r/SneerClub archives
We should have a bot for u/EliezerYudkowsky a la the bots that post in r/SubredditSimulator (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/3ithe8/we_should_have_a_bot_for_ueliezeryudkowsky_a_la/)

Sorry can’t explain more in detail right now kind of drunk. But seriously we need that bot.

If such a bot existed, would it be eligible for the The Ravia Academy Award?

I think you’re being dvd because you said “if.” Most Eliezer scholars, when it comes to bots, don’t talk in terms of “if” but rather “when” and even “is it already too late?”

Oh god! Is it already too late? I’m reaching for my checkbook now… where 2 send my 221221??…

Send your $$$ to LessWrong, quick! Their administration costs are so high, they're barely keeping afloat. Do you even know how resource intensive it is to write HP fanfic that is bad on multiple intersecting levels?
I've got one $ left. May I use it to feed my family?
Friendly AI will reconstruct your family to live with you in ~~magic robot land~~ ~~transhumanist utopia~~ ~~post-singularity bliss~~ ... there is really no non-silly way to say it.