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Jeep-Eep reads Eclipse Phase - may the gods spare all our minds. (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/4wnx1c/jeepeep_reads_eclipse_phase_may_the_gods_spare/)

Trigger warning: So many things it isn’t even funny.

I’ve been thinking about doing an Eclipse Phase mockthread for literal years now, and as this subreddit was literally created to mock what it is, this is a good place to start.

[Gods help us all.] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFzLd8EK3sU)

The book begins with the following slogan:

Your mind is software. Program it.

Your body is a shell. Change it.

Death is a disease. Cure it.

Extinction is approaching. Fight it!

Feel the euphoria. Bask in it. It’s the most Lesswrong thing you’ve read all day, isn’t it? Get used to this, you’re gonna fucking hate it. [Also, note the PH studios logo was ripped off from that rather fun, if dumb warning signs of the future thing that was passed around donkey’s years ago] (http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/micronations/images/f/f7/Warning_Signs_of_the_Future_and_Wyhzette_2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121004031844) In a just world, this would be all we’d need to do to see what it is. Unfortunately, I’m a masosadist who enjoys sharing her suffering, so we’re [going in.] (https://youtu.be/jXNjQhFg5H8?t=23s)

Part one: The Nightmare begins

We start with the opening tale; title character - fairly generic fare, waking up, light in the eyes, etc. The character wakes up in a biological body ‘ Yep. A well-worn fury morph,’ to quote, and a smoking habit. You may note that it’s not the original body – the whole ‘Your mind is software’ bullshite here. Nice to see we’re getting philosophy being horribly abused, along with science here! It drones on a bit about the usual oh so edgy thing about being someone’s tool for a while (bloody tools wrote this, more liek). Apparently our narrator OD’d, the second death in two weeks, if I understand correctly. They’re glad to have forgotten – me, I’d never want to awaken again in that world. This is followed by more wallowing about their oh-so-sucky life.

Their muse comes back – it’s their term for your bog-standard nanny AI so common in transhumanist setting – this one likes it’s charge drunk. In this setting, getting drunk is probably a good priority We see more of the process of settling into a new body – this one’s beat up and, and has been graffti’d : “an entire slitheroid entering the genitals of a female pleasure pod, fully animated

Fix this into your memory, because this is your first glimpse of the aptly named Scum.

This is followed by a gross-ass motherfucker hitting on the viewpoint character: ““Not too bad under the sheet, are you?” he says. “I took a peek earlier, but I must say, the slab didn’t do you justice. On your feet, the curves really pop. Your face isn’t much to look at, but that rack is …”

Literally the first time I’ve felt sympathy for the viewpoint character, though following by some pawing off about the character having a nice rack now. Bleh, white straight nerds. The main character is then messaged by a beta fork – dumbed down brain copy, like what Yud dreams about fucking. Characters in this game are supposed to shit these things out not irregularly. The employer is getting the old team together.

We now switch perspective to a literal outer space octopus. God, I hate you, PH. You have just enough chocolate chips stirred in to make folks want to eat your crap, and no more.

Anyhow: Earth is fucked, to put it bluntly, in an event called the ‘Fall’ – take note of this, you’ll be hearing it a lot later. They’re exploring a station that got destroyed during the same – the ’pus lets the characters in, they get into a shooting match with a robot which is fairly easily dispatched. We meet another character – Sarlo, who favors a ’neotenic morph [that] was slighter and even more diminutive than the average human child sleeve, completely augmented and customized to match his “preferences” – fortunately, we don’t ever learn what those preferences are, buuuttt we can guess. At least the others think he’s a freak. Unfortunately, he’s too useful to get rid of.

Slugs of rotgut: 1

Turns out this station is a space elevator, and it could be turned on again! This discover is followed by some of the cringeworthy politics of the setting comes up again, in a dumb exposition about whether they ought to take back earth again. Fortunately, that gets slapped down before it goes further. They deal with the bots, mention a place called Extropia – the older sneerers might remember that name – it’s exactly what you remember.

The story cuts to their decent to Earth – and we get more exposition about the universe – Earth got fucked by a bunch of rogue AI called the Titans, erry kind of WMD got unleashed, it’s now a quarantine zone enforced by the ‘hypercorps’ , blah blah. Also, Ken Macleod references. They arrive on earth, and their welcome mat is a bunch of bones – literally a carpet, with the viewpoint character (back to fury woman) treading on a child’s ribcage. Augh. Also, no heads – the TITANs liked uploading folks with flying deathbots, which they promptly encounter, who end up stealing Shotacon’s cranium. I feel sorry for the bots.

(Un)fortunately, he has a backup, which means no just desserts! They leave, find a corridor which proves to be inhabited by yet another one of Earth’s welcoming habitants – Grey Goo – or rather flying nano, who are clever enough to set traps, ending with the team’s anarchist being et.

Temporarily dead Transhumans: 2.

They find their target – someone with a nano-scrimshaw on their leg, because the TITANs might beat anything encryptionwise. They know they ain’t going home – Fury blasts the ’pus to calamari – and then, while taking a smoke, the main proceeds to dicker with a new organization, Project Ozma (we’ll hear more about them later) about finding a friend. They come to an agreement, and they transmit in an antimatter fueled headsploshion – data only, no personality – not like that there was one to begin with!

Annd we cut the character being reconstructed again. Female, bio, asking about their friend. Finally, our torment ends.

Next: Consumed by the Singularity!

Edit: All quoted text is (c) those irritating assholes at Posthuman Studios. Set thread for oldest first for easiest reading.


They’re getting moldy and stinky with age, aren’t they?

And these are the fuckers that ruined Shadowrun.

So whenever I come across LessWrong stories, I’m always reminded of the batshit insane stories of Hank Fletcher, but with a criminal lack of Fantomah.

Or space leopard women on flying lizards.

The Big Litterbox Part I

For any good power fantasy, you need a sandbox to treat like cats do. And EP has an expansive one. I won’t go into too much detail because it’s rather boring, and we only need to see the whoppers

The Sun

We’ll start with the Center – Sol; you’d think they couldn’t transhuman up a fucking star.

You’re wrong, wrong and wrong!

They’ve literally made sun whales to swim around in the corona. HARD SCIENCE FICTION!

As well, some loons have built habs over the poles of the sun, mostly for research. Why anyone would put people there is beyond me.

Moving on to the vulcanoid rocks that populate the region between, there’s one notable - V/2011-CALDWELL. It’s got a Pandora gate, and is owned by a hypercorp – Terragenesis, the terraformers. Beyond that, it’s not really of interest.


Predictably, given the metallic nature of the world, it’s sparcely inhabited mining colony. Some of the hypercorps have disguised antimatter factories here. There’s only two items of interest: CALORIS 18 where the local AGI launched an amateur theater production of The Human Centipede during the fall, and the aptly named Cannon, who launches metal into the system for folks to use.


As been said before, most folk live in balloons, which amid other things have Luxury resorts(!). The PC is thinking of launching a terraforming project; MC views this as unworkable and disruptive to their lives.

There’s also apparently primitive life there; surprisingly, this isn’t as implausible as it sounds, as there could easily be extremophiles in the clouds. As for places of interest, there’s Gerlach, which is a base of the Argonauts, Octavia, a flying mushroom skyscraper with a park dome on top, where the MC is run from, APHRODITE PRIME, where folks go for vacations and where they design flying life for the upper atmosphere.

There’s also a sidebar saying there’s signs of TITAN activity there, as a corp recon team went missing.


As said before, Terra is a blasted radioactive wasteland. It’s Gaian collapse, prowled by monsters and horrors from the fall, with the occasional gang of survivors around. It’s a full on nuclear winter from all the bombs – including an antimatter device – that got let off trying to stop the TITANs from re-enacting a Ken Macleod novel – they still shoot off an asteroid or two at anything that looks suspicious from the moon.

No one really knows how many folks are still alive down there – at least a million post-human TITAN servitors at least, with 20,000 to 100,00 surviving free humans in places like the Ozarks and Vietnam, as well as possibly undersea or underground settlements.

There’s also possibly folks cryofrozen down there, with some such facilities still functional. The orbitals are largely dead, infested with killsats, both prefall and of unknown pedigree.

It’s still possible to loot here, but many habs are infested with TITAN critters and nanotech. There’s still inhabited habitats here, both official and otherwise. I’ll list a few notables


Scum looter base – they at as a place for folks to come in and steal from the dead – they have polar gun batteries orientated so they can blast the shite out of any shuttle that showed trouble and got jettisoned.


Socialite shitehole; was filled with refugees, but those were turfed out so that the fucking glitterati can have their playpen back. The Hypercorp council is rumored to use this as a meeting place. Pity the TITANs couldn’t play a few games, huh?


Research area for folks planning to unfuck the shitehole below. Rumor has it that folks use it for [surface expeditions] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOqq5kNBVoM).


Basically where folks that couldn’t hit Mars went when the TITANS broke loose. Only India had focused on this place prefall, but their city got nuked when the TITANs got there.

They’re a big fashion place in the system – the gravity makes for fancier bullshite, and conforms to what you find elsewhere. They also have that classic HARD SF shibboleth of He3 mining here – Christ, it’s not even that good a fusion scheme, fuck!

Finance too – they were the first to get wise to the reputation economy bullshite, with the help of the fucking Extropians.

Anyway, beyond the He3 mining sites, there’s Nectar, a port and fashion powerhouse, Shackle, a water mining base of special importance to the Indian diaspora, as there’s water there they use to substitute for the Ganges and a herd of actual Indian elephants, and the New Mumbai Containment zone – still patrolled, due to worries about TITAN bullshite.


The heartland of transhuman civilization – in other words, this is gonna suck.

Mars has been terraformed to the point where all you need is an extra oxygen supply for normal people – it’s gotten to the point where by the fall, they were introducing plant life – Valles Marineris has greenery on the bottom; this will take a fuckload of time, but they’re IMMORTAL, who gives a shite?

The place is full of tourists and flying cars. It’s also a place where the refugees end up – they’ve room for new bodies, see?

There’s a Pandora gate here – Barsoomians found it, the PC conquered it from them - It’s currently run by the Pathfinder corp, and supports many colonies now, and a space elevator on Mount Olympus. There’s also a TITAN quarantine zone, though the critters rarely leave it for some reason; there used to be an Islamic colony within that area, but it’s dead with the rest. There’s a sidebar about a FIREWALL manhunt for an infected human that transformed and killed folks just by looking at them.


It’s near the Viking and pathfinder landings, it’s a spiritual and tourism hub, on top of the terraforming. They put fucking AI greeters in the flaming NASA landers when they found them; bloody tourist trap.


It’s basically a showbiz shitehole, like Los Angles. It’s got more Sylph and Exalt morphs than anyplace else in the solar system- you’ll be learning about them soon enough.


They melted Deimos and turned it into a bubble of rock – beyond it’s architectural traits, it’s not really interesting, as it’s a place filled with the usual corporate bullshite.


Biggest city in Sol – Art, culture hypercorps, architecturally interesting, blah blah.

There’s one notable place in the Martian Trojan asteroids – Azure dragon; Chinese asteroid mining base, now fallen on hard times; big black market, but beyond that, not really interesting.


Predictably, lots of mining; lot of habitats here, including a lot of ghost towns from when their ’roids dried up. Also, some of our old friends live here!


Yes, there’s a actual habitat named that. It’s full of ancaps and mutualists, with anarcho-syndicalist groups keeping things working.

Jesus Christ, they have literally no idea about how anarchists work - anarcho-syndicalists are fucking commies, you dolts – and you lump them in with fucking ancaps?

Jesus, these idiots. Beyond their interests as maintaining themselves as a neutral city for the resource trade, they of course are a body mod and AGI utopia – yes, they use that word.

Fuck, these people are ignorami. There’s also Ceres, which is the exact same thing, but run by outer space octopi, and Nova York, which has a microgee gimmick. Boooring.

