn't have been rattling around, unsolved, in his brain for years. This is by his own admission.
Truly he is one of the minds of all time.
Once again worth reiterating that this is a man with a wife and kids btw
I am legitimately terrified for those kids. This screed screams "potential child sexual abuser." I studied psychology in college and this reasoning is precisely what sexual abusers of children use to justify their crimes. It's sickening and terrifying.
It's not even about sex. Most liberals support giving the poor money, and most liberals support legalization of sex work. Not to mention that he was never starving level poor and he could always afford to just pay for it and to fly someplace it's legal, too. No, the thing with the incels is that the world has wounded their ego. That wound can be remedied via an assigned "handmaid", could via something akin to a peacetime Militärbordelle with coupons issued to nerds that they can use there, but not via free money + hiring someone. What's curious about people like this is that they spend a lot of time thinking about themselves, but lack any self comprehension ability whatsoever; they have an active mental block when it comes to comprehending themselves, so they say shit out loud that paints a complete picture of what it is that they are wanting so much (and it isn't just sex). Save for the unfortunate social acceptability of his shit, this is basically equal to someone complaining that he can't just take a bite out of their roommate when he's very hungry, with some naive innocence; if someone else said something with a similar logical structure, that doesn't align with Scott's own interests, he would understand that it is monstrous, immediately. Here's my thought experiment: someone keeps complaining they can't take a bite of human brains and how liberals don't support cutting out a bit of brain out of some (historically very disadvantaged, presently less so) group of people to give to the hungry. Are they a (not so philosophical) zombie, and a very morally shitty one to boot? If it says "BRAAAAAINS!!!!" like a zombie...
Is it really incels per se or is it high iq male nerds?
Fight against volcel erasure

How could you sneer at a sex-famine victim who steals a loaf of sex to feed his starving libido?

There’s a certain kind of usually-male nerd who disavows responsibility for the ugliness of his fantasies by referring to them as “thought experiments.“

Chuck Tingle's “Pounded in the Butt by My Own Thought Experiment: A Thought Experiment”
Lol true
Imagine Scott's internet history...vomit
Can you prove that government-issued sex tokens are a bad thing or are you just offended? /s
Somehow I don't think Scott would have been happy with the liberal world order that would likely include some ($ denominated) welfare for the poor and (as an unrelated issue) legalized sex work with the usual worker protections and all.

Because the act of stealing food in and of itself doesn’t necessarily involve harm to a person. Rape by it’s very definition does.

I mean equally as important for the moral calculus, you will die from lack of food and you will not die from lack of sex. Considering only the perpetrator's side, the comparison for rape is not stealing food, it's stealing a new TV.
There's fucking *Civ 6* quote in the tech tree about this: "Millions have lived without love, not one without water."
Yes it is a bad comparison, better comparison would be somebody starving taking a bite out of somebody else vs rape with then the gov forcing the woman (because of course it is a woman here, the idea of sexless woman doesn't cross his mind) to keep the kid.
Totally beside the point but if someone took a bite out of me instead of just telling me they were starving so I could get them a sandwich or something I'd be so pissed. Like dude I run on coffee and spite I know that shit didn't taste good anyway.
He can't compare it to cannibalism because that would require him to assume that women are people. edit: however on second thought I'm not entirely sure that if he was hungry and cannibalistic he would intuitively see the difference between stealing bread and taking a bite out of someone, either, it's just fairly unusual to do the latter.
But muh genes
It doesn't work even then - someone will die _quickly_ without food/water, whereas men have most of their adult life to spread their genes (and still several decades for women). Also, I'd argue it's clear natural selection can select for traits that are beneficial for genetic propagation at a higher level than the individual anyways. E.g. hypothetically if there's a less common trait that allows an individual to significantly increase group/family survival at the cost of lower reproductive fitness, the genetic potential for it to be expressed can be maintained even if the individuals expressing it reproduce more rarely. Which also goes the other direction - if something _lowers_ group survival despite increasing odds of reproduction, it can be selected _against_. Of course, there is no reason ethics should be modeled on assumptions made about reproductive fitness in the first place, much less the gross implication that the harm it does to another person somehow doesn't matter.
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As Diogenes once said, after being caught publicly masturbating, "if only I could rub my belly and make my hunger go away"
OMFG fucking based as always

Remember that SSC post where Scott Siskind said “Scott Aaronson is one of the nicest, smartest, and most decent people there are”? And then criticized feminists who pointed out that he actually has really sexist attitudes?

