r/SneerClub archives
Scott Aaronson on why Trump is so popular (hint: it's the fault of the SJWs) (http://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=2777)

Oh jesus.

So on the purely personal level, you might say, I have a hundred times more reason to fear Amanda Marcotte than to fear Donald Trump, even though Trump might become the next Commander-in-Chief (!?), while Marcotte will never become more than a clickbait writer. And you might add: if even a nerdy academic in Cambridge, MA, who’s supported gay rights and environmentalism and Democrats his whole life, is capable of feeling a twinge of vicarious satisfaction when Trump thumbs his nose at the social-justice bullies, then how much the more might a “middle American” feel that way? Say, someone who worked his whole life to support a family, then lost his job at the plant, and who’s never experienced anything but derision, contempt, and accusations of unexamined white male privilege from university-educated coastal elites?

You know, this is immediately after he spends multiple paragraphs covering the extensive familiarity between the Trump campaign, popular republicans, and Nazi facism (both the new and old). It really says something about a person who can dwell on the pettiest parts of his ego like this. And also to think that his own haughty psychosis is somehow a measure of “middle America.” lolz.

Also, I hate people who double space instinctively after periods. It’s like he’s never used a real program to typeset his writing.

Also, it’s funny to see him make the aggrieved list of slighted males (plus Erika Christakis, wtf?): “Brendan Eich and Matt Taylor and Tim Hunt and Erika Christakis and Dongle Guy and Elevator Guy and anyone else who tells the wrong joke, wears the wrong shirt, or sends the wrong email.” I can’t believe he thinks his anti-SJW hysteria should be taken seriously.

That's fair, but come on, it really sucks to be at the center of an online firestorm like that. I'm glad it's never happened to me, and I can forgive him some pettiness on the SJW issue if that's how he came away feeling about it. But sure, he's clearly barking up the wrong tree when most Trump supporters have never even heard of any of that crap. They just don't like being shunned and browbeaten by all the "respectable" people in society who purport to have their interests at heart -- looked down on by the NYT, ignored by the Jeb Bush wing of the Repubs, etc -- and they're tired of not having any clout to call their own. There's a point to be made here but he missed it because he was really writing a piece about why HE empathizes with Trump supporters and forgot that that was what he was doing.
> That's fair, but come on, it really sucks to be at the center of an online firestorm like that. I'm glad it's never happened to me, and I can forgive him some pettiness on the SJW issue if that's how he came away feeling about it. A) Firestorm is like a way overblown discriptor of what happened. B) I honestly think he gets off on it with how often he let's it become the center of his masturbatory episodes. And C) I can't forgive purportedly "smart" people being chronically stupid.
>I can't believe he thinks his anti-SJW hysteria should be taken seriously. Utter self-absorption and a total lack of formal thinking about the social world? See also ~~the~~ /r/SamHarris and /r/slatestarcodex ~~threads on this same topic~~, having your personal ideological enemies and genuine threats be on the same level as each other is a great way to feel both rightly important and right in your own importance, and it's therefore dangerous to countenance even imaginary valid criticism from the former. It's one of those biases these guys are so fond of overcoming.

There’s something to the theory that everyone called “Scott A” is actually 44 true neutrals in a lab coat.