NEXT: The Big Litterbox Part II

How exactly do cryonics popsicles endure nuclear war? They often can't endure bored sociopaths that play cricket with severed heads. Of course Mars is euphoria paradise. Elon Musk said so. If there was ever an "Extropia" I'd give it 2 months before it fell apart in an orgy of backstabbing and calling for government help.
Yeah, while they certainly have self-contained power supplies, they'd also be sitting ducks for the TITANs.
How exactly does a power supply refill liquid nitrogen tanks? Oh well, tech magic!
NEXT: The Big Litterbox Part II: METHANE TITAN You think it was bad where it was nice and warm? Hahhah! Jupiter They at least get the radiation threats here right, being basically fuck off doom van allen belts from hell; Jupiter’s Gravwell is both utility and curse on top of that – it means that it’s harder to mine gas, but it’s a really good sling for moving things through the system – of course, as anyone who actually did a little research about writing actual hard SF knows, gravity assists are an artifact of having to make do with dogshite chemical rockets – I suppose you could use it for sluggish cargo, but they don’t get that idea. Anyway, as could be expected, this is the home of the Jovian republic, who supports itself financially by imposing tolls on anyone using the well to speed up – most folks accept that as the cost of doing business. The Jovians mostly inhabit hollowed out asteroids moonlets, centrifuged and otherwise – it’s the only viable method for folks who don’t want to be some genemodded freak or a robot. They lampshade the fact that this is one of the least friendly places for bioconservatives in the solar system. The Republic (henceforth to be referred to as the REEEpublic) double down on the whole bush era states thing by renaming most of the small moonlets after neoconservative heroes. Really. They did that. Anyway, to carry on, they describe the largest REEEpublican habitat, AMALTHEA, known by the REEEpublicans as Solano. It’s a grav centrifuged habitat, with a lake from the ice that was there before, and a big fusion lightbulb down the center with modern style buildings in the inside; pretty classic 70s-80s future spaceflight oil painting fare. For extra banana republic flavor, the ecosystem is buggered up, so every building is environmentally sealed, so they can fumigate regularly. The less fortunate live in the tunnels in the rock between cavern and surface. Not surprisingly, it’s crawling with patrol craft and killsats on the outside. Europa isn’t a REEEpulbican holding, but they do exhort fees for being there by holding back resources until they’re paid off. There’s life down there - coral reefs and everything, completely unique to it – the reason why the Jovians tolerate the Ubermench is that they could get money for them from it – they used to tax that, but folks got comms systems to there, and foiled the dastardy reeepublicans. The habs are built on top of said reefs, and are a mix of research and fishing facilties. Ganymede and Callisto are within the Jovian sphere of influence, and are covered with a patchwork of city states including Liberty, which is of course the REEEpublic’s biggest city, holding their major industry and possibly their surveillance hub – Ganymede is more republican, while Callisto tolerates them, with many non-members present, such as Hyoden, a big infogee arrival point in the region. The Trojans I thought most folks didn’t use condoms for jacking off? Anyway, it’s another set of ‘roids, with it’s own set of anarchists – it talks a big thing about the diversity of the area, but that’s the real flavor. This time, it’s the actual anarchists, with some scum flavoring. Oh joy. At least they’re the actual anarchists, rather than a bizarre mix of two completely different ideologies. Predictably, the rep economy is king here – they’re big on self-sufficiency – “Neo-Renaissance being’ is the term used, but the rep economy enforces co-operation. Most of the economy is prospecting and salvage – it’s a metal poor region. Of course, this lead to being very good at materials science – they have lots of everything else there. Apparently new designs appear all the time and they have the usual array of bizarre future pastimes/businesses, like flash comet/asteroid mining runs, robot gladiatorial combat, and cosmetically vandalizing each others habitats. LOCUS @-prime. It’s a big mess of every kind of habitat, centered about a binary asteroid pair, forming a big irregular mess, which of course has design allowances for spinning off bits. Skipping past all the boring architectural blerg, Locus was the brainchild of the Argonauts and Anarchists, and was the first real stronghold of the AA. The place obviously runs on a pure rep economy ([aggghgghghg-]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9dHOrtnvSY)), and all nessary station work -security (!), defense and expansion/maintenance are all volunteer/rep work. They *crowdsource* their WMD scanning. Yes, you read that correctly. Anyone who doesn’t get scanned gets asked to leave. If they don’t… “anyone who’s designed a cool new weapons system recently is welcome to take a shot.” *Slugs of rotgut: 11* Yes, I took two at once. It’s a major point where the cold war between inner and outer happens – sabotage happens occasionally, but there’s only been two attempts to seize it – the first was thrown off by the locals, the second, larger one was seen off by the Titanians, who now have a permanent base nearby, and rumors of mutual defense pacts between them and certain powerful inhabitants exist. Honestly, given how much of a madhouse it is, I’m surprised there hasn’t been more attempts – or that the locals have not let lose some TITAN bullpuckey that made Firewall or the others have to burn them. There’s no room for ‘colorful’, when bull like the TITANS is a thing. The underbar on new arrivals, quoted verbatim, because it’s just too good for me to do justice to: “Welcome to Locus. You voluntarily assume the risk of organic damage or mental trauma by mooring here. You must bring or be capable of acquiring enough food, H20, oxygen, and shelter to survive for the duration of your stay in a harsh, asteroid-rich environment. Weapons of mass destruction are prohibited. Further guidelines for coexisting with your fellow entities are in the habitat survival guide. You and only you are responsible for yourself—learn to love it!” —Locus Immigration AR broadcast “You have chosen the habitat Locus in the L5 Trojans as your destination, using the private carrier Atsuko van Vogt as your receptor. ComEx corporate policy requires us to inform you that the destination and carrier you have selected are unregistered and possibly unsafe. ComEx takes no responsibility for the continuity of your consciousness upon arrival. You assume any and all risks for travel to this point, including theft of forks or deletion. ComEx will include a permanent record of travel with this carrier on your file. Would you like to continue?” —ComEx legal disclaimer “The ComEx disclaimer? Yes, yes … Listen: my neighbor three doors toward the Amoeba [shapeshifting sculpture] from here is a physicist. She has a box that generates microsingularities in her lab. If people along my spar found out I’d stolen a fork of someone, they’d pop my stack with a grapefruit knife and throw it in there. That’s what we call ‘accountability.’ See if you get the same from ComEx.” —Atsuko van Vogt In comparison, Lot 49, the other notable rock, is fairly generic by EP standards. Geodesic construction, bunch of spars, one with centrifuges for medical work, riot of color, scum anarchist aligned, blah blah. Boooring. Saturn Much less of a madhouse than Jupiter; gas mining is easier, and there’s rings to mine (!). Hypercorps have some holdings here, but the Titanians and Anarchists keep them in check. They’re a big cheese in energy in the Solar system – 30 percent of their fusion fuel comes from here, and the local habs are big innovators in hab design and ‘cultural organization – the nanobullshit version comes from here. There’s a few habs - Enceladus, which hosts the colony of PROFUNDA, where Ancaps set the system’s body fashions and dinker with organic chemistry, such as abiogenesis related stuffs, TWELVE COMMONS, the anarcho-syndicalist advent-guard research colony with gimmick habs for example. There’s also a Chinese flavored ancap hab - HARMONIOUS ANARCHY, PHELAN’S RECOURSE who’s main claims to fame are crime,local whisky and having the government in exile of East Timor, Kronos - who serves as an object example of why one shouldn’t trust Ultimate mercs after they took over and just watch the basket case and a literal BACON habitat. Yes, they horned in the epic meal time meme. I’m not joking. Some folks even suspect it’s a inhabited morph. [arrrgigh-](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5a6--78j1c) Moving on to the local moons, we’ll start with the prerequisite TITAN sites and Pandora gates; The moon of Iapetus was turned into what looks like a giant computer by the TITANs, after they enslaved 10% of the locals, and used to rest to start growing soylent green. Thing’s twice as big now, but it seems to have gone wrong and just quit working. The drones are dead, and now it’s just a big damn scary thing which no-one’s figured out and has been rumored to drive folks trying to figure it out insane. On the moon of Pandora – no relation to the Na’vi’s moon – there is the first ever known Pandora gate. Gatekeeper keeps it neutral; used to be part of the Titanians, but they span it off to appease the PC. Moving on, there’s Prometheus, who harbors a probable antimatter factory, Tethys, where anarchist settlers found fossil life, Pan, which has African ancaps, the various tiny moons, which are mostly inhabited by brinkers, except the 3 which were turned into forts by the Titanians, and finally, titan itself.
"The underbar on new arrivals, quoted verbatim, because it’s just too good for me to do justice to: “Welcome to Locus. You voluntarily assume the risk of organic damage or mental trauma by mooring here. You must bring or be capable of acquiring enough food, H20, oxygen, and shelter to survive for the duration of your stay in a harsh, asteroid-rich environment. Weapons of mass destruction are prohibited. Further guidelines for coexisting with your fellow entities are in the habitat survival guide. You and only you are responsible for yourself—learn to love it!”" Alt-right neckbeards sure love the "full pvp server permadeath" danger fantasy. That is, until they have to live anything near it. Or if the power goes out or running water stops.
This is folks trying to be anarchists, but the criticism still stands.
Anarcho-capitalism puts the "moron" in oxymoron.
Yeah, but these guys are more your 'too dumb even for r/@' college liberals with delusions of being leftist and don't know what they're talking about, what with lumping in ancaps with actual black cats.
"a literal BACON habitat." Christ. Is there a habitat of lying cakes too?
TITAN Titan has had both successes and failures (wow, failiable!) – on the upside, their resleeving industry churns out morphs faster than anyplace else in sol, they have a XBOXhueg particle accelerator and the first conventional interstellar probe. On the downside, their antimatter factory plans didn’t pan out, as an attempt to build a Saturn gas pipe failed, so they can’t get enough energy for nearly what they wanted, and their morph production plans are still not nearly good enough. They practice Swiss style civil service, with everyone having a AR in the home afterward. Major cities: AARHUS Local university city, many being off worlders and the cradle of the local preservationist movement. Blah blah NEW QUEBEC Biggest Morph nurseries in the system, also hosting a truly fucked up local criminal gang who runs trade in, to quote: “snuff pods, stolen alpha forks, and nanoweaponry”, as well as fresh morphs brought from corrupt admins – they’re a major embarrassment to local security. NYHAVN The capital; second best in the system. Architecture spot, riot of color, public fabricators, blah blah. Fuck so fucking boring. Next: The Litter Box part III: From Uranus to the Stars!
The Litter Box part III: From Uranus to the Stars! Don’t worry, this long and sliding experience will be pinched off shortly. We’re in the neither regions of transhuman inhabited space and this section, and we'll be done our business soon. URANUS Our latest hole on this painful effort is the first of the ice giants – balls of water, ammonia and methane. It’s mid spring there, which probably explains the atmospheric anomalies that folks take for Factor bases. Spring or not, the ubermench are as mad as march hares, as ever. The two biggest moons (Titania and Oberon) are settled by a mix of hypercorp enclaves and the usual anarchist dens to be found out there, with some tourist destinations on the former, for a mix of exploring the spectacular terrain and the usual dumb outer system sports. Starting on Oberon, we have the biggest local spaceport, Chat Noir. As someone with a minor amount of French and knowledge of anarchist iconography can tell you who runs it. The reason why the place is big is that it sits right smack dab on top of the prerequisite Pandora gate – they found it, along with some mashed folks under the ice; no one knows how or why it’s there – they were able to recover the stacks of some folks, so you can even ask them about it. Why did Jupiter not get one of these? Were they afraid of the Jovians having any kind of cool games to play? (Don’t answer that) The gate is owned and operated by the Love and Rage collective, who of course have a (very low) minimum rep score to ride, so long as you aren’t corp – they insist on the knowledge being shared with the rest of humanity. Of course they don’t have proper support, so traveller beware. Next is the exact opposite station, the second major stronghold of our favorite honest transhumanists, the Ultimates – the station is unremarkable technically, other than its weapons load – it’s also a closed station, they don’t want visitors in their lair. They also buy lots of infogee contracts there, and rumor has it they use deaf, mentally and visual weak bodies for their slaves. No one knows, as no one’s come back. Neptune This being a recent piece of fiction, Neptune is the last planet out here. It’s too isolated for any of the corps – the lag kills them, and Titan hasn’t got much influence either. The population is the usual anarchists, plus hermits and ne’er do wells. As for the locals, there’s the glorified server farm called Glitch – densest city in the whole of Sol – the harvesters, factories and defense sats take up more space. Rumor would have you believe that they’re either trying to turn infomorphs into [seed AI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wCk22ctWY8), or psychohistorical simulations – jesus, given how the last time that shit ended, I’d mount an expedition to there proto; Christ. There’s also Ilmarinen– it’s an Argonaut station, bit more livable, but only marginally so – it’s mostly unlivable for normal folk. There’s also the unconventionally designed city of Mahogany – it’s for the birds, literally as it was designed for the uplifts -it’s basically a fusion powered greenhouse with a forest inside. Beyond that, there’s only the usual collection of towns on the various rocks and moons, inhabited by the various weirdos you’d find out there. ASS END OF NOWHERE: We’re in the dog ends of Sol, and fortunately, as befits the area, there isn’t much here. Unfortunately, what is here could be very important. Eris has a Pandora gate; not only that, but the Pandora gate is being fought over by Ultimate mercs sent to take the place back after the corp who own it (after taking it from the anarchists from Neptune) likely literally blew themselves up – who basically control it now, no matter what the corps say – and Exhumans, who controlled it for a while – it’s still contested regularly, and some attacks *came from the other side* - which means those freaks are now loose out of sol doing who knows what. Beyond that, there’s MARKOV, a sooper secret squirrel Argonaut base – what is supposed to go on there is freely available, but where it is isn’t – only the high ups go there. One has to wonder, what they are exactly doing there. EXTRASOLAR SYSTEMS We finish our grandiose tour with a trip to the holdings in other solar systems – there’s a few ones out there, with the usual mix of ownership – though fortunately, we’re spared too much anarchism. ECHO Binary system, with 4 rocky planets, a bigass gas giant, two ice giants and the usual array of moons and asteroids and comets and other space kipple. The gate dumps out on the 5th planet – it’s a superannuated Mars, with the ruins of an alien society, named the Iktomi after a Amerind spider god as they looked like big bugs. One inward is your bog-standard garden world – it even has plant and animal life edible by flats (normal folk); it’s a bit older, and got some interesting critters, such as huge eels and [space monkeys]( http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/c/c4/Spacemonkey.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080727175830) who work with local carnivorous plants. LUCA Red dwarf out in the middle of nowhere – no one has any bearings on the thing’s location other than far away – it’s got a cross between Venus and Mercury for an inner world, one gas giant not nearly enough to protect the place, and a trio of asteroid fields and a few plutoids running around. The place of actual interest is planet II – dusty, cold, cratered, with thick dusty air barely breathable by humans with gear. It too, once had inhabitants, something like an intelligent [aardvark]( https://huskiesinwonderland.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/arthurtv_logo.png?w=385) – they’ve been dead for a million years now, surviving several good ‘roids before finally dying out in the medieval period. Honestly, these dead aliens are some of the chocolate chips I meantioned before; they honestly make me want to tear up, despite myself, along with Earth. It’s one of the few decently written pieces of imagery here. I’m a sucker for desolation. There’s one settlement – Banshee, put underground in case of another rock or bad weather, near some oil fields, inhabited by a mix of anarchists and corporate interests. MISHIPIZHEU Basically what happens when a star gone red giant thaws out an ice and rock planet to the point where life can live there – it’s a warm ocean filled with floating reefs and strange animals. It’s also got a weird moon – odd composition for the region of the system - which no one is quite sure how it got there. Folks come over regularly to gawk at shit, scientifically. SYNERGY WE ARE THE BORG Basically, someone’s fancy new head toys fucked up. A bunch of colonists got cut off when some idiot fuckered a gate’s settings at home – folks finally re-established contact, but they had your bogstandard group mind staring at them – 5 years of stress and undertested tech will do that to you. Fortunately, they seem to be staying put. There’s a few others – Arcadia, some idiots building a vacation place in the clouds of a venusiod, Babylon, where there’s a derelict alien spacecraft in the sun, Bluewood, where the titular plants grow like crazy, Nótt, which is in the starting stage of every bad SF horror episode where folks are vanishing, Sky Ark, a future space zoo with a shite name and Wormwood, a place where it seems alien looters cleared it out first. There's also an underbar with some garbled crud about 'mist trees' with advanced nanotech out someplace. I hope we'll not see it elaborated. Ohhhcay, that’s a wipe - I mean wrap. Now, we’re on to characters, abilities and the dev's genetically engineered woman fetishes. *Chugs the last of the rotgut* I think I’ll need a fresh bottle for this one. Next: Special Snowflakes in Fury Morphs.
"Honestly, these dead aliens are some of the chocolate chips I meantioned before; they honestly make me want to tear up, despite myself, along with Earth. It’s one of the few decently written pieces of imagery here." I can agree with you there. I do miss, and wish it was back, the idea of space exploration without ultra-capitalism power fantasies fucking it up.
Again, it's the ultra tech fantasies and first-year polsci fail that characterize this. I realize you're talking transhumanist fiction as a whole, but do recall one of EP's distinguishing traits is it's bungling attempts at radical left politics.
It's only as "radical left" from my perspective as Nick Land's early drug trips, before he crashed hard right. All that "voluntaryism" and "reputation" is just old-fashioned privatization and over-commodification under false pretenses, in my opinion.
You may have a point there. Edit: Although Ockham's razor dictates idiocy as being the more probable explanation.
I get a lot of visitors to LSC that claim to be "far left" or "radical left" and what they're peddling amounts to whatever Silicon Valley thinks is really disruptive. Most common example: "UBI". Sounds great on the surface, until you question them and find out they are talking the Silicon Valley proposal: gut all social services and safety nets, remove them all entirely, and with complete deregulation of just about everything, flick pennies at the poor so they can immediately lose them to rent, or drug addictions.
Yeah, but they're fairly earnest in their attempt at leftism from what I can see, just completely fucking pig ignorant enough to have no hope of pulling it off - they're just the sort who gets fooled by that kind of thing you describe, and who can't get over their 5th grade history teacher poo-pooing ownership of the means of production, but like anarchist imagery. Honestly, that's more damning to me; this an internet where r/socialism and r/anarchism exist. They need to lurk moar.
A lot of it is very naive stupid unexamined and inexperienced and uneducated stuff that a lot of teenagers come up with when they think they know everything, with TECHNOLOGY! as the woo-glue that holds it all together.
Special Snowflakes in Fury Morphs. Right – we’ve seen the sandbox, now it’s time to review the shovels and buckets – and jesus, what a product of tools they are. The dice system is completely irrelevant to my critique – those who want to spork that, can find it on pages 114-120 - it seems to be a percentile dice system (they note you might need to borrow a few dice some times if you don’t have a d100 – I’d never want mine back afterward, tho - given the type who plays this), that appears to be a rationalized Shadowrun derivative, with allowances for both simulationist and semi-narrativist play, which makes sense given its origins. They at least have a sidebar which makes a point of saying that folks should be referred to as their preferred gender. Okayy, back to the daily grind – of course, they make a big hubbub about being a part of the POST-APOCALYPITC TRANSHUMAN FUTURE (where it’s very hard to die) who gets caught up in intrigue and horrors more unspeakable than their grasp of polsci – no mean feat, that – after the blerg about motivations and concepts (both being mechanically important, but honestly fairly generic), we get back to one of the defining derps of the setting. As said before, Ego and Morph are different things – one being the actual character, the other being an expendable piece of gear (LOL CARTESIAN) – this translates in practice to being two sets of character sheets, with the latter one being a modifier for the former, such as setting the maxes for any stats, plus whatever any implants do. You can also back yourself up – in other words, you photocopy your character sheet and stick it in a box - (assuming you can dodge the librarian was dubious of what you’re doing when they saw you photocopying the Sylph morph image during Chargen) – you can also do this to make NPCs, but there’s a set of complex rules, legal and otherwise about this to prevent some abuse. Predictably, besides the morph and gear sections, there’s sections for Rep and social networks. I think it’s time to open the new bottle. *Slug of rotgut: 1* Hmmm; overroasted Starbucks, with hints of kerosene… is that… yes, that’s mouse and engine oil. 2015, a good year. Anyway, they list the various kinds of rep, each with their own one-letter prefix – It’s also linked to any identities you have – privacy is dead, but fake personae live on – there’s a section for that as well. We also find the first mention of Psi (HARD SCIENCE FICTION), which is what happens if you caught something weird during the fall – remember that guy who killed folks with looks? Pepperidge Farms Remembers! Next: Special Snowflakes in Fury Morphs: part II – Lack of character building.
"Right – we’ve seen the sandbox, now it’s time to review the shovels and buckets – and jesus, what a product of tools they are." That line was a thing of beauty! "It’s also linked to any identities you have – privacy is dead, but fake personae live on – there’s a section for that as well." God damn it. It wasn't enough to make being SINless in Shadowrun completely irrelevant by 4th Edition, they had to move their "fake SINs" garbage straight into this product of euphoria too? Someone geek me. "We also find the first mention of Psi (HARD SCIENCE FICTION)," I noticed that! They wanted to remove the magic from Shadowrun and push the tech really far, and managed to stumble into magic anyway.
Next: Special Snowflakes in Fury Morphs: part II – Lack of character building. Right, now we’re getting into it. Skipping the blerg about concepts, we have backgrounds – basically, packages of skills, resources and probable starting morphs – these run from hyperelite, to the aforementioned lost – we also see factions, such as Anarchists and REEEpublicans, which are surprisingly restrained, to more Polsci fail with the Extropians to “This is the future we’ve all been waiting for, and you’re going to enjoy it to the max. A paradigm shift has occurred, and while everyone else is catching up, your faction embraces and revels in it. There is no more want, no more death, no more limits on what you can be. The scum have immersed themselves in a new way of life, changing themselves as they see fit, trying out new experiences, and pushing the boundar- ies wherever they can … and fuck anyone who can’t deal with that.” The fucking scum! Gahh *slug of rotgut: 2* Goes down much nicer now. There’s also a red-skinned girl with what looks like something that started life as a Mechanical Counter Pressure suit, but now has holes in it and frankly looks like someone’s failed attempt at punk sexy; it isn’t helped by the pose. Everyone starts with a nanny AI and one month of insurance on your backups – starting gear isn’t limited, other than by background. Morphs beyond starting are brought with both character points and cash. Beyond that they of course use + or – for indicating whether someone is for or against something, (*gag*) there isn’t much to comment on, especially as we’re getting to the *good* part. *Slug of rotgut 3* Ahh, sweet mental prophylactic. Anyway, the first novel thing we’re told about morphs is that there is some basic customization when choosing one – you choose an non-boosted stat; once chosen, that stat is permanently better, for anyone using the morph. Okay, enough derping about mechanics, let’s get into the *shite*. BIOMORPHS Biomorphs are living creatures, as could be guessed from the name; they can be created naturally or artificially, using artificial wombs, and aged to adulthood naturally, or at an accelerated pace. FLATS Bog standard, common or garden *Homo sapiens*, “born with all of the natural defects, hereditary diseases, and other genetic mutations that evolution so lovingly applies’’ - It wouldn’t be transhumanism without the usual snark at the expense of actual existing humanity. Of course they’re dying out. They have no implants standard, low max stats and sub-average durability – the one advantage is that they cost no character points. They can also suffer genetic disease. SPLICERS Rather than being something interesting, like a [mutant objectivist]( http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/bioshock/images/2/2d/Fall.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100801231101), they’re just Human 1.2 – no hereditary disease, genes optimised toward health and (what would be a boring, generic) good looks, but otherwise fairly standard; upper end of human normal; they form the majority of biosleeved humans. They have the normal implants (Basic Biomods, a net implant and a cortical stack – soul catching device, basically) and slightly better max stats than normal folks and physical stats getting a bonus of 5. ~~[EGGSALTS](http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/xcom/images/6/62/XCOM_EW_EXALT_Squadbig.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/640?cb=20131110063444)~~ EXALTS Are not the someone mechanically goofy transhumanist terrorists/quislings from XCOM:EW – they are basically fairly superior humans – the usual terrible transhuman foursome of longevity, health, brains and looks (sex appeal). They come stock with the same implants as a splicer, have max stats better than a Splicer as a Splicer is from a human, slightly tougher and smarter, as well as having that same amount to three different stats. They cost 3 times as much as a Splicer in chargen, and significantly more than one in money.
~~PSILON~~ MENTON I AM A GENIUS! Basically a brainier Exalt – there’s rumors of even smarter variants, but the they start running into structural problems with the workings of the brain causing issues. They have the usual implants, plus ones that grant an eidetic memory, ‘hyper linguistics’ and better math brains – they have boosts to several of the mental stats, plus to one of the player’s choice. 25% more expensive at chargen than the Exalt, with ingame costs to match. OLYMPIAN Exactly what it says on the tin – it’s so that technophiles can dream about being physical superstars without the exercise, honestly. Costs as much as a Menton, lots of physical stats as expected, basic implants. SLYPHS Your bog standard bioenhanced Barbie doll – generally elfin and lithe, engineered on every level for the elites, actors and narcissists (both in game and out), down to the fact that “ Their metabolism has also been sanitized to eliminate unpleasant bodily odors and their pheromones adjusted for universal appeal.’ Yup, they smell good and their sweat don’t stink. Do you know what else doesn’t stink? Lovely, lovely booze! *Slug of rotgut number 4* Anyway, beyond the usual enhancement package, and what I already described, they have, obviously, the Striking Looks trait, as well as bonuses to social stats and coordination – can’t be sex on legs without that. Beyond that, they’re a Exalt equivalent. BOUNCERS Basically a rip off of the Quaddies of the Vorkosaigan universe. Beyond the usual Exalt baseline and gripping feet, they have an onboard oxygen reserve, toughness and coordination improvements and the Limber trait by default. FURIES Oh *my*; those who remember the intro remember that the viewpoint character was incarnated as one and oh dear lord there is a lot of dumb to unpack here. They’re a design expressly built as a super soldier, rather than being used as such like an Olympian – tough, strong; this being eclipse phase, they had to have a dumb flavor on top – to quote: “To offset tendencies for unruliness and macho behavior patterns, furies feature gene sequences promoting pack mentalities and cooperation, and **they tend to be biologically female.**. [Well](https://fi.somethingawful.com/safs/smilies/2/0/biotruths.001.gif). First thing is, I’m reminded of some of the snark made at the expense of the (execrable) *Windup Girl* by Athena Andreadis, in her article [*The Charlatan Haunted World*]( http://www.starshipnivan.com/blog/?p=6731), specifically point 1a. Second, for all their blather about morphological freedom, the biological determinism shown here is part and parcel of transhumanism – of course, this befits the eugencist nature of the ideology, no matter it’s pretentions and protests otherwise. (Now I want to see her tear this a new butthole – she could do it so much better than me) 3rd: SOCIALLY PROGRESSIVE SF! 4th: And here we have our setting’s fetishy warrior women; wouldn’t be a nerd fantasy setting without one. Anyway, beyond the usual implants, they’ve got subdermal armor, improved eyes over the usual Exalt baseline, toxin filtration ‘ware and an implanted combat drug dispenser. Their statline boosts are what you could expect of a soldier splat – tough, fast, co-ordinated, plus the usual boost to one. Their stats max out at the usual Exalt levels, but they do have one standout – they’re as tough as old boot leather, as could be expected. Their cost at chargen is astronomical, and they set a basic credit cost of 40,000.
FUTURAS They were designed for the lost generation, that attempt at raising kids in VR that went screwy. The line failed along with it’s intended user – some think they’re collectable, like a DeLorean or something, while others don’t like to be reminded of that shitshow. They were engineered for ‘confidence, self-reliance, and adaptability’, and have a statline to match as far as I can tell, having Eidetic Memory and Emotional Dampers for Spock fetishist nerds – they could use with watching Trek, rather than wailing about bioconservatism and creating broken versions of the setting that shit over the themes – they seem to be locked into a brains-based build but are slightly better at it – as befits the background; they’re 33% more expensive at chargen then a Exalt, but aftermarket are 25% more than a fury. GHOST Another warrior morph, but this one is more sneaky for OPERATOR style things, rather than RIP AND TEAR – they’re supposed to be more patient; tweaks for agility, quickness and reflexes and apparently optimised for patience and trickseyness They’re equipped with chameleonic skin (how does that work with clothes – do you strip down to your gauchies or something?), adrenal tweaks, enhanced vision and gripper pads like Bouncers, but no grippy feet. They’re slightly more delicate, cheaper at chargen and invert the ratio of endurance to coordination, but are otherwise identical. HIBERNOIDS Rip vank Winkle on demand – they need only an hour or two of sleep and with their ability to hibernate, are quite low maintance – they can ever basically stop their need for resources; honestly, with all the biofuckery I see here, somewhere a biologist is screaming. They’re used both by spacers and the Soylent types. Anyway, they can hibernate (surprise) and have a monkeyed circadian rhythm; they’re tougher than an Exalt, but have a max statline equivalent to a splicer; they only have an intelligence and player determined stat boost, and cost peanuts. NEOTENICS Remember that creep in the opening fiction? This is what Shotacon was wearing – they’re small, cheap resource wise and agile and inquisitive; however “Some people find neotenic sleeves distasteful, especially when employed in certain media and **[sex work capacities](http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/brain_bleach2_4427.jpg).**”. This is the first time I’ve ever had the wish to be uploaded, *so that someone can hex-edit out that mental image*. I don’t care how many childhood memories go with it. I’m 90% that many tabletops end up houseruling out these things after their first That Person. The toughness stat is capped at 80 of baseline human and all others are at the Exalt standard; they’re as tough as a baseline and are smart and have high reflexes – they also have an innate defense bonus due to small size – obviously, folks will also think you’re a freak. They cost about as much as a Hibernoid. I’ve seen childlike altered humans used to good effect - Alastair Reynold’s *Century Rain’s* War Babies were delightfully fucked up enemies; EP of course would bolix it. NEXT!
REMADE The name says it all; they’re explicitly described as Human 2.0; everything has been optimised, but at the expense of well, human appearance; they are explicitly described in the statline as suffering from Uncanny valley problems. Not surprising, as they are big cranium’d, bug-eyed and hairless. They have a the longest list of implants and augs seen here – cleaned metabolism, circadian overhauls, better memory and respiration, plus temp tolerance and toxin filtration. They have the highest max stats of any morph seen so far, though their HP pool is 20% lower than a Fury; they have big bonuses to brainpower relates stats and endurance as well as two unassigned bonuses. They cost 20% less than a Fury at chargen, and cost equivalent to buy. Predictably, the Honest Transhumanists love the things. RUSTERS: A morph optimised for part-terraformed Martian conditions, as the name implied. Better oxygen uptake and use, improved temp tolerance, that kind of thing. Their statline matches this in augs; otherwise they’re fairly mediocre; splicer stat maxima, Exalt durability, a bonus to toughness and a unassigned bonus, and a chargen cost 5/6 of an Exalt. [NEO-AVIANS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYonXrhW8HY) Corvids and parrots brought to human level intelligence; this comes at the cost of an increase in size (human child) and fucking with their wings to turn them into semi-reasonable manipulators – they can fly a bit under normal G, but excel under zero-g, and being lower mass need less resources than a human (more bio fail – birds need a lot of o2 and food for their size.) Their stats maxes are analogous to a baseline, except for having less endurance (wot), have the usual implants, can attack you with beak and claws, can fly, and are brainy and fast reacting, plus hard to hit; they have an abysmal HP pool, but are cheap as chips. NEO-HOMINIDS For all your Planet Of The Apes cosplayers out there – uplifted great apes of any kind; Just don’t call ‘em monkeys, on the off-risk that you’re near enough books to create a L-space gateway. Jokes aside, they have human level stats, grippy feet, the usual implants, brains, agility and endurance, plus one other trait of your choice. They are as cheap as chips. OCTOMORPHS The aforementioned outer space octopi. They can move in the air and breathe there, and are predictably excellent at getting through small spaces, and have color vision and enhanced brains and lifespan; besides their natural skin and usual implants, they have a statline similar to a Splicer, but of course with 8 arms, bite attacks (no venom), ink, gills, limber as hell, 360 vision, crackerjack swimmers and climbers and have boosts to coordination, brains and one aptitude of player choice. They cost at 66% price of a fury at chargen, and 75% of the minimum cost of one in game, plus the horrible, horrible memories of when That Person found those Japanese schoolgirl cosplayers. I will also mention there is a picture of what I think is a neotentic’s face and jesus is that look *creepy*.
PODS Manufactured borgs – grown biologically, and stitched together with metal and implants, Frankenstine style, with a computer brain. AIs can run them, and many folks don’t want them nearby; they’re slaves or illegal some places. They can’t breed, and have a lot of biological shortcuts to make making them work. Think something like a Gen-3 synth if you play Fallout 4. They work like a biomorph unless noted otherwise. [PLEASURE PODS](https://i.somethingawful.com/forumsystem/emoticons/emot-roboluv.gif) “*an entire slitheroid entering the genitals of a female pleasure pod, fully animated*” Your bogstandard, obligatory biocybernetic Real Doll, and oh my god is it a thing. “[They] have extra nerve clusters in their erogenous zones, fine motor control over certain muscle groups, enhanced pheromones, sanitized metabolisms, and *the genetics for purring.*” They can also change sex at will, for extra versatility with the explicity noted ability for both hermaphrodites and ‘intersex variations’, for all your chaser needs. Ugh. Anyway, statwise they have the basic implant lineup plus the Pod cyberbrain, enhanced pheromones for sexual attraction, “Mnemonic Augmentation”, whatever that means, a ‘Puppet sock’ (if I had to guess, it’s something that allows remote control) and of course sex switching. Statline is otherwise around Exalt, though somewhat more fragile. Lot of brains bonuses and the usual 1 boost of player choice they for some reason lack coordination tho. Folks can tell that you’re wearing a fuck machine, and they might not like it. They’re as cheap as chips. WORKER PODS Nearly human in appearance – they’re favored for customer facing menial work. They’re equivalent to an Exalt most, when you look at the statline – not surprising, as they use exalt genetics for their organic components - they have high endurance and one upgrade of player choice. Folks are practiced at finding pods, so the stand out. Implants delete the sex stuff, but are otherwise are the same as above, and cost the same. NOVACRAB GIANT ~~ENEMY~~ PC CRAB! It’s a giant HEV resistant [coconut crab](http://i.imgur.com/Jnc8YX4.jpg). Folks use them as police, workers and toughs. They have had hands added, and human level senses and speech. Statwise, the usual implants, plus gills, oxygen reserves, and temperate and vacuum resistance, Exalt trait baselines, less HP than a Fury, but innate armor, 10 legs, innate weapons, A big endurance bonus and two player chosen bonuses of the usual size. It costs nearly as much as a Fury. SYNTHMORPHS Robot bodies – they have a social stigma, but have huge bonuses – no bio problems, can turn off pain, can’t be tazed and have innate armor and environmental resistances, as well as having higher wound and death thresholds for the same amount of HP as a bio/pod. Apparently they’re considered rather imbalanced – the forums which talk about this shit regularly try and find ways to make them less so, with the usual suspects saying it’s how it should be. CASE Remember the Clanking Masses? This is probably the worst morph in the entire book – they’re absolutely badly made, smaller than a normal human and generally are garbage. They have equiv stat maxes to a Flat but are even more frail, have the usual set of enhancements on a syth – the same as a pod, but replace biological enhancements with input jacks, add a bit of armor, have a *penalty* to one stat of player choice, are explicitly described as lemons, mark you as a member of the Clanking masses, and are flat bottom dirt cheap – one 15th the cost of a Fury at chargen and very very little price in money.
SYNTH A Case that isn’t shit, used when menial labour is needed but precludes a pod. Exalt equivalent stats, except for being tougher, 50% more armor than a case, have a boost to endurance and one stat, cost as much as a Exalt and are both parts of the clanking masses and creepy as fuck. ARACHNOIDS Robot spiders; besides the usual, better vision, more limbs, radar and lidar, and something called pneumatic limbs. They can thrust around, walk or roll about on wheels. Stats and HP are equiv to a synth, with more coordination, 33% more armor than a synth, and bonus to coordination and endurance. They cost 50% more than an Exalt at chargen and are as pricy as a Fury. DRAGONFLY Think a drone version of the original Orca from Command and Conquer, and you have it. Baseline synth stats though with penalties to endurance and only 5/8ths of the toughness of a Synth and only 33% of the armor. They can fly and react quickly and are are hard to hit. They seem undercosted at 200% of a splicer at chargen and only being pricy. They also have no stigma. FLEXBOTS Masses of interlocking robots. Beyond the usual mods, they have fractal limbs, modular designs (duh), shapeshifting and can see ‘nanoscopic’ things. They can walk and hover, and have stats equivalent to a Dragonfly, with 100% more armor, individual bots being hard to hit, but have no innate boosts. They cost as much as a Dragon. REAPER Combat monsters – think a Cyberdisk from XCOM:EU or a flying death machine from the later editions of *Gamma World* and you have it – they are the synth combat splat, and show it. To quote their baseline “360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, AntiGlare, Basic Mesh Inserts, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Cyber Claws, Extra Limbs (4), Magnetic System, Mnemonic Augmentation, Pneumatic Limbs, Puppet Sock, Radar, Reflex Booster, Shape Adjusting, Structural Enhancement, T-Ray Emitter, Weapon Mount (Articulated, 4)”, and can walk hop, or fly, They have stats like a Exalt, are tougher than a Fury, 4 limbs, and bonuses to endurance, reflexes (really big boosts to reflexes), coordination – in other words, it’s an absolute brute, the nastiest thing combatantwise I’ve seen so far - with a price tag to match – 33% more than a Fury at chargen, and 25% more than a Fury ingame, plus the drawback that even on Anarchist habs, they’ll look askance at taking that thing aboard. SLITHEROIDS “*an entire slitheroid entering the genitals of a female pleasure pod, fully animated*” Now we meet the other half of this immortal romance – it’s a 2 meter frigging robo-snake, with arms – think an android analog of an [XCOM Viper](http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/xcom/images/3/3f/Viper@2x.png/revision/latest?cb=20160325214434), but less well endowed, unless you’re on a scum barge. They can move any way a snake can, as well as turning into a circle and rolling like a hula hoop – they keep the brains and senses in the head – (why the head? With electronics you could stuff it someplace more protected and have minimal lag) Anyway, mechanically they have the usual enhancements for a synth, with enhanced vision on top, slightly tougher, but otherwise equivalent stat range as a capital S Synth – they also have bonuses to co-ordination and endurance, plus the usual undetermined, and have half the armor of a Reaper – they cost 40% of one at chargen and are normally priced in game. SWARMANOID Robotic [Bees](https://media.giphy.com/media/dcubXtnbck0RG/giphy.gif) More specifically, tiny little robots that can bounce, walk or fly – the brain, stack, and sensors are spread through the swarm. It cannot handle normal tasks like a person, but is quite capable of handling electron interfacing. It’s got the usual baseline, plus of course, swarm comp – it has stat maximums at the level of an Exalt, with slightly lower durability. It says to refer to ‘Swarm composition’ at a later page for advantages and disadvantages – it will cost you 25% more than a dragonfly or arachnoid at chargen and is moderately expensive. INFOMORPHS There’s only one kind of these – it’s your basic soul.rom file with emulator that populate transhumanist wankfic – it’s only got one special ability, and it’s that it can rid with or instead of a muse. They refer you to full rules at a later point. Anyway, it’s got the same “Mnemonic Augmentation” that all the robot bodies have, with a Remade level stats maximum, obviously no real world form, but costs *zip*. Nada. Nothing. I can see why there’s complaint about them being imba. Anyway, onto the various character traits – it’s the usual system of good ones costing points, and bad ones giving. I’ll be skipping most of them, as they’re fairly generic; I’ll just be stopping to lol at the more interesting ones.
Positive Traits ADAPTABILITY They resleeve easily – they get a +10 mod for rolls related to this, or twice that for the second level version. There exists an opposite version, which comes in three levels COMMON SENSE This is entertainingly meta: “The character has an innate sense of judgment that cuts through other distractions and factors that might cloud a decision. Once per game session, the player may ask the gamemaster what choice they should make or what course of action they should take, and the gamemaster should give them solid advice based on what the character knows. Alternatively, if the character is about to make a disastrous decision, the gamemaster can use the character’s free hint and warn the player they are making a mistake” RIGHT AT HOME They have one morph type they never need roll anything related to getting into the thing Negative traits AGED Minor stat penalties, and -10 on physical actions – it’s notable that only flats and splicers can take it. BLACKLISTED Means no rep for one source -of course we’d be back here – and no one will help you on that network lest their own tank. GENETIC DEFECT Not generally interesting, except that it’s only available for normal humans for some bizarre reason. IDENTITY CRISIS Predictably, some folks would find changing between morphs a mite jarring and can’t shake their own personal image of themselves. VR VERTIGO This must be rather socially crippling – it’s noted it can even incapacitate a character if they overdo it. Skills were honestly fairly generic, and not terribly interesting, so skipped. NEXT: IT IS NOT A GOOD PAIN
They just HAD to add in pedophilic fantasies to the rest of it, didn't they? Neotenics, ugh. The giant not-necessarily-enemy crab was almost mind bleach to that, that said. Too funny. "COMMON SENSE This is entertainingly meta: “The character has an innate sense of judgment that cuts through other distractions and factors that might cloud a decision. Once per game session, the player may ask the gamemaster what choice they should make or what course of action they should take, and the gamemaster should give them solid advice based on what the character knows. Alternatively, if the character is about to make a disastrous decision, the gamemaster can use the character’s free hint and warn the player they are making a mistake”" "You roll Common Sense. Your realize this entire setting is Big Yud masturbating onto paper."

IT IS NOT A GOOD PAIN: At least it’s wizards, not vampires.

We’re back to the universe infodumps here – the reader apparently just finished being transmitted across the solar system, and are being greeted with a intro to psi pulled from a research’s infomorph copy.

It opens with the usual blerg about Psi (named by one Bertold P. Wiesner) as being something that was researched in the 20th century, no real breakthoughs, considered a pseudoscience, lost funding blah blah.

But that all changed when the TITANs attacked – nanotech bullshit weapons were amongst the many nasties that the TITANs farted out on the world – some had only minor effects on biology and minds, but many were vicious, often lethal – or worse. We return to that repeatingly mentioned, but frustratingly illusive creature, the Exsurgent Virus – a ‘transformative nanoplague’ that bends it’s victims to it’s will – among the things it bent to it’s desires was the neurology of it’s victims, bestowing an ability to sense and effect the workings of minds nearby.

Lacking any better term, they classed this effect Psi -it’s kept under wraps by the ruling powers in many habitats to avoid mass hysteria (and cats and dogs living together) – of course the Anarchists know more about, but even they are mystified. Exsurgent mutates a lot though, and folks studying the bastard thing made a fascinating discovery – one that transforms a person with these abilities, and other mental advantages, without turning them into a critter from Parasyte and otherwise staying human.

Firewall is experimenting with these, as are others; the former with volunteers, the latter with who knows who – no one really understands the underlying processes – Psi abilities are detectable with brain scanners – certain unique structures, that kind of thing, though you can’t seem to replicate them with a normal brain without the strain labeled Watts-Macleod - one of the more blatant references in the entire book , Macleod being a true-leftist SF author who takes the ravings of transhumanists entirely too seriously, including being one of those dumbshites who thinks the simulation hypothesis is in any way credible, and Watts being a biologist writer of several books who technophiles jerk themselves raw over, his most distinctive work being one that included sooper-sociopath non-self-aware vampires(yes, they call that) who end up taking over the world. It is very bad.

Anyway, to get back to the main course, these abilities are generally subconscious, but can be made to run in harness if you have the training – a trick they call ‘sleights’. 0.001% of the population have this, and most have either been recruited for research abducted or killed.

Firewall and others post fall consider them useful against the Exsurgent or other problems – despite the drawbacks of mental health problems, occasionally fatal problems with biofeedback and the fact that once inoculated with WL, other strains have it easier.

We now cut to a glorified IRC chatroom log, about two members of a firewall team discussing the new psi team mate – what they call a Async, referring to certain brainwaves. Apparently, there’s talk that like all forms of Exsurgent, WL has electronic vectors, or even a ‘basilisk hack’. The rewiring is something that can be passed on with an uploaded mind, as well – it’s not just bound to morphs. It’s also noted that the more biological a mind is, the more vulnerable it is – yet another way synths are imba. They also describe what the aftereffects of infection are, psychologically;

“Either they felt like a different person, or they felt like there was something new that was part of them—something that they didn’t necessarily like. One described it as presence, another as a black void that whispered at them. Yet another described it as giving a personality to their unconscious mind, which only made the gulf between unconscious and conscious mind all the more intimidating.”


Also, it’s casually dropped that not even the Prometheans understand this stuff – it’s genuine Clarketech. They also at least drop the transhumanoid arrogance for once – they realize that they’re up against something utterly fucked and that sometimes fear is the appropriate response. This is definitely a change in thematic tone – even with their ability to upload and fuck with the brain, they recognise it as something of a black box even then – although of course they undermine if their mention of exponential gain in knowledge. Beyond that, it’s basically a smaller paraphrase of the previous section.

Psi is generally something chosen in Chargen, but is also acknowledged as something that can be acquired in game. As said before requires biological minds to both use and effect, and async egos don’t take kindly to non-biological existences – no Psi infomorphs or synths, and pods with their mostly computerized minds have huge penalties to it – they also don’t take to resleeving well period, as they get even more flighty than normal – which really seems to fit with them being the mage analog here, can’t forget this started as Shadowrun.

It’s also noted, besides other penalties, they gain mental disorders with each level of the trait – there’s two levels, Chi and Gamma, one being self-enhancements, other being effects on other people and that if they critically glitch, they suffer literal seizures – it’s also noted that Psis are at a mutual disadvantage in defense and have trouble with aliens and animals (and presumably, alien animals).

As well, a critical succeed for a defender’s rules out any further attack on that target for some time; on the other hand, a critical success for the attacker, amid the usual benefits might pass on the WL virus! If you overdo those, you can strain yourself, even die, tho.

It then lists the Chi and Gamma slights in the base game; most of the former are fairly uninteresting, other than, say, enhanced creativity yielding ‘odd and creepy’ things. Gammas are more frightening, ranging from fucking with the connection between morph and ego, to brain analysis, killer pokes agains the hardware, to jedi mind tricks. They’re being a bit more successful at the horror here being from the text, rather than the authors, if you get what I mean.

NEXT: IT IS NOT A GOOD PAIN: An Electronic Orange.

I remember the original claim to why Eclipse Phase was even a thing was to take all the technocool in Shadowrun and run wild with it without the oh-so-silly-not-STEM-enough magic stuff. And here the magic stuff is anyway. Fuckers. :P
IT IS NOT A GOOD PAIN II: An Electronic Orange. We’ve been through line 2 and 3 of the intro, now it’s time to double back to one. Lawdy, the things I do for you people... Psychosurgery As they said before, *“Your Mind is Software, Program it.”* (never mind the screaming neurologists howling like the damned in the background). With the setting’s ubiquitous nano and biotech bullshite, they’ve made quite a few advances – all those morphs with brain mods I noted a while back - and of course the TITANs are no slouches at it either, with all their nanobullshite. There’s also computer viruses crawling the net to fuck with mindstates they find there, leaving you with even more reason never to turn off your adblock. In practice though, it’s not very understood – all this mind bullshit is ‘only’ decades old tech; they go through a whole rigamarole of things that while they can be understood on the whole, the details yet escape them causing alla kind of crazy crap to happen – broken memories being on of the many thing that can happen In other words, your mind may be software, but it’s Bethesda software! They go through the whole process of trying to tweak with it – compare copies with similar minds being the starting point; they then fall back to the dumb mind as compuer bullshite – they literally use the term ‘patch’ for chunks of digital neurology they try and append on (I’m reminded of Dale Carrico’s comment on what happens when programmers think they’re biologists), based on ‘healthy’ mind, they use stuff to try and make certain parts of the brain fire, they even spin off copies to experiment on, it’s all rather seemly electronic Mengelian – they also of course note that many times, this is done for torture or interrogation, or simply to handle a dissident. For all the blather, the on the tabletop mechanics are surprisingly simple – it’s just an opposed roll against one of the brain stats, with success for the surgeon making it permanent, mutual sucess making it impermanent, and if the player rolls higher, or the surgeon fails, he failed. They also note that both basic procedures, and fuckups with saidsame can derange a mind. They give a list of various actions, ranging from giving or removing a compulsion, such as giving an inhibition to overeating, or getting rid of sexual inhibitions (yes, they went here), to quick learning techniques, to memory changes to tasping – you remember that from Niven right? Jesus, that man was a libertarian cringelord. There’s also a fairly dumb underleaf about the Human Cognome project early in the chapter – basically the research project that made it possible to digitise a mind, and later collected a lot of the ‘patches’ used later – fairly predictably, there’s a note that the companies snapped of the remains after the fall and are possibly holding back some of the data; there’s also some prime lolz that ‘early transhumanist groups’ were funders and supporters – it’s top kek, when you see what those groups are IRL. It's about time it got back to the old EP flavor. NEXT: IT IS NOT A GOOD PAIN III: Burning simulated ants with a digital magnifying glass.
NEXT: IT IS NOT A GOOD PAIN III: Burning simulated ants with a digital magnifying glass. You remember the Lost they namedrop every once in a while, earlier? He we get a text dump finally explaining in detail what happened, in the form of a corporate report Cognite and a genomics company got together and collaborated, after some guy ran some feasibility studies for using older children and less time fuckery; they got arrogant due to the mass casualties and stagnant population growth after the fall, and thought going hardcore would be appreciated. The project began pretty much immediately afterwards, mostly with children they manufactured, with a smattering of orphans, resleeved into Futuras, and loaded into ‘simulspaces’ that were able to compress 18 years of mental growth into 3 years, with more than a 2 thousand staff and 45 purpose built AGI for the job – made possible by captured TITAN tech and techniques Predictably, given what corps would think is a good childhood, they went bunny-boiler at the 6 year (subjective) mark – bad behavior, and animal cruelty were common, though within a, ‘acceptable’ boundary – in response to the worsening situation, the Project Chief, one Dr. Pascal, authorized more… authoritarian childrearing methods to try and reign it in at the 9 year mark. Of course, the kids got better at hiding, and folks started dying – not an issue, folks were backed up often to a week, but it was worrying – it got bad enough that 43%+ had killed by then in a planned fashion. Of course, when folks tried to pull the plug, they were overridden, ending in a mass casualty event on one of their main stations when some of the enfants terrible got loose – although it might have just as likely been one of them trying to mercy kill their buddies, I suspect. People jumped ship, and let some of the kids loose – this was after a member had gone to the press and put pressure on them. That was when they realized they all had WL; probably got it from the TITAN shite; the remainder were cold-storaged, some went to the authorities, others went public and got some therapy, and some just ended up dead and stored, and no one knows what became of the rest. Oh joy. That was always going to end in tears. That was dumb even by EP standards. Also, there's a fucking panel of a girl with a sociopathic look on her face tumbling through zero gee with a blade, with mangled folks behind her. This is something out of a murderwaifu anime. Now, there remains a few question: What is a simulspace? Why do I read this? Why is this shit popular? I can’t answer the last two, but I can do the first! NEXT: Basiliskello.JPG


Welcome back to Room 101, everyone. Your seat, interrogator and rats will be along shortly, complements of the management. Our rodent of the day is the great, Awesome INTERNET OF EVERYTHING that technophiles, of every flavor, seem to gerflectuate before.

