r/SneerClub archives
"the instant someone describes Richard Dawkins or Steven Pinker using words like 'childish' or 'simplistic,' I no longer care at all about reaching Aumannian agreement with that person" (http://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=2494#comment-874601)

Scott Aaronson seems pretty dumb, not gonna lie.

So finally I say: if you’re moved to tears by modern art galleries full of black-and-white video loops of screaming people in their underwear, or jugs labeled “Feces,” “Semen,” etc. (with giant signs all around saying “PLEASE DON’T TOUCH THE EXHIBIT”), then go in peace and enjoy them. I have no quarrel with you, at least not until you enter the world I really care about—namely, that of sentences that actually assert something to be true or false.

Wow. So brave. Sneer-gressive