r/SneerClub archives

Okay, so, I really like this article as it pertains to shitty programming and neglent engineering… but I’m not to the point of calling the examples of “A.I.”

On the other hand, I curse out the toaster if my bagel is burnt, so, sure, let’s blame the machines.

If you click on the Other Discussions tab you can see Slatestarcodexers missing the point of the article so they can whinge about white men being under attack.

[How about the comment where the Codexer broods over how SJWs are planning an elaborate white guy holocaust](https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/4ptpex/ai_isnt_an_existential_threat_racist_white_men_are/d4ntozs). These neo-~~Nazis~~ reactionaries certainly have a ~~colorful~~ brown imagination.
>The idea that arbitrarily ring-fenced groups can converge on shared intellectual biases is absurd on it's very face and thinking about it probably has something to do with the gas chambers, but hey let's see if we can at least *try* to come up with a solid version of that argument that arbitrarily ring-fenced groups can converge evolutionarily on shared ~~flaws~~ traits, it'd be intellectually dishonest not to, even though we totes don't endorse it

It’s really good to see this in a major popular publication. And it is super tight. I mean, I could quibble over the point on inclusivity, but Crawford simply states that it would reduce the risk. And I like seeing that point brought up, at the very least because fits nicely in frame of the bigger picture of this White Guy Problem. She features a good list of AI real-world problems, I like it.

That’s a great article. It’s kind of scary that machine learning is inheriting our unexamined biases.