r/SneerClub archives
LessWronger uses empirics and numbers to prove math/compsci/Sam Harris are better and more rigorous than pomos/Žižek/Marx (http://lesswrong.com/lw/mon/words_per_person_year_and_intellectual_rigor/)

I speculate that semiotics and post-modernism (which often go hand-in-hand) became popular by natural selection.  They provide specialized terminologies which give the impression of rigorous thought without requiring actual rigor. 

0 to ironic in two sentences.

I wonder what happens when we put Yukowski and all the shite he puts on his blog through this analysis..

He'd do quite well. The measure is that less writing per year = more rigorous. Having only a fanfic, a sequence of blog posts, and some technical reports on the MIRI's website, Yudkowsky would be rated as rather rigorous by that metric.
Aren't there a shitload of those 'sentences', though? I never really checked.