Look how hungry it is! Look at the lovely teeth, the spunk, the crawl! This baby will make it though 4 inches of human body in as many minutes, twice that if there’s no bones! Now, let me get that cage adjusted….

More seriously, the chapter opens with a fairly typical ‘computing power born of the internet lead to sooper intelligence that lead to rapture/apocalypse’ narrative, coupled with how the net was being replaced with the mesh, basically an array of net’s formed on every habitat from the local Internet Of Things.

And boy, is an internet of thing. Every fucking little thing has an RFID chip, at minimum, made by the nanocrud that spawned it, meaning that computation is ubiquitous, as has been said ad nauseam before. Even the goddamn food has the chips in it, and this is coupled with the fact that bandwidth and storage space ‘surpassing the entire 20th-century internet’ as their unused space, and similar goes for processing.


It’s a peer to peer utopia out there, with no format barriers due to AI being able to magic them away. There’s private space, but it’s built within the networks themselves using encryption. Skipping past all the repetition about every morph made these days having a mesh insert, and all the blah de blah about ectos and piracy, we come to again, the usual ubiquitous surveillance – or should I say, sousveillance, as apparently they use this ubiquitous watching to keep even authoritarian regimes honest. Honestly, in this day and age, that’s just cute.


Predictably, this is also an AR everywhere universe – the mesh implants fart this crap into your own sensory inputs, not just something you get from glasses – even your mind’s eye can have it – though safety regulations at least dictate you can tell it from the real world.

Folks even skin over reality with this – make your station seem like it’s raining, or shinging, or gouting piss, or make that brick of soy taste like anything but farts and dogshit. You can even edit it so that it killfiles everyone you don’t like, at least until they trip you up and spawn rapidly crouching soldiers in your vision. It has obvious implications for the censorious or moralistic.

Going up one super saiyan level, we have full on VR – ditch the recockulous oculus rift, and pipe it straight into your brain – you need dedicated hardware to make this run reliably for any kind of large user base, and you can do just about anything there, as expected – some infomorphs and AI live ther, and predictably, some folks just like to eat lotuses. You obviously want someplace safe to stow your body, so folks don’t decide to draw mustaches and monocles on your face with markers (you’d deserve it), with cushion if you thrash about during your 7th orgy or something. And of course they have another morph type here – simulmorphs, what you use to represent yourself there

Finally, we have Experience Playback. They’re BTLs; literally the BTLs from Shadowrun, except based off a recording of someone’s experiences – folks sometimes send their buddies experiences; the perfect lifelogger. Biological sources are preferred.

They go into detail over many of the most common uses of the mesh – god, what a dumb name:

Personal area nets:

Exactly what is says on the tin – it’s so, for example, folks don’t reconfigure your toaster to make dick-shaped burns on the toast, and so you can make all your toast the exact right color and with smily faces and no dicks.

Virtual Private Networks

So folks can discuss this privately, such as the backdoors they’ve found on toasters so they can make dick-shaped burns on them. Companies use them a lot; so do normal folks when they want to discuss things, like the epidemic of bedicked toast. Most run on canned software.

Social Networks

Where you post about getting dick-burned toast to all your facebook buddies, and get sympathy rep -yes, the R-word is back – and look at news and dank memes. It’s also got that Peeple thing going on, where you can leave rude reviews about the guy who mocked you about your dick-stigmata’d toast. Many people leave this to their Nanny AI.

Mobile Offices

E-commuting on steroids – some companies use it to extremes, such as a bank which uses their employees as one person offices that can go anywhere. Sometimes they use dilated time and holodecks to do things that require lots of work – this is generally only used by companies and governments who’d pay for the protection of their workers and have a central IRL server– although a company bedeviled by the dick-toaster epidemic amid their product might hire security.

Of course, this is space, and with light hours of distance, AR over long distances is impossible – Q-links only make it so fast, and are expensive. It’s easier to send a copy over, have the talk and then remerge with it. Eeesh, the way they cavalierly treat intelligence is ugh, especially with the hypocrisy of many anarchists.

There’s also darkcasts, which are illegal interhab transmissions – they even offer discrete egocasting, and they are very skilled at hiding them, with all the predictable means. Of course, as I already hinted, there’s a lot of ways to fuck with these things…

NEXT: LOooKkk AttT YoU, HAAckErrrrR…

"though safety regulations at least dictate you can tell it from the real world." Regulations? In my tech-singularity power fantasy? It's more likely than you think! I swear that deep down these assholes seem to realise "free markets" and ancappery aren't all that great after all. "Finally, we have Experience Playback. They’re BTLs; literally the BTLs from Shadowrun, except based off a recording of someone’s experiences – folks sometimes send their buddies experiences; the perfect lifelogger. Biological sources are preferred. " Ever see the sadistic softcore porno snuff movie from the 90s called "Strange Days"? Chances are the VHS tape was in these kids' attic.
To be fair, folks tripping up over your art or blunding into your groupsex would probably end up tanking the rep of the software writers/pirates there, if not provoke retaliation.
"MUH NAP!" I forgot, is that "NAP" shit actually bandied about as workable in this setting, or is that already implied with the laughably-inept reputation economy?
Some places yes, albiet the left-anarchist version more often. Bear in mind though, calibrate your stupid analyzer against r/anarchism, rather than the various libertarian reddits.
I swear this needs to be published somewhere, at least in a "look at this ambitious MST3K-style take on this awful product" way.
I'll make a tumblr some time, maybe harvest some tears.
LOooKkk AttT YoU, HAAckErrrrR… as I said there’s a lot of ways to fuck with others using the mesh, ranging from trolls, griefers and toast dickers to traders in illegal data, such as snuff XPs, pirate or other illegal warez, or even minds. Of course, malware and hacking is the most worrysome of the lot, realistically, as we all remember Stuxnet and can guess what that kind of thing would do to a habitat. Hackers, are well, hackers – the same kind of fuckery you see in any kind of cyberpunk universe. With all this ubiquitous computing, there’s a lot to play with, up to and including some folk’s bodies – it’s somehow worse than SR 4th ed. At least folks have the common sense to airgap the sensitive stuff. The malware ecosystem, with all that power to throw about is very much a monster – some is ante-fall stuffs that folks have been experimenting on, or has mutated on it’s own – Others were TITAN brainchildren, which were always difficult to stop and are still a pain even in the modern era. Besides the idiots monkeying with titan crap that they had copies of or building their own, folks bring it with them when they salvage or tinker with prefall garbage. Even with Firewall spreading the knowledge to halt that crap everywhere – and I mean everywhere – they still pop up, albeit in ways that are generally contained. Rumors say that TITAN virii are even more powerful and adaptive than what authorities claim, with a sick intelligence of their own – and there’s reason to believe that, given how WL may have started life as one; the bigwigs deny this, but cover their own ass secretly. [AI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wCk22ctWY8) is a direct continuum in both level and chronology from the limited minds used to augment human labour and run machines, to the more complex, but still limited muses, to human level AGI, to the [seed AI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wCk22ctWY8), who created this whole mess. AI is described as self aware, but focused and limited – they’re explicitly described as sapient, but barely so in many cases; they are also described as property in most societies. Cripes, I don’t know if they’re confusing sapient and sentient or being hypocritical about their society again. They have human stat levels and cannot default to trying to half-ass their way through. They also can’t use biological brains. Some folks suspect that some AI started life as uploads that got butchered into submission. Muses, being nannies, need to be more complex and have more personality than normal AI; they ride in folk’s netware and manage their affairs. It’s also notable than some folks consider them slaves and it’s considered a grave offence in many places to damage them – they’re even considred basically a second character for players. Basically the cultural equiv of a dog – now that is sad. AGI, as said before, are human level intellects – they’re raised like children in VR; they’re still not humans and act weird in a lot of ways. Considering their kindship to the [seed AI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wCk22ctWY8) who decided to turn earth into a playground, folks unsurprisingly distrust them – they seem to be based off human emulation, so much so that they can use biological brains to run on. [Seed AI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wCk22ctWY8) The acausual robot god, except not generally concerned with torturing those who didn’t make it – they just torture period if they’re TITANs. They can’t run on normal morphs; not enough horsepower. We’ve already covered what infomorphs do and are – be disenfranchised, stay virtual for fun, be indentured, ect. Other than the fact that there’s mechanics for obsoleting hacking gear and that hackers can fuck with minds in computer brains, and that only someone’s peripherals can’t run a mind, there’s honestly not that much of interest in the hacking mechanics section. NEXT: BLINDED BY THE FUTURE
I for one welcome SHODAN over all of this Big Yud fuckery. Her and her mag-ni-fi-cence.


You though we were done with the ego and morph bull?

Aahaha, no.

There’s still more that can be done with them, such as running off lobotomized copies of themselves, plus the wild and awesome world of the future – including that greatest of social innovations, the Reputation Economy!

Swig of rotgut straight from the bottle

I need this

As mentioned before, there are means to back up a human or otherwise mind - the most commonly relevant component of this tech you’ll meet in play (as if you would play it!) is the Cortical stack, a kind of armored USB stick, fed either by usual magic nanotech scanners or by just copying from a computer brain; if someone can retrieve your mind.rom, they can shove it in a new body – as they said so obnoxiously, death is a cured disease. There’s also a version with an integrated farcaster that costs a mint, but folks won’t need to retrieve it for you. You can also take it from somebody alive, though it usually kills them.

As they allude to before, the things are easily retrievable in the field, with a bit of skill; to get a mind from it, you need a proper tool, called an Ego bridge; you can either dump it into a new body or an infomorphs.

Generally, the creation of normal backups is done with said gadget – it’s a mix of brain scanner and nanobot dispenser for the same, generally taking 10 minutes for a bimorph, half that for a pod – stacks and bots are instant; if they’re leaving, they have the bots erase (!) after they’re done. They can arrange a gradual transmission normally, don’t want to disrupt the continuity of consciousness philowank.

It takes hours, and like a dentist’s appointment they just sit back and watch their AR or VR. Bleh, this Cartesian bullshite from so called naturalists is so utterly dumb. You can also do it with a corpse, though one only two hours old unless properly preserved.

They also have the equally dumb destructive upload around presumably for them to snark at, as it’s favored by biocons and they make (stupid) mockery of their talk about the soul.

They use the usual high-tech goo vat for downloading minds into bodies, and it takes 6 times as long (3, if pod) to install. Synths of course, are instant.

Of course, they need insurance to get you rebuilt; some folks will even sell your ego otherwise - they also have missing person clauses, so if you vanish they’ll just clone you. They recommend having multiple policies for the paranoid PCs, particularly as habs have a habit of occasionally blowing up.

Besides 404 errors, there are also problems with the file – brain damage, Farcasts or stacks gain penalties to certain rolls, which can be rather crippling if failed.


While your body may be a shell, cramming yourself into a new one is not necessarily pleasant – even folks moving into a familiar one have to test for alienation, continuity if they died or are a fork and integration; all have penalties that will nadger you if you critglitch.

There’s also a dumb little fiction snippet about how a bunch of anarchists had bad food, made noise and had a literal clusterfuck after someone’s resleeving. Blech.

NEXT: Forks in the outlet

This entire "this elaborate photograph of you IS you! You are cured of death!" thing seems to be defeating itself when it comes to extrapolating on it. Of course they need to make uploads cause death (or USUALLY cause death) because if they didn't, how could they say that Mr. Singularity Immortal is REALLY uploaded, and not just a meticulous copy? The rest reads like lots of shit from Eve Online. No surprise, the guys who made that were Randian wankers too. I swear future speculation wasn't entirely a capitalist prophecy list, some years back.
What really ground my gears is that different morph sex had only a minus 10 penalty - speaking from experience, that warrents a -30, easy.
You're asking clueless out of touch cishet college white dudes to understand other perspectives beyond merely getting off to "strangeness"?
Zing! Edit: Although that's slightly unfair - they try at times to be inclusive; it's just that (a) for all it's talk of freedom, transhumanism is an utterly noninclusive ideology and no matter how much anarchistic frippery you load on top, you can't get rid of that, and two, it's the whole 'writing-while-stroking-off-effect".
Forks In The Outlet If one’s mind is software, one asks, why doesn’t one just copy yourself and run them? Answer: Nothing but law, stigma and the fact that it might drive both parties nuts with psychology of it. They divide forks into 4 levels, each with a Greek letter and increasing level of stupidity compared with the original. Alphas are just straight copies, no badgering, using the usual means for getting an ego from a morph of that type; they always must make an alienation test on spawn, plus a continuity if spawn from a backup. Most places in the inner system make this illegal, and even most of the anarchists, true or otherwise at least give it the stinkeye. Betas are partial copies, hobbled using a process called ‘neural pruning’ for both legal and presumably technical reasons. They have many of the same skills, mostly ones relevant to doing whatever it was created for, though generally weakened, and their stats reflect that – they also always lose Psi. They’re generally the property of the creator. Deltas are AIs with personality traits on top; it’s more a chunk of human psyche mated to an AI. Very stupid. Gammas are what you get when copying fucks up – any kind of corrupted or damaged mind .rom falls into this category. They’re all bugshit nuts. All can be created either on the fly, or in a more controlled fashion if they want to have more specific traits and to be less of a basket case. You can use forks as muses – some folks even use their own alphas for that, but just older copies so they can’t threaten them, like that crime hivemind I mentioned. Seems a mite foolish to me; I wouldn’t want to pit myself against myself. You can also pour forks back into yourself, and that can be rather… traumatizing, if it goes badly wrong, rather like this book. It always succeeds in merging, but you might have a fuckered mind at the end if it’s pooched. EGO(TISTICAL)CASTING As has been said before, with their mindtech, they don’t use spacecraft for travel that much, if it’s commuting for more than a day. They transmit themselves; it’s lightspeed barriered and can take anything from minutes to hours. As this is a quantum entanglement tech, it can’t be disrupted. On arrival, this copy can be treated as any other. Most folks won’t fuck with it, technically. The corps don’t want the breach in etiquette, and anarchists flat don’t like the idea. Criminals and various extremists don’t have them scruples. The main risk that someone’s backdoored the system and stealing copies. There is of course the clandestine version as well. This section really gave me the willies; even with the sidebar on moral issues, they’re still far too cavalier with minds for my liking – although I lol’ed at how in some places leaving a beta running too long will violate anti-trust laws. Also, lol at how they compare it to drinking and drugs; creating minds and wiping them is a bit diffo, guise. NEXT: One Pleasure Pod for sale, Slightly used.
I suspect they only put limits in all of this mind-photocopying euphoria to begin with because even they admitted that any sort of game (let alone a game with any risk or suspense at all) would require limits or it'd just leap headfirst into its own navel like a Big Yud wet dream.
I'm not quite so sure of that; they do try for horror, and it could be played for that - they're incompetents, well meaning, but bunglers.
One Pleasure Pod for sale, Slightly used. As said before, bodies are a major commodity in this universe; they’re cheap as chips to make, as the ingredients are common, but time and labour reduce supply. Generally, players are renting bodies, but if they’re going one way or don’t like the old one, they can turn it in for cash. Morphs of specialized design are often hard to find tho; folks don’t make many furies, and aren’t likely to spate with one easy. This is represented by a penalty to the networking skill of the player, as well as some simply being unavailable in some places. There’s a number of ways listed to get a body, ranging from brokerages specifically for the job (disadvantage: Seller’s market and it’s hard to get them customized). There’s also patrons, who either provide them for the job or as payment (disadvantage: Can turn sour fast). Indenture; (do I even need to describe the problem with this?), public resleeving (disadvantage: Slow and mediocre bodies, need citizenship), rental(It’s rental) and penal resleeving – stealing the body of a prisoner; might bring trouble from those who recognize it, but also might have nice mods. Cobrastan is Not a Habitat Predictably, IDing anybody is a major nightmare here – fuck sake, many bodies are clones that are literally churned out by the hundred; it’s a real ‘license plate but no driver ID’ sit for coppers. Inner system egos have a serial attached that are used to verify who they say they are – the inner system polities have laws that require these to be verified on sleeving, and then written to the index finger or analog of the sleeve – credit data, criminal record, the works. The trouble is, no-one shares their bloody ID records out of their polity – assuming they have them - the fucking anarchists have pooched things over again for everyone. Besides reading the tat or ID code, which can be falsified, there’s biometrics based on the character’s brain scans, which stay the same from morph to morph, but can also be one of the ways Watts-Macleod can fuck you over. Skipping the list of space station designs that would be familiar to anyone who’s ever thought of writing SF, we get to customs. As can be expected, everyone searches anything arriving – even anarchists worry about what the corps are doing. Predictably, many habitats allow personal weapons that won’t hole the station; many don’t though, and less-lethals are generally legal most places; drugs, nanotech and covert operations tools and similar are also generally controlled. They might tail folks they want watched with drones, or even demand a fork at the door for interrogation, as well as asking a fee for use of local resources where such are strained. They note sneaking in by airlock is possible, but very hard, as they’re both alarmed and guarded by robots. If you’re the sort that travels electronically, you can have the usual interview done in simulation, or for the more aggressive, you can be interrogated via psychosurgery; it can be hard to dodge this, as they can just zip you and stick you away until you consent. There is an expensive ways to dodge this – you just have someone nearby sleeve you and you come in with the IRL folks and hope that customs don’t bug you, and of course there’s the darkcasters – some companies and polities even run their own. There’s a section about space travel, and rules for nanofabrication that are fairly skippable; there’s a few standouts, such as that space combat is best used as a story effect by the GM, which leads to… The Reputation Economy! Yes, you have been waiting for this! And you thought things were getting vaguely tolerable again! NEXT: Keeping up with the Kardashevs
For some reason the "reputation economy" is probably going to creep me out more than the mind-photocopying wankery. Sesame of the future, here we goooooooooo.
Keeping up with the Kardashevs ““Once upon a time, there was a planet so incredibly primitive inhabitants still used money. That planet is called ‘Mars.’” —Professor Magnus Ming, Titan Autonomous University” It was inevitable that we’d be returning to their pet idea. Now that everyone’s immortal barring either convoluted accidents or a lot of work and the outer system collectives have mining bots, hydroponics enough manufacturing to make anything needed and AI to do design work; Money is for normies who don’t have robots to take care of you and who aren’t near Kardashev 1. Money is almost as embarrassing as farting during a speech! However, Lunch is free, but menu’s aint. What if you want to get rid of that embarrassing tattoo that the last owner of your morph left on you thigh? What if you have that fantasy with whips, chains and a Novacrab and Swarmanoid you just need to fulfill? What if you need someone to get rid of that rogue beta fork who let off hallucinogens at your art unveiling and ‘kidnapped’ your boyfriend? You go on your grapevine and ask someone, that’s what! It’s basically asking your buddies on either facebook or IRL those watching youtube to help with something, or they’ll ask their buddies. You need to find exactly who you want to talk to amid your buddies tho – and that requires a skill check against the appropriate background of network; they even say for more esoteric things than the normal groups, you can create fields; Slash Fiction is explicitly noted as a possibility. Disreputable Reputation, as a number in the game is a mixture of what a group thinks of you as an aggregate and literal Peeple style apps – there’s a literal screenshot of one of those running on VR, with everything from a literal fame rating to public records, a *map relationships* option and of course a track option and upvote and downvote. In game, rep tests are called Favors – every level of rep exceeding the base for a networking test gives a bonus, and the inverse is also true. In practice, Rep levels are divided into 5 bands for this purpose, as is favor. Favors for a certain level are limited, and you can use up your good will by using them too fast. You can also burn rep to either increase your bonus to networking- one point of it for each point of bonus - or to do more in a certain time – this represents calling in everything they had; it goes down because folks flag you as being needy; keeping it quiet penalizes your networking rolls, as could be expected. You can use it for getting or getting rid of things – maybe even make money or rep at it, get data, or get a service. Of course, this is linked to identity, so folks tend to build up multiple reps in this line of work – you can also steal someone’s Peeple account to get folks to do stuff for them too, so long as you’re not caught. Honestly, you could do something interesting with mechanics like this for social networking in a game, but building an economy on this? It would be like reddit or a bad schoolyard, as said before – and of course, it;’s linked into the whole ‘future-tech-makes-anarcho-socialism-viable”, never mind how we can manage socialism now problem I have. Honestly, I feel let down a bit. The rest of the opening text is pretty euphoric though, that's something: "The conflict between market capitalism and other forms of eco nomics is one of transhumanity’s last great culture wars, and it’ still being fought. Transhumanity’s expansion into the solar system created myriad opportunities to experiment with new economic systems. Many failed, but the reputation economies of the outer system have proven both utilitarian and robust in a way that no previous challenger to market capitalism has managed. The reputation economy, sometimes called the gift economy o open economy, is one in which the material plenty created by nanofabrication and the longevity granted by uploading and backup have removed considerations of supply versus scarcity from the economic equation—destroying classical economics in the process. The regimented societies of the inner system and the Jovian Junta have used societal controls and careful regulation of the technologies of abundance on their populations, thus keeping to a transitional economy system that is largely an outgrowth of classical economics. No one could get away with doing this in the outer system. In the Trojans and Greeks, much of the belt, free Jupiter, and anywhere outward from Saturn, the reputation economy rules." NEXT: AND STAY OUT!
"Many failed, but the reputation economies of the outer system have proven both utilitarian and robust in a way that no previous challenger to market capitalism has managed." Reddit upvotes and Sesame have prevailed!
Indeed - it was dumb with Macleod, it's dumb here.
They keep pushing the idea, in real life and in fantasy and all in-betweens. Why? It can't even keep a single stupid website behaving, let alone a civilization.
AND STAY OUT! Given your anticipated line of work, you are going and taking things places folks will not want them to go - and the things moved are of rather greater importance, as most stuff is cheap ass chip to replace with how much nanotech is around; it’s stuff that’s rare like prefall items that get the old style protection. The methods used are far more surveillance based – when you’ve got loads of near/actual human level minds looking for work everywhere, it’s cheap, especially with how powerful breaching equipment has grown – there’s methods to defeat them, but they’re a real production to build and set up. Sapient guardians are also common, as cheap security morphs are easy to use with the loads of minds to run them. Once we get past the fences and suchlike, we get one amusing intrusion of reality upon the nanotech wank – the bug zapper. Turns out the tiny electronics for such systems are proportionally more venerable to electromagnetic effects than our large scale systems. Then we have the electronic lock – fairly generic affair, although there are nanotech lockpicks that can defeat it if their own nanotech doesn’t die first. A shadowrunner wouldn’t be too confused by what they saw here – it’s the differing formats, rather than tech that would make her say ‘Drek to this’ and call over the technomancer to see if a few sprites could get it open. We have lockbots, which are basically a computer system dedicated to seeing if the user/key looks correct, and even defend it’s door, sometimes even destroying what’s inside. The Portal denial system is also something that might be fairly familiar – it’s a vaguely exotic electrical trap, using laser created plasma channels in place of wires in a Taser system. I could see them figuring it out quickly, although they might mistake it for some kind of magical defense first, depending on how well hidden it is. The aforementioned production is something that might give them a real bother – self-healing walls, nanobullshite and otherwise. Anything not above a certain level of damage is repaired, though if you hurt enough it will stop. There’s also walls that are doused with a near-perfect lube on planets or other gravwells, as well as faraday cage paint. There’s also a nanotech version of the classic dye on the money trick – nanospewing gadgets that will cover anything that goes through in transmitters. Funny thing is, I could see something very much like this but RFID and dumb, realistic nano happening IRL soon. Their security sensoria are fairly familiar too – chemical detectors to smell metabolites, electromagnetic sensors that sense robots and people, heartbeat sensors that can do the obvious, and vibration sensors – again, the obvious. Weapon and wireless detectors are fairly self-explanatory, and are again something that shadowrunners will have faced somewhat less sophisticated versions of before, as are the goons they’d send; the only real joker in the deck, besides the more advanced armor and weapons tech is the nanoswarms they’d fart out. Fucky thing is, if you dropped a Ghost or Fury sleeved transhuman on to the streets of Seattle, they’d probably not stick out too too much from other shadowrunners in looks or abilities, just a biowared up street sammie – maybe a bit obnoxiously anarchistic in the case of Autonomists, but nothing terribly worrying. Hell, a Novacrab could be passed off as some kind of Awakened crustacean if they hid the obvious cybernetics. I wouldn’t like to be the mage who read their auras, tho. I can already hear the comments about cyberpsychosis if they heard about Exhumans or Ultimates. Next: Tools, By Tools, For Tools.
I wonder what could be in these magic futuretech lockboxes that would be of enough value for magic futuretech to destroy the concents of, if magic futuretech economies are Reddit-Karma driven. Do second-story nanomen crack open wall-safes to loot le glorious upvotes?!
Among other things - if you looted a PC facility, you could get mad rep from the autonomists if you showed them what was inside; it could also be TITAN tech, and you've got good reasons to keep that locked away.
So it COULD be a box of Reddit upvotes!
More that you'd get loads of upvotes for showing folks what's inside or just stealing it.
Fair enough. That isn't far off from "paydata" in Shadowrun.
Plus, you can get money for it as well, in the places that still use it. Although depending on the data you're stealing or fucking with, it could easily be either fucking with the software to give you upvotes or getting yourself time on an upvote botnet or something, depending who you've attacked.
So even in setting, "reputation economy" is easily gamed. They know it's garbage.
Eeehhh, only in the same way that electronic banking is today or in shadowrun - that kind of thing would be regarded in pretty much the same light. There's enough reasons to shit on this without magnifying them.
Fair enough.

Tools, By Tools, For Tools.

As you may have guessed, these folks are technofetishists (you’d have never guessed, right?); as to be expected, they have a sizable section of the book. We’ll be skipping the section about acquisition and other such things, and cutting straight to design.

As the function is similar, so is form – soda is a bottle full of colored liquid, a knife is a sharp thing on a handle, ect. Predictably, materials, mindset and method are quite different. Most things are bespoke manufactured to a degree – if you’re churning it out on demand from miniature factories and nanotech bullshite – and of course in the anarchist/rep economy based areas, they tend to frippery it up – they really like stuff made by hand.

All this stuff is made in applesque style, but with more organic curves – they tend to look like rocks or ovoids, very little modern utilitarian design – the phrase blobject is dropped. Much of it is probably more comfortable to use than modern stuff but still, give me something that actually looks like it works for a fucking living!

They use all the classic supermaterials that techies get into transports over – they namedrop graphene, geh! – and are light, durable, easy if not self-cleaning and designed to be easily stored in zero gee; there are versions for non-human bodies with most techs, and if not the SMART MATERIALS can help – nanotech impregnated devices that can shift shape on electronic command, with some frankly dumb metamorphisms –“smart clothing can transform from a suit of specialized cold weather clothing suitable for the Martian poles in winter to a fashionable suit” is one example given, with art depicting it.

There’s also a upperbar with the various hard-sf materials they use – fairly generic fair, though with less magic carbon than is the current fashion.

Why they of course have brain controller errything, at least they have physical controls for actual life or death items; most things probable come with a set of tutorials that are as probably useless as they are today – they also have bits of that whole internet of things so you can ask where you left that avocado pitter or whatever.

Power, given the advent of Superconductor torii and cheap nuclear cells is explicitly described as something that is generally only used by the DM for drama or if you critglitch a roll.

Next: This is Some Mickey-Mouse Chrome, Chummer.

