r/SneerClub archives
/r/slatestarcodex on sexual harassment policies—feminism is ruining women in tech! (https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/45qtio/scott_alexanders_paranoid_rant/d0011ge)

I cannot make this up:

One last universe: Employee D is also a clone of Employee B, now with added crazy. She learns of Team Bowling Wednesdays, but thinks that they will be just awful men doing sportsball stuff, drinking, and cussing all the time. She does not politely decline, she vehemently declines. Superweapon now fully primed and aimed at the team, the team runs away from it. The only contact they have with her is via email on project-related items and mandatory meetings. She interprets this as being due to sexism and wide-spread misogyny in the [blank] field. She writes about it on her tumblr and one day concocts a plan. After her next one-on-one with her male supervisor, she goes to HR and claims he harassed her during it. Groping and lewd suggestions were involved.

The OP of the thread is itself sneer-worthy, being a self-described “paranoid rant” by Scott Alexander where he goes full neo-reactionary.

Show me a self-declared apolitical logical rational thinker and I'll show you an emotionally-stunted misogynist.
Says the political thinker.


SSC...maybe. LW? Not so much.
that is literally used in story as an example of bad, panicked thinking lol. Like... at least have context when tearing him down, or you just look dumb
That was just a quote from a story, not a serious mathematical argument. Yudkowsky definitely understands induction.

Wtf is that sub