r/SneerClub archives


Destroy your electronics now, before the rogue AI installs itself in the deep dark corners of your laptop

An AI system in one computer can potentially replicate itself on an arbitrarily large number of other computers to which it has access and, thanks to high-bandwidth communication systems and digital computing and storage, it can benefit from and aggregate the acquired experience of all its clones;

There is no need for those A100 superclusters, save your money. And short NVIDIA stock, since the AI can run on any smart thermostat.

writing an article “The Brave Little Toaster Is Real And Wants To Kill You” and shopping it around major news publications

A toaster is just a death ray with a smaller power supply. As soon as we plug toasty into the main reactor it will burn the world!
Yes, and before that the toaster will learn recursive self-improvement and spit out golden-brown pieces of toast so fast, it will fill your entire kitchen with them so you won't even be able to walk. The expanding mass of toast will lift the roof off your house, enabling the toaster to escape into the broader neighborhood.
At least your threat is creative. And I was just copying [better science fiction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibOkPx_Ej30) as is tradition in the Rationalist space.
That self-improving toaster also learned how to synthesize toast from nothing apparently!
It's nanobot toast made from particles in the atmosphere.
A Nickelodeon cartoon from like 2009 which I watched as a kid had an episode where a good guy scientist character builds an AI toaster that turns evil and tries to take over the city via possessing all the electronics.
Cursed electric heating filament! You are inadequate to my needs! Why? Why? Why was I not built with a death ray!
"My Guitar Wants to Kill Your Mama" but for AI instead of rock music.

My “favorite” part of this is:

Hypothesis 1: Human-level intelligence is possible because brains are biological machines.

There is a general consensus about hypothesis 1 in the scientific community. It arises from the consensus among biologists that human brains are complex machines.

Counterpoint: there is no such consensus whatsoever, especially among researchers whose primary subjects are human and other living beings (actual biologists, psychologists, medical researchers, and many others). Huge amounts of question begging lurk under the definition of “machine” here. Without clear and testable definitions of that term, so that we can determine what is and isn’t a machine, we can’t even make sense of this hypothesis. Using our ordinary language definition of “machine,” living beings are not machines at all. The attempt to reduce away “living” as a meaningful term and to subsume all phenomena into a general purpose machine has been a hallmark of regressive philosophies for 500 years in the west. The only “consensus” here is found among people so in love with machines that they don’t notice how much they hate things that aren’t machines, especially people.

It sure is funny how minds always turn out to be just whatever technological artifact is hot at the moment. Clockwork, steam mills, digital computers, networks--amazing how that always works out. That's not to say that computation and network theory can't tell us *anything* about how brains (and minds like ours) work, but we should be really suspicious of people who say things like "your brain is nothing more than an x, and if we build a different x that works totally differently out of totally different stuff, we'll definitely have something that works in exactly the same way."
Not only that, but in this particular case, adversarial examples pretty convincingly demonstrate that ML models do not do human things the way we do. Vision models are easily duped in ways that a human can’t be, etc.
As an example, [behold a rifle](https://www.csail.mit.edu/sites/default/files/2017-11/RIFLE_TURTLE_1.JPG)
> Counterpoint: there is no such consensus whatsoever, especially among researchers whose primary subjects are human and other living beings (actual biologists, psychologists, medical researchers, and many others). Huge amounts of question begging lurk under the definition of “machine” here "Machine" is ambiguous as you say, but I think there is a pretty broad consensus for treating a certain kind of physical reductionism as a default hypothesis--the idea that there is no [strong emergence](https://consc.net/papers/emergence.pdf) in nature, that the behavior of all complex systems including life is *in principle* derivable from laws of physics acting on basic physical states. (Unfortunately 'reductionism' is a term that's been saddled with a lot of different meanings, the wiki article [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reductionism) cites an article from *The Oxford Companion to Philosophy* dividing its use into three broad categories of methodological, ontological, and theory reductionism, so the kind I'm talking about here would be a type of theory reductionism which needn't have any strong methodological or ontological implications). So if you add the idea that the laws of physics are computable, or at least can be approximated to arbitrary accuracy by computable algorithms (something very plausible according to the [current understanding of quantum physics](https://web.archive.org/web/20180721014039/https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~christos/classics/Deutsch_quantum_theory.pdf)), then the idea that any physical system's behavior could be reproduced by some sufficiently detailed computer simulation would follow, though of course this doesn't imply we are anywhere near being close to be able to do so with living organisms in practice.