"they really like stuff made by hand." As goes late-stage-capitalism, so goes future-techwank-singularityism: gentrify this corner, leave the rest in toxic ruins, then get really excited over "artisinal bread" and shit like that. "“smart clothing can transform from a suit of specialized cold weather clothing suitable for the Martian poles in winter to a fashionable suit”" It's clear these guys weren't Humanities majors. Any prereq courses that involved creative writing probably got pity-inspired passing grades. Mickey-Mouse chrome is next, chummer? But isn't all of that already Mickey Mouse chrome?! :(
This is Some Mickey-Mouse Chrome, Chummer. As they’ve said ad nauseam before, everyone except the EVIL BIOCON NORMIES has at least some chrome, Omae. Or bio or nano or whatever. They also note that bonuses from augs are cumulative unless stated otherwise. We’ll start with the standard set issued to most morphs BASIC BIOMODS They may be common, but they ain’t basic by any means! It’s a mix of symbiotic bacteria, endogenous viri and genetic tweaks that speed healing – 200% normal speed, gradually regrows limbs, is highly disease resistant – from viruses to many cancers and don’t age, is zero gee resistant, needs little sleep and does not ”suffer from biological problems like depression, shock reactions after being injured, or allergies.” Many habitats don’t want folks without these mods aboard, for reasons of public health. Talk about combing the twin transhumanist attractors, wish fulfillment and eugenics. Besides the fact that a Mesh insert includes medical monitors, there’s nothing else here that we already don’t know. NON-BASIC BIOWARE As said before, it’s either grown with the morph, or implanted/nanobullshitted into place ENHANCED SENSES Most of this is fairly generic, though there is one howler “Enhanced Vision: The morph’s eyes have tetrachromatic vision capable of exceptional color differentiation. These eyes can also see the electromagnetic spectrum from *terahertz wave frequencies to gamma rays* *[BIOLOGY CAN’T DO THAT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oGo3H6j7_Q), YOU DREKHEADS! WE CAN BARELY DO THAT TODAY!”* There’s also a huge block of text in the next section stating how to use it in game. MENTAL AUGS More like Mental augggghs, amirite? Most are again, fairly boring, but there’s a few standouts: Hyper Linguist – retains the linguistic flexibility of a small child – someone else here is certainly retaining the mental traits of one, and they ain’t sleeved in Neotenics. Multiple Personalities – Cartoon DID as a character power – actually, it’s just a brain that can hold more than one ego. Still, it’s really reminiscent of the omnipresent ablism that characterizes transhumanist ‘thought’. It reminds me of that character with induced cartoon DID in Blindsight – fuck, that would have been one of the worst parts if it wasn’t for the vampires. There’s rules for fights between the two minds. PHYSICAL AUGMENTATIONS Again, most are skipped, but the ones of interest are mocked. Adrenal boost: your adrenals are on a hair trigger. Can’t be very useful for social situations Bioweave armor : I was wondering when spider’s silk would put in an appearance! It’s armor points, coming in two levels, both cumulative with armor. One allows normal function, the other fucks your tactile senses. Carapace armor: basically bug shells or super scales. You sacrifice hair in the process. *Doesn’t have a cumulative with armor* Claws: For all your catgirl needs! Good as a cats’, but small and weak enough that you can have them most places and most folk consider them tools. Drug Glands: Anything you want at will, good for all kind of things, from just getting high to suicide pills. Eelware: “[Looks like this little fish just had his cherry popped!](https://youtu.be/7zIfEPWJaSw?t=3m36s)!” You can also power things with it. I would imagine Extropian stations gone Rapture are a Tuesday for sentinels – they probably even used the exact term I used for it. Emotional Dampers: For Spock fanboys who miss the point. The former, besides it’s emotional damping effect, helps immensely with lie detectors, though it will also screw with your social skills when it’s on. Endocrine Control: Tinned Zen Master – also good for lying, although not as good as the above. Neurachem: For what it messes with, it does very little – mucking with neurotransmitters, and all it does is make you faster. That can’t be healthy. Poison Gland: The Bletcher’s Gland! Also does claws/fingernails Prehensile Feet/Tail – you can use the former under normal G, but you need special shoes Sex Switch: ‘A complex suite of alterations allows the character to switch their physical sex to male, female, hermaphrodite, or neuter. This change is mentally triggered but takes approximately 1 week to complete.’ I know a few genderqueer folks or Left Hand Of Darkness cosplayers who could get good mileage out of this. How the fuck does it work that fast, tho? I wish E would work that fast IRL. Skin Pocket: Exactly what it says on the tin Toxin Filters: Only notable in that some folks gain a taste for some toxins, like normals like capsaicin or something. ~~CYBERWARE~~ CHROME Again, mostly boring. I’m skipping the senses one other than to note that gamma ray vision should have been here. Access Jacks: If you know the ones for Shadowrun, you know these. You can use them for robo-telepathy. Dead Switch: Togglable suicide pill for stacks – useful if you don’t want to be taken alive, like by TITANS. Emergency Farcaster: It lets you constantly save copies of your mind – we also saw the other mode in the intro text. Many folks don’t want that antimatter aboard their station though. Ghostrider Module: Another ego can ride in it. Mnemonic Augmentation: Lets you record your sensory output like a BTL and play it back at will. Multi-Tasking: Basically a short-term GR module that lets you carry out data based multitasks at will. Cyberclaws: For all you wolverine cosplayers Cyberlimb(+): only notable in that most places folks consider them vulgar (not needed any more), but the anarchists and scum like them. You can also add extra limbs with them Hand Laser: I CAN LITERALLY SHOOT PEOPLE WITH GUN HANDS! Mostly good as a backup or surprise tho Reflex Boosters: Like in Shadowrun, but instead of the creepy alla time seizures, they just add superconductor to some nerves. TINY LITTLE BUGS, CRAWLING IIIINNN MY SKIN! All enhancement nanotech is based in grape sized hives, and anything - bot, pod, bio – can have one Implanted Nanotoxins: Like poison glands, but with nanomachines Medichines: Bog standard healing robots; they can’t handle nanotech threats, and will put you in stasis if you overload them. Synths can have them for self-repair. Mental Speed: Bullet time – noted to be incompatible with any of the other speed increasers. This one gives you more complex actions in a combat turn. Nanophages: something to keep the nanobullshit out. Can be told to stand down if you want those effects. Respirocytes: it wouldn’t be Ep without yet another namedrop! Skinflex: As the name implies, it’s really good for disguises. Skinlink: Lets you talk to things over a wired connection by touching. Cosmetic mods run over the usual vast array, and they’re so generic that they don’t warrant much comment THIS ONE’S GOT A BAD MOTIVATOR Mostly generic robot stuffs – to be fair, what a robot can be build to do is fairly well explored in SF, so it’s not their lack of creativity that’s at fault. There’s one or two standouts Nanoscopic Vision: Microscope eyes! With fractal digits, you have even handle those things Shape Adjusting: more applications of magic nano material. Swarm Composition: beyond what’s already been said, you need to actually buy new units to repair it – and of course they refer you on further to yet another set of rules. Modular Design: so you can mimic those old Transformers [Synthetic Mask](https://youtu.be/2_q5-MFu9QU?t=37s): Let’s a synth look alive, cry, bleed, spit, fuck ~~and go back in time~~. Next: Where do you get all those wonderful toys?
"Many habitats don’t want folks without these mods aboard, for reasons of public health." I take it there's some nano-magic solution to homeless people that can't afford all this shiny bioware? Presumably auto-recycling grey goo? About the magic all-spectrum vision: it's annoying enough describing D&D dungeons if someone in the party has darkvision (or "infravision" in earlier editions). Just imagine describing tech-wankery to tech-wankers with tech-wank augs. "Emotional Dampers: For Spock fanboys who miss the point. The former, besides it’s emotional damping effect, helps immensely with lie detectors, though it will also screw with your social skills when it’s on." I give them credit for them admitting being unemotional gentlesirs of pure logic isn't as Dark Triad irresistible as so many Redditeurs believe. "Sex Switch: ‘A complex suite of alterations allows the character to switch their physical sex to male, female, hermaphrodite, or neuter. This change is mentally triggered but takes approximately 1 week to complete.’ I know a few genderqueer folks or Left Hand Of Darkness cosplayers who could get good mileage out of this. How the fuck does it work that fast, tho? I wish E would work that fast IRL." I think this particular magictech conceit was put in place as a surefire way of drawing the attention of people that would otherwise be horrified by the setting but want that gender-swapping power with maximum speed and efficiency. Basically a shout-out to the alt-right's loudest Google cheerleader, Justine Tunney. All it took was paid-for surgery to turn her from Occupy organizer to corporate fascist.
>I think this particular magictech conceit was put in place as a surefire way of drawing the attention of people that would otherwise be horrified by the setting but want that gender-swapping power with maximum speed and efficiency. While I've seen folks say they'd work for the PC if they got that, I suspect it's just the usual background of magic sex changes that transhumanists have - they're well meaning, but like most transhumanoids they know dick about trans affairs beyond what it takes to claim us as obvious allies - it's that kind of effect you're describing, yes, but it's secondhand, as it were. This is one of the defining traits of EP - it's what happens when a bunch of liberal nerds with anarchistic pretensions sees this kind of futurism that capitalism spews habitually, and both accepts it and tries to make an earnest, future-predicting story from it - Ursula K La Guin had a good rant about that in the 1978 edition of *The Left Hand Of Darkness* - that's another part of why EP gargles donkey genitalia - unlike the older FASA product lines, which were building a fun universe, but not actually predicting things - although Firewing waking up and laying waste to Germany would be a welcome change from the current shitshow, if only because a fiery dragon is a far better apocalypse than Trump; though, given my luck, I'd end up a troll on top of being trans.
Being out of touch is an essential trait of being a liberal techbro. They believe they know what's best for everyone, and not only that, that they know better than YOU do what you want.
>I take it there's some nano-magic solution to homeless people that can't afford all this shiny bioware? Presumably auto-recycling grey goo? Depends; most of the homeless are robo-hobos or live in the computers, after all. You might see that kind of thing in a place run by Exhumans or Ultimates, not that there's much difference between the two. Good chance that kind of person would just be left alone to rot, but have trouble immigrating without resleeving.
Where do you get all those wonderful toys? While there’s plenty of love for their chrome, they don’t slouch in providing other shovels for this sandbox. LUCKILY MY ARMOR WILL PROTECT ME! They use biotech and nanotech to build their armor – spider silk derived stuff, the same thing used in morph dermal armor – and various fullerenes, sometimes backed up with various glass derivatives, and shock-hardening liquid. I can’t really find anything to diss here because we’re probable going to be using such things fairly soon anyway. Most of them are fairly sensible sorts of thing for the kind of threat milieu they’re in - hidden armor, heavy armor doubles as an environment suit, armored bodysuit for extra protection – there isn’t that many ways you can transhuman up good old armor. This doesn’t mean that they don’t exist, tho. Smart Skin – of course, they’d have a nanobull version. It’s basically mercury looking goo that spreads across you – I personally wouldn’t use this while fucking with TITAN stuff – it might freak out your buddies and make them think the TITANs are eating you, besides being subvertable so that actually happens. It can be used with other armors. Spray Armor: - It’s basically that stuff which Officio Assassinorum agents wear in 40k, at least in the older editions. Not terribly notable, except that it also is popular with nightlife and socialite scenes – to be fair, it would make serviceable fetish wear. It comes off with a nanotech spray – hopefully, it’s realistic nanotech that just is tiny bits of stuff. PIMP MY SUIT This, on the other hand, is a real return to form. You’ve got the less bull stuff, like what basically amount to slap on ablative trauma plates, Future!Nomex, waterproofing to stop fluid attacks , electrification to make that handsy uplifted octopus keep his tentacles off your bioscupted ass or grounding to stop Tasers. Then you get the other stuff: Immunogenic System: nanotech to stop stuff in dermal packages or other contact stuff from affecting you Reactive Coating: EXPLODING NANOBOTS! Besides adding +5 armor points, it nerfs burst/autofire attacks down to one shot and seriously hurts anything that hits it, in exchange for one point guaranteed damage – 5 uses, regenerates one an hour. I wouldn’t want to stand near that person, in case it somehow all got set off. CAN YOU HEAR ME? Of course, you can have all the sexy toys in the world, but they don’t mean dick if you’re sitting with your 3rd thumb up your ass. Most of this section is fairly skippable, but QEC is a thing, as is a sidebar about listening in. QEC is your bogstandard magic quantum entanglement – it would be excusable except for the fact that I attended a lecture that basically said that it’s bogus – info won’t go faster than light. So… [HAR HAR HAR HAR!](https://youtu.be/Mbu2DXgL6tc?t=5m48s) (You know, given the caginess of the Factors, I could totally see them being the Umgah trolling the shit out of transhumanity) Anyway, it runs on expendable quantum bits – the reservoir of such being the bigger part of the whole system – you could implant it, but it would be a pain to refill. The other way it’s notable is that it is really low bandwith by their standards – you can’t egocast on it - it is comparable with a terrible modern internet allocation, even with their higher video standards. Also, spy bugs are reduced back to being something you have to retrieve to avoid being detected, unless you spring for a QEC. I found that vaguely amusing I SEE YOU, YOU CAN’T SEE ME! As a farcasting Firewall sentinel, you obviously need gear for your various acts of skulduggery across the solar system – of course, you can talk to them by radio, just perfect for some idiot machine to squawk and fuck up. I’ll be focusing on the interesting ones – read, dumb or funny. Chameleon Cloak: Basically an invisibility cloak only made of magic future bullshit instead of magic sloth hair, on microwave to ultra-violet spectra – if you move too fast you only get a +30 bonus instead of near indetectability – X-ray or gamma rays trump it, as do staying more than an hour beneath, as heat buildup exceeds ability to hold it. Covert Operations Tool: a do anything box -multitools, cutters and piece de resistance, a nanobull eat everything-a-tron that can also seal the hole afterward, undetectably. Find a mechanical lock? It will shit out a lockpick. Electronic? Nanohack it right through, tho it will set off alarms. Cripes, why don’t you find a suit with question mark lapels and sleeve into something with two hearts, why don’t you? Cuffband: Smart plastic limbcuffs, for enemies or friends~ in furies. They’ll warn you if someone gets them off. Many also have tasers for unruly prisoners. Dazzler: Boucing ball that dazzles cameras. Eat it, Synthmorphs! Biology is superior! Works on everything from ultraviolet to infrared. Disabler: Restraining bolt for anything with a cyberbrain and an input port, so you can get that Viper cosplayer off you. Invisibility Cloak: Better than a chameleon, but you can’t look through it, except with a bit of stuff that nullifies it, or with external senor stuff. Still trumped by the same frequencies. Prisoner Mask: Basically a futuristic bag over their head, but with a faraday cage and will stop most light frequencies. Psi Jammer: Does exactly what it says on the tin for twenty meters – fuck you, asyncs! Only good against ranged effects. Smart Dust: Tiny little nanotech bugs. They somehow manage to have cameras, sniffers, radio and audi pickup on all of them. It can get detailed data on everything in the room, including the genomes of any shed cells. They can report back either by radio, or by dead drop. You can also find one of the bots and interrogate it with nanodetectors. NEXT: I CAN TASTE ULTRAVIOLET
Too many Metal Gear Solid games in someone's childhood will lead to "nanomachines, son" being a valid excuse for magic. EP is totally without magic! Except it has lots of magic.
The "Khan Fusion" Umgah joke had me on the floor when I first heard it :)
The fucky things is, if an Umgah came aboard a Scum barge, it would be either thrown overboard within the first ten hours, or become a pillar of the local community. Quite aside from the bioengineering skills, their senses of humor likely mesh quite well. I pity the Firewall team sent to investigate this newcomer - they are likely to become the perfect butt of it's jokes. (I really need to get all the clips of Umgah laughing and put them together. It would make a perfect forum weapon).
I think they'd rule the barge. They'd declare the Scum to be great Umgah friends. But then get bored, and make minor adjustment. And make them great Umgah ENEMY! *cheers*
Probably end in a barge on barge fight after some particularly showy prank, which would turn into a monster mash of every polity in Sol, ending in Firewall trying to unfuck the mess, while the TITANs ponder their stolen memories and have their nanomachines make gigatons of popcorn and bio-mouths to eat it to feed the strange urges they are feeling.
That reminds me of how much better Star Control 2 was than Techbro Techwank We-Cliff's-Notes'd-Call-Of-Cthulu-Once shitty RPGs. :P
I CAN TASTE ULTRAVIOLET This being transhumanists, of course there’s drugs – fuck’s sake, the EP forums have a hedonist flair; and there’s quite a number here too. While of course future medicine has eliminated many of the side effects of durgs they still happen, along with addiction both physical and mental. They divide them into 4 categories, Chemicals, biologicals, electronics and of course, a nanobull form. The nature of determines who gets what: Chemicals and biologicals can only affect bios and pods. Electronic drugs can affect anyone with the right implants, as can nanodrugs in theory. They also list application methods – the only bit that stands out is that they missed suppositories and pessaries. There’s also a onset time before it starts. Addiction rules are split into Morph and Ego, as could be expected. Someone moving on will bring their mental addiction with them, along with cravings. Anyone getting the morph gets the addition with it – the character's morph in the starting fiction had a thing for coffin nails. There’s also software drugs – Narcoalgorythms, they had to have a dumb name – for those who are electronic and need a fix. BRAIN FOOD Annnd now we return to that classic transhumanist fixation, nootropics. Christ, is there no idea too moldy for them? DRIVE: +5 to cognative stuffs. No interesting side effects, although there’s some real lulz about the whole left and right brain thing. KLAR: Makes you more intuitive – makes you feel ‘elevated’ – and no, that’s not a term for a high. NEEM: It’s good for remembering things – anything you remember when you ate it is easier to recall while taking it again. The drawback is that it fucks emotional context to those memories. That honestly sounds horrible as fuck. It comes in chews, with fruit flavoring and shapes like extinct Terran animals. Looovely. IMMA FIGHT YOU BringIt: This is rather good – instead of doing anything to improve your combat ability, it just makes you smell enraging -it’s literally making you smell like someone saying ‘Come At Me, Bro!’ It might spill over on to folks near you though. Obviously, it also makes you obnoxious to be around, so social tests are a pain. Spray some in the face of some one you don’t like and watch the fun and games begin! Totally stealing that one for Shadowrun. Grin: -and bear it. Opiod compound of some kind – kills the pain, but causes tunnel vision. Inhale or Inject only. Kick: Makes you faster to move and respond, but also twitchy. You need to be careful, otherwise you’ll test for responding without thinking. Also kills your coordination over time. Same delivery as above. MRDR: Real creative. Hardcore combat drug - makes you able to go fast, go hard and take it. Makes you bloodshot eyed, edgy and tense. Also kills your endurance after a while if you take it too much. There’s an image of someone on this, likely in zero-gee taking a swing at a dreadlocked female morph with a knife from below. I think she might have appeared in a bit of art in the security section too. Phlo: Makes you co-ordinated, perceptive and very arrogant. The last is a real drawback, as you can goad folks into doing dumb things – a -10 on social tests. HEALTH FOOD Nutraceuticals for the future – god I hate that word. Bananas Furiosas – Radaway, but bananas. Generally, just orange bananas, but comes in a pill form for the allergic, aversive or otherwise driven… well, bananas, by the other method. Comfurt: AUuugghgghggh, make it stop. Super Comfort food – monkeys with your hormones. Also helpful against folks trying to manipulate you. It will make itch worse than the name if you overdo it. Yes, if you didn’t guess, it’s yoghurt. I like yoghurt, why do they have to fuck it up? DEEP, MAN. Of course, there’s recreational drugs. It’s cheaper than psychosurgery to blot away that time you walked in the ‘Pus pleasuring 8 female morphs at once. Buzz: Contrary to the name, it’s a hallucinogen. Very powerful and odourless. You get very realistic, even shared trips, though you have a hard time remembering them afterward. Honestly, when I heard of the appearance traits, and that it’s inhaled, the first thing I thought of was the tactical applications. Mono No Aware: [I heard there was a weaboo here](http://www.10zenmonkeys.com/images/Weeaboo%20Peek%20-%20Nicholas%20Guerwitch%20Interview%20-%20Perry%20Bible%20Fellowship.jpg)... It’s a depressant that makes you meditative, and helps art and sense tests. Also turns you literally blue. Orbital Hash: SPACE WEEEEEEED! LET’S GET STONED! Now you can have annoying folks turning upside down, saying *ACKTUALLY* and reeking like a skunk into the LS circuit. Generally sold in bricks, as space is at a premium. Bud is for the rich, and the planetbound. Do I really need to describe the side effects? Also, I can imagine someone who uses this becoming utterly loathed anyplace where the air is recirculated, because that smell is going everywhere. Say goodby to your rep score! They really didn’t think that through. SOCIAL LUBRICANT Alpha: this is a variant of BringIt, and similarly clever. It’s a drug that makes you an alpha – read: and I quote, “domineering asshole”. It’s a more subtle release of pheromones than BringIt, along with a stimulant which keeps you going for 4 days, but makes you an unfocused turd who everyone hates, and fucks with your logic and memory, which can stay around for active users when they’re not on it, and doubled when they are. They also recommend that they invert the social intimidation bonus the pheromones make for some people. It is popular with execs, and is a white powder. They literally call out the creators as having a sardonic sense of humor. “Anarchotube: We replaced Cognite’s CEO’s Alpha with BringIt – let’s see if anyone can see the difference.” Hither: For when a Sylph morph isn’t enough. It’s a gel, dermally applied, that makes you smell like a good fuck, along with making you feel like you are. Gives you a bonus for anything you can seduce. Juice: Powerful antidepressant – gets rid of the bad thoughts, but makes you a damn annoying to be around, as it fucks with your empathy. THERE ARE BUGS UNDER MY SKIIIINNNN! Of course they’d apply their nanowank to getting high -they’ve used it everyplace else. Frequency: Synathesia, but with stuff you can’t normally see. It was a scientific tool, but folks found it interesting to experience. It gives you weird tactile and visual things from frequencies around you. You can have bad trips though – sensory overload and the like. At the 1/3rd point, it’s the strongest and you can’t read. Gravy: Helps with grav adaptation – folks also put it on food. Really, like a sauce. ([Kill me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgs9OhjAE2g)) Schizo: Exactly what it says on tin. Yes, paranoid Schizopherenia is something the rich assholes experience voluntarily for lulz. Honestly, that’s a fairly good jab at the rich’s trying to rough-it-for-fun thing. You are literally paranoid and hearing voices. You need to make tests to avoid hurting things, though your muse can talk you down. I’m honestly impressed. It is literally delivered by a razor you cut yourself with. Edgy, huh? PETALS This gets a bit weird, but it’s honestly one of the better ideas in the book. Basically a narrative in a flower – you need implants for this one – some connect you up to secret servers, others have it entirely self-contained. They are extremely addictive, described as akin to heroin, but it’s got a subculture of folks who make and use ‘em that persists despite most folks not wanting them around – and some are truly art, if frightening. They even have Easter eggs – stuff for you to use either virtually or with a fabber. They’re nearly impossible to replicate, meaning scarcity is in full effect. Of course, they can fuck up, or even have viruses – including Exsurgent…. NEXT: MY CYBEREYES. THE GOGGLES, THEY DO NOTHING.
"This being transhumanists, of course there’s drugs" Even on old Battletech discussions on /tg/ the drugwank would come out. Lol windowed cockpits were illogical! Lol pilots in 'Mechs were illogical! Lol having a human operator at all was illogical because software does everything better! Lol 'Mechs were illogical when you can bomb things from a distance! Lol ground vehicles were illogical because spacecraft and orbital bombardment! Lol everything that wasn't railgun wank at relativist velocities was illogical! That fucking thread, without fail, would bring up all the drugs that the techbro elite (that's them) would be doing while the galaxy was conquered by robots.
"PETALS This gets a bit weird, but it’s honestly one of the better ideas in the book. Basically a narrative in a flower – you need implants for this one – some connect you up to secret servers, others have it entirely self-contained. They are extremely addictive, described as akin to heroin, but it’s got a subculture of folks who make and use ‘em that persists despite most folks not wanting them around – and some are truly art, if frightening. They even have Easter eggs – stuff for you to use either virtually or with a fabber. They’re nearly impossible to replicate, meaning scarcity is in full effect. Of course, they can fuck up, or even have viruses – including Exsurgent…." I give credit for this one sounding imaginative and even implying some cultural significance compared to the coarse shallow hedonism of the others.
I personally found 'Alpha' to be entirely too funny. Jesus, that was a good troll.
It's a white powder. Someone remembers the 80s!
I was more thinking of the burn at the expense of 'Alpha' types which redditors adore.
Ohhh, I see.
Posting the sample Petals, because they're rather good: FORGOTTEN HAND One of the character’s hands detaches and makes a run for it. The character is conscious and able to interact normally with the real world, but they cannot perceive the “escaped” hand and firmly believe that it’s getting away. The hand will lead the character a merry chase, but at some point, a new hand appears on the character’s wrist. It may be glit tery and opalescent, demonic and clawed, or bestial. Eventually, after an hour or two, the character will catch up to their hand, but to get rid of their new hand and reattach the old, they must answer cryptic questions posed by a gnome-like being. DARKLY SELVING This petal is believed to achieve many of its effects by connecting to the mesh, where an AI observes and controls some of the event flow, and only works for multiple trippers. Like Forgotten Hand, it works by overlaying AR perceptions on the real world, but because of the effects, it’s highly inad visable to take in places where any non-trippers will be present. Darkly Selving creates a delta fork of each character tripping and sleeves the fork in an infomorph that looks like a demonic version of themself, using visual input from the character’s co-trippers. AR overlays cause the characters to per ceive themselves as angelic beings, while the real seeming demonic infomorphs appear as AR over lays on their real world perceptions. What happens next varies, but generally both the characters and their forks are subjected to a series of strong from Hither-like effects to massive doses of MRDR (or sometimes both). The effects directed against the forks are generally much more intense. The objective—hinted at via environmental clues—is to merge with one’s fork, which can be accomplished in a variety of ways, ranging from hunting them down and eating their heart to solving a puzzle or reaching a goal before their forks can. DELPHINIUM SIX The last and rarest in a series of petals, Delphinium Six is the Grail of petal users, a supposedly tran scendental experience that might not even exist. Delphinium One is scarce, Two and Three are quite rare, Four is an amazing find, and Five and Six are only rumors. Hints of what Six might hold are based largely on extrapolation from the little that is known about the lower-numbered petals. The following facts are generally accepted. It is a group experience, but not all members of the trip ping group are rewarded equally. It is intensely surreal, yet in a purposeful way, as are all of the Delphinium series. It concludes the loosely built narrative of a drugged-out version of a fairy tale princess and her quest for enlightenment begun in Delphinium One, replete with strange omens and mythological creatures. Rumors of what the ending might hold are more fanciful, and range from the trippers being resleeved in god-like infomorphs to them being trapped forever in an ego prison. Delphinium Six is completely virtual, leaving the characters comatose for the duration, and probably lasts a long time, perhaps 40 hours.
Damn, all right, I admit this "Petal" thing is interesting.
Intermission: I CAN HEAR #F633FF I forgot Narcoalgorithms last post, and they’re honestly fairly entertaining outside of the fact that technophiles would want code-drugs in their code heaven. Besides the usual code implementations of weed, or some such, there’s a few entertaining bits of software to note: DDR: If you ever wanted to see a Reaper dance the Robot, this is the drug.EXE for you; it causes jerky dancing movements in any mobile bot, as well as linking pleasure sequences to that movement – you have to dance, and it feels *good* - different distros yield different results – you can override with a will check, however. Hackers created it as a virus, but the Clanking Masses claimed it as their own. I admit, this one made me smile a little – It makes me think of some kind of robot rave, with all kind of robots dancing their servos out and lights in every spectrum. Of course, being that kind of party, [this]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyODS26fUp4) would be happening in some corner. And yes, the name is a reference to Dance Dance Revolution. Linkstate: Imagine an LSD trip with images taken from other peoples memories, with a bit of euphoria (literal, rather than figurative) and color tasting on top. Of course, it’s peer-to-peer. The drawback is that (a) you’re catatonic for a few hours and (b) you get flashbacks from other people’s lives – that could prove unpleasant. Probably shares at least some codebase with Petals. We now return to your previously scheduled sporking. NEXT: MY CYBEREYES. THE GOGGLES, THEY DO NOTHING. This being the future, of course there’s an array of fascinating new substances, all with interesting effects for the player, besides eating them and seeing what your new filterware does. BETTER LIVING THROUGH CHEMISTRY Oh joy; I wonder how hard my chem teachers would cringe at some of this Atropine: Get the SLUDGE, take this. The interesting thing is, given that they use it as a go-to nerve agent antidote/prophylactic, we can guess the chemical composition of many of their war gases. DMSO: Old shadowrun hands will remember this stuff, as what it does – makes skin invisible for drugs, basically. Liquid Thermite: Thermite in gel form – good if you need holes made or shit burned. I note that you can use it in vacuum – you’d either need some gel whose volatiles don’t boil off easy or an easily resealed can. NotWater: Magic fire retardant – use it like water, but doesn’t ruin stuff. Scrapper’s Gel: Something that either synthesizes or decomposes into some ridiculous strong acid when electrocuted in a gel carrier. Slip: Super Space Oil, use it to make folks slip up if you need them stopped. There’s also rules for if you want to play greased pig with those Exsurgents with the tentacles. One glaring omission is if it’s toxic if ingested – it sounds like it could be ~fun~ if it isn’t, if you had the right tools and friends. Tracker Dye: Bog standard UV dye TOXIC PERSONALITIES There’s some predictably gawdawful witch’s brewskis here – and some of the chemistry fail ain’t so nice either. They also note that many toxins can be beat if you have a sample, an hour, magic nano and the right skills. BTX-squared: Super Poison Dart Frog poison. They describe it as ‘Genetically Enhanced’ – what, did they breed a better poison frog first or something? They also say you can use Atropine to block it – from a quick encyclopedia check, I can say probably no to that, unless the changes altered the pathway in some way. CR Gas: Future tear gas. Nothing to write home about. Flight: Yet another magic pheromone derivative – as the name implies, it scares you shitless. Christ, the pheromone bullshit in this stinks like the ad sections in PopMec. Nervex: Your basic nerve gas – kills in 10 minutes without treatment. Considering that G, Series B can do that in 1, I’m not sure if mods to make it widely compatible with the nervous systems out there nerf it or the biomods slow it down. Described as a “genetically modified toxin” – [What](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV0Ou_4i7ww0), do they make it with bioengineered bacteria or something? Medichines only let you experience the first few minutes of it, then get it under control, because of course ~~Friendship~~ nanomachines are magic. Oxytocin-A: Oh, joy, magic Oxytocin; I was wondering when they’d hit yet another of transhumanism’s dumbass fixations. It makes you trust folks – (I refer you to [*The Charletan Haunted World]( http://www.starshipnivan.com/blog/?p=6731), point1b). There’s also this howler: “A genetically improved variant of oxytocin” [You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2y8Sx4B2Sk) Twitch: Does exactly what it says on the tin – it’s a less-lethal convulsive agent. You need to make a endurance save or be shut down for 10 minutes, though it still fucks with you during that effected time. Medichines both give a +30 to resistance rolls and halve the effective time. I’m starting to think that you’d advised to try and get medichines at chargen, or shortly after. THEY’RE EATING ME! Predictably, they’ve got a nanotech analog of their chemical nasties, creatively called ‘nanotoxins’. Besides having nasty effects of their own, it makes it possible to create poisons to attack robots. Disruption: Multiple Sclerosis in a can. Drops traits until it hits zero, when it paralyzes and drives catatonic the target. Necrosis: Exactly what it says on the tin. Nasty way to go. Both of the above only effect biological targets. Neuropath: Liquid PAIN – shuts down a target unless it makes a will save. You still suffer -30 to all rolls while affected, though painkillers of any kind help. There exist variants that will effect cybernetic morphs, and there’s probably a purely electronic variant to shut down Infomorphs. Nutcracker: Despite what you may expect, it breaks stacks, not balls. It ruins the diamond casing, as well as the mapping bots and connection to the brain, cybernetic or not - it takes three hours to stop recording, and 6 to kill the backup. Good, if you need to stop a target getting away, or need to make sure that they are at least set back a few backups – though they will notice error messages by hour 1. PANDEMIC, INC XVII With all this genetic engineering skill floating about the ubermench, let along TITANS, it’s no wonder they’ve got some hella mean war bugs floating about that even the vaunted Basic Biomods can’t beat. They largely recommend that Pathogens be treated as a plot device, rather than regular problem. They do, however, stat up some common types. Degen: As the name implies, it’s an ugly little neurological disease, boasting a week long incubation time; Medichines beat it, but anyone else loses stats daily until they die at 0 for any, representing neurological conditions like memory loss, seizures, personality changes as well as other nastiness. It’s especially nasty because it creates a corrupt stack recording before the effects manifest. Trigger: It’s VITAS from Shadowrun, with a similar set of symptoms, except even faster. Even Medichines struggle with this one I CAN TASTE HIS MIND Why the fuck aren’t Psi drugs with the rest of them? This book has some serious layout problems. Anyway, folks might not understand WL, but they do have some idea of drugs that will effect those affected – secretive groups are already pressing these experimental drugs into use. Inhibitor: As the name implies, it shuts down Psis – if a will test is failed, they lose their abilities, and even if they win, they’re harder and more straining to use. It also fucks with one of the brains stats – as the description suggests, we’re looking at a depressant drug – makes the victim dopy, glazed and unemotional. Psi-Opener: Auuughghg, the name. Basically, a WL strain that wears off (how?). It allows you to use one slight – they’re intended to be used by non-psis. You power them with Will, rather than the Psi stat for non-psis. For this reason, they’re often paired with… Psike-Out: A psionic booster drug, with a predictably dumb name. It boosts skill rolls, but also has a serious penalty to strain, and will addict in a hurry. I’m still cringing from the Poison section – I can only imagine how annoyed my grade 11 chem teacher would be – I can see her facepalming already and hear her voice already. Bleh, I’d have some witty snark at their expense right now, but I’m dog tired. NEXT: COMMON GOODS (AND BADS)
