Isn’t this specifically fanfic about the paperclips video game? Idk
if I have a problem with that necessarily, a lot of rationalist-y stuff
does make for interesting sci-fi premises for games and such. That said,
it’s pretty funny that they have a “paperclip AI” tag
I don’t really see how this fits into the sub theme. Do these people
talk about universal paper clips a lot? Edit: it seems there is some
discussion of it, but these docs shown don’t actually relate to it (at
least the ones I read)
The whole paperclip maximizer concept that the game is built around is a rationalist thought experiment about how AI could destroy the world. The game used it for a cool and thought-provoking sci-fi premise (which is what it is) while Yud and co have decided it should dictate major policy choices.
Isn’t this specifically fanfic about the paperclips video game? Idk if I have a problem with that necessarily, a lot of rationalist-y stuff does make for interesting sci-fi premises for games and such. That said, it’s pretty funny that they have a “paperclip AI” tag
“nsfw” because it’s more commentary than our very good friends showing their asses
broke: Playing that fun web game
woke: Knowing HypnoDrones are real
Ok, but we all know this isn’t a real genre until there’s some filthy smut in there.
I don’t really see how this fits into the sub theme. Do these people talk about universal paper clips a lot? Edit: it seems there is some discussion of it, but these docs shown don’t actually relate to it (at least the ones I read)