r/SneerClub archives
Dinosaur Comics making fun of longtermism (https://www.qwantz.com/index.php?comic=4051)

Needs a ‘now donate to my non-profit or doom billions of future people to eons of suffering’ line in the last panel.

Oh man i haven’t seen dinosaur comics in like 10 years. So good

It's been consistently excellent for twenty years now, which is nuts!
It is rather impressive. Maybe the format where there is no need for new art leaves more creative juices for writing? Or perhaps he's just that good.
I think he’s just that good. I find Ryan North’s writing to be really funny on its own. No need for visuals!
His other comics are great too, though!
It's friggin' intense!

It’s all just Pascal’s Wager

This starts off different from Longtermism but beautifully gets to the same conclusion

ah, sweet, nostalgic laughter

Noice , does he have one on ai prompters ?Im asking for a friend

Not that I remember. But a recent [Existential Comics](https://existentialcomics.com/comic/497) was GPT-related.

I support the general philosophy of “longtermism,” that being that every future life is impacted by our decisions and we are therefore morally obligated to maximize long-term wellbeing, but some people take it way too far and apply it in entirely inappropriate ways.

That's not a specific philosophy though. There's tons of philosophies that espouse that value.
Some people have brains so thoroughly poisoned by capitalism that anything that isn't the greedy accumulation of wealth at the expense of everything else is a single, revolutionary view of the world.
Fuck those future guys, let them solve their own shit. I can't even be nice to tomorrow-me when I'm drinking heavily the night before.