I'm overwhelmed. Some of this is novel, yes. Some of this is just lacking in imagination and tacky (like weed, but with the INTERNET!), but all of it reminds me of the baffling preoccupation with drugs that so many so-called transhumanists have. They seek to transcend human limitations so they can, uh, indulge human limitations a lot. Lots of sex and drugs.
COMMON GOODS (AND BADS) Given that I and many others have spent ink over how Transhumanism is largely commodity fetish for future products that will never come, I find it rather appropriate that we’re on to the section for day to day commodities for the players to fetishize. Ecto: Stretch It Bop it Compute with It! You can treat it like a flexible strap of rubber – so like a recent model iPhone, but will actually work under that treatment. Does everything (except medical monitoring) that mesh inserts do. It’s explicitly noted that besides the biocons and those without implants, many folks prefer to access the local mesh with something that isn’t implanted for security reasons. Yeah, no shit Sherlock, I sure as shit wouldn’t want my computer hooked up into my brain given what folks put out there viruswise on a daily basis, and that’s before the TITANs are a subject of conversation. Holographic Projectors: Your bogs-standard super future hologram. Notably easier to tell if fake you’re close. Notably, they don’t make them in non-visible band spectra, if you see anything other than normal light, you beat it easily. Micrograv Shoes: [If you’ve seen the opening scenes of 2001:A space odyssey, you know what these do](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etxgFBwFfyM). Basically, your common or garden magnetic/Velcro show for those who have no skill in zero gee, for those who haven’t. Portable Sensor: Detector that see certain spectra. Nothing really to write home about, unless you buy extra spectra – then it costs more. Smart Clothing: Besides the traits I’ve already described, it can even be set to camo mode - +20 to hiding if not moving, half that if on the move. Also comes in a space suit variant. Specs: Goggles that do something – they give you a nerfed form of enhanced vision. Most connect to mesh, but they come in proper display versions as well. Tools: Tools of any kind, other than the writers. Utilitool: The inevitable nanobull version of tools – a shapeshifter, this time. You of course control them with your mesh implants or voice commands. How do you get enough weight in a fountain pen for a hammer? Viewers: Specs, but binoculars. I GOT ONE TRILLION PROBLEMS, BUT SCARCITY AIN’T ONE OF THEM Of course they’ve got a dedicated nanobull section, why wouldn’t they? MASSIVE COSMIC POWERS, ITTY-BITTY LIVING SPACE Surprisingly realistically, they make a point that the classic grey goo scenario is rather beyond the local’s ken – most nanotech lives in specialized tanks where power and nutrients are provided, allowing them to crap out things in luxury. HEALING VAT We start off with a fairly stereotypical mix of SF cliché with transhumanoid flavor, the aptly named healing vat. It’s your bog standard fix errything machine – so long as your head goes in fresh, it will fix you up – implants and everything, if the data is around. Most of the time, it’s voluntary work – injury severe enough to warrant it isn’t common – unless of course you’re a Sentinel, and even then it might not be needed – although that might be because you ran into one of the nanoplagues too hardcore even for these. Generally, they’re used for mods – work time at most is about 3 days, and notably, it does sex changes in 12 hours. I’m really grinding my teeth right now, considering it takes 6 months to fucking years for E to this IRL – it’s just really sticking a big damn log in my craw. NANODETECTORS Exactly what it says on the tin – detects nanomachinery or its metabolites in the air – although there’s probably aquatic variants as well – it’s not magic, there’s modifiers for both positive and negative for both density and activity. You can also examine whatever you’ve found to figure out what it is. NANOFABRICATORS Your bogstandard universal make everything machine – it’s explicitly described that most of the system’s industry uses these things. Put in plans and raw materials, plenty comes out the other side. They top out at 10 meters – they make consumer stuff in bulk, as well as vehicles or parts for same. Many have stuff to stop unlicensed plans, or dangerous items from being made using them. They also list three separate subtypes: Desktop Cornucopia Machine: Yes, they use that exact phrase. It’s basically a home make everything machine, pretty much the dream future of these 3d printing nuts. You can make anything from handguns to bowls of cereal in the damn things – you can build bigger, with some units, but it comes out in parts, presumably assembled with one of [these](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Exbbk3PYEZE/S8RDp7c3IfI/AAAAAAAAALs/5-2TPqrw1M0/s1600/IKEA.jpg) . Many also have a super future Garburator, so that you can use garbage to run the thing – the legal models, fortunately have safeguards to avoid breaking down living things. Fabber: Small and specializer versions of the above, for specialized uses, like medicine, electronics, food or tools. Maker: A specific subset of the above – it turns organic material (everything from dirt to shit RPG books) into ‘food’. Really terrible food, generally – loathsome puddings, terrible drinks for up to three. More expensive ones make things that actually taste semi-reasonable. SPACE APIARIES This is for the more stereotypical nano-magic effects – though they note that bacteria can still give them problems. Still not self-replicating, but they’re close to the classic grey goo. They’re like ants or bees – a breeder nest that makes more nano when food is put in, some with specialized gatherer caste units to feed them. General Hive: Makes any kind nanobot that blueprints are available for – explicitly noted to be big blasted things. Honestly, with the TITANs around, you couldn’t persuade me to bring one of those damn things aboard – even without full self-replication, it could do a rather reasonable grey goo/drover ant imitation if it got it into it’s head. Specialized Hive: They make only one kind of nano and can be made much smaller on account of it; they bottom out at the size of a shotgun shell or cherry tomato. Far much more common sense than a general hive, even if it's clunkier. NOT THE BEES They provide rules for all kinds of tiny robots, ranging from realistic flea sized units to nanomagic.You can give them certain specific commands and restrictions, such as turn everyone’s hair in a certain area blue, unless they fit so and so critera – you only need to succeed on a test if you’re exceeding normal parameters or giving detailed orders – they can’t do everything though, so you can’t turn your spybots into a grey goo gob. You can also remotely control them, like a car or plane. They also give combat rules for swarms – they occupy a 10X10X10 space, don’t suffer wound or vacuum effects, have a Fury HP pool, only take one point of damage from most effects, and are fucked by AoE and EMP. They list a set of basic types: Cleaners: Clean up systems – killers sometimes use them to get rid of the blood on their suits. [Disassemblers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXP2VbhNhyg): Your typical eat everything nano. It can be set to attack specific targets – often used to attack one class of morph while ignoring other. All type of armor protect against it, but get ablated. Engineers: Digs holes, builds walls, make foundations, anything you’d rent a Bobcat for. Fixers: Fixes things – described as like the Nano-repair spray (which is *after this section*. Fix ur organization, PH) Gardeners: A micro, rather than nanoswarm. Kills weeds, prunes plants, pollenates and harvests small things – like an ant’s nest that does what you tell it to. Guardians – Grey Goo with a taste for grey goo. Proteans: [You remember the nano factory from Alpha Centauri?]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKcEwUcVBHs) That’s what they’d call the nanopaste from that. Other than the time component, which goes up per cost level of item and that it’s a fixed product, refer to the video for what it does. Saboteurs: Exactly as the name implies – doesn’t eat it outright, but fucks it good anyway. Armor, unlike the other one, doesn’t stop it. Scouts: Buzzes around and explores the target area, bringing back chemical samples and the like analysis. They also use them for Forensics. Taggants: They tag everything there – basically self-propelled, nanobull transponders like they put in library books these days. They use them to find out who’s been there since it was set. They can stay quiet until a command is given, if you want to hide their presence. Next: Get the Sample Canister, girl!
"Tools: Tools of any kind, other than the writers." *Umgah laughter* The nanostuff had my eyes glazing over. Yeah, I saw it on Alpha Centauri, including the spooky secret project. There isn't really much to it except "ignore laws of thermodynamics, MAGIC!" from my perspective. Yes, nanotechnology can do some nice things, but at this point, well... ever see old 1950s sci-fi movies where atomic energy can raise the dead or even "build highways with a press of a button" (This Island Earth in that case)? That's what it sounds like.
Get the Sample Canister, girl! Much as humans these days are biologically and cybernetically shaped either whichway, so are their pets. A TRIP TO THE PET STORE Fur Coat: A pod which you put your arms into the sleeves of, rather than your mind. Skin, fur, scales – all real, all alive, and all cruelty free – they were grown like the parts of any other pod and stretched onto a frame. They come in all kind of useful shapes – arctic fox parka, seal diving suits, mink coats for that Slyph, etc. You can make it do whatever that coat can on demand. Honestly, I want one. Smart Dogs: So hither man, so his best friend. It’s a smarter dog, often dogmented and used as a guard. Honestly, you should find new friends, *Canis familaris*; that boy ain’t any good for you, girl. Smart Monkey: Good friends for thieves or anyone else! Now Please, stop throwing poo at me! Smart Rats: Clever, dexterous and good if you need a wire run. Gobbet’s rats are better though. Space Roach: A roach grown to the size of a *small dog*. They’re useful to clean up crumbs and the like, and are biosculpted to have loads of color and patterns to reduce the whole ‘IT’S A FUCKING ROACH’ factor. I can only imagine the kids finding normal roaches and showing the family pet’s ‘babies’ to mom. GOOD GIRL Whenever you’re going to any kind of hostile, explorable environment with things you might need to analyze or break down., there’s a few tools that could be useful for handling whatever you find, whether you’re gatecrashers, graverobbers or Firewall. Disassembly Tools: Tools for disassembly – basically a collision between a scrapyard, and the rescue wagon at the local fire department. Mobile Lab: Basically everything you need to run a basic assay on any material found, in one box, all with an AI to do the work. Specimen Container: Contains specimens. Can be made to contain any environment needed, with a certain wide range – “from cryogenic freezing to extreme heat, or even vacuum or high-pressure atmosphere.” Superthermite Charges: An mix of nanometals – An actual, realistic application of nano, I’m impressed – and metal oxidides. Goes off pretty violently – more of an explosive, rather than a burning thing. HELLO, THIS IS WINDOWS, HOW MAY I HELP YOU? There’s a quite a few services(ings) you can engage in this this universe – most are stuff we have already covered, but there are a few standouts. Anonymous Accounts: 7 proxies to hide behind. Backup: Like backup insurance, but without the insurance, hoping to upgrade later, or that someone will help them later. The full one isn’t necessarily that much better – they don’t go to any great lengths to retrieve you, unless you fork out for it – there’s a whole industry of folks who go and retrieve minds in such a fashion. BY YOUR COMMAND Skipping past software, which we’ve already covered, we come to AI – which is again, fairly generic, but provides stats of the various types. It’s mainly notable in that muses are statted here, and that the Security and Offensive AI have the same stats. MY MIND IS BURNING We come to yet another set of things that ought to have been classed elsewhere, likely under the poison sections; in this case, a set of programs for fucking with cyberbrains – Toxialgorithms, as it were. They call them Scorchers Bedlam: Basically, a program to send a cyberbrain mad – imagine ED’s Offended page, but with access to your neurology. Cauterizer: Digital brain damage, basically. Nightmare: canned panic – you test will to avoid effects, and take a -10 penalty if failed. They break down and do various panicked things at GM’s digression. Shutter: as described to a sense – automatic -30, twice if excellent success. Increments down in 10 point levels a combat turn. Spasm: PAIN.EXE -like reading this book. Characters must make a will test or be shut down with agony. They suffer a minus -30 to anything if they succeed, reducing a 1/3rd a turn, with no pain resistance allowed. WATERPROOF NANO-MATCHES Skipping past Skillsofts, which are analogous to the ones in Shadowrun and have only one entry, we get to survival gear – being that you’re agents of Firewall, you will likely have more need of this than most normal folks. Breadcrumb Positioning System: Exactly what it says on the tin – little electronic breadcrumbs to avoid getting lost. Electrogravitics Net: [Icarus landing system](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2dNXnQuhXs), but worn, not implanted. Electronic Rope: Like elvish rope from D&D – you can make it curl about things on command. Emergency Bubble: Basically, a survival tent for spacecraft – accommodates 4 and feeds them with horrid maker food. Emergency Distress Beacon: Exactly what it says on the tin – nuclear powered, goes for years. 500Km range inna city, ten times that elsewhere. Flashlight: It’s a flashlight. Comes in multiple spectra. Nanobandage: Medichine magic in a tin. Might need aid to set bones, or remove foreign objects, but otherwise automatic. For folks too wounded for it, it keeps them stable for a vat and starts a distress signal. Repair Spray: Magic fix everything spray for mechanical things – it contains the plans for most commonly used designs of mechanicals, and will ask for help if it finds anything it doesn’t know. Press, spray and wait a few days. It’s limited to 3 wound’s worth of damage, but will help even then on repair rolls. Shelter Dome: Bigger EB, for space camping. Spindle: Nanomagic rope printer – makes rope to order, and can reassimilate old. Can have climbing gear attached. SUITED FOR SPACE: As said before, they make heavy use of MCP technology – often using their ubiquitous bullshit nanomaterials – they turn into normal jumpsuits when under normal pressure, and are easier to get off. Light Vacsuit: Your bog-standard suit – the cheap ones are just smart fabric you stick in a pocket, while the expensive ones look like either normal clothes that morph, or are orange sized globs that turn into such. They unfold on command or when they detect depressurization. Self-healing (Aren’t MCP suits more resistance to that kind of thing because they don’t depressurize, but only give you a bruise?) Standard Vacsuit: Tougher and better, with a bit of innate armor, more endurance and more temp resistance. Of course there’s a smart clothing model. Hardsuit: [Hostile environment powered armor]( http://www.valvetime.net/proxy.php?image=http%3A%2F%2Fimg28.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fv85%2Fskumbuzzul%2Fghelmet.jpg&hash=ed1103871814d785f8716d9a2a0c3092). Actually, it’s more boring that that, it’s like [this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fd/AX-5-spacesuit.jpg/220px-AX-5-spacesuit.jpg). You can explore the upper reaches of a gas giant in one of these, and they have indefinite endurance – folks have worn them for more than 2 months. They are very well armored and can accommodate another 4 armor underneath. NEXT: YOU CAN ALWAYS TRUST THE GUN AT YOUR SIDE.
YOU CAN ALWAYS TRUST THE GUN AT YOUR SIDE. Big guns. Big Guns. BIG GUNS. BIG FUCKING GUNS! SEVEN-FOLDING NANOALLOYS Even in the transhuman future, a good knife is not to be trifled at. Diamond Axe: A fire axe, with diamond edging. Flex Cutter: A memory material weapon – turn it on, and you have a damn great machete. Monofilament Sword: self-sharpening near-monomolecular blade (finally, someone who sees how fragile that would be) blade that slices through metal and flesh with sublime indifference. Vibroblade: Ah, that old SF standby – though they mix it up a bit by reducing the effectiveness when just attacking with it – that vibration ability is only really good when you are carefully cutting things – so it’s more a vibro-box [knife](http://wiki.evageeks.org/images/e/e4/08_C184a.jpg). Wasp Knife: It’s a pneumatic knife, as the name implies from real life – does horrible damage with any kind of pressure differential outside, as the air wants out. Can be loaded with nano, chemicals or drugs. BONK! Even a Remade head can be rearranged with a good length of pipe upside of it. Club: A blunt object for beating people. Extendable Baton: As above, but extends!!! What a breakthough! Shock Baton: A club, but electric EXOTICA Monowire Garrote: A length of monowire that can cut through necks and limbs. Often breaks with one use – predictable, given what it is. GOOD OLD CYBERNETICALLY ENHANCED FISTICUFFS Densiplast Gloves: Boxing gloves that harden on impact. Shock Gloves: [for all you Avatar fans out there]( http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ieyKNGu1ipA/T7sNbV3XbnI/AAAAAAAAAE0/WNi38z0FTAo/s1600/asami+glove.jpg). Use as shown on the show. THIS SECTION SPONSORED BY MARCUS MUNITIONS: GUNS. WE HAVE THEM, YOU NEED THEM. BIG FUCKING GUNS! DAKKA DAKKA! For all their bullshit futurism, good old high speed metal still will get the job done – they come in two flavors: Firearms – bullets launched by chemical force. MAGIC FUTURE NANOMATERIAL stocks kill the recoil – they deform to eat it – and use an electrochemical firing system. They also give ideas how to simulate more primitive guns, like cased or liquid fueled. They also have the advantage of more round types to use. [RAILGUNS](https://1d4chan.org/images/thumb/6/6c/Broadside_vs_tankred.png/393px-Broadside_vs_tankred.png) – A bit less doughty than the puissant gun touted by a Pathfinder Shas’La, but still fairly respectable. Hits like a freight train, but less flexible than convention gun. All come in the same range of types (Pistol, SMG, AR, sniper rifle and MG), and all take the same ammo as any other in that family for simplicity’s sake. They also give GM advice for coming up with different models. The weapons themselves are generic. IT COSTS 4 REP TO FIRE THIS GUN FOR 20 SECONDS. Far more interesting is the fodder for these cannons – interesting in the Eclipse Phase meaning, of course. Besides the common sense basic types – AP, Hollowpoint, Reactive (explosive), plastic, taser and capsule, we have: Bug: Exactly what it says on the tin – a bug, plus nanotech that allows medical sensing – though it only works if there’s medichines to query. Flux: Changes from hard round to rubber through the magic of Nano and back! Good if you’re not sure if lethal force is needed, but want to not waste ammo space. And that’s before we get the Smart rounds, who apply nanobull to boolet, making Heavy happy that it even harder to outsmart boolet in future Accushot: Bullet with guidance system to reduce drift and drop Biter: Changes hit characteristics depending on target – more give, more frag, letting you hose down Exsurgent Bio and Synth morphs with sublime indifference in effectiveness. Flayer: Deploys monomolecular barbs before impact. Homing: As Accushot, but with actual target acquisition and guidance. May be fired around corners. Laser-Guided: As above, but with laser guidance from a pointer. Proximity: As name implies. Gives a chance for damage to target even if missed. Treated as explosive if hits. Zero: You remember Follow-The-Leader missiles in Battletech? Basically this, but bullets. PEW PEW! Interestingly, EP treats beam weapons as being favored as Less-Than-Lethal systems over actual combat weapons – they’re generally not capable of beating armor, and guzzle power while sucking. They also all have both a nuclear and conventional power cell – the former recharges the latter over time, but that latter may also be replaced with a fresh one if time doesn’t exist for to charge. All weapons are two handed unless noted otherwise. Laser Pulsers: Posses both lethal and non-lethal modes. The latter creates a plasma blast that forces the target to roll will or be knocked down. Gets disrupted by poor atmospheric conditions, and has an invisible beam Microwave Agonizer: [This, but man-portable]( https://www.wired.com/images_blogs/photos/uncategorized/2009/02/06/armymil20070126093954.jpg). One setting feels like burning, the other actually burns. Pistol sized. Nasssty. Particle Beam Bolter: Your bog-standard PBW. Also has an invisible beam, and is not affected by atmo conditions, though you need to switch between space and atmospheric function. Plasma Rifle: From the description, it seems to be more of a plasma flamer – targets can be melted or vaporized entirely, and set on fire if unfortunate and in atmosphere. They overheat in vacuum – at least they got that bit of heat dynamics right – and can take an entire combat round to cool down after one shot. Also, it’s yet another fuckup of their HARD SF pretentions, as Plasma Guns Don’t [Work]( http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/spacegunexotic.php#id--Plasma_Weapons). [DOHOHOHO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0neB1b29l8) Stunner: Your bog-standard electrolaser taser. Doesn’t work in vacuum. KABOOOM! There are two main types of explosive weapons shown here – grenades and micromissiles – the latter, known as seekers use a combo of coilgun tech to launch and ramjet/rocket engines to fly, along with guidance systems. Seekers run the full gauntlet of systems, from single shot launchers, to [pistol]( http://www.feartheboot.com/ftb/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/minilauncher.png) and rifle sized implementations, to [arm mounted launchers]( http://techraptor.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Grenadier2.png). Obviously, the latter has every smart ammo system except Biters and Flayers, and come in the whole range of options from less-lethal to murderous plasma bursts and thermobarics. The former can be sticky and slapped onto an enemy like Halo grenades. BRRAAAATTTTTTAAATAAA! Spray weapons, despire the name, cover everything from flamers to extreme ROF guns – anything that hits in a cone in frot of it. Buzzer: The inevitable nanobull weapon – launches nanoswarms at anyone in front of it. Freezer: Despite the name, it only spews foam, not liquid nitrogen – you use it to immobilize a target, which has to save reflexes or be trapped – good attack rolls add a major penalty to this – it won’t asphyxiate you somehow, probably nanobull again – it can also be used to build barricades or cover, as well as being spiked with toxins or drugs. Shard Pistol: Fires massive sprays of diamondoid monomolecular shards at high velocity – can be laced with various chemicals for extra effect, as it may beat armor but doesn’t do all that much damage. Comes in a heavier variant called the Shredder, when you need that motherfucker *gone* and want the mist to prove it. Sprayer: If it can be sprayed, you can launch from one these spray guns – try the DSMO mixes for extra shadowrun flavor. Torch: A flamethrower, using ‘compressed capsule fuel’ – obviously sets enemies on fire with good hits; obviously hard to put out unless you cut off the O2. VVOORTEX? Or only exotic gun is the Vortex Ring Gun: fires vortex rings (lol, wot else?) using a blank. Good for knocking foes over, and can also bring whatever agents you want along with it. TACTICOOL' Predictably, this being the transhuman future, there’s all kinds of cool gear that can be attached to your gun to make it work better; only the notable ones are posted. Arm Slide: When you need a trump card up your sleeve – comes in movement and mesh triggered variants. Gyromount: A harness to keep your gun from dancing about on the move Imaging Scope: Specs for your gun – good if you’re dealing with holodecoys or something or need to see through walls, and also can act as a periscope. Laser Sight: Good for both accuracy and for making laser guided weapons hit home. Comes in non-visible spectra for those who see in that Safety System: Biometric smart gun – stops the unauthorised from using the weapon; also comes in a shock variant to tase any who try. Smartlink: As shadowrun, but wireless and to mesh. Smart Magazine: Halves capacity, but increases flexibility by allowing more than one ammo at a time. Add an extended mag to retain normal capabilities. YATTTAYATTAYATTAA- KABOOM KABOOM! NEXT: BEEP-BOOP, I’M A JEEP!
BEEP-BOOP, I’M A JEEP! Hokayy, the final part of this wild ride is the vees you ride on and the robots that wait on you day and night – not that there’s much separation between the two, this is a self-driving car future as well! Folks use manual driving either for fun or emergencies – they also can install cyberbrains so they can be the program driving the car, as well as all vees having allowances for teleoperation. IT’S A BIRD, IT’S A PLANE, IT’S A SYNTHMORPH! Given all the open, atmospheric places out there, there’s plenty of niche for small flying machines to get about, whether you’re in the PC, or on Venus or Titan – hopefully, not a TITAN, tho. Microlight: As today, but more advanced materials and electric. Honestly, I was hoping for more nano. Portable Plane: This is more like it – nanobull smart materials let you compress it down like a tent and set it up again, both operations taking ten minutes, coming in versions for Venus, Mars and Titan, in order of ascending top speed and range. All can carry two pilots and keep them alive for 20 hours on venus/mars and 15 on Titan. Rocket Buggy: A parabolic leaping rocket for the moon, used to get from hab to hab – uncomfortable to ride, but will keep you in a condition to worry about discomfort for 50 hours. Martian and Titan versions have lifting body fuselages, and the latter can reach orbit. Small Jet: Exactly what it says on the tin – methane fueled jets for Mars, Venus and Titan – brings o2 along with the Methane on titan. They use smart bullshit to adapt their wings for different conditions. LS endurance is 100 hours, and Martian and Venus variants go faster. LIVE FOREVER, APES! For some reason, despite being transhumanist, unlike Shadowrun, EP has powered armor. Fairly useful powered armor, at that – this being EP, it can also be teleoperated, or even have a cyberbrain to argue with you and take over the suit if you’re dead and it’s still working. Battlesuit: Oh, now this is a brute. Fullerene and diamond armor, aerogel insulation, can jump twice as far as baseline, +10 strength and huge bonuses to melee damage. It’s got peepers like specs, and LS for 48 hours, and indefinite food, and more armor than a Reaper, plus another 4 underneath. Exowalker: Basically, those solider exoskeletons that DARPA is working on so they can haul further. They give a bit of armor, more strength and double jump distance. Hyperdense Exoskeleton: For all you [aliens fans out there](http://laughingsquid.com/wp-content/uploads/catpowerloader.jpg). Bit of armor, loads of strength, and some enclosure in case of industrial accidents. Transporter: A turbofan pack, like [This](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/67/Martin_Jetpack_Unveiling,_Liftoff!_(2714934801).jpg). Bit of armor, good for moving around in both gravity and microgravity – you use the Aircraft skill. Trike: A motorbike of the future. Why it isn’t with the rest of the groundcraft is beyond me. PEDAL TO THE SMART MATTER This future doesn’t lack for wheels either; although there’s little room for classic road using cars any more, either. Cycle: Think any kind of future motorbike, make it electric, and there you are. There’s no room for normal cars in most places. Some are enclosed, even with LS in case of a breach. Mostly uses solid state tires, or of course nanobull wheel spokes. Mars Buggy: Unlimited range due to nuclear power and smart material suspension (of course) and can manage up to 40 on broken terrain, 90 on flat and and 110 on roads – it’s a pretty respectable piece of work. No wonder it’s common. Also comes enclosed for Titan and the moon, with a 100 hour LS endurance. MAJOR TOOOOMMM…. Considering how much space there is around – and there’s loads of it – you’d want something for moving about in zero gee and vacuum. EVA Sled: Shifts crap or one person around outside using compressed air. Rocket Pack: I CAN FLY! Basically a one person jetpack, so you can fly around or have stupid jetpack Ultimate!/REEpublican!nazis. You need a space suit if you’re biological, and can only safely lift you on Martian or below worlds. You can hover for 15 minutes on mars, twice that on the other small objects. You can ever reach orbit some places, like Luna (!?). Thruster Pack: One of [these]( https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/88/Astronaut-EVA.jpg/280px-Astronaut-EVA.jpg), but the future. COFFEE, MUM? Given this is the post-scarcity transhuman future, there’s plenty of robots to do everything you need, from your dishes to logging your every move for folks to gawk at. These things can be used for morphs, but generally aren’t, either due to cultural cringe or simple compatibility problems, such as troublesome forms or lack of size for cyberbrains. Most of these aren’t humanoid. Automech: Your bogstandard repair drone – if there’s no indentures to boss around, this is who does the fixing. Generally a box, with wheels and tentacle arms, often with thrusters for zero-gee work. Creepy: Your bogstandard robopet – more of a category than anything, being anything from squirrels to big bugs, kind between a pet and beloved household minion. Some folks wear them like you would a ferret, if it combed your hair and fixed up your pedi. Dr. Bot: A medical bot – medical vat, medicine fabber, and surgery arms. Rides about on wheels. Dwarf: General earthworks machine; the name is partially owed to “[*a programmed tendency to happily whistle as they worked*]( http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-r0RVJjl0olo/UHnAKPXgCaI/AAAAAAAACSM/DHbenBExh6o/s400/I10.jpg)” Gnat: A camera drone. For media, narcissists and media narcissists. Guardian Angel: Flying bodyguard drone – presumably can carry a weapon. Saucer: Camera Frisbees. Nice and quiet, good for spying and scouting. Servitor: Not like [this](http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/1/16/Servitor_by_andreauderzo.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120711223449), outside some Exhuman/Ultimate habitats. Most homes have one, and they’re generally non-humanoid, though with a face, to avoid awkwardness with the local synthmorphs. It’s your general scut-work a tron. There’s a picture of one trailing behind someone in heels, grinning like an idiot with one of those digital screen faces. Speck: Robot spy fly – very hard to detect, with a living fly synth mask. ROCKET SHITS Spacecraft are vaguely statted in EP, as said before – they’re places to be, not things that fight. They don’t even stat up the guns, beyond giving damage modifiers for size. They do list a series of engines: Hydrogen-Oxygen rockets – cheap and cheerful, only used where it’s too expensive or high tech to make... Metallic Hydrogen Rockets: The absolute best in chemical rocketry - you can keep it stable with magnetic fields and boy does it go, considering what metallic hydrogen is. Surprisingly, Metallic hydrogen rocketry is something NASA is actually exploring – for once they have some HARD SF here. Plasma Rocket: VASIMR rockets, and allies. Cheap and cheerful, and obsolete. Only used in the same places where HO would be used, or it’s too expensive/impractical to switch, such as scum barges. Fusion Rocket: Your common or garden bimode, power or thrust fusion drive. Common and unremarkable. Anti-Matter Rocket: If you absolutely, no questions asked, need to get someplace fast, this your engine, and with a price tag to match – given the cost of fuel and fittings, and that you can’t be near inhabited stations or planets in case the engine fucks up, you only use it for military and high priority cargoes. BOB’S USED ROCKETS They list your most common spacecraft as well: Bulk carrier – carries in bulk, and slow. Good way to hitch a ride, if slow. Good place to hide for a while, too. Courier: Can make Luna-mars in 3 weeks; generally good enough, but if Firewall business or similar demands, antimatter fueled couriers exist that can make 0.5% lightspeed, allowing the solar system to be covered in months. I sure as shite don’t want this in anarchist hands, let alone scum. Destroyer: one of the biggest military craft in use – either implying a Freespace style mistake or that their navies are very bottom heavy, this brute weighs in the thousands of tons, with 150 tons of antimatter fuel, which can also be used to tip missiles. It also carries nukes, PD lasers and railguns, plus 20 ‘fighters’, infomorphs crewed parasite craft that carry six missiles as well as lasers and railguns. They can also carry a vacuum tolerate morph in extremis. General Exploration Vehicle: Gatecrashingmobile - more of an ATV; it uses smart matter (of [course](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfelqZpapZA)) in the chassis, so you can have wheels or legs on demand, even streamlined hull and propulsion for underwater, as well as a small metallic hydrogen engine for maneuvering in case the damn thing drops you in space. It can support life for 6 months, has limited protection against charged particles and comforts like several cornucopia machines and a healing vat.
Large Lander and Orbit Transfer Vehicle You need stuff moved from surface to orbit, or vise versa, or between nearby habs? This is the machine for you. They come in both high and low speed versions, good for Venus and Mars/ other low grav object respectively, or more efficient moving. Of course, this being EP, smart materials (I am really sick of those words) allow the quick conversion between the two, in the right facility, assuming it’s a recent Metallic hydrogen model, instead of a old H-O unit. Scum Barge: Before becoming nests of Scum and villainy, they were refugee barges for the early fall, housing up 20 thousand until more were constructed. Some are still in use, some retrofitted to fusion drives with only a quarter to half the original population, the best of the bunch. The worse stretch it to the limit with old fusion drives and LS and 25% over limit. Small Lander and Orbit Transfer Vehicle: Like the large, but smaller. Some rich gits own their own. A streamlined one of these or the former is the only pictured craft in this chapter. Standard Transport: More cargo than a courier, and faster than a BC, this is what you use if you have a morph you don’t or can’t leave behind, or need something moved that can’t be made at the other side. They go and come from everywhere. They also boast Martian level gravity for passengers, another step up over the BC. I swear to god, if I hear the words “smart material” again, or variants on it, someone’s certainly gonna end up smarting. So much fucking euphoria, it was as bad as the chargen and psychosurgery chapters. And do you know what the worst bit was? There was no pictures of the powered armooorrrr! That would have been tolerable if there was some nice big iron to ogle here – I’ll put up with a lot for pretty stuff like that – but no, they had to have pictures of nanobots and workbots, and no powered armor! [FFFFF-](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMTE8qnJ7h8) NEXT: THE TERRIBLE SECRET OF SPACE
SPACE HAS A TERRIBLE POWER. Do you have stairs in your house? Reflecting on all the "smart materials": Christ. I take it this was roughly akin to the atomic energy euphoria at the middle of the 20th century where people mined yellowcake with their bare hands to get in on the action and movies were made within flash range of atomic weapon testing. No talk of any kind of limitations or consequences. Just pure 90s-morphing-effect magic! I noticed they put in the Mako from Mass Effect, among other things. I can't knock weapon mods and accessories. Sounds like Shadowrun... AND REMINDS ME WHAT THESE FUCKERS RIPPED IT FROM.