To be fair, given Scotty S' other known acquaintances, it's possible that Scotty A really is the most decent person he's actually met
Scott himself comes off plenty nice in person. The niceness - or rather, the extension of that niceness to bigots and the attempt to justify their insanity as something that exists in good faith - is part of the problem.

It’s pretty alarming that he sincerely seemed not to understand why women being harmed is morally abhorrent to anyone. Even if you don’t think women are fully human, it should occur to you that we almost look kind of human and some people might be tricked into thinking we’re sentient.

You never know, maybe he simply wasn't hungry enough for human meat to write the same thing about the arbitrary difference between stealing from a grocery store and eating a piece of his roommate.
He understands it, he just thinks men's sexual desires take precedence over harm to women.
I meant he doesn’t seem to understand why anyone would disagree with him. It doesn’t matter anyway because the question itself is disingenuous and he really wants to fantasize about incels getting sex reparations.

How did it not occur to him that our moral intuition is not Darwinian? It feels like he personally finds the two situations analogous and he was confused by why society consider incels raping people to be more abhorrent than stealing food.

You know, rape happens because men want to have babies. Totally the only reason it ever happens. /s

Hello yes I am a very serious intellectual who is deeply concerned about existential risks and doing the most good. What do I primarily think about? How to maximize my dick getting wet.

Especially amusing because the post before this one has him doing manual labour of a kind that he, by his own admission, would never even consider, but did only because a girl asked him to. Actually, these two posts were made on consecutive days which makes it less amusing and more deeply concerning. Now I wonder if he didn't include this snippet: >The following puzzle (in various forms) has been bothering me for year In the OP as cover because his sexual advances had been rebuffed by the lady, who simply asked him for a favour, and it got him thinking...

I like how he mentioned “the liberals”, like yeah dude those damn liberals wanting people to have food and not rape, what a world we live in. Conservative ideology has gone off the rails in the past decades and has become a safe haven of backwards intellectual debate. If you were to offer legal prostitution this is the guy who would tell you it would be a degradation of society, but ponders the legitimacy of rape and forced birthing. I think therefore I am, but do women?/s

There's only 1 person with moral value, in this universe, that's him, and he isn't hungry, he's horny. Checkmate, liberals.
They've always been like this. Big C little c big R big N whatever these people are just shitheads describing a nonexistent fantasy where they aren't shitheads, usually along the lines of "here's why we have to be shitheads, and you have to deal". Its just hollow, well, *rationalizing*, there isn't anything more there. It isn't an ideology or anything, it's just shitheads being shitheads.

“From a Darwinian perspective, the two cases seem exactly analogous. In both we have a man on the brink of genetic oblivion, who commandeers something that isn’t his [food or sex] in order to give his genes a chance of survival.”

I am not even going to comment on this, it is just that disgustingly inaccurate.

On top of all the disgusting stuff everyone has already pointed out, this also reflects the weird perspective that americans have where they can only conceptualize property rights and nothing else, so stealing $21 from a billionaire is worse than stealing $20 from a homeless person and sexual assault is only bad because people own their bodies so it's basically a form of trespassing.


the long term psychological effects of not having a sex life might be similar to those of being a rape victim. I’m thinking lack of confidence, low self-esteem, vulnerability to alcoholism or other addictions, increased chance of committing suicide. I’m no expert here, but there’s a definite parallel.

I don’t think this is an argument to let rapists get away with it though. Rape is a terrible crime, and society should punish it harshly. It’s kind of irrelevant that there is ALSO a lot of unrecognized suffering afflicting men who cannot get the sex that they need. There is a better way of enabling these sexless men to get what they want and need - education. Perhaps at some enlightened time in the future, sex education lessons at school will include lessons on seduction and flirting for those who need it. For now, an Internet search on “seduction” will do the trick ;-)

Man what the fuck

There used to be a lot of pickup guys on lesswrong. If you have seeb old hbomberguy vids, where he jokes about the pickup guy with the skulls, he was a lw poster.
No man 'needs' sex. We have a perfectly good inbuilt release mechanism for that pent up sexual frustration. What these men need is to be able to form meaningful relationships. Their problem is that they blame women for their inability to achieve this, often because they are so desperate for sex that they treat every woman as a means to that end. I pity guys who believe that, if they could just have sex, that they would somehow be made whole.
It's very revealing that rape victims (presumably female) have no sexual needs or desires to be harmed by this rape on top of the rest of its impacts. It's pretending to be a nod at the humanity of his proposed rape victims but actually reinforces that he doesn't see them as people. (Tho it's sadly common for cis men to be willfully oblivious about the impacts of sexual trauma.)

