r/SneerClub archives

Yudkowsky: Sub-creatures! Gozer the Gozerian, Gozer the Destructor, Volguus Zildrohar, the AGI has come! Choose! Choose the form of the Destructor! Choose and perish!

r/SneerClub: Oh, I get it. Real cute! Whatever we think of, it will appear and destroy us, okay? So empty your heads, don’t think of anything. We’ve only got one shot at this.

Yudkowsky: The choice is made! The AGI has come!

r/SneerClub: Whoa! Hold on! Nobody chose anything! Did any of you think of anything?

cashto: I couldn’t help it. It just popped in there.

r/SneerClub: [sternly] What? What “just popped in there?”

cashto: I- I- I tried to think…

[A fifty-foot Feynmann strolls by, playing bongos and sexually harassing women]

Sweet Jesus what a sneer

As the end of Reddit is soon approaching, have this blast from the past. Source

I found it when I was replying to u/IHateReddit_9001 and was trying to express my doubt about sneering about Yud talking about ‘Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman’ being the book kids read, and I had some hope he might have meant that, he as a kid, read the advanced physics books from Feynman. I was wrong. (source for image here).

But WAIT! It gets worse. While crying about how lesswrong constantly gets strawmanned by its vile critics in the mainstream media (im strawmanning him), he also says this:

…Has anyone written a, to your mind, fair synopsis of the Rationalist story arc …

Yud: Nope. All the real historians are dead or retired. Anything you can read now is being written by the 2nd+ generation of illiterates, who can no longer imagine writing a history without a political axe to grind. Or if there are living historians, they’ve had other priorities.

Source. A remark about historians which is so incredibly daft it is amazing. If you know anybody who has a degree in history who think Yudkowsky is smart, show them this tweet to get them out of their delusion. (The weird disdain for historians has been talked about in the past here, for example or this one)

E: formatting edit. And ibf screaming about using white background mode. Enjoy!

I don’t think anyone with a humanities degree is worshipping Yud (I hope?).

He’s going to fuck catgirl Feynman

not in MY simulations
holy shit lol

He definitely came up with the original tweet just for the “corpuses”/“corpses” pun, right?

Obligatory Feynman worship from the comments:

What happens when we throw Zombie Feynman against some novel hard physics problems we have today?

I’m confused. Wouldn’t Zombie Feynman solve AI Alignment in short order?

The more interesting question is what level of GPT will be needed to simulate each person. Simulating Karl Marx is easier than simulating Richard Feynman. Who are the easier ones to simulate?

This is fine dot meme

This is just some iteration of his whole “to predict the next token the LLM first has to perfectly simulate the human mind” schtick, right?

As an aside, why do they worship Feynman so much? Why him in particular? Is it literally just that he was a famous science populariser as well?

Yud read Feynman as a kid and pretends that this was an achievement only a super genius could have made, so it’s a huge part of his self-mythology.
the pick up artist chapter in the autobiography?
I don't know, I guess it is the last thing.

Hey, remember when Yud confidently predicted GPT-4 would cause the apocalypse? Now it’s released, and the world hasn’t ended. So he switched over to talking about how GPT-5 is totally going to cause the end times and hoped no-one noticed.

Whoah. New here, what the fuck?

He believes that you can 'resurrect' versions of people by putting their writings into a ai computer and shaking hard. Also he thinks this will kill us all in an unknowable (but science fiction) way, due to ai stronk.
Wtf, let me talk to the hitler bot. So I'm assuming people have tried pointing out the obvious fallacy of people not being the end-all-be-all of their collective writings.. right? Like if you gathered uo everything edgar allan poe wrote you'd only be making a facsimile of the entity.
The superrobotgod AI will simulate the entire universe to get around this fallacy. The earlier versions will just create zombie versions of dead people. Men will literally invent a new religion before going to therapy for their issues around death.

ah, the yud-death cult begins… GPT-7 is behind Halle’s comet…

I mean… that’d be incredibly cool! Imagine great scholars could produce entirely new masterpieces out of nowhere! (*Not that anyone would want to revive Yudd after his auto-erotic asphyxiation)