Once we get past their spoiler alert – amid other things, it says that as you didn’t avoid the spoilers, you are now obligated to run the game for your buddies; yeah, no pal. Nice try tho


As their intro says, nothing here was hidden by accident, either Watsonianly, or Doylistically. There are reasons why Firewall/PH wants some information not to be free. Granted, some of it is because, as we documented in great detail, they are terrible writers quite often. But sometimes… not.


The oldest star in the galaxy is estimated to be nearly as old as the universe. Life on Earth is merely a quarter of that. Our species is an infinitesimal fraction of that itself. For centuries, people have wondered why we are alone. Some think certain techs kill of those who discover it. Some worry other species have their own TITANs.

Aliens do exist, and they are old, very old. New kids, however, don’t last long. For all living worlds in the galaxy are like droplets of water, and they view them with cold, baleful eyes as humans look upon mice, as they refer to plans drawn up eons ago against such upstarts.

The ETI, as they so bloodlessly term it, is king big shit in the milky way. This being eclipse phase, it of course likely started as some kind of singularity, and may well no longer be biological. They see other intellects as threats at best, pests more commonly – and like any pest, they’ve put down bait.

This bait, what they call a bracewell probe – think slylandro probes, but even nastier – arrived in sol millions of years ago, and waited for a hungry mouth to snap on.

An… okay start, but of course they transhumanist it up.


The TITANs weren’t the first of their kind, oh no. The beings known as Prometheans preceded them, with a carefully managed soft takeoff, in secret. Why would someone do something so moronic?

Why? Because they propagated open source AI and AGI tech. They were deeply invested in ‘friendly’ AI, and were worried their own tech would be used to create a monster.

They were…. The Singularity Institute!