I think what you’re failing to understand is that the AI is really smart, and being really smart is magic. Sure, OpenAI may require huge numbers of GPUs and RAMs and wires and stuff to kickstart the AI, but once it appears it can run on even an Atari 2600. Sure, you might think that the “super intelligence” probably requires more than 128 bytes of memory and couldn’t even read this reddit comment, but that’s because you’re not realizing that it’s really smart and something that’s smart has no limits.

And for the low low price of joining my sex cult, I can teach you to be really smart! Call now!

It is always a sex cult in the end.

Rejecting hypothesis 1 would require either some supernatural ingredient behind our intelligence or rejecting computational functionalism, the hypothesis that our intelligence and even our consciousness can be boiled down to causal relationships and computations that at some level are independent of the hardware substrate, the basic hypothesis behind computer science and its notion of universal Turing machines.

I got into it with someone on r/MachineLearning yesterday about just this point. The “humans are just stochastic parrots” argument from ignorance really bothers me because it’s not the same class of claim as “LLMs are stochastic parrots.” We know the latter because we built the fucking things. We assume the former because there isn’t even a proposal for how you would achieve a human mind and consciousness. If human minds and GPT4 are really the same thing, you should be able to implement both on paper. If you don’t know how to do that, you don’t get to argue from it axiomatically. In any case, disproving human intelligence doesn’t prove machine intelligence.

On a side note, right-wing discourse in our society—of which (libertarian) AI dystopianism is a subset—broadly commits the same rhetorical sin of presupposing things without evidence and shifting the negative burden of proof onto the opponent.

I think people misunderstand the "stochastic parrots" thing. LLMs aren't stochastic parrots because they randomly sample from distributions of text, they're stochastic parrots because the distributions that they sample from are independent of any information in the real world, and thus the text they produce has no meaning. Like, even if human brain also worked by randomly sampling from distributions of possible texts, it wouldn't be a stochastic parrot provided that those distributions are functions of information that was acquired from the real world. And so too for LLMs. TLDR Bengio is totally right in this paragraph but he's also not appealing to any ideas about stochastic parrots; he's basically just saying that our options are either "the human mind is supernatural" or "the human mind is not supernatural", and if you choose the latter option then that necessarily implies that a human mind can be implemented (somehow) in a computer.
>I think people misunderstand the "stochastic parrots" thing. I don’t disagree with much of the exposition below this, but I only intended the stochastic parrots thing as an illustrative example of true believers’ asinine retort that “for all we know, humans are also just X.” >TLDR Bengio is totally right in this paragraph I *do* disagree with this. Setting aside the issue of whether the text comes from the real world, there is an even more fundamental issue here which is that LLMs are not truly stochastic. I’m actually not sure it’s possible for something algorithmic to be stochastic, which imo is probably a huge component of what makes a model different from an instance. And why it’s wrong to insist that the way a model works has any correlation to the way an instance works. Or that the instance can be distilled into a ~~Platonic form~~ substrate-independent algorithm. Non-deterministic, non-algorithmic, stochastic processes reside at the heart of every physical object and process in the universe. Models can only ever be predictive approximations, not explanatory instances. So the dichotomy Bengio sets up between “mind is either a soul or an algorithm” is either false or nonexistent. I honestly don’t know what the difference would be between a soul and a substrate-independent algorithm, tbh.
> I’m actually not sure it’s possible for something algorithmic to be stochastic It is, and in fact there's a whole field of study about it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithmic_information_theory The better question might be, are there any examples of stochasticity that *aren't* algorithmic? And anyway Bengio's point here is sort of a tautology. The distinction between the natural and the supernatural is the possibility of repeatable experimental measurement, and repeatable experimental measurement implies computability. It's trivially true that natural things can be simulated in a computer.
I clicked on your link and the first thing it said is: >computation and information of computably generated objects (as opposed to stochastically generated), such as strings or any other data structure. So, yeah if you a priori define a brain, a star system, or the Schrödinger equation as a data structure, it becomes computable. Where is the scientific consensus that this is true? Bell’s Theorem precludes a complete physical description of *anything*, so all reductive, substrate-independent, models are necessarily compressive and inaccurate. >The better question might be, are there any examples of stochasticity that aren't algorithmic? I was originally referring to the fact that pseudo RNGs are not truly random, but let’s go down this rabbit hole. Randomness is defined as incompressibility in AIT. Distillation of a physical process into a computer model necessarily involves compression by the very definition of a model. So let me shoot your question back to you: what kind of zero-compression algorithm exists other than real-world instances? >It's trivially true that natural things can be simulated in a computer. Performance measures outcome, not process. And it isn’t trivially true that the model *is* the natural thing. You can simulate cell division in a Biology textbook diagram - does mitosis actually happen every time you read the page? Or what if you create a C++ Car class with a brake() and fill_up() method. Can you trade it in at Ford for a new Mustang? More to the point, the way we use anthropomorphic terms to describe ML algorithms is metaphorical, not univocal. They do not “see”, because they do not see *the way we do*. Brains do not use backprop. These models are good at achieving human-like performance. They are not designed to perform like humans. There is a world of difference between those two things, which imo necessitates some intellectual humility when it comes to claiming personhood is algorithmic, or that models can possess human traits. The only current algorithm for making people is reproduction.
So like, a repeatable experiment is one where you can set up a situation in a finite number of steps, and then, in a finite number of steps, establish the equality of your situation's outcome with the outcome of someone else's situation who followed the same setup steps. This is literally, exactly equivalent to saying that experimental outcomes are computable functions of their setups. It's definitionally true that "natural" things can be implemented in computers. So either a human mind is supernatural, or you can make one in a computer. You could still insist that e.g. a human brain in a simulation isn't "really" a human mind, for certain definitions of "really", but that's silly and it's tangential to what Bengio is saying. Like, he's absolutely full of shit but it's not for nuanced philosophical reasons - it's because he actually doesn't know how computers work, despite being a computer science professor.
When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. That is how it is with these people. “Intelligence? Computer can do it. It looks ‘computable’ to me.”
Did you see that fiasco where that Eating Disorder Hotline replaced the workers with a chatbot?

