r/SneerClub archives
Scott Aaronson speculates about using language models to help autistic people practice dating (https://scottaaronson.blog/)

So how do they make the ‘autists need love’ thing work with eugenics?

Manic pixie dream girls to cancel out the autistic genes obviously
i have bad news about what "manic pixie dream girl" is code for
Untreated ADHD?
Even worse: untreated borderline personality disorder.
Aspie supremacy. They think autists, or at least their specific kind of autist, are a higher evolved form of life. I’m autistic and it makes me cringe.
Maybe they want to charge us for their totally not weird dating sim so we can fund our own eugenicizing.

Men will literally talk to a glorified autocomplete before going to therapy.

ELIZA has joined the chat

Yeah we already get that it’s called talking to other people

Edit: so, there’s value in helping autistic people who struggle with social reasoning help understand the unwritten rules of society, and appreciate the underlying logic to them… but an AI isn’t going to do that. Humans need to explain human behavior.

It definitely shouldn’t be with the goal of dating, either… you know how autistic men get dates? They learn to be empathetic towards others and then go talk to autistic women. It’s not rocket surgery.

Dating as a man who isn’t a complete tool is not hard. Women, especially autistic women, aren’t going to dump someone with a good heart cauz they’re weird.

I don’t know if it would have found this useful when I was younger and not married. But while, say, chatting people up in IRC (I’m old!) definitely had value in terms of conversational practice, I don’t think it would work if I knew the person on the other end of the line was fake.

Like, one of the characteristic autistic things is that we take things so very literally, so I personally wouldn’t be able to ignore the fact that the person isn’t real, and that the responses and any “progress” I was making wouldn’t necessarily map to conversing with real people.

When I was a kid, I bought a comic book on how to be a ninja. I was probably 12. It was a fun idea, but when I got it I realized how little this could actually teach me, and after trying some of the moves — again, I was probably 12 — the fact that I couldn’t tell if I was doing any of the moves right meant that i wasn’t exactly confident about using my ninja skills out in the real world.

How many besides me have even acknowledged that the central problem of these guys’ lives is a problem?

A few, I’m guessing.

Infamously, just for asking for empathy for the problem, and for trying to explain its nature, I received a level of online vilification that one normally associates with serial pedophiles and mass shooters.

He said, ahistorically, on the blog that is still named for a sex fantasy.

Scott ‘sex coupons for incels’ Aaronson
Scott lets incels post screeds on his blog supporting mass shooters.

Scott Aaronson once again encourages “empathy” for misogynistic incels. Pro-tip: the universe doesn’t owe you a girlfriend, creeps. At least you’re a cishet white man who never had to cope with relentless transphobia.

Making you seem more human in person is one thing AI will always be terrible at. It can replace the engineering skills these people have, but it can’t help them with what they don’t innately have. If you’re wondering why they seem so much more worried about AI than us “normies,” this is one reason why.


You good there bud?