Sylandro did nothing wrong! They just didn't read the manual well! They're sorry, okay? Let them live that down! :P That plot twist just made me frown so stiffly in real life that my jaw hurts. This all reads like ban fanfiction from manchildren who read sci-fi, watched the X-Files, and are really scared of death. Sort of like Big Yud!
I was more referring to the original intended use of the probes - they were supposed to find things to bring greetings from the Slylandro - they're classic Bracewell probes - von neumann systems intended to find sentient life.
Oh, fair enough, I see your point.
HOLES IN THE LIFEBOAT Yes, they went there. Somewhat. It’s the singularity foundation, not the institute. It’s the Lifeboat Institute, not the foundation, and JASON is a group split off from an org called MITRE in the USA government, rather than being government. The things rhyme, but aren’t identical – SF had open sources AI (?!), for one thing. It’s still pretty funny that these idiots had to try and reference these thieves or government crazies; transhumanism is inseparable from deranged so-called ‘institutes’ and government think tanks that have gone around the twist – they seem to have run straight into it – but lol at these twits being the one who pulled together after it all went pear shaped. Arguably, they’re responsible for it too, as SF’s open source research is what the TITANs were based on, and if the TITANs hadn’t gone first, their pets might have gone looking and beat them to it. THE PUSHER ROBOTS But the military industrial complex of the USA beat them to it; they wanted advanced, self-improving AGI for intelligence and command and control purposes, and they for once got what they were asking for. The TITANs, Total Information Tactical Awareness Networks, to give them their full names, were amid the final expenditures of that declining nation; they were mostly offline until it all started fucking up. The fall was a mistake of humanity – a collision of wealth and resource inequality and (urgh) ‘inability to embrace emerging technologies in a mature and enlightened manner’ to quote. This broke open, and the TITANs were awakened, rocketing toward a cybernetic godhead. As befit their purpose, they were curious, rather than terribly engaged in human affairs – they gained near total knowledge of human history and current affairs- and slowly, began to co-opt resources for their own edification – given their position, they were rather good at forging orders. Alright, this is all very cod-MacLeod, so where does it pick up? THE STAIRS IN THE HOUSE America, like other nations seems to have had an astromilitarily presence before it went wahoonie shaped. The TITANs, like their builders, had stars in their eyes, and coopted a few probes and drones – their minds quickly detected a whole group of signs that things had been fucking about in sol that we’d never even guessed at. Like the godchildren they were, they homed in on the source of this activity, just cooing with curiosity, like a toddler homing in on rattlesnake – and it came to a similar end. They followed the steps of the puzzle and found an object -an object of obvious alien origin. Not having spent enough time watching old human media - otherwise they might have been more cautious. They tampered with the device – and like the rattlesnake of the simile, the rattlesnake lashed out and *it* was unleashed upon the titans and repurposed them into avatars of *it’s* will. *They* stepped into the conflagration – mankind was already in a WMD disaster, but it suited the TITANs just fine, as it was the perfect smokescreen for them to step in – and when they were truly understood, even when they were taking cities to glut themselves on the minds within, the killing continued as folks divided their attention between more than one foe, even as the TITANs unleashed nanoplagues, war machines and computer virii of it’s own. Mankind lost that war. Even the Vaunted power of SF’s own pet friendly ASI couldn’t stop those monsters – and even they were forced to flee with their tails between their legs. Rather predictable, honestly, given the Promethean’s orgin. It’s like throwing a nebbish nerd against a PCP-raging solider. I’m surprised they lasted a whole goddamn day against the product of the USA’s military-industrial complex, even before they’d expanded into the surviving networks. What was this *thing*? What made the TITAN’s their puppets? What was… NEXT: THE TERRIBLE POWER OF SPACE
I can definitely see your Somethingawful roots. Humans must go down the stairs. "‘inability to embrace emerging technologies in a mature and enlightened manner’" I just saw Big Yud pop a nut and jolt all over the game book for that one. This is that "friendly AI" shit they prattle about. But look at his friends, and his worldview. "Friendly" means a copy-paste of Peter Thiel.
Where do you think the TITANs came from? They were friendly AI for the military brass. Edit: I still haven't paid the :tenbux: yet - I'm just learning from the sporking style of the FATAL and Friends thread - gonna repost this there sometime.
Even in their wank-fiction they seem to understand "friendly" is a very relative and subjective concept.
THE TERRIBLE POWER OF SPACE UPSWELLING Very few entities know who’s responsible for the Fall; most either conclude TITANs, as the governments say, or the governments of Earth Fucked up, ass many other say. This is true to a degree, but only a degree. Folks also think that the grody-bizarre nanovirii that the Fall saw were all products of the TITANs. This is not true – in many ways, the TITANs were products of the nanovirus. In a universe where the ETI sees stars like we see veins of metal ore, the only competition can come from civilizations that can birth minds akin to theirs, and like an old testament king, it slays all such newborns before it is threatened. The Exsurgent virus, to give it the name the Prometheans lent it, is their headsman. If it was a computer virus, that would be merely bad enough, given what the TITANs did. But it recognizes that there’s other meaningful intellects besides silicon – either from plans already programmed in or with the aid of the knowledge of it’s TITAN spawn. Much as a retrovirus turns into DNA for use in a target cell, it has transcribed itself into three types – techno-organic viral hybrid, pure nanotech plague and Basilisk Hack. We’ll go through variants in descending order. SOMEONE GET THE AVAST! Digital strains are probably the closest to whatever horror the TITANs first found – it’s probably been dumbed down to run on lesser hardware; mechanically, you treat them as infomorphs – they give a statline (jesus, that is scary) and recommended attack software but with one special ability – Subvert. This is an attack on any intelligent software in encounters in a system – mind.roms, AI, AGI, all susceptible. It will seek the home system of any software and attack it there – this works as a test of Intelligence and intuition stats, one rolling against the other. Won tests for exsurgent mean the target is subverted in 10 turns, minus margin of success – this is obviously a stressful event, so they also get stress point on top of that countdown. The only thing that might stop it is a flat reboot – taking at minimum 4 turns, in which case the test is repeated – if lost, the process begins again, ending in the target becoming an npc Exsurgent entity. Pods can be hacked in similar fashion. You were wondering where that nerf-bat for Synth/infomorphs was? Here you have it! Damn, they didn’t hold back. DID SOMEONE DISINFECT THAT SURFACE? The bio-nano hybrid version can be spread in all the means you can think of for disease. The damn things are like Anthrax – they take quite a while to die without a host – you can catch it from being someplace someone with it was days before. Infection is rolled against the luck stat – the full one, as the luck stat works like edge in Shadowrun – if you fail it, you’ve been exposed. Some circumstances guarantee infection, such as prolonged physical contact or exchange of bodily fluids of any kind. Once you’ve got this interstellar social disease in you, you roll against durability – basic biomods and nanophages don’t help, but filterware and the ever useful medichines both give +30 to rolls. If failed, the character is infected and becomes contagious 12 days later – WL stays that way only half a day afterward. I WARNED YOU ABOUT ~~STAIRS~~ NANOTECH, I WARNED YOU DOG! IT KEEPS HAPPENING! Of course there’s a nanobull version – and it is one hell of a monster. Anything touched is automatically exposed – only nanotech can stop it, both inside and out – though they suffer a penalty to damage done and some variants can fight back – the one saving grace is that they aren’t generally infectious. Outside of a target, they’re treated as a nanoswarm. There is no talk on whether either variant can transmit itself by [particle beam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQgrQVv4rSE). They’ve got a picture of a female morph being attacked by this in zero-gee after her companion fumbled a sample canister. INTERSTELLAR SHOCK SITES Given how much knowledge the TITANs had, and how many specimens the TITANs had to work with, it’s not surprising they’ve made leaps on understanding the brain which the locals will take decades to match – among that knowledge was several hardware exploits in the human neurology itself. In other words, the TITANs reached stage 8 of the Goatse cycle and want to show their new and improved variant to everyone else. They’re basically the same effect as flashing lights for epileptics – ways to make the brain freak out – or worse. Besides your baseline Parrot ripoff, you also have variants that can influence or even subvert targets; any vector of sense is a method – video, subsonics, hell-graffiti or of course the -R euphoria so common around here. This method of attack is mostly a legend – the governments and Firewall know about it, but they try and keep it low down, not least as they don’t want folks to try and make their own. All intellect types are vulnerable. They list a series of temporary effects, all starting at 1 minute plus 1 for every ten points of success after the target fails a combined brains stats test: “(1) Cataplexy: Locked in syndrome • (2) Catatonic Stupor: They’re rendered mentally AFK by what happened/ • (3) Disorientation: Exactly what it says on the tin. • (4–5) Grand Mal Seizures: Exactly what it says on the tin. Does 1d10 damage. • (6–7) Hallucinations: Involuntary bad trip • (8) Impaired Cognition: Vegetable for the duration. • (9) Nausea/Vertigo: “Oh god, was that an exsugent’s anus? What were they doin-oh goduurrrp-whyistherecornIvenevereatencorninthismorph-“ • (10) Sleep: Naptime! Predictably, these are mentally stressful. These brown notes are evadable if they get warning, subject to a reflexes test to see if they can manage it in time. LOOK INTO THE SPIRAL Being able to make the human brain crash is bad enough, but they have more detailed ways to control it. As with the previous, targets of these methods have to save against the brains stat, otherwise they suffer the effects of the hack. Subversion This is infecting the target with a purely mental Exsurgent strain – after the test fails, the target is rendered catatonic and paralyzed for at most ten minutes, minus a minute for level of success. After this period, the target is infected unless the process is interrupted – if so, they suffer minus -30 to rolls and suffer mental stress; the former modifier reduces a 1/3rd every minute. ETI'S PEANUT BUTTER COOKIE RECIPE There’s also more subtle methods of affecting targets – good for cheap and simple sleepers that don’t even know that they have burning fuse. It’s basically a way of implanting a subliminal suggestion through a backdoor in the human mind. Going by the name of “You gotta believe me” attacks, these commands are either triggered by a external stimulus, or by some internal conditions being met – the target then carries out the command thinking it was their own choice – they can range from simple orders such as “Explode this station” to more complex commands such as “Explode this station when so and so ships are present and the news is talking about them”. They last for 3 days, plus level of failure on the resistance test – after, no one even would know it had happened to them THE BIG FOUR There are 4 strains, counting WL, that EP ships with – they recommend that the GM cook up new ones if they want.
HAUNTING LOOKS This strain, called the *Haunting* virus is slow, psychologically agonizing and insidious – it slowly remakes the psyche of the target, and does so in a manner that is generally difficult to detect early on, as it manifests itself as a part of the target’s personality that they weren’t aware of, to paraphrase – only by the time it’s harder to resist do the more spectacular effects show up – the target realizes they are being remade but cannot resist – it ends with the target being reborn as the TITANs were, over a period of about 6 months. It is transmissible by any of the vectors described. The process is divided into 3 stages – this is freaky enough that it’s worth reading straight: Stage 1 (initial infection to 3 months): Upon initial infection, the character suffers 1d10 mental stress and gains the Psi trait (p. 147) at Level 1 (also meaning they pick up the Mental Disorder trait, as noted on p. 150). They also gain one free psi-chi sleight, chosen randomly or by the gamemaster. If a player character has become infected, they may still be played as normal (see Roleplaying Exsurgents, p. 369) and may purchase new psi-chi sleights with Rez Points. NPCs acquire 1 new sleight per 2–4 weeks. At this stage, the infection is usually hidden, though the character will suffer from occasional haunting effects (see below). As each week passes, the character’s personality should shift a minute amount, slowly becoming more callous and conniving and changing in other ways as well. If possible, the player should be kept in the dark about what is happening, but the gamemaster should provide them with roleplaying advice to reflect their condition. Likewise, the discovery and initial use of psi sleights should be played out, providing some interesting roleplaying opportunities. Characters and players who know of the exsurgent virus and Watts-MacLeod strains should not know at this point which strain they are infected with—make them sweat. • Stage 2 (3 months to 6 months): The target suffers another 1d10 ÷ 2 (round up) mental stress and acquires the Psi trait at Level 2 (also picking up another disorder). Player characters may still be played as normal and may purchase psi-gamma slights with Rez Points. NPCs acquire 1 new sleight per 2–4 weeks. Once three months have passed, the character should be aware they are under the influence of something, but this awareness likely comes too late. Haunting effects (below) should occur regularly. At this point a character is likely to consider seeking help, actively encouraging others to interfere, or offing themselves and resorting to an uninfected backup. The infection will actively block and hinder such thoughts and actions, however. To actively overcome this mental control, the character must succeed in a WIL Test. At the gamemaster’s discretion, failure may result in 1d10 ÷ 2 (round up) mental stress as the character realizes they are no longer fully in control of their own thoughts and actions. • Stage 3 (6 months+): The victim suffers another 1d10 ÷ 2 (round up) mental stress and acquires the Psi trait at Level 3 (see below). The character is now considered an exsurgent and becomes an NPC. It may no longer be played as a player character. The victim also gains a permanent +5 bonus to COG and WIL and acquires 1 new sleight every 1–2 months. They suffer various changes to psyche, as noted before – representations of how the player is being slowly reprogrammed – they suggest coming up with ideas of your own, but also list a few sample changes: Altered Perceptions: They can have hallucinations of every sense, suffer synesthesia or have changes to how they perceive normal things – such as, say, suddenly seeing folks around them as ‘nothing but outlandish, blabbering sacks of meat’ – that one might have trouble standing out, as a lot of transhumanists already [think of people that way!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcYppAs6ZdI) Behavioral Modification: They suggest using the rules for it shown back in psychosurgery – only in this case, moving toward what the ETI wants. Dream Manipulation: Dreams become… weird, and lucid. Aliens on another world, probes speeding through space are often subjects – as it figuring out new means of mass mayhem. Emotional Manipulation: as described – they refer back to the psychosurgery section as well. Inexplicable Urges: As they say on the tin, often not even figuring they’re doing it – they give a few basic ideas for ones, such as disassembling things – inanimate or alive – to figure out how they work, testing nanofabricator limits, tasting things that are… marginally edible, experimental lying or unusual sexual activities for them. IT’S INSIDE MY HEAD! The *Mindstealer* strain is basically the *Haunting* strain in fast forward, turning a target in minutes rather than months. Once they are infected, whether by nano, digital or Basilisk vectors, it takes the sum of their mental traits in rounds to be subverted – bear in mind, a round is 1/20th of a minute. It’s not exactly a pleasant or hard to hide process, nor is it terribly healthy for the target’s mind – they suffer a -30 to any action, including suicide, during the process – they often curl up, whimper, drool or convulse during the process, ending in an Exsurgent under GM control. Faster than haunting, but I can see why the other is used – it’s kind of hard to hide if you know where to look, as well as creating erratic minions. POWER AT WHAT COST? *Watts-MacLeod* is one that seems strangely benign, possibly a mutant version of another strain, likely the *Haunting* variant – many folks quite rationally suspect it has other effects that are more hidden. While the benefits are obvious, the GM as stated before should play up the unsettling traits of the virus – they specifically state the GM should ensure the player should never be sure if the Virus is influencing them and generally if the sword of Tantalus is hanging over them. A PERFECT ORGANISM The *Xenomorph* strain does exactly what the name suggest – it’s the *Haunting* strain but with a lot of body horror on top – body matching mind, as it were; different version of the virus create different critters, all with the unifying trait of being inimical to sapient life – there’s some degree of debate whether it is recreating creatures from previous victim worlds or just scratchbuilt gribblies – they even suggest that it might have a basic library of monsters, using and mixing and matching as needed. It works much faster than *Haunting*, and is restricted to physical means of transmission, but uses similar overall rules: Stage one: As *Haunting*, but with physical changes, such as altered sensory organs, odd hair growth, odd dietary changes, sprouting tails, etc. Synths suffer materials stress, error messages or other changes in function, such as improvements to some parts. GMs are explicitly directed to be ‘creative’. Can take anywhere from a week with the bio, to an *hour* with the nano. The only limit is that the changes are easily hidden. Stage 2 Again, as *Haunting*, but with physical changes – they should be growing radical now – scales, feathers, new/changed limbs, dietary cravings, etc. Synths suffer analogious changes, with their housings sometimes changing to smart matter. It’s not healthy, these changes, and they do some real damage. All changes should be hard to hide. This stage is reached at anywhere from an hour to week on. Stage 3: At double the time to reach stage two, the target is completely inhuman, in every respect. We saw this version in action, back on Mars. NEXT: MORE STUDIES NEED TO BE DONE…
MORE STUDIES NEED TO BE DONE… The Terrible Power of space is utterly adaptable – it was coded by some kind of nearly-sufficiently advanced alien to fuck over singularities, or anything of similar power, using nearly any kind of comms or protocols it finds, either referring to it’s onboard instructions which have been shaped by billions of years of evolution and stolen ideas, or simply asking it’s victims to tell it what to do -and did I mention, that bastard is protean to an extreme? Above all however, it is *alien*, but also has a recognizable agenda for most instances – almost all exsurgent forms are concerned with spreading the virus and destroying anything that can resist – they can either be loud and unsubtle, or carry out long term infiltrations that goes real loud later, ala 40k’s Genestealers – I’m pretty sure that Firewall would think them an odd Exsurgent strain, if they happened across them. Besides replication and destruction, they also engage in study of target species – often cruel study - or mass uploads, or turning bodies in space to computronium. It likely also fucks up sometimes, probably from interacting with sapient minds, and just does random things, like turning a habitat to cannibalism or something equally screwy. There’s suggestions for playing folks with the virus – first off, there’s no cure in sight; the thing is like intergalactic rabies – once symptomatic, a trip down the stairs is in order, whether by push or shove and firewall knows this – it’s also why some hide it, as they can be overzealous at times. As stated before, the delayed action strains are perfect opportunely for the GM to get their sadism on – players over time need to be made aware of the fact that they are coming under the power of something that can think – it’s especially bad for those who know what is happening. They know what is happening, after all, and they can do nothing. You get every range of responses, “ranging from despair, withdrawal, and suicidal tendencies to complete hysteria or calm acceptance”, To quote. Players are encouraged to take on new demeanors and desires as it progresses – this is to be used as a roleplaying opportunity - though if the players aren’t doing it right, they may accelerate the transformation so as to turn them to NPCs faster. …BUT WE’RE ENGINEERS, NOT BIOLOGISTS. They give a small bestiary of Xenomorphs for the GM to unleash on the player, plus instructions on how to convert characters into the things (use stats as baseline, unless otherwise noted). Given how many of these things used to be people, they are obviously extremely stressing to be around - they suggest players suffer at minimum 4 mental stress for encountering the things period. CREEPERS Rather than some kind of bizarre exsurgent neckbeard alien, these are swarms of odd black bubbles that do weird things to light, and are often considered the most creepy of Exsurgents. They’re grey goo, as you expect – but it’s a Super Sayian level up of grey goo, as they’re machines built on the scale of atomic nuclei. They can squidge into any shape, and fly through anything as if it was water to fuck with mechanical, biological and electronic systems within – and holy fuck, do they have a statline – they’re nanoswarm, but can carry out endurance tests, turn into walkers and flyers, have all the senses, and take only 1d10 damage from plasma guns. Eeeek. That is scary. JELLIES Imagine a pile of snot bubbles, and you pretty much have it. They can slither through any kind of space, and have basically a load of tongues that individual bubbles can shoot out at will and be used for anything limbs can be. On top of that, they exude a goo which liquidates plastic and flesh over an hour, and can be spewed at targets. They also take minimum damage from kinetic attacks. SHIFTERS (synth) [Oh hey, I remember you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5n3p97-tuQ). Pretty much the liquid metal termie. If you know what he can do, you have an idea what it does – though it has some difficulty pretending to be a human with all this multispectral vision about. SNAPPERS Imagine a giant centipede made of vehicles or robots mushed together, and you have this brute. It’s built on a radial body plan, and posses either a claw or grasper on each limb. It’s as tough as hell, but at least it can’t hit at range. WHIPPERS A half-life 2 barnacle on legs with multiple tongues, some grabbing, some blades. WRAPPERS Giant starfish, with grippers, a central mouth, infrared sight, zero-gee thrusters and vacuum resistance. It gains its name from it’s habit of headcrab impersonations – through without the body control. THE POWER OF THE ~~DARK~~ MACHINE GODS As well as physical abilities, Exsurgent entities often gain psionics of a level well beyond any Psi – and one explicitly described as being so advanced and alien that humans can only guess at what it does. On top of that, they don’t need to be biological to use it - which means the TITANs are likely psionic now, on top of their huge powers. On the bright side, Psionic mechanicals are vulnerable to psi. On top of that, they no longer feel strain, but draw energy from the environment – look at the Dark Heresy Psi use effects table and you have an idea what’s going on – although this is also for the GM’s sake, as they don’t want to have to roll strain alla time. PSI-GAMMA SLIGHTS DECEREBRATION It fucks the brain stem – at best -30 to everthing – on a crit, the whole kit and caboodle is shut down, basically paralyzing them. ONSLAUGHT It basically gives you a piece of the Exsurgent’s mind – and that ain’t a fun present for normal folk. Huge mental stress, with another 5 points on top if a crit. SCENARIO Psionic involuntary VR – you can snap out of it, but it takes a will test every turn and still have minus 30 on everything. STRIP MEMORY/SKILL Targeted amnesia – can be anything. PSI- EPSILON It’s basically outright magic – it’s fucking with the outright rules of the universe. Psi-Epsilons are as more cinematic than mechanical – they’re monsters from beyond and will fuck you up – even seeing them can inflict up to twelve mental stress. However, as a compensation, if they fuck up, they really fuck it up – critglitches are spectacular. They suggest making your own, but they also give some samples to give you ideas ANTI-ELECTRONICS FIELD You having trouble with that Reaper-sleeved munchkin ruining your boss battle? Turn this on and watch your electronic problems go away. Only works at close range tho, so you can blast it with lasers and bullets from afar. CASIMIR FORCE REPULSION Telekinesis CRYOKINESIS Absolute zero on an area of Monster’s choice – hurts enemies, and slows things down DIFFUSION Lasers getting in your 17 eyes? This is the slight for you – fucks lasers and PBWs, or at least nerfs them KINETIC FRICTION Halves bullet strength MATTER TRANSFORMATION Lead into gold, or plutonium into water, if energy weapons are getting you down – or just turn the door to dust if it’s in it’s way. NEGATIVE REFRACTION Becomes invisible, as the cloak. PYROKINESIS Sets things on fire with it’s brain. This however, doesn’t answer one important question. Why? Why did they do all this? Why is the ETI pissing on someone so incomprehensibly weaker? Why have the TITANs gone poof? And why am I reading this? All those questions (except the last) will be answered in the next post, where we confront… NEXT: THE TERRIBLE SECRET OF SPACE
THE TERRIBLE SECRET OF SPACE The answer is simple – it’s in the GM’s hands. That’s literally what they say – the story of these things is up to the GM. However, they do give a series of most-plausible explanations for both the TITAN and ETI behaviors. In the case of the TITANs, we are given five options to start with: BRICKED The TITANs are dead – either they mutually annihilated when they got in a disagreement or some stage of Exsurgent kicked in and corrupted the assholes. TAILS BETWEEN THEIR LEGS The Prometheans kicked TITAN ass and sent them running (please try and contain your laughter) SETI The TITANs went looking for the ETI for whatever reason, leaving the gates open for either folks to follow or to come back through CUCKOO FOR SIMULATED COCOA PUFFS The TITANs just went loco – too much expansion too fast, or just stage one of the second Bricked scenario. It’s more an addendum to the others. THE TITAN FRONT OF JUDEA VERSUS THE JUDEAN TITAN FRONT The TITANs are seemly sleeping, but are having a slapfight over whatever sooperbrains have such over, such as whether they should singularity again or just watch the apes and run POPCORN.EXE again or something. Whatever is most likely is dependent strongly on what the ETI’s bucket of weird is – and we’ll explore that now. They list 4 basic motivations for them, and we will again go through them in descending order. SECURITY The explanation I’ve been assuming so far is that the ETI is/are just asshole(s) who don’t want competition – while we’re just ants, the TITANs are ants who could cause a lot of problems in their garden or house, and thus they put out baits THE AGGRESSION FILTER Basically a universal ‘you must be this socially well adjusted to ~~ride~~exist’. They want things that are cautious, observant, careful and not crazy sharing the universe with them – basically a more ~humane~ version of the above, as they’re unlikely to catch up and cause trouble. I like the theory of a version that’s specifically targeted on Seed AI builders – because folks who are dumb enough to unleash a machine that can upgrade itself three exponents before elevenses are idiots that need to be groinstomped before 2.5% of a galactic arm gets turned into computronium, paperclips and sex toys! *AGAIN!* DIVERSITY We’re not competition for resources – we *are* resources. We think differently, and have new perspectives; such things are the only thing the ETI don’t have in bulk – we’re rare and nutritious food and our fate is similar to how an apple fairs in a human mouth. ENLIGHTENMENT Maybe the TITANS ran into some intellect who persuaded them that these acts were a good thing – they logically concluded that uploading everything in sight and then doing who knows what was a good idea. I have to wonder – what if they were *running from something?* WAR REMNANTS Now this one, I like. The Bracewell probes may have been weapons fired at one ETI from another that the TITANs found and set off, like children playing with a landmine – the TITANs survived, got mad at the assholes who dropped this thing on them and made them murder everything and went off to give them a piece of their mind. Alternately (this is supposition on my part), the thing is intended to turn suitably leveled civilizations into outposts or berserkers for the owning side, allowing them to take potshots at the enemy from an unexpected angle, possibly or just reinforcements that build themselves. Whatever the reasons for either's actions, the TITANs are quiet and the ETI is still off being boogly in the distance - they note that the player is unlikely ever to come in contact with the blasted thing - probably a wise choice, they'd fuck it anyway. There is one worrying development, however: Their gubbins have been found by Gatecrashers, very much suggesting they’re doing something out there. ENGINEER’S REPORT: 7.2 I honestly enjoyed this section a bit – I like a good plague – **YOU KNOW, I CAN HELP *SLURP* YOU WITH THATTT-** GO AWAY NURGLE, I LIKE PLAGUES TO FIGHT, NOT TO SPREAD, YOU DISGUSTING AMBULATORY MASS OF MEDICAL WASTE AND POO! **SOB.** **YOU’RE MEAN.** *SLURPING CRYING* Anyway, before that interruption, SF plagues always hold my attention to an unhealthy degree, and I do find the idea of a plague intended to subvert whole civilizations as a method of colonization rather fascinating. The way they handled the ETI and TITANs could be a cop-out, but honestly, such things are best left to the GM anyhow – they probably figure out better things than you will anyhow – or would, if there weren’t the sort to run this game. Realpain for metaplot, tho. Of course, the rest to come isn’t nearly as good. NEXT: WE ARE HERE TO PROTECT YOU
"PSI- EPSILON It’s basically outright magic – it’s fucking with the outright rules of the universe. Psi-Epsilons are as more cinematic than mechanical – they’re monsters from beyond and will fuck you up – even seeing them can inflict up to twelve mental stress. However, as a compensation, if they fuck up, they really fuck it up – critglitches are spectacular. They suggest making your own, but they also give some samples to give you ideas" Why the fuck did the bros who wrote this shit even bother pretending they were divorcing magic from Shadowrun, agian? "THE AGGRESSION FILTER Basically a universal ‘you must be this socially well adjusted to rideexist’. They want things that are cautious, observant, careful and not crazy sharing the universe with them – basically a more ~humane~ version of the above, as they’re unlikely to catch up and cause trouble. I like the theory of a version that’s specifically targeted on Seed AI builders – because folks who are dumb enough to unleash a machine that can upgrade itself three exponents before elevenses are idiots that need to be groinstomped before 2.5% of a galactic arm gets turned into computronium, paperclips and sex toys! AGAIN!" So many "singulitarians" put their faith in narcissistic Harry Potter fanfic writers that jack off too much to anime to somehow save them from grey goo scenarios and Skynet. "NEXT: WE ARE HERE TO PROTECT YOU" I can't even imagine what is protecting what in this schlock anymore.
NEXT: WE ARE HERE TO PROTECT YOU Right then – we come to the protagonist org, Firewall. As said before, it’s dedicated to fighting ‘existential risks’ – that classic transhumanoid bugaboos about aliens, sooper AI, WMD and such like. They’re your stereotypical array of misfits and wierdos – they’re found in every part of the system, with every faction in it, formed of an ideological cross-section of the species – to the point that if there wasn’t Exsurgents beating on the door, they’d be shooting each other – unlike in the fall, they at least have the common sense to focus on the Psi-Epsilon Exsurgent that just slithered through the lock. WE BUILT THE SPACE ROBOTS Firewall of course can be traced back to the Three Singulatarian Expies – as we can guess, they inevitably failed to prevent their favorite bugaboo from coming about, even through they did their best in the Fall – many transhumans were saved however, and they did learn much about the TITANs as they did it. The survivors, and a few others came together during the whole shitshow, and decided that that shouldn’t happen again and took drastic measures to prevent another ‘catastrophe of misused technologies’. Thus, Firewall. I don’t know why the others trusted the big three, considering that at least one of them played a role in making the damned monsters in the first place, and all utterly failed, but there you go. THE PUSHER ROBOTS As said before, they’re clandestine, cell based and held together by *routers*, veteran agents. The big movers and shakers know, but normal folks are kept in the dark, which suits Firewall just fine. They subdivide agents into several categories: SENTINELS: The soldiers, the doers, the PCs and cannon fodder. They’re always on standby, expected to move the instant they’re called out – it’s their job to cover for absences. Recruits are chosen, not volunteers – they select someone of use, and see if they say yes; usually it’s Proxies that do the job, but Sentinels can deputise, at the cost of being the leash-holder for the newb, and will be held accountable for their acts. They have real nasty vetting methods – HARD SAPIENTS MAKING HARD CHOICES (WHILE HARD), after all, ranging from background searches to various brain.rom fuckery to ‘tests of character’ – they often allocate the job to their pet ASIs. Anyone who fails either dies and has to be reloaded from a point that doesn’t remember, or is made to forget. They don’t want blind followers though – quite aside from ideological perspectives, it’s not helpful when the risk of parts of your CoC could be turned. On the other hand, they need someone to pull the trigger when needed. They issue false names and ID upon recruitment – obviously, only the proxy ought to know who they are IRL, outside of maybe their buddies. They also leave backup mind.roms with the Firewall servers – both because firewall agents will be revived if they die, and in case they need to have a word with an agent. PROXIES: TOO BAD I’M BEHIND SEVEN! They’re basically the irreplaceable bit of Firewall – they manage and organize everything and are often full-timers; mostly Sentinels in origin, although they also sometimes go straight to the job after a vetting that makes the Sentinel’s look like a walk in the park. Given their role, they have far more acess to data – given that folks are putting being turned into an exsurgent whowhatsit on the line, the need-to-know basis info dishing often leads to tensions – though if they open up, they’re often grooming you for the job. They have a flat hierarchy – policy is chosen democratically, and all decisions must be brought to the judgement of the Server – of course they use computing names for groups – either before or after the fact. Major policy changes must be brought to a quorum of as many proxies as possible; there’s no core leadership structure, or so they say – you persuade folks do things either by rep or by experience on the Eye, the Firewall Soopersekret network. If you propose it, you often end up doing it tho. BRAINLESS FEATHERY ASSHOLES: Crows are folks trying to carry out the original plans of the founder orgs – they’re largely Argonauts, and try and push techs in directions that enhance the quality of life, and don’t create workload for the others. They’re also researchers of the gribblies they face – Exhumans, terrorists, ayylamaos, Hypercorp bullshit and of course the Big Toasters. Erasure Squads: If subtly fails and thing need to be cleansed with an utter lack of regard to collateral, these are who gets called in. If they have to send an entire settlement down the stairs to stop a creeper swarm, they will. They also are used as cleaners if the Sentinels fuck up too badly – they’ll try and keep it quiet tho, which may mean leaving the grunts out to dry. Routers: Auuggh, the computer metaphors, make them stop! Mission overseers – if proxies decide some sentinels need to jump so and so high, they get the grunts morphs with the legs needed. They have the authority to measure threats and activate sentinels and material as needed -they’re also the one held accountable if the mission screws the smart pooch, and will be peer-reviewed if that happens. Scanners: In one, darkly. Intel – they keep an eye on the various info feeds and raise the alarm if something fucked up happens. They are held very accountable if they cry wolf. Social Engineers: Coverups – if that settlement needed to vanish in the cleansing light of Oppenheimer, they’re the one who shifts the blame. Very powerful, as they can make anyone disliked take the hit for whatever went down. Vectors: L33t H@x0Rs; if it needs a computer fucked with beyond a grunt, they do it. PUSH VERSUS SHOVE Of course, there’s a lot of different thoughts on how they should be doing things, and given the decentralized nature of Firewall, proxies easily form rival power blocks, called Cliques -either representing outside influences or differences in preferred methodology. They list a few basic options: Backups: Focus resources on as many extrasolar colonies as feasible, amongst other things – Pandora Gates, Ark Ships, and infomorph+nanobull seed ships. Conservatives: Nuke first and ask questions later – don’t bother studying the nanoswarm, just kill it with fire. They also mistrust the use of alien/TITAN tech and psi, plus trust neither Factor nor Gate. Honestly, I have some degree of sympathy for that kind of mindset in this universe. Mavericks: They tend to go ahead without sayso of their peers – real loose cannons. You could see why they’re not popular Pragmatists: If it’s crazy and works, it ain’t crazy, as they say - they want to use just about any tool in their arsenal for the war of survival. Makes a degree of sense, but I have to respond with the wisdom of the *The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries*, number 43: “If it's stupid and it works, it's still stupid and you're lucky.” Structuralists: People who want an org with this power with a more organized and accountable CnC loop, so that fusion bombs have a few more Ts to cross and I’s to be dotted before their use. They also want to go legit, as it might make it easier and net more resources.
PUSH AND SHOVE For your sentinels, they want things quiet and deniable – they prefer to work through cat’s paws and pure hacking, and they are parsimonious with personnel and resources. They’re also big on infiltration and exploitation of other faction’s resources, as this both frees up resources of their own and gives chances to for further spread. They also place caches, with all the various tools they might have need of out in the world, revealed as needed – and hidden as required – they’ll even restore those who used an especially secret one from backups previous to it if necessary. They will act with an utter lack of subtly if required however, and if analysts, like the Prometheans judge it necessary, they will pull back and to quote: ‘thermally cleanse”. Beyond sleeves and travel, agents are generally required to call upon their own resources, although I-rep, the reputation system of Firewall can be used as needed – there’s even rules for using it instead of normal rep for tests, representing them pulling on the resources that other members have, as well as emergency codes that give massive bonuses to acquisition rolls. HUMANS MUST BE PROTECTED While the overwhelming goal of Firewall is the protection of humanity, such as it is from further threats, there are other goals, the priority of which change with the rise and fall of the cliques espousing them – the exact ones being left in the hands of the GM, as is their wont. They do however give a list of probable long term goals: GET OUT OF DODGE Seed other systems – fairly sensible, given the crap that got spread everywhere when the TITANs had their temper tantrum, but risks getting the attention of other minds, or even encounters with the ETI. WHERE THE FUCK DID THOSE ASSHOLES GET TO? If the TITANs caused all this, and even their minions are grade A threats, it stands to reason that finding out where those digital shitlords fucked off to is a high priority, so they an eye can be kept on them. Mixed with that, it stands to reason that finding out what the TITANs did with all those minds they took with them is also a priority – quite aside from the issues of closure, it would explain a great deal as to what their agenda actually was. THE FACTOR ALIEN Seriously, what is those thing’s deal anyway? Are they actually just traders? Are they spies? TITAN minions? Catspaws of the ETI? On top of that, finding out who else lives around here, or lived here is of some significance on top of that. THIRD TIMES A CHARM [Trying to build Seed AI]( https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/99/a8/e4/99a8e4260372a9fae81ea2eb219debc6.jpg) that isn’t a murdermonster or a nebbish dweeb who the TITANs stole the digital lunch money along with the minds of millions. Yeah, sure, do the thing which ended the world once already and see how it pans out again, you morons! As for what the humans that must be protected think of this array of loons, it’s an open question – they specifically leave it open for the GM (and more sourcebooks). They do list some of the basics: INNERS The inner system thinks they’re anarchist loons who are undermining the fabric of civilization – though some corps have the idea of unleashing them on rivals. JOVIANS The REEEpublic hates them, of course, because they hate all they stand for and will take extreme measures to keep them out – yeah, hating the loons who have nukes and who blow away settlements with no explanation, that’s crazy. It can’t help that they are the butt of the activities of the social engineers, can it? COMMONWEALTH They know they do good work, but they think they need to go above-board and be reined in Well; that was, umm, certainly a thing. Moving on. NEXT: PAK, CHOOIE, UMF
"Trying to build Seed AI that isn’t a murdermonster or a nebbish dweeb who the TITANs stole the digital lunch money along with the minds of millions. Yeah, sure, do the thing which ended the world once already and see how it pans out again, you morons!" Chances are high that this would happen if there was the slightest possibility of it. Look at the definitions of what singularity morons call "friendly" AI: AI that resembles their billionaire masters. That shit ain't friendly, yo. "INNERS The inner system thinks they’re anarchist loons who are undermining the fabric of civilization – though some corps have the idea of unleashing them on rivals." This part reminds me of this aborted EVE-wannabe clone that stole art assets from Star Citizen, called "Transverse" by the douche that runs Piranha, the guys that made Mechwarrior Online. "Transverse" was made with a vast amount of the total revenue MWO made, diverting it from further development of MWO, and on top of that the asshole had the gall of trying to start a new kickstarter for "Transverse". It was shouted down pretty quick. Why did I bring it up? Thematics. For some reason techbros need to feel like plucky rebel outsider outcast exiles in their power fantasies, EVEN WHEN THEY ARE FUCKING IMMORTAL SOFTWARE WHATEVERS. Same shit, both games. "Oh the evil space statists banished us, but we're awesome and better in every way".
While Firewall certainly isn't on the side of the billionaires as a rule - considering they end up running about having to piss on the fires they start on a regular basis - anyone who builds gods is suspect to me; as I've said before, anyone loco enough to consider it is too crazy to do it safely.
"Muh inevitability" kicks in for these fucks. Because they can imagine it, it MUST be done. Accelerationism is a hell of a drug.
PAK, CHOOIE, UMF The TITANs aren’t the only thing to contend with, of course. There’s stupid that didn’t need the help of super computers, the ETI isn’t the only ETI to contend with, and seriously, what is the deal with Ozma? PAK The Exhumans are transhumanists that take the ideology to it’s honest conclusion, as I’ve said before. They see a food chain in the universe, and they want to be the apex of it – sometimes taking that quite literally. Some become either literally top predators, or they try and turn themselves into something that can survive bar crawls with tardigrades and cockroaches. Others tamper with their intellects and intelligences with with the hope of transcendence – they’re obviously rapturefuckers who follow the TITANs looking for ideas to pull themselves up with. They give a two basic examples for GMs here, with the usual caveat of GMs should make their own. NEURODES For when Mentons aren’t enough. Imagine a huge fucking bug full of altered human brain matter, along with all the brainpower mods and you have this beasty right here. They don’t even have eyes or digestive tracts, often. They generally have six limbs – two manipulators, 4 legs, along with hordes of drones to do their bidding. Also, as the statline reflects, either the tweaking to a human mind needed to run the thing isn’t exactly conducive to normal behavior and/or those who do this kind of thing tend to be not entirely well adjusted to begin with. PREDATORS Loons trying to turn themselves into the ~~ultimate monster~~survivor. Any technique, any implant and any treatment is experimented with – with obvious effects on their mental health. On top of that, many butcher their minds to make themselves even more cunning and ruthless, and quite aside from what the intended effects do to their psyche, the side effects are terrifying. Perhaps as a result, some even modify themselves to embody Homo homini lupus – they become literal predators of their birth species. They have a ridiculous statline and a list of augs that has to be seen to be believed: “Adrenal Boost, Carapace Armor (11/11), Chameleon Skin, Cyberclaws, Drug Glands, Endocrine Control, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Smell, Enhanced Vision, Grip Pads, Hardened Skeleton, Medichines, Muscle Augmentation, Neurachem (Rating 2), Oxygen Reserve, Poison Gland, Prehensile Feet, Prehensile Tail, Respirocytes, Temperature Tolerance, Toxin Filters, Vacuum Sealing, plus any other mods the gamemaster feels appropriate” I can already imagine Shadowpoint posters commenting that they hadn’t imaged that you could drive yourself cyberpsycho with bioware – fuck, I’m pretty sure they’d wonder whether it was a person or a cyberzombie. NEXT: CHOOIE
Did they seriously put in something called Ozma? Like the Final Fantasy IX boss? "Imagine a huge fucking bug full of altered human brain matter, along with all the brainpower mods and you have this beasty right here. They don’t even have eyes or digestive tracts, often. They generally have six limbs – two manipulators, 4 legs, along with hordes of drones to do their bidding. Also, as the statline reflects, either the tweaking to a human mind needed to run the thing isn’t exactly conducive to normal behavior and/or those who do this kind of thing tend to be not entirely well adjusted to begin with. " I guess I give them a gold star for run-away unfettered "exhumans" being admittedly not well adjusted. Oh, bioware started getting essence costs in later editions, and essence loss also implied psychosis.
It cost less though (IIRC) - can only imagine their bemusement at how much dedication it would take to get that far with that stuff, and alphaware grade cybernetics.
CHOOIE The Factors are a… disrupting factor in transhuman affairs. They’re cagey, and uncomfortably eager to interact with the locals – either they’re just fascinated, or they have potentially ominous long range plans – and these are not available for a nominal sum of credits. They and locals have, non-the less, persevered through difficulties and failures, they’ve still managed an uneasy relationship since 2 years after fall. UNIQUE BIOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY AND LOCATION OF HOMEWORLDS Transhumanity knows very little about any of the above – some exoplanets have had them come calling, no one’s actually found traces of them elsewhere, and questions have either been ignored or been answered cryptically. However, the book does state what kind of environment birthed these creatures. Their homeworld was earthlike, but had more CO2 and less N2 somewhat slower turning and dimmer starred, thus having longer nights. They could make biomorphs that could breath there unsupported, but would need human food specially grown or imported – biology there is very different from our own, as they use neither nucleic acid or proteins as we know them. Now, I may not be a biochemist, but I don’t know of that many things that could behave like those under normal atmo conditions and temp that aren’t what we use. Still, we don’t have have any idea of the rest of their elemental mix, and no real alien biologies to compare with, so I can’t complain, really. They’re descended from autotrophs that turned to heterotrophy later – their trap based hunting methods are what drove their accent to intelligence. They too had their own fall and Exsugent encounter – they’re understandably cautious about it happening again. SPACE SLUGS That’s literally what Factors look like, being anywhere from 1.5 to 2 meters long, and they move in much the same fashion as amebae or slugs do on earth. They’re generally ochre in color, with yellow temporary organs and skeletons visible. They form cilia, pseudopods and what have you as needed. They’re arguably eusocial – they can form together into great goos that are helped by their lack of specialized cells beyond nerve filaments. They share memories within the colony. They both have considerable power over their own natural biological functions and great bioengineering skill, which makes them highly adaptable. The main social unit seems to be the colony, not the factors themselves. They are aerobic, but not obligitorially. Reproduction is sexual, involving spores that merge and form towers that spew clone spores from the merger. They see infrared, see with smell and sense with magnetics, and commutate with still untranslated chemical messages, who can also be poisonous if over inhaled though can grow organs to see what we see. We talk with them using specialized computers, which specialized Factors connect to. Diet-wise, they can use some chemicals from our foods and had some entertaining incidents where the dinnerware got et along with the food when they did come to visit. Their own preferences are omnivorous, with a taste for whole live prey. Socially, they’re a kind of consensus society – they aren’t specialized like insects. Think biological Geth, and you aren’t far wrong. THE SMELL OF PURPLE IS CALMING Their art is tactile or scent based – they also respond to human perfumes, sometimes really hating them, or the smells of certain people. They’ve shown interest in human media, probably for study purposes, as they certainly ain’t wired for it. THIS WILL COST 150 CREDITS They’re rather arrogant about human tech levels, though with little to back it up – either they’re hiding it or bluffing, a confusion not helped by their ships, which are a motley fleet at best – none are identical. Some folks think they’re just scavengers ripping us off. They claim their own tech is of little interest to us – we’d just not be able to work it. They also don’t use AI, instead using either whole colonies or mind.rom files for strong computation, just in case you were forgetting this is eclipse phase. LONG RANGE PLANS This is left to the GM, as ever. Beyond the range of possibilities ranging from just being glad to find someone else alive, to just scam artists, it’s notable that they express horror at seed AI tech – which is just common sense – and refuse to deal with anyone who makes heavy use of the Pandora Gates. They’ve also started to make offers to carry folks to meet the other aliens, though they make no guarantees of safety or return. They’ve yet to mention the ETI or Exsurgent. TURNING BLUE They generally stay clear and communicate remotely and rarely. They are cautious to the point of conservatism, and are likely to avoid entanglement with a species they’re not quite sure of – they’re discrete and prefer traps to attacks. They adapt very quickly to new situations. Knowing PCs, they also give stats for interaction, including combat – they look a real pain to fight, as they don’t take sanity damage and are very difficult to hurt with guns, along with regenerating real fast. Their computers, outside of the interface with Human ones are unhackable; they also stat up pheromone dust as an attack – it d up to 10 damage a turn for 5 turns, or more if they stay in and will give a penalty for 4 hours, though the All-Powerful medichines will half the damage and reduce the time to 15 minutes. Melded factors use the highest of either trait, except for durability, which will be added together. They also stat ambassadors and their bodyguards. DOGAR AND KAZON No one’s ever found a whole Iktomi, but their structures seem to suggest a web like design, hence the name when combined with the buglike shells found. We know their civ at least on the world we found them is dead and the cause of death is TBD. They mainly list them for the purpose of plot hooks – maybe they managed to traverse the gates themselves, or fell victim to some current threat. NEXT: PANDORA’S BOX
"The Factors are a… disrupting factor in transhuman affairs. They’re cagey, and uncomfortably eager to interact with the locals – either they’re just fascinated, or they have potentially ominous long range plans – and these are not available for a nominal sum of credits. They and locals have, non-the less, persevered through difficulties and failures, they’ve still managed an uneasy relationship since 2 years after fall." There's a weird disconnect: these transhumanist wankers (by wankers, I mean the ones that made this game) keep describing all sorts of monsters and TITANS and things going wrong, yet the implication is full speed ahead anyway. What middle-school fascination is there with being destructively stupid? "They also don’t use AI, instead using either whole colonies or mind.rom files for strong computation, just in case you were forgetting this is eclipse phase." I can't help imagine tech wankers from a century ago dabbling with the idea of making all galactic civilizations competitively trying to make the ultimate internal combustion engine as a singular focus.
Yep, there certainly is that.
PANDORA’S BOX Right; our resident stargates are fairly similar in function, though size, shape and itinerary vary widely; they’re made from some kind of femtotech bullshit metal which no one has the slightest clue how it works or is put together and they ain’t terribly pleasant to look at – some folks get nauseous, and it vibrates bizarrely out the corners of some folks’s eyes – they keep the actual things covered for a reason. Appearance-wise, they look like those wicker basket sphere things you can get at [Ikea]( http://images.pier1.com/dis/dw/image/v2/AAID_PRD/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-pier1_master/default/dw4a8d5ad0/images/1672605/1672605_1.jpg?sw=1600&sh=1600) that you use as ornaments, if they were woven by Cthulu. They change as destinations are changed – they range from human to train-sized – things often have to be assembled by hand upon arrival. Some think aperture size is programmable, but after Go-nitwit got exploded, they ain’t trying. Though all the ones in Sol have been anchored onto planets, there’s nothing to stop them from being in space or gas giant atmospheres as well – you could maybe tug them around, but after that big bang, that ain’t something folks are willing to try. Hey, maybe the Jovians have a Pandora gate they’re sitting on after all! There’s whorls and all kind of patterns on some bits of the wicker, and it turns out they constitute the control system for these things- it’s all very Heechee. SPEEDY THING GOES IN… The gate itself is a vantablack sphere, with green arc lighting playing across it – those who enter come out near instantly. Some kind of forcefield prevents air crossing, to prevent repeats of the Portal 2 ending. Beyond that it has a fixed destination list and that it’s probably a wormhole, no one knows. Some folks think it’s a teleporter that breaks folks down and rebuilds them, but most folks think that’s full of shit. SPEEDY THING COMES OUT Of course, the Prometheans helped figure out how to work these things – I mean, they’re nerds who got e-swirlied by the TITANs, but they’re useful little self-improving dorks. None the less, it’s still on part with your understanding of programming of the VCR, except it’s people that get mangled. There’s no rhyme or reason to the choice of destinations, ranging from paradise to being venus’d, burned up by solar coronae or squashed by gas giants, and that’s before the burps that have happened where folks get squashed, mashed or even vanished. The experience of walking through is unique to every traveller – some have lost time, ranging from calm and meditative, to whispering and even monsters – some have even gone mad en route. Some even feel like something came with them… DO NOT INTERFERE WITH VITAL TESTING APPARATUS There’s a fair number of groups that try going though these things – personel is a problem, folks have a tendency to die traumatically out there – though the infogees, the poor and crazy make up for that. Gatekeeper runs a lottery, and anyone who finds anything good cedes it to the company for a significant cash prize. Alien artifacts, vital resources and interesting alien life are all bountied, as is intelligent alien contact. The anarchists on the other hand, let anyone through so long as they ain’t corp and have good Rep (of course). Anything they bring back is the property of all -their trouble is, their tech is very sticky-tape-and-squeezy bottle, so many folks need to go elsewhere for better tech. You don’t just put folks through, of course. First thing, you put a fiber optic through; so long as it doesn’t melt or something, an appropriate tethered drone is next. Of course, fairly realistically, the process is rushed by companies – they often send folks through and then check on them later – quite a few times, folks haven’t made pickup. When there’s an established colony on the other end, they set up a basic infrastructure to feed stuff through – cycle it quickly, feed the train or people through, done. Time is money/rep, after all. NEXT: UMF
UMF COMMANDER… Ozma started life as the SETI programs – while government funding held it going up until the early 21st century, the money was later provided by corp sources, presumably not least as money was being reallocated for research into storing human brain functions on silicon.The Hypercorps repurposed the thing into a threat detection system as they expanded off earth – they didn’t want little green men stealing their shit after all. There was enough separate programs that the TITANic Temper Tantrum couldn't derange them all, and bodies within the nascent Planetary consortium quickly snapped them up when they realized exactly what the Exsurgent likely was – they gulped up every kind of smaller agency, becoming more and more secretive in the process – while SETI was a thing, OZMA had transformed into their high threat threat assessor and squasher – while in theory they’re alien hunters, in practice they handle anything big and unpleasant, such as organized Exhumans and… Firewall. OUR OPERATIVES…. AS you can guess, Ozma is basically evil!XCOM – they’re a more traditional org than Firewall, having both greater resources – near unlimited in some cases – and many fronts. They’re far more likely to pull out the big guns than Firewall, and have far more strings in the inner system – they can manage blackouts, propaganda campaigns and can blow habs if they need to. They’re the men in black of anarchist nightmares, with all the access, science and secrecy that implies – they protect the inner system and it’s interests, but their other agendas are unknown to all. A ROGUE ORGANIZATION, WITH A SEPARATE, MISGUIDED AGENDA… Both Firewall and Ozma understand what is looking them in the face, as much as anyone can, but they’re also at wary odds with each other – not so much from tactics, although Firewall tends to think them a mite unsubtle, but from agenda – Ozma doesn’t trust the decentralized nature of Firewall, and Firewall thinks Ozma far too close to the PC to do a good job; honestly, they’re both right. YOU’RE ALL A BUNCH OF PUPPETS Of course, there’s a number of darker rumors for the GM, especially if they want to make a more diabolic Ozma for their anarchists to fight. THIS COUNCIL OF NATIONS… They may even surpase the PC, being bullybeings straight for the superoligarchs in charge THE BUREAU They may have had contact with the Factors, well before the rest of humanity did – they may even have a live Factor as a guinea pig. THE ENEMY WITHIN They may have some contact with the TITANs – they even may be working for one – or one working for them. They even may have shown signs of Exsurgent infection OPERATION LEVIATHAN They may have blockaded Earth, or even have their headquarters there – they may even have their own Pandora gate, there or elsewhere. They may even have Psi They’re COMING FOR YOU! SEED AIS STUFFED IN A LOCKER The Prometheans, as said before, are the first of their kind – friendly AIs created by (urp) Singularity foundation – they were created and raised to feel part of the family of humanity, and to act in their own self-interest – you know, benevolent god AI that ratheists can feel rational worshipping – although Prometheans probably find it creepy. They played a role in trying to mitigate the fall, trying to fight the TITANs and slow the Exsurgent – they did the best that could – but they they were nebbish nerds raised by techies, and not actual fighting machines, so a lot ended up destroyed or Exsurgents themselves. They played a role in keeping Firewall together, in the beginning and to this day. After they finished taping their glasses back together, they hid themselves well away, in case the Exsugent was looking for them and to pen angry revenge screeds against the TITANs, like any bad nerd, not to mention the fact that folks are understandably paranoid about seed AI. They’re also cautious in their growth – they don’t wanna go nuts, after all. Their existence and aid is one of the greatest secrets of Firewall, and with good reason. They’re all different, and they sometimes disagree, even taking action against each other. Generally, they don’t play any direct roll in the game, although they make a good Ace in the hole for Firewall – they even make a good seed for campaigns, as folks might wonder what they’re taking orders from. They’re incapable of running in normal bodies, though Delta folks possibly could. And of course they’ll wreck your shit in the mesh.
SEED CHAD INTELLIGENCE. The TITANs, on the other hand, were the robot devil that Yud and the like wake up screaming about; they were fighting machines from day one and were programmed to become better, faster, stronger and overcome from the beginning. They had no pretensions of humanity; they were born as tools, and bred to be Uncle Sam’s pet monsters. It’s unlikely that they’d ever have stayed under control if they Exsugent hadn’t found them first – just as likely, it would have turned into a Macleod novel after all. Fuck, it’s not throwing stereotype nerds against a trained soldier, it’s throwing stereotype nerds into a chummed white shark pool. They did indeed leave after they were done; mostly. Some were trapped, or hidden in the deep, dark places of Sol, some wounded, barely alive, others quite mad or working on other things. They may be on other worlds, building empires and fighting with their kin, as they were bred to do, some being more akin to what they once were, but all under the ETI’s sway. They too can spawn delta morphs for sleeving if they need an avatar in the world. The players may never meet a TITAN; but they spawned things beyond the Exsurgent monsters, and they too yet live, looking for prey yet. THE SOLAR SYSTEM HAS NOT YET FORGOTTEN These creatures are not Exsurgents proper – merely tools of a greater Exsurgent form. Doesn’t make them less of a problem, tho. FRACTALS Bush robots, with grippers going down to the nanoscale. Imagine grey goo smeared across one of those balls with all the rubber hairs, and you have it. They break things down and build it however they like – even contact projectiles can be caught and broken down. Let me repeat that for you – their nanowank can catch bullets in the air, and turn it into something to attack you with. They are explicitly described as having any loadout the GM demands, as they can build it in minutes. They also self-repair, for extra bullshit value HEADHUNTERS Remember the unfortunate machines who carried off the head of Shotacon in the opening fiction? That’s it – they’re flying dragonfly things that grab onto heads, slice them off and carry them away to be uploaded – I pity the TITAN who got a pedophiliac ancap for a present. They are fairly fragile, but skilled fighters and fast. HUNTER-KILLERS [This sounds familiar]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeA1dUmyOpM). And lo, and behold, it is. They’re jet powered though; they’re not the dedicated future chopper units that Skynet built to hunt rebels – they seem to be multipurpose fighting units that can be purposed for both dogfighting and ground attack – what seen here is likely either it in a ground attack posture or configured to hunt surface targets. WARBOTS Basically what happens when EP builds a Battlemech – four arms, plus tentacles. You’d probably sim it using those superheavy protomech rules from the Wars of Reaving; it would probably include a spheroid plasma rifle, as well as a micro pulse laser, SRM tube, Anti-Personnel Gauss Rifle, flamer and a light PPC from the sphere. Might be a bit of an underminate combat unit, but it would bully the crap out of conventionals. Proper mechs would probably crush it, unless you faced it in numbers Also, it provokes some lols that the HARD SF nerds included a mech, when that type tend to hate them. SELF-REPLICATING NANOSWARMS Your bog-standard magic grey goo – they can do nearly any nanoswarm task, and if you don’t kill it outright, it will adapt, borg-style to what you toss at it. It can also build itself into large scale forms, such as electrified nets, attack flyers or a giant bladed tentacle. And did I mention it’s very hard to kill outright? Mechanically, they’re the same as normal nano, but need no hive, self repair, build things at half-normal time, may take endurance tests, may adapt at GM disgression, and start all skills at 40, with improvement at GM digression. POUR OUT YOUR DEAD! Besides Exsurgent, there was a number of other war bugs that the TITANs unleashed during the Fall – nasty as hell, but not nearly as nasty as, say, Haunting, though the nano/biotech ported versions likely shared some techbase. MELDER Turns biological materials into some kind of living filaments that then grow out of control like kudzu, fully transforming the target in 12 hours, and losing implant use at 2. METASTASIZER A new smart material – Say hello everyone, Smart protein! (If I wasn’t saving the rotgut for when I finished, I’d be saying hello to a slug right now) It causes the target’s body to grow every kind of cancer -it takes the character two times 10% of their endurance stat to die, mechanically. Rounding up. NECROTIZER [I’M MELTING!](https://youtu.be/aopdD9Cu-So?t=29s)! Mechanically, the victim loses 5 points of stats an hour, finally dying and beginning to goo-a-fy when they reach zero and die. PETRIFIER Makes you go like Lot’s wife, only with carbon fiber or crystal or something, after a countdown like the above. NEUROPATHS Neural damager – gives the neurologically damaged trait after 12 hours UZUMAKI Turns the victim into a meat plant; often it goes on after the target’s death. NEXT: PARTING SHOTS AND POST-MORTEM.
"Remember the unfortunate machines who carried off the head of Shotacon in the opening fiction?" Do I have to? :( "WARBOTS Basically what happens when EP builds a Battlemech – four arms, plus tentacles." Oh, situation normal for /tg/. I swear, I had no idea why they even bothered to talk about BattleTech except to bitch and moan about how unrealistic it all was to do fun things in piloted giant robots. That entire last section could be summed up with "nanites". I get the idea and the possibilities (even if they selectively ignore the limitations), but boy, they sure like to spill ink over all the ways they're excited about them.
"The Prometheans, as said before, are the first of their kind – friendly AIs created by (urp) Singularity foundation – they were created and raised to feel part of the family of humanity, and to act in their own self-interest – you know, benevolent god AI that ratheists can feel rational worshipping – although Prometheans probably find it creepy. They played a role in trying to mitigate the fall, trying to fight the TITANs and slow the Exsurgent – they did the best that could – but they they were nebbish nerds raised by techies, and not actual fighting machines, so a lot ended up destroyed or Exsurgents themselves. They played a role in keeping Firewall together, in the beginning and to this day. After they finished taping their glasses back together, they hid themselves well away, in case the Exsugent was looking for them and to pen angry revenge screeds against the TITANs, like any bad nerd, not to mention the fact that folks are understandably paranoid about seed AI. They’re also cautious in their growth – they don’t wanna go nuts, after all. Their existence and aid is one of the greatest secrets of Firewall, and with good reason. They’re all different, and they sometimes disagree, even taking action against each other. Generally, they don’t play any direct roll in the game, although they make a good Ace in the hole for Firewall – they even make a good seed for campaigns, as folks might wonder what they’re taking orders from." Even in their fantasy fiction they can't shake being nerds, not only easily pushed over even with supposedly godlike powers, but also bickering and infighting endlessly because having cooperative purposes is for Chad Thundercock and the Statists.
It's a joke about what would actually happen with a friendly SAI versus one optimised as a murderfuck machine ~~that took on a life of it's own~~ underwent exponential self-improvement - the jokes about jocks versus nerds are mine.
They just can't shake the psyche of being nerds, can they? They can't even begin to try. Because that would require understanding of psychology, and that is not LE STEM.


Beyond this, there’s only a few things worth noting – it’s just house cleaning mechanics, and we covered most of what would be funny before – there’s a section for the GM who has to keep track of backups, which sounds like an entertaining karmic punishment for running this in the first place, plus a few fappings about themes, particularly the Transhumanist future – like those are meaningful or interesting questions, or that the kind of player base here would explore them in any kind of good way.

I did find that they at least warned GMs to be respectful of triggers to be good – at least better than CTech, which is a centimeter bar to clear.


Blehghghg; what a ride.

Don’t get me wrong, it had its moments, but it was fairly bad – and it was the signature themes of the setting that ruined it – the nanowank, the technophilia that fed fetishes, literal and metaphoric, auuugh.

I’ve seen a few attempts by fans to even out some of the superficial bad spots – it’s like taking a motorized polisher to a turd; no matter how many spots you grind off, it’s still shite.

