r/SneerClub archives
Scott Alexander explains why doesn't think Trump is misogynistic and how he's just being smeared by those meanie liberals (http://slatestarcodex.com/2016/06/17/against-dog-whistles/)

Of course, one can simply google “trump sexism” and get all kinds of examples of derogatory statements Trump has made about women. This search result does a good job at putting a lot of them in one place.

Anyway, Alexander says:

When I think of “sexist” or “misogynist”, I think of somebody who thinks women are inferior to men, or hates women, or who thinks women shouldn’t be allowed to have good jobs or full human rights, or who wants to disadvantage women relative to men in some way. (emphasis mine)

By this standard, Trump—who thinks women should be “punished” for getting abortions—is sexist. Even if you were to ignore his many comments objectifying women or treating them purely as sex objects, Trump has openly said that he thinks women shouldn’t have full human rights.

This is classic obliviousness caused by the "politics is the mindkiller" trope. Remember, it's only racism if it's literally the Klan burning a cross on your yard. The part about anti-Semitism is pretty poor too. Basically, Ted Cruz said some good things about Jews so therefore he can't be anti-Semitic. But Christian Zionism has long had anti-Semitic undertones because the fundamentalists believe that the Jews have to return to Israel so the rapture can begin. It's not really about co-operation with the Jews. Cruz is a fan of John Hagee, a guy who said that the Holocaust was part of god's plan. "New York values" plays on the popular "urban Jewish intellectuals" stereotypes. Did that particular instance prove anything? Probably not, but there is a pattern of anti-Semitic tropes being tossed around there. But nope, can't look beyond the surface level cuz politics is the mindkiller.
Scott should also complain about that one rationalist blogger who slipped anti-semitic propaganda into a discussion of feminist and compared them to nazis. Oh wait, [that was him](http://slatestarcodex.com/2015/01/01/untitled/)
Scotty also believes Brad Torgersen (and by extension Sad Puppies) can't possibly be racist because he has a black wife. Politics is the mindkiller is the mindkiller.