r/SneerClub archives
Robin Hanson has done the hard (fnarr) thinking on being cucked in the cuck by your own cuck. (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/4losi9/robin_hanson_has_done_the_hard_fnarr_thinking_on/)

Robin Hanson’s role in the development of the LessWrong and neoreactionary memeplexes is greatly underappreciated by sneer culture. Yudkowsky started posting the sequences on Overcoming Bias, Moldbug was a regular commenter back in the day and debated Hanson in 2010. Everyone following the first run of the sequences would also have been following Hanson. He’s also been a transhumanist and cryonicist forever.

Professor Hanson has done the hard thinking on cuckoldry and has much important information. Women rarely rape men, but they do cuckold them, after all. And he’d just like to explicitly equate the two, in answer to you foolish irrational humans who are not GMU econ professors. (As a polite and civilised fellow, he puts a trigger warning on his horrible opinions.) Searching his blog for the word “cuckold” finds many revelatory posts. What happens when you study under Hanson? He makes you do assignments to establish appropriate legal “remedy or damages for cuckold”. Truly, he is the professorial cucklord we never knew we wanted, and still don’t.

Unlike Yudkowsky, he at least has verifiable professional accomplishments (two degrees in physics, Ph. D in economics, is an actual professor) and isn’t into Austrian economics. And comprehensively pwned Yudkowsky in the AI-Foom debate that led to Yudkowsky leaving to found LessWrong.

Someone (with more patience than me) really needs to dredge the last ten years of OB and trace the early manifestations of LessWrong and neoreactionary tropes.

And comprehensively pwned Yudkowsky in the AI-Foom debate that led to Yudkowsky leaving to found LessWrong.

Wow, never knew. Makes total sense though, for a guy that’s all about ‘the singularity’ bringing us up together in total human harmony and empathic bliss, to throw a fit and go home with his ball (and his sycophants) when his ego isn’t stroked.

If I recall correctly, Hanson is an actual real-life supporter of the Repungant Conclusion wrt. mind uploading and mind copying leading to a population explosion and capitalist dystopia. His description of himself as a ‘bullet-biter’ is pretty much spot-on, although this term may not quite capture the propensity to spend all day pointing guns into one’s mouth and pulling the trigger for the sole purpose of biting the ensuing bullets.

After seeing Tomasik's [speculation into whether electrons suffer](http://reducing-suffering.org/is-there-suffering-in-fundamental-physics/), I want to see a proper utilitarian accounting for the pain caused to all the bullets they insist on biting with such flagrant disregard.