r/SneerClub archives
They said "NUH UH" to taxes. Now Silicon Valley's trying to say "NUH UH" to death. (http://thebaffler.com/salvos/everybody-freeze-pein)

The rationalists of reddit are talking about this article over in /r/SlateStarCodex…

If you ever feel inspired to consider cryonics, just imagine waking up in a world that’s been run by Tumblr/a leftist singularity for the last hundred years.

Thank god for the sweet, merciful release of death.

"Literally being dead is better than not having political power" ~ super smart reader of super smart blog
Certain outcomes of transhumanism might make me feel that way. Say, a Social Darwinian (or just plain old Darwinian) variety that [coerces](http://www.worldcrunch.com/culture-society/in-south-korea-plastic-surgery-as-path-to-career-advancement/plastic-surgery-employment-natural-beauty-barbie/c3s15515/) you into inhabiting nightmarish forms.
That was about the most predictable comment in history. Can anti-sjw people ever say anything not trite and hackneyed?
>> Thank god for the sweet, merciful release of death. Well... this could just be a coded plea for assisted suicide? maybe? *cough* ^^**"Inappropriate** ^^**queerbees"** *cough*
Edgy, edgy sour-grapes there. Hard to imagine even a cartoon-villain straw-feminist dystopia that is any worse than what the "Dark Enlightenment" Lesswrongian shitheads see as the inevitable course of the future.

that cryonics is an utter crock, has always been a crock, and will continue to be a crock for the foreseeable future, no matter what a handful of contrarian university-affiliated researchers with a financial stake in the corpse-freezing racket may claim.

Does MIRI qualify as a university? Maybe in the same sense that University of Phoenix does?

It is roughly the University of Phoenix, except while the University of Phoenix robs people who can't afford it with empty promises of a meaningful education, the MIRI clowns rob billionaires who CAN afford it, with empty promises of making them immortal as soon as they can plug in the techno-god.
As soon as a coin in the coffer rings / the mind into cyberspace springs
I love that so much!
I mean, I feel mildly guilty, considering the idea that John Tetzel ever even said that is, AFAIK, considered ahistorical. On the other hand, that means that Big Yud is literally worse than indulgence salesmen.
He is, due to reach and contact with capitalist monsters that do more damage than feudal lords or popes could dream of. So sad that Big Yud claims to want to transcend his humanity and embrace some glorious super-future, but all he can really conjure is "I wanna live forever, and I wanna have infinite sex with infinite anime catgirls". Wish I was joking about the catgirls.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: the singularity sounds like a nightmare. Really, the analogy fits, because like nightmares, the singularity isn't real.
It's one of those times where I feel grateful for resource limitations. Even if it were possible with a few Earths' worth of resources to plug everyone into a "world brain" with an exponentially-growing world police state (as described, even ADVERTISED, in so-called singularity conferences of recent years), they may not have the resources to actually lay the groundwork. Good.
Singularitarians are so damn *weird*. The thing that gets me is that there's considerable overlap between them and ratheist types. You know...you'd think, of all people, they would have, uh...what's the word? Oh, *perspective*, to see the hilarity of that.
They want robo-god to replace the crudely-torn-out god-shaped hole in their hearts. I'm not religious (though the "atheist" label is damn embarrassing these days thanks to New Atheists), but damn if those singularitarians want robo-heaven.
Well, I'm a theist who's mixed on the possibility of an afterlife, but I'll say this, at least the idea of the beatific vision sounds *appealing*.
Oh, I definitely know the appeal of an afterlife, or some way of escaping death in concept. Death is hard to accept and dreadful to contemplate. Some are just so immature about it that all they can do is say "NUH UH, I WILL LIVE FOREVER WITH ROBOTS!"
Says a lot that Big Yud is such a dim bulb and a troubled soul that he needs millions or billions of conceptual anime slaves to even begin to feel satisfied.