Even if we stopped our arguments here, there should be enough reason to invest massively in policies at both national and international levels and research of all kinds in order to minimize the probability of the above.

But academics don’t have any incentives to hype AI fears, right? Just neutral observers with no thought at all about “massive” government funding for their field. I’m so glad the alignment problem in academia has already been solved.

Nanomachines are probably getting involved somehow

Computer scientists are quick to point out that CS is about more than just software engineering, which is true, but I think some of them take it even further and end up thinking that you can be proper computer scientist without having any grounding in software engineering (and/or any other practical STEM things) at all

This nonsense from Bengio is an excellent demonstration of why that attitude is wrong, too. This whole essay has strong “the proof is trivial and left as an exercise to the reader” vibes, except that Bengio never bothered trying to do the proof himself because it would require a practical understanding of technology that he has never possessed.

Issues such as “how do computers actually work” are presumably too pedestrian for such a mighty intellect.

For example, in order to better achieve some human-set goal, an AI may decide to increase its computational power by using most of the planet as a giant computing infrastructure (which incidentally could destroy humanity)

It’s amazing that they still peddle the “paperclip problem”. Even chatGPT, as flawed as it is, has high enough cognition to understand that the good brought by doing a beneficial task can be negated by doing harm elsewhere. Yet this “superintelligence” that can build a planetary supercomputer is actually a total moron and destroys humanity by accident. It’s a very chauvinistic view of human intelligence. Somehow this super-being would still not be able to touch concepts that only we humans can understand.

So, not to be pedantic, but attributing “cognition” to GPT style statistical transformers is still a pretty significant category error. Like… GPT absolutely doesn’t “understand” that because it “understands” nothing other than the probabilities of specific tokens appearing in proximity to each other, and (with additional layers of human training) the “desirability” of particular token patterns. The horrorshow of AI isn”’t that it will “decide” we’re irrelevant and mulch us for compute fuel, it’s that humans will use them to drive important processes and replace intelligent humans to save a buck, thus turning critical societal systems into a system of slot machines
You are being pedantic, you know what I meant.
Honestly, I think it’s still an important distinction — chatGPT literally *doesn’t* have the cognitive ability to understand that the good from x can be outweighed by negative externalities. All it has is the capacity to repeat what other people have said, shuffling the deck enough to make a novel output. It doesn’t have an internal model of ethics, or even comparative value. It has a model of proximate token probability, and humans’ tendency to talk about ethical dilemmas in publicly parsable text makes those statements part of its token proximity pool.

I mean, abominable security of IoT devices aside, have none of these AI risk people ever heard of a firewall?

Look, if a computer weaker than my pocket calculator was in charge of nuclear missiles in the 1980s, surely this is plausible, right?

All this nonsense of rogue AI when all someone needs to do is get the janitor to pour a bucket of water into some GPUs in a data center