r/SneerClub archives


Imagine the accolades you will get for all time to come, from the descendants who recognize your deeds of sacrifice, forgoing current altruism to boost the well being of so many future people! We can be greater heroes than anyone who has come before us.

My expectations were low and they still exceeded them. Kudos for coming up with other stupid arguments besides incredibly reductive utilitarianism

Then I’d aim to go for a story. Ideally something personal, like, “remember when Janice was planning the wedding and then you suggested putting a password on all her contracts from the start, then when her Mum arced up and tried to change things behind her back it all was fine? Ya gotta plan ahead!”

Yeah, and remember when you started building a bunker in your basement and stocked it up with 10,000 cans of baked beans in case nuclear war breaks out and you need some beans? I mean, nuclear war hasn’t broken out yet and probably if it does the amount of beans you have is the least of your problems but ya gotta plan ahead.

(This reminds me, by the way, that Sam Altman, of the world’s most blatant attempt at regulatory capture via warning of AI apocalypse fame, is a doomsday prepper)

So, baked beans...If the initial blast or radiation doesn't get me, the diarrhea would.

reminds me of the various lesswrong attempts to come up with arguments to promote cryonics and “they must think cryonics is bad because cold is evil

>If there were a medical procedure which, if all other attempts to treat a life-threatening condition failed, could preserve the patient indefinitely in a suspended state in anticipation that future technology may enable them to be resuscitated and treated But what if there isn't? 🤔
How ~~unscientific~~ unBayes of you! There isn't now, but first we must think of the probability that such an approach COULD work. Since 0 is not a probability, the probability is non-zero. Therefore we are justified in searching for it. Therefore, this institute which claims to be searching for it and run by Rationalists is worthwhile. Therefore, because of the billions of lives we could possibly save, we must spend large amounts of money on the institute.
> Since 0 is not a probability, the probability is non-zero. So there's nonzero probability that Jaynes is rolling in his grave from unintentionally introducing Yud to the concept of log-odds, interesting.
EY would've derived it from two frames of a video, so Jaynes can rest easy.
Yud: "sneer club lies about me all the time, they even say I could deduce things from two frames of a video, which is crazy I said a superintelligent could do that. I would need four."
Ah finally people point back to the good posts from the golden age of lesswrong. ;)

Prff the best argument is of course, that I get to live forever. Fuck descendants, me me me, millions of digital copies of me! (This is imho a point often missed when people criticize longtermism, this part of the movement is very much not altruistic)

I think the argument I would make to persuade, depending on the audience, would possibly be something along the lines of, “there’s so many problems around the world, doesn’t it just feel like we’re constantly running about putting out fires? We’ve gotta start planning ahead and nip some of these things in the bud!”

Ineffective empty platitudes the new way to promote ea.

Hell i think a promotion like ‘we are the other EA, not electronic arts’ might be better. Or link back to the subreddit and say ‘pay us or we will release these people on the world’

E: I was so tempted to post ‘We must secure an existence for humanity and a future for humanities children’. But I’m afraid it would get upvoted and they would run with it.

We don’t have to take out the trash today if enough people agree that our time is better spent thinking about how to prevent the end of the world tomorrow.

“lets promote reactionary ideology without the guilt”

It’s so much easier to care about all the 10^27 people I imagine distributed throughout the galaxy 2000 years in the future than actual people who are having actual problems now, because I can imagine the future people having whatever problems I want and think up scifi bullshit to save them instead of figuring out how to help people are actually there with things that already exist.


I would argue that even if one accepts longtermism, most of the EA community seems to be terrible at it, using it merely to rationalize selfishness (e.g. that it’s more important to save the life of someone in a wealthy country than a poor country–I know, I’m preaching to the choir in that regard.)
I would think that genuine concern for the longterm survival and prosperity of humanity would actually further *promote* support for educational and economic opportunities around the globe–especially among those most lacking them.

  1. Even if we embrace Rationalists’ technological progress fetishism, then the fact that billions of people who through poor social, economic, or political circumstances aren’t able to contribute their minds to humanity’s advancement

  2. A more educated and prosperous world is also a more stable one, less prone to causing pandemic outbreaks, wars, or terrorism (which could include nuclear, bio-, or (if we indulge Rationalist dogmas) nanotech terrorism

The argument quoted in the OP neglects that the opportunity costs of longtermists bullshit aren’t borne by the people who donate to Sam Altman’s Party Fund AI safety research, they’re borne from all the real problems that get neglected so that they can feel righteous about their devotion to sci-fi nonsense.

Well, that was the common sense thinking for the entire world apart from the nihilism we have indulged in extensively in the West, self-inflicted, lack of warfare allows for suicidal entertainments…nature has a way? Is it as many envision an evolutionary bottleneck? it separates the wheat from the chaff bucko, the future is a predator - the hunter ( we humans lived long time with arrow, bow and club - now we have - car, phone and credit card ) wise in his ambition to attain a succulent legacy filled horizon does not give in to animalistic impulses at the expense of commitments to virtue/higher order duties, blah, blah - conformity, social expectations - to be a real individual is a dangerous endeavor…

Who walks the better path Bryan “am an immortal” Johnstone or Bukowski?

I don’t know - all this information in my head, at my head like pecking woodpeckers, like soft velveteen whispers too much? not enough? Thinking is troublesome, best having an ideology to filter out the coal from gold…

Pretend you are Asian, pretend you will be met with severe consequences of being a loser,

Sun and steal versus Cog in a wheel. Same thing, be happy simple zen organism.

…see in the West we adore the loser, but thank god for the loser for without him who would buy flags, books of self-actualization, lobster pillows, make pointless reddit posts, be an apathetic contributor, a seat in the audience room anxious to clap approval, without the loser how could the winner, the hero the man of magnificence, the woman of studious verve and determination be seen as such?