r/SneerClub archives
Scott Alexander might be a little bit racist. (http://slatestarcodex.com/2016/01/06/guns-and-states/)

All he did was show the massively high correlation between black % of population and gun violence. If statistics are racist, than maybe its time to reexamine your views of what racism is

Scott Alexander might be an aspie trying to gracefully broach a sensitive subject and failing. I can forgive him that though, and the overall point he makes stands on its own.

I suspect that Scott has listened to approximately 0% of all rap.

America has several cultures of violence. There’s the Southern culture of violence that gave us the Hatfield-McCoy feud. And there’s are the various minority cultures of violence that gave us the word “diss” and approximately 100% of rap lyrics.

[He's edited that paragraph](https://www.reddit.com/r/gunpolitics/comments/40idrq/guns_and_states_slate_star_codex/cyvhbu3?context=1). It now reads: >But we can work with this if we assume the culture of violence (or, if you want to be official about it, “honor culture”) is more common in some populations and areas than others. Some of the groups most frequently talked about during these lines are Southerners and various nonwhite minorities.