I didn’t think it was all that awful as a bit of intellectual puzzle. It’s just also not too hard to solve, since there is no inherent right to pass on one’s genes without the consent of the mother. Our sympathy for the right of a person to keep on living has bupkiss to do with whether or not he passes on genes.

If it did, then we’d have to conclude that a starving, post-menopausal woman would be wrong to steal food.

For that matter, the person’s desire to keep on living has bupkiss to do with passing on genes as well. I don’t plan on passing on my genes a second time but I still feel an odd desire not to starve to death today. Certain folk go off the rails when they think that our moral beliefs and personal desires are necessarily tied to evolutionary concerns.

Beep Boop. I am a biological machine. My prime directive is to survive and reproduce.
"Here is a sample of my source code for your consumption"
thank you, my fellow consumer. Let us revel in our shared pleasure of consumption.

I love how there’s this, and then there’s the guy’s excessively complex explanations why he doesn’t like feminism but totally not just because any version of women’s rights is at odds with what he wants.

For what it’s worth, it is probably the case that milquetoast anti sexual assault PSAs on campus did cause him a great deal of psychological distress, of the wounded ego variety: the intended recipient of those PSAs is a bad guy, he’s the intended recipient (to the fucking dot, the guy who’s comparing rape to stealing food is EXACTLY the guy that needs to be told not to rape), but he’s a good guy, contradiction, distress.

Honestly he’s the kind of guy that a more enlightened place would very possibly fire from the job (or at least have someone from HR talk to him and tell him to stop blogging about the topic of his dissatisfaction with feminism), not because he had those fantasies, not even because he wrote about them back when, but because he’s self righteous about “but feminists denied me sex” enough that he can’t shut up and will discomfort anyone who’s not the right gender - which is alone discriminatory. Fortunately for him he’s in Texas, so he could keep on going about it and then get some kind of promotion or political recognition, or emerge on top in what ever rightwing political shit can happen here.

Can he stop assuming that he is 'the good guy'?

I mean, he advanced basically the same argument in “Radicalizing the Romanceless.” He’s more pleasant than most incels but still essentially an incel.

Isn't Aaronson married?
the weirdest thing about the last decade is that even married people can be incels at heart
Well yeah, it’s like being a coomer. A coomer in a relationship can still be a coomer because it has nothing to do who you’re with, but the way you think about sex. An incel is obsessed with all the sex they’re not having. A married incel is not going to be having all the sex all the time, no one is, but only the incel obsesses over the sex they don’t have at the expense of all the sex they do have. A coomer is obsessed with masturbation. A married coomer may have sex, but it’ll be a pleasant diversion from their actual want, which is masturbation. For most people, masturbation is what you do when you can’t fuck; for the coomer, fucking is what you do when you can’t masturbate.
is this weird-ass nofap phrenology really necessary here
TBH, this is one of the funnier /r/lostredditors in the recent weeks.
Has his wife read his posts?

The Last Psychiatrist already wrote the perfect rebuttal (the title is intentionally inflammatory, the content is about who would even ask such a horrifying question)

For fucking Christ’s sake. Rich Evans has gotten laid, you can do it.

“Gosh, fellas, if I breathe air I’m taking a step to survive long enough to spread my genes, so why doesn’t everybody agree that breathing is morally equivalent to rape?!1?!”

It turns out that smart people are some of the dumbest people in the world.

Forgot to ask, does he regret writing this because of the bad reaction he got? Because of the incels/genecels he encouraged or because he realized how harmful the argument was and that he wanted to make amends?

he’s just asking questions! totally harmless thought experiments

It’s wild that he writes an update to say “Robin Hansen has informed me that the difference is that everyone is a hypocrite in how much they care about equality, and that makes sense to me” and not “I’ve recieved an avalanche of feedback reminding me that the difference is that one scenario hurts nobody and the other is a brutal attack on a human being”

Just googled a photo of him. . . Yikes. He really thought he did something with this “moral conundrum” especially with the “sex stamps”. lolll

  1. You won’t die from lack of sex.
  2. You can hire someone to sleep with you and they WILL.
To be fair, there are people who give off such weird vibes (or fail at basic reading and communication) that they cannot do 2 (I have heard some nice stories about various types of timewasters). And as these people are a higher risk for the sex workers Im fine with them failing at 2. (Pushing incels on sex workers who already are marginalised isnt a solution for the incel problem)

Three intro philosophy courses should be minimum requirement for all students graduating from university