r/SneerClub archives
If only we knew who was responsible for convincing people AI has magical abilities!!! (https://i.redd.it/bocesbpgqp0b1.jpg)

I’m worried the spirits we’ve conjured are slotting into the role of divinatory spirits for a large group who lean that way.

Finally something I can agree with Yud on. The most deranged use of ChatGpt I saw was when one redditor completely seriously suggested to OP to ask ChatGpt whether they’re (OP) trans or not. Fortunately that post got downvoted hard, but the thought of people making life changing decisions based on input from stochastic parrots is frightening.

yeah i don’t disagree, the point is more that he distracts from these legitimate concerns with the doom stuff and is personally responsible for a lot of the magical thinking
Yeah, it’s so hard to understand how after he spends so long saying “AGI is magic” and also “LLMs are totally thinking machines and right around the corner from AGI which did I mention will be magic?1!!” And then people think that LLMs themselves are magic. Such a mystery how they could come to think that!
Oh, that's *cursed* cursed
I can kinda see it for when you don't really know and you just need a decision. Sort of like how some people will roll a dice. Not the best decisionmaking, but sometimes making a decision is more important than it being the optimal one.
A coin flip makes it explicit that you leave the decision to chance (and might be actually helpful if you suddenly start wishing the coin falls a particular side), reading confident-sounding gibberish creates an illusion of talking to a real human about your problems. Anyway [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/actual_detrans/comments/13gpjm2/comment/jk1pbrr), is the post I had in mind, I don't think it's reasonable advice.
Everyone: trans people are trying to trick others into transitioning!!! Reality: multiple subreddits exist where people can get peer counseling on transition, and the consensus is that it’s a huge life step to be very carefully considered, but only the person asking the question can actually answer it.
Sometimes, but it's very doubtful that gender transition is one of those times.
That sort of thing is best left to the oracles at Tumblr
I'm glad ChatGPT was made to deflect that type of question. If they want a really "cryptic oracle" experience, they should try GPT-3 lol

I saw someone the other day arguing he had an iq of 175. It was a serious post.

Yeah Jamie Loftus tho, she couldn’t even [finish infinite jest](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/books/news/woman-spends-year-eating-copy-infinite-jest-david-foster-wallace/)
150ish is plausible but also not very meaningful
The trick to being the smartest person in the room is never being in a room with anyone smarter than you.
The trick to always being the smartest person in the room is to never be in a room.
Why are you downvoted? There's never been an IQ test which claimed meaningful results over ~140 (or below ~30 by the way.)
I'm being mildly downvoted because IQ tests are pretty shitty and acknowledging, unprompted, that yud could probably get a score in the 140-150 range might seem a little too close to giving them and him credence, despite half my brief comment being dedicated to dismissing the importance of that
Yud claims 143, I believe.

I’m not a technical person. How far up the ass does one have to reach to find 9.9 lightyears?

Movement in every direction at near light-speed for 5 years => a sphere slightly less than 10 light-years across
Which of course implies that the thing went from being similar to "a nuke" to literally "a swarm of Von Neumann probes already accelerated to near-lightspeed in all directions" in a month.
You can tell it's science because he said "von Neumann" /s
And why would a presumably more or less immortal AGI need to be in such a hurry? So many fewer problems at lower speeds.
if you drag your feet all the other AGIs expanding through the cosmos will see you long before your swarm arrives, so you lose the element of surprise and they turn your paperclips into their paperclips
I would like get some Von Neumann probes up my ass
You already do if bacteria count!
Not very far. A couple of inches past the rectum.

Wait so he’s saying they can build GUT torch drives or something within the first year?

This is asspull space right here.

More than the first year, the first *month.* It's got to be a swarm of probes *already* moving near light speed within 0.1 years.
…why are they high relativistic if they aren’t carrying meat? This actually suggests he might be naive of the literature. With the JBIS and the REPRO studies - construction and fuelling time were pretty significant. Like on the order of years.
“Naive of the literature” is a pretty evergreen comment when talking about his conclusions, isn’t it?
Hopefully James Webb telescope will let us find some of those galaxies with giant spherical holes gapped out.

We’re all trying to find the guy who did this!

We’re going to spank him, right?

It’s stuff like this that makes me wonder if he’s actually just a grifter.

I think at the core, he believes that AI is dangerous, but he has still turned it into a grift.

Also, did he write that last tweet after watching the episode of What If…? where Ultron gets the infinity stones and eats a galaxy?

I really thought for a second that Yud’s argument was 1. AI is smarter than you 2. You could build a nuke 3. AI can build more nukes faster; therefore, 4. AI is more dangerous than nukes.

Yud the Dud is waiting for the moment where his galaxy brain will save us from ourselves and personally unplug Skynet. Then everyone will clap.

gotta look into agentgpt and have it help your campaigns

Ok I’m aware that your community rules say not to ask this sort of thing without checking out those who’ve asked before, but if you’ll forgive me I don’t know how to find those. Could anyone either link the relevant posts or summarize why you don’t think AI is an existential threat and/or what you find problematic about EA? Apologies again if this isn’t appropriate for this sub, but as a relatively new introductee to “Yud”, EA and this sub who’s seeing some valid points on both sides I’d really value the diversity of opinion, especially if it saves me from some personality cult, beit theirs or yours lol.


Did you get possessed by the ghost of William Burroughs?
Nominated for Quality Effortpost


people who are afraid of AI becoming self motivating and enslaving and/or wiping out humans are so fucking dumb.

Self motivating? Who knows, I sincerely doubt it unless you consider lab grown brains artificial intelligence. Wiping out humans, absolutely possible depending on the reliance we place in them and shift in safety guards and protocols. Just look at close calls like nuclear response call offs. You could argue that placing machine learning models in charge of those things would be humans wiping out humans, but the end result is the same. Machine learning dependence and lack of oversight leading to extreme or catastrophic loss of life. I can see people who make these decisions and are still confused how a series of tubes brings us netflix and viruses deciding that fail safe responses should be handled by an AI just in case all humans are unable to begin the process. EDIT: To be clear this guy is fear mongering or an idiot, but don't underestimate the stupidity of people in charge, especially as they age and fail upward.
"AGI will leads to ASI which will kill us all" really obscures the much simpler argument of "Relatively simple ML models placed in critical places can greatly empower malicious individuals to kill or hurt a lot of people today"