r/SneerClub archives
If any Yuddite apologist does the (Citation Needed) shit regarding what a creepy weeaboo Big Yud is. (http://lesswrong.com/lw/xt/interpersonal_entanglement/)


A good, healthy response to the material. I can't criticize you.
The impish, cheeky way he references childrens' entertainment while at the same time wanting to be taken super-seriously throws me off.

I…I thought you were kidding about the anime catgirls.

I think I need to sit down.

Some Yuddites claimed I made it up. There it is, on his own damn site. And no, it's not the only time he mentioned it (there's one that's specifically musing about how many catgirls it would take to satisfy his personal cravings, on the order of millions), but I don't want to put on my swamp boots and trudge around there.
Yudkowsky drops these sly references to catgirls or trashy anime in a way that I think is supposed to be interpreted as a whimsical sly "aren't I such a scamp for dropping references to low culture in my serious discussion of serious topics" but he always does it, and it eventually becomes clear he hasn't read above the YA level in years, and is pretty culturally ignorant.
But then he writes *A Girl Corrupted* and it's like uh.
He wants to pretend to be a lofty and incomprehensibly brilliant visionary, but is also a weeaboo with maturity issues.
To be fair, here in the astounding world of the future we are all huge weebs. ^^except ^^me
I have no mouth and I must scream.
In my experience, talking to rationalists is like talking to creationists - they will deny absolutely any claim they think they can get away with denying as long as you haven't literally cited it right there in the sentence. And if you have, they'll argue the definition of "is".
It really is a shame the word "rationalist" belongs to them. It was a neat, inoffensive-seeming concept for me years back that never seemed to mean "let's nuke Muslims and build the robot god!".

I said, “No you don’t. You’d get bored.”

He said, “Well, then I’d just modify my brain not to get bored—”


He even writes like a manchild.