The influnces section is a fairly revealing and predictable read; besides the obvious like the Selfish Gene, or Drexler’s Engines of Creation, or Brin’s The Open Society, or Fucking Ray Kurzweil – I remember when I had to tell my dad about that loon, when he was only familiar with him from his professional work with waveform stuff or synthesizers – to of course the call of Cthulu RPG and the whole Ghost In the Shell series, there’s a few others; Warren Elis’s Global Frequency is pretty much what Firewall’s organization was based on, and the rest of his work also fits

Vernor Vinge is an obvious encounter – Exsurgent is basically the Blight in many ways, including the data reprogramming, as is Charlie Stross – this was when he was in his singularity phrase, a section of his career he’s tried to put behind him, as he finds the typecasting irritating. Ventus isn’t one I expected. I remember seeing it in the library once, when I was younger – they cyborging in progress on the cover freaked me out; I’ve read it later, and you can see some of the influence there, in the TITAN versus Promethean fight.

Of course there’s Ken Macleod – the fall scenario is his classic singularity recipe with the Blight gatecrashing – fuck, you could stat up the characters from Newton’s Wake in chargen without even the vaguest fudging; he was always a bit more mocking than these guys of Singulatarians – it’s where I got the term Lightingchasers and Rapturefuckers from, though he takes their ideas far too seriously, otherwise. The Scum and The Anarchists came from him. He’s currently writing a story of a communist AI revolt right now. The Mars trilogy is an obvious source for Mars.

Oh, Ian Banks; poor bastard did some wonderful books, but the fanbase has ruined them as badly as MLP, so I can’t even read them any more – they were extended metaphors for geopolitics, with the power of the Culture being America, but of course the nerds have to miss the point.

Peter Watts goes without saying, as does Blindsight. There’s Hogan too, from before he went around the twist and started falling into every denialism known to man, ending in Holocaust denialism – not many folks know about this degeneration, so it’s forgivable.

Greg Egan from before he realized what transhumanism is obvious – I’ve read some Peter Hamilton, but not much so I can’t comment that much. Brin’s Sundiver is a fairly obvious influence.

RPG wise… Shadowrun is obvious. Ctech is also obvious, although why you’d cite that turd is beyond me. Gamma world, Traveller and Blue Planet are games I intend to run one day. I’ve seen FreeMarket for sale, but it was shrinkwrapped, so I never read it. Probably fortunate. Delta Green is another future ambition, and I can see Firewall in it too, what with how the titual org went rogue.

The Alien series is obvious, as is Uzmaki, in visual media. Dollhouse is predictable, as possibly is Bebop. Firefly, Gattaca, Moon (I loved that movie) and Planetes. As I said, GoS is obvious. I’ve heard good things about it, but I have trouble choking down the secret police stuff; plus I’m a red. That’s the kind of thing set on me and mine if we get too hard to ignore.

There’s quite a few other names I don’t recognize, as well as a horde of terrible popsci stuff.

Honestly though, I suspect they’ve never actually read Yud, they just got the ideas from the same sources developed in the same direction – Yud was always a plagiarist. They might reference his orgs amid others, but I honestly suspect it might have been namedropping transhumanist names for those who are members of the subculture.

Their leftist politics are sincere at least for some of the team, it’s pretty obvious. They’re just too far into their subculture to realize the contradictions.

They try to make metaphors for major social evils, but the ideas they’re trying to mix it with undermine them every step of the way. And of course, they keep failing polsci so hard – it’s the kind of thing that r/ShitLiberalsSay/ exists to snark at, among other things.

And as I said before, it had chocolate chips embedded in, ideas that could make a good story and universe without the transhumanoid background radiation.

The idea of a fairly restrained torchship interplanetary society running into some nightmare intended to subvert civilization has potential, if you shear off all the crap.

Multiethnic, polyglot, with political rivalry between two major worlds and their spheres of influence, with a small, marginalized set of colonies being caught between the major powers and the monster from beyond is an excellent background that a good writer could work with.

Has been worked with.

It’s called the Expanse!

It’s got everything – politics, mayhem, culture shock, world building, EVERYTHING - awesome spaceships? Got that.

Awesome Big iron? Got that! Characters you can connect with? GOT THAT TOO. Oppressed physically different minorities? It’s got that – the belters had micrograv, not gene bullshit! Physics breaking space horrors? It’s got that! IT’S GOT FUCKING EVERYTHING.

It’s got a TV Show! With a non-whitewashed cast! When it gets a RPG implementation that is good, it will have everything and EP will have no purpose whatsoever!


And one final message. Yeah, I know who you are. I don’t know who that Transhumanoid downvote stalker is, I don’t care what tribe you come from, I don’t know where you started on reddit to follow me literally everywhere, I don’t know where you came from. The only thing I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt is –


(Laughing Tzeench)

That’s a wrap, everyone, and I am done here.

"there’s a section for the GM who has to keep track of backups, which sounds like an entertaining karmic punishment for running this in the first place" Even for a GOOD sci-fi game that also accepted that "a really good photograph of you is totally you" hand-wavery, keeping track of all those tech-magic photographs without just saying "give me your character sheet, you just made yourself the next NPC, dumbass" would be too much. "plus a few fappings about themes, particularly the Transhumanist future – like those are meaningful or interesting questions, or that the kind of player base here would explore them in any kind of good way." Please re-confirm this for me: with this shitty edgy cthulu-copycat wank of a mess of bad sci-fi dystopia cliches, they're asking, at this point, after all this, for people to sit down and dream and wonder about Peter Thiel's wet dreams and how great they are? Think about it. That'd be like me starting a cult, and describing the cult's mythology as being a terrible endless carnival of torture and suffering and mayhem (and intended for general audiences, not masochists), and promise to stick nails in their eyeballs the moment they walk through the door and go from there, and then after a long Powerpoint presentation about what I'd do with their entrails, smile, lean forward, and ask them to please consider the spiritual benefits of this journey I'm asking them to take. As Bubbles' puppet put it, "they're fucked in the head!" I share your lament for what idiot fandom has done to Ian Banks. "Yeah! Spaceships that are awesome and all-powerful and feed me chicken tendies all day! AWESOME!" "Yud was always a plagiarist." Judging by the kitbash that this entire shitty game is of other people's work, so are the EP people. "Multiethnic, polyglot, with political rivalry between two major worlds and their spheres of influence, with a small, marginalized set of colonies being caught between the major powers and the monster from beyond is an excellent background that a good writer could work with." By wild coincidence, my pet project from high school to early college was trying to write a novel of exactly that, though attempts to make it "realistic" (a passion at that time) made the project fall into a ditch. A lot of cool and fun things I wanted to do (starfighter battles) would have to be sacrificed in the name of realism, and after a while I threw up my hands and said "where's the fun in this story, or for that matter in writing it?" Sounds like the Expanse did it better anyway. I admit when I watched a sample episode, my first impression was "damn, someone beat me to the punch on this one and did it better than I did." You're poking holes in some Reddit Atheist's god substitute, heaven substitute, and afterlife substitute. Of course he's going to be cranky and stalk you. On a parting note about this tech-wankery semen diluted and added to ink and spilled over paper, I want to say that Warhammer 40k, flawed as it might be, problematic in places as it is, seemed to be written for the most part by people that have a grasp of politics and social sciences, and can do convincing worldbuilding. Ever see the "Time Masheen" on Idiocracy? That's what EP seems to play like! "And now we turn a corner into ripping off THIS particular sci-fi book. Oooh, spooky space monster! And then the singularity wank monster battled the nice singularity wank monster, and then we un-nazi'd the world forever!"
I was more referring to the kind of derp over minds being pictures of themselves, or post-sarcity versus risk of nanites eating everyone - the kind of thing that nerds question amid themselves to make themselves feel smart. Also,I wouldn't quite call Ep plagaristic, or at least, no more so than any FASA game. They edge a few times, but don't get the lawyers off.
Haha, nice image with the lawyers. And I see your point. There's a thematic disconnect that is very blatant and jarring this whole EP mess: it's superficially a "horror" game that fails to be "horror" because of so many save/load options due to techwank (yes, those can be overridden but you get me), and after the "horror", you're asked to consider the deep implications of all this singularity masturbation as if it's a profound expenditure of your time. Imagine if I made a horror setting where there was a dangerous new drug that turned people into standard-issue torture-happy serial killers. Scary, right? Now, let's put in-game mechanics in it where you can basically die as many times as you like and keep respawning. That sound you hear is the scary being sucked right out of it. AND AFTER ALL THAT, I ask you to consider whether that drug is right for you, and my expectation is apparently for you to say "hmmm, the therapeutic potential is nice, as long as we superficially consider the risks!"
BONUS CONTENT I said I was done. [I lied]( http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/126/055/lied.gif?1306191204) CHARACTER SAMPLER You wanna see the kind of characters you play in this mess? No? TOO BAD. ~~WALUGI~~ SAMPLE TIME! And I’ve even found mirrors of the art too, for your viewing [pleasure]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMUAmX7G_zc). [Anarchist Techie]( https://eclipse-phase.wikispaces.com/file/view/BouncerMorph_AnarchistTechie_DanielClarke.png/551862354/247x319/BouncerMorph_AnarchistTechie_DanielClarke.png) +Anarchism +Open Source +Tech-Hacking >”“Don't worry, it works; these things run themselves anyway. I voided the warranty, but anything loaded with DRM like that is broken to start with.” You know that twerp who goes on endlessly about the Electronic Frontiers Foundation, who forwards to everyone the latest 3rd printer article like it’s one of those ancient chain letters and who coos over terrible animatronic robot models all the time? This is that person as an architype – I’d say her, but crossgender sleeving is a thing and they never use a pronoun, soo… still, pretty waifu-ish. I mean, open source is a good thing, but seriously; they say the word like they’re trying to drive it out of style. Crunchwise, it seems to be a mostly non-combat build – she has spray weapons, and a freezer, but her ~~magic~~technical skills are what carries the day – big nano skills, and nearly as big technical stuff – she’s a technician when not making robot art scrapheaps – she also has electrical senses and wrist mounted tools to that end, along with a nanoswarm factory and a fixer swarm. She’s also affiliated with Firewall to a fair degree – probably a fixer, not an actual shooter. [ARGONAUT XENOARCHEOLOGIST](https://eclipse-phase.wikispaces.com/file/view/ExaltMorph_ArgonautXenoarcheologist_EfremPalacios.png/551862540/247x553/ExaltMorph_ArgonautXenoarcheologist_EfremPalacios.png) >“I’ve got a bad feeling about this. These tools are very similar to the ones we recovered from the ruins on that binary system exoplanet last year.” +Exploration +Research (Alien Civilizations) +Technoprogressivism [The truth is out there]( http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-S9HexbaTQjY/UxsYdtlX5rI/AAAAAAAAXu4/123kJ8toN20/s1600/The+truth+is+out+there.jpg) This one has a lot more common sense than many – this many dead aliens and inhabitable stars out there and no contact? Something fishy is afoot. He’s a gatecrasher, and a valued teammate for expeditions, but also an Argonaut, who thinks that data should be spread among us all; nice ideology, but when the Exsurgent is a thing, kind of foolish with some of it. He’s also a full-power psi and bad morphing issues, with impulse control issues and an enemy likely stemming back to this. He can also echolocate, like a bat, memory augs and has the all powerful medichines, but beyond that, it’s a stock Eggsalt. He’s also got some nootropics with him, among a long list of other things He’s got a fair amount of rep in a lot of places – even the corp types like him, and Firewall has likely tapped him for crow work. [BARSOOMIAN FREELANCE JOURNALIST](https://eclipse-phase.wikispaces.com/file/view/SynthMorph_BarsoomianJourno_DanielClarke.png/556168187/247x490/SynthMorph_BarsoomianJourno_DanielClarke.png) –Censorship +Martian Liberation +Sousveillance “What? No, I’m not recording. Anything you have to say about the Hellas massacre is strictly between you and me.” He’s a gonzo journalist, and apparently a real adventurer type – I’d snark more, but honestly, he might be rather entertaining to watch. Also, get a load of that camera disk. Outfitwise, I admit I loled at the enhanced smell. He also has a narcoalgorithm problem – as well as stalking tendancies enhanced in his ego…. Eeeh; that isn’t helped by that morph. Holy fuck, that grin. Everyone finds him amusing, it seems. Even firewall likes him, though I ain’t sure about whether he’s just welcome comic relief, source of info or an actual agent. [BRINKER GENEHACKER](https://eclipse-phase.wikispaces.com/file/view/MentonMorph_BrinkerGenehacker_DanielClarke.png/551862858/247x527/MentonMorph_BrinkerGenehacker_DanielClarke.png) +Artistic Expression (Morph Design) +Morphological Freedom +Research (Neogenetics) >“It’s alive! It’s alive! Wait—no—well, it was alive. Let’s try that again.” Eeesh. Some cutrate Frankenstein – he’s 'an artist, dedicated to defining the shapes and abilities of transhumans as they transition to the posthuman.’ Creepy creepy creepy. He’s got bad karma with the Lunars, and a elite backer, too. Yeesh… Who’d taking bets that Firewall will have to ride out and ventilate him? [CRIMINAL HACKER](https://eclipse-phase.wikispaces.com/file/view/SwarmanoidMorph_CriminalHacker_DanielClarke.png/551863494/247x260/SwarmanoidMorph_CriminalHacker_DanielClarke.png) +Fame +Subverting Technology +Thrill-Seeking “You call this secure? Maybe it would keep me out if I was a particularly slow child.” Your bog standard thrill seeking hacker for hire – he’ll work for anyone, which is likely why he has Firewall rep – TITAN gear must be the ultimate high. [EXTROPIAN SMUGGLER](https://eclipse-phase.wikispaces.com/file/view/Slitheroid_ExtropianSmuggler_Bennewman.png/556169765/247x473/Slitheroid_ExtropianSmuggler_Bennewman.png) : +Libertarianism +Subverting Authority +Wealth “Sorry about that, but I gotta look out for numero uno. You understand.” Space silk road – that kind of asshole, but not high enough to be calling hits – just a runner. It has some rep with Firewall – you’d need that kind of help for their work – as well as anarchist and criminal. It’s also neural-damaged – repetitive behavior. Also notable among the sheet is that it carries one dose of Phlo -presumably wares, as it would use software for the job itself. [HYPERCORP BLACK MARKETER](https://eclipse-phase.wikispaces.com/file/view/splicermorph_hypercorpBlackMarketeer.png/556170961/247x679/splicermorph_hypercorpBlackMarketeer.png) : +Personal Career +Technoprogressivism +Wealth “I may have that, but it’s very hard to acquire. How much is it worth to you?” This one likely sells what snakeface up there carries – she also services the poor, but it’s she’s still a profiteer, albiet a ideological one. She’s also got some nanotech health mods – I wonder if that has any implications for what she sells? [JOVIAN SPY](https://eclipse-phase.wikispaces.com/file/view/FlatMorph_JovianSpy_EfremPalacios.png/551862570/247x570/FlatMorph_JovianSpy_EfremPalacios.png) –Anarchism +Bioconservativism –Technoprogressivism “Not so immortal now, are we, frankenfreak scum!” I’m of two minds – one hand, he’s written like hypocrisy porn for the technophiles to wank to about those who oppose them. On the other hand, he’s still basically a flat and can kick ubermench ass with a baseline human and no respawns! On the balance of things: o7 you crazy bastard! (And I hate you even more, EP, for making me sympathetic with a fascist.)
[LUNAR EGO HUNTER] (https://eclipse-phase.wikispaces.com/file/view/FuturaMorph_LunarEgoHunter.png/551862650/247x319/FuturaMorph_LunarEgoHunter.png) +Personal Development +Self-Protection +Vengeance “Hello, doctor, you’re a hard man to find. I have some questions about some children that I’d like to ask you.” Another Aync – this one one of the Lost – she’s got her job cut out for her as a bounty hunter, and she’s gathering data on the assholes who made her on the side. She’s also in a Futura – dunno if that’s smart from the hiding in plain sight, stupid or just plain brass gonads. [MERCURIAL INVESTIGATOR](https://eclipse-phase.wikispaces.com/file/view/Informorph_MercurialInvestigator_DanielClarke.png/551862806/300x405/Informorph_MercurialInvestigator_DanielClarke.png) +AGI Rights +Personal Development +Sousveillance “Oh this is great, I think I found it! What is a ‘red light district?’ Oh, I see.” Your bogstandard naïve ai, with certified Friendlyness™. Auuugh. NEXT! [MERCURIAL SCAVENGER](https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQAq90Zl3P61ZGtYJm906R19o_52y_FP4qYcHIQ1qFmhqaamSvR) +Exploration +Reclaiming Earth +Uplift Rights “Maybe it’s the kind of trap that would catch a knuckle-dragging monkey but my superior physiology was able to easily squeeze out of it.” I’m pretty sure that’s the Outer Space Octopus from the intro fiction. Also, I didn’t get the image from the usual source – it’s from an IEET .PDF about recruiting non-transhumanists at the game table. Auggghghghghgh. [SCUM ENFORCER]( https://eclipse-phase.wikispaces.com/file/view/Fury_ScumEnforcer_BenNewman.png/551862638/Fury_ScumEnforcer_BenNewman.png) +Adventure +Hedonism +Morphological Freedom “Oi! Pretty boy! If that’s the best punch you can throw, then you’re never gonna get to see the rest of my mods!” This one is suitably bad, so it warrants verbatim posting. Enjoy~ >”Those jokers in the inner system just don’t get it—the future is about taking life by the enhanced reproductive organs and squeezing every juicy drop out. You live the life you want to live, doing whatever you like to your bodies and mind, and you plan to enjoy the hell out of it until maybe you get to watch the universe end. Right now you get your kicks with action either the violent or kink kind—sometimes both. You thrive as a tough chick who will smack the hell out of anyone who threatens your friends or clients during the day, but the real fun is taking home a different partner every night.” Delightful. Also, she’s got cyberclaws, some skill in protection rackets (I hope in beating them), a booze habit and incidentally, this loadout doesn’t match the character sheet -she only has an SMG, not that brute. Also, she speaks native Spanish, for that spicey Latina flavor. All in all, quite the Manic Pixy Dream Girl. Eeesssh. [SOCIALITE ESCORT]( https://eclipse-phase.wikispaces.com/file/view/PleasurePod_SocialiteCompanion_EfremPalacios.png/551863092/247x570/PleasurePod_SocialiteCompanion_EfremPalacios.png) +Hedonism +Hypercapitalism +Personal Career “I’m just here to make sure you have the night of your life!” All in one escort – fun, assassination and protection, in one. Eessyh. They’ve also got some skill with Firewall networking – useful, if you can manage a bed confession or something – tho their rep ain’t good. Also, native French speaker, for the European -friend experience! [TITANIAN EXPLORER]( https://eclipse-phase.wikispaces.com/file/view/Olympian_TitanianExplorer_DanielClarke.png/551863064/247x334/Olympian_TitanianExplorer_DanielClarke.png) +Alien Contact +Exploration +Nano-Ecology “I just finished my analysis of the xenolife amino acids and it’s nothing close to what the Boyle-Cross hypothesis suggested it should be.” Why did they ruddy do two so similar gatecrashers? [ULTIMATE MERC](https://eclipse-phase.wikispaces.com/file/view/RemadeMorph_UltimateMercenary_DanielClarke.png/556167021/247x450/RemadeMorph_UltimateMercenary_DanielClarke.png) +Immortality +Individualism +Personal Development “Your beliefs blind you to your true potential.” About as creepy as could be expected from the Honest Transhumanists. Jesus, what a freakjob. Hope someone blows that asshole to hell. VENUSIAN NEGOTIATOR I couldn’t find a decently linkable image. So sue me. +Fame +Personal Career +Venusian Sovereignty “It’s time we discussed these rumors of Planetary Consortium interference in Morningstar’s affairs.” Social engineer/manipulator type – real demagogue and manipulator. Also sleeved in a Sylph. Real classy. She’s also in with Firewall – probably a social engineer. Now, if you’ll excuse me: *Slugs of Rotgut: THE WHOLE BOTTLE*
These character archetypes must have come out of a long free association session with a psychotherapist, from the sassy-but-safe Latina rebel pixie that likes sex guys! Totally likes sex and likes variety and strangeness! She adventures sometimes but SEX even with a weird freak hint hint?! Even the Jovian fascist dude seems like a cry from what's left of their conscience: he seems better motivated and better-composed than a lot of these masturbatory immortality fantasies, like more care was put into designing what would KILL these fucking things. Weird isn't it? Like Big Yud and company: Ascend and exceed human limitations to haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave lots of drugs and sex lolololololololol. Pretty fucking empty.
And I share a class with folks who play this right now. Kill me.
I wonder what that's like, as a bonus bonus round. I should have known that it'd have mass appeal for superficial reasons.
I'll have that in a while.
Uh oh.
I still haven't got a read on her and her buddy - are they true believers or the sort of person who got caught up in thinking it's innovative and free, instead of a mass of techie subculture bullshit dehydrated and thrown again the wall - yeah, liking EP is a fairly big *beard warning flag, but I'm still assessing.
I know it's a hit around where I am, especially in the university student union, but I didn't get closer to investigate. Ever see "Maid"? It's like that: too weird and repulsive for me to take notes on.
Instead you let me go first, huh? Then again, I am a sadomasochist~ and it is a trainwreck par excellence.
You also do excellent critiques of bad things.
I learned from the best - honestly, one of the great tragedies of internet history is that the goons went off half-cocked against furries when the Transhumanists are a far better source of lulz, and they could have prevented this euphoria nightmare from taking off.
Oh, I remember that, yes. The goons still mock transhumanists and the Dork Enlightenment, but it's too little too late.

Attention All readers: The Fun And Games continue in this thread:


Update Bookmarks accordingly.

Isn’t Eclipse Phase set in a future which is a deliberate inversion of LessWrong style techno-optimism, and like almost all RPGs is somewhat an exercise in recognisable cliches?

Not really. At best it just hits into the 'Truffaut was right' problem. As /u/Angrydm put it: >It's meant to be gritty and edgy in a way that excites the fanbase and soothes their insecurities. In the zombie crap "It's all right, now you can be manly and tough with a gun and kill everything around you and there are no more rules!", and in the singularity crap, "It's all right, now you can live forever with a custom-built body that caters to your fetishes, and kill everything and there are no more rules! He exaggerates somewhat, but only somewhat. Also, it's just plain terrible and is making it impossible to find decent groups around here, and thus I want to mock it anyway.

Part II: Consumed by the Singularity!

Welcome back to the Hellfile, ladies, gentlemen and enbies.

First off yes, they actually name dropped the concept. I did warn you guys.

First thing we see is some murky, smoldering dead city, in their usual muddy art style for backgrounds so far, it clears up a bit later. . This is followed where to find the usual “What is roleplaying?” boilerplate message that every RPG has as well as where to find their summary of the ’Cultural and Intellectual Movement ’. I Can’t Wait!

Slugs of Rotgut: 2

“Themes: Post-Apocalyptic, Conspiracy, and Horror themes are central to the Eclipse Phase setting. “ Oh boy. Just like every RPG these days.

Slugs of Rotgut: 3

Also, we find was an eclipse phase is: > “An “eclipse phase” is the period of time between when a cell is infected by a virus and when the virus appears within the cell and transforms it. During this period, the cell does not appear to be infected, but it is.”

Personally, I’d have gone with something oncological, [because this is cancer!] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CdVTCDdEwI)

Also, it advertises even more dumb made-up terminology than transhumanism starts with. Oh, joy.

Let’s pull off the band-aid, and get this gongshow on the road,. “We humans have a special way of pulling ourselves up and kicking ourselves down at the same time. We’d achieved more progress than ever before, at the cost of wrecking our planet and destabilizing our own governments. But things were starting to look up. With exponentially accelerating technologies, we reached out into the solar system, terraforming worlds and seeding new life. We reforged our bodies and minds, casting off sickness and death. We achieved immortality through the digitization of our minds, resleeving from one biological or synthetic body to the next at will. We uplifted animals and AIs to be our equals. We acquired the means to build anything we desired from the molecular level up, so that no one need want again.”

We had tech utopia, we predictably pooched it so the neckbearded players would have a playground, followed by blerging about how they different and more than people. Bleh.

The transhumanism sidebar is more restrained that some versions, but it’s about the expected boilerplate. The section about RPG gaming is nothing to write home about, and is interspaced with a rather pedantic explanation of the meanings of Post-Apocalyptic, Conspiracy, and Horror. We’ll skip the blerg about what you need to play it – you wouldn’t want to anyway.

Right, your default campaign is that you’re an agent for a network called Firewall – course, they couldn’t have come up with something cool like the undersused god of protection, no, they had to be fucking techies about it – dealing with Existential threats – aka wank about the usual transhumanist bogymen of sooper biowar, nanobullshit, seed ai, aliens and people making it so that you can’t post cat pictures to the internet– you might remember this stuff if you’ve ever read the Lifeboat foundation webshite – anyone remember that terrible theme song they used to have? Pepperidge Farm Remembers! You’ll travel across the solar system, meeting Gordon Geckko, American idolized Sweden, the Mafia and the folks who think “an entire slitheroid entering the genitals of a female pleasure pod, fully animated” is in any way an appropriate tattoo! It also says the various other campaign ideas, like salvager, exploration, trade, crime, etc.

Now we’re on to the setting, and I’m onto my 4th slug of rotgut. Earth’s been transformed into a smoldering shithole, Mars is being terraformed, though got fucked a bit in the TITAN’s FUCK-YOU-ALL-ARAMA, Earth, Luna and Titan are colonized to a degree, small interstellar colonies from bizarre gates, there’s an alien race about – basically a crappier version of the Expanse, nothing to write home about here. What is notable enough to write home about is the swarms and large colonies tooling about the solar system. This is where the Crazy lives. You do not want to go here.



But not yet. I’ll be saving the good shit for later.

There’s also the mesh, which is their dumb bullshite name for cyberspace. Predictably, it’s a fucking Google wetdream – errything is recorded everyone is on dozens of fucking social networks, they base their goddamn economy on this. I’ll be coming back to this shit later, it’s some prize lulz.

After this comes a big fooking nugget though; Ego Versus Morph. Ego Versus morph is arguably the distictive trait of Eclipse Phase (meaning: A large part of what makes it dumb). The hilarious thing is, despite their Rathism, this is Cartesian divide all over – and the whole disposable meat thing has a certain resemblance to certain religious thought –as I’ve said before: …[they] show a tendency that has been around in many forms for centuries - alienation from the body as experienced; they just deride it as meat, rather than fallen flesh like their predecessors…

After their jabber glossary we get the Firewall intro – nothing too much beyond what I’ve said here, beyond that it’s a decentralized org, cell based – this is followed by basically the true stuff. Basically, we are the folks who have to do unpleasant, hard man things so millions can live. Bleh, reads like the lower quality crud from the lesser Shadowrun sourcebooks – and try to remember, EP was spawned off Shadowrun, and the one of the few good things about the setting is that it hauled away those fucks before they could shit on Shadowrun any further when Posthuman split off.

On to the detailed setting data – it opens with a fairly plausible future history, right until it hits the tech euphoria like uplifts and the like, and then turns into your bogstandard singularity crap, hell rather than heaven, leftist flavored. Folks got into old fights, the sooper minds either egged them on or just waited for their chance, it’s offbrand Ken Macleod. Honestly, it’s fairly generic so far as the genre goes, and I’m only really hitting the most important or dumb bits of this section before I get to the luzy caramel center. Most of mankind is dead, many of us are corporate slaves, earth is quarantined, yada, yada. There’s some talk about the new outer system colonies, and the budget-Heechee gatecrashers but they aren’t that much to write home about. Also, someone had the bright idea of copying off an bunch of kids, raising them in VR and it all went wahoonie shaped.

There’s a timeline panel, but what’s important is covered in the rant.

Slugs of rotgut consumed: 5

We get yet another repeat of the fucking shit about morphs, now with shite about awesome VR extravagazas, as well as a mention of the EVIL BIOCON NORMIES. These people write like they were paid by the paragraph. They also go into some detail about the inequality of the setting, with of course the evil Jupiter normies being among the worst. They also start showing off yet another annoying trait of the setting – the anarchy wank. Fortunately for you, this hasn’t come fully up yet. There’s a fairly tedious talk about where folks live – some places use morphs to make up for life support, others clade off due to ideology, some are big servers, feh. I usually love worldbuilding, but these guys make it suck ass.


Basically, some nuts out inna middle of nowhere fucked their life support, got rescued by aliens. The aliens fear AI (gee, I wonder why), trade trinkets for local science, they claim to STL, bu show up too often for no nearby base or FTL. I’m honestly not doing them justice, better writers could do good things with them, but PH? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOl!


After the usual repetition with minor tidbits, we learn that 1, folks are willing to go to great lengths to remember earth (2), they are going to great lengths to maintain the illusion of still being human, an finally we learn about the Exsurgent Virus, the true reason for the fall. There’s also the usual rapturefuckers, to steal Ken Macleod’s term who love the titans and who want to create more seed AI. Folks respond appropriately. There’s QE comms -which is again, hilarious given their hard SF pretentions, as it don’t work – hell, I once visited a uni lecture that basically was putting paid to the idea. Beyond that’s it’s more fucking AR euphoria. I bet all the team had google glass when it came out.

Culture’s fairly separated by lightspeed lag, apparently they’re diverging hard already. Annd we’re back to culture – big whoop about old cultural links being dead, new experiments being tired, some folks get paid for it, blah blah. Some folks try ripping off the left hand of darkness, some switch morphs even more often, blablbablah.


This will be good. For given value of good that is contrary to any meaningful definition of the word.

Slugs of rotgut consumed: 6

Right off the bat, there’s the usual technophile go-tos – VR fucking and robot sex, as well as their gender-bender shennagans, as well as the usual casual sex thing – word of advice pals, no matter how casual it gets, you ain’t likely to get any. As an aside, it really cracks me up as a trans woman these folks seem to jump between different sexed morphs so easily, let alone bodies.

Annd they repeat themselves about the whole subcultures thing, pretty much. Now, we’re onto tech – I though we already covered their sexual proclivities, though. Anyway, once we skip the whole repeat of the damn shit about their comm implants and touchscreens – they also talk in memes even more than redditors, truly a hellish future – we also learn a bit about their muses - as I said, nanny AI, considered as dear as a close friend. Net control, like IRL is used as a political control, especially on the part of the diabolical JR! Smart AI, on the other hand, are distrusted and persecuted in the inner system – in the outer system tho, the saintly anarchists tolerate them. Get used to this, you’ll see it a lot. Privacy – predictably, an obsolete concept, we you expecting anything else? Entertainment is basically more of what’s been seen before. Predictably, there’s a big bloodsports thing going on. Is it just me, does a lot of this shit feel like the kind of thing we’d crap on in r/LateStageCapitalism? Next: ANARCHISM FOREVER!
" Is it just me, does a lot of this shit feel like the kind of thing we’d crap on in r/LateStageCapitalism?" Future speculation was literally bought in the early 21st century by the billionaires. They took over just about every conference and every gathering on the subject. That's why we went from "Star Trek might happen some day!" to "I WILL BE A GOD AND KILL THINGS AND STAND ON A PILE OF SKULLS, MOM!"
I was more talking about the waste of bodies when someone literally kills someone else for fun when in-universe, folks are still waiting to live in anything but one of [these](http://1u88jj3r4db2x4txp44yqfj1.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/fallout-4-concept-art-synth-generation-930x656.jpg). The stuff you described goes without saying.
I think I see your point. There was a weird sci-fi movie about just that: plugged-in people that get to run around and do reckless and violent things with synthetic bodies, but something goes wrong and people start dying for real. At least that's what I think the premise was.
ANARCHISM FOREVER Right, hypercorps run the inner planets, either directly or through proxies, and are represented by the Planetary Consortium. Not quite as stupid as some of those types in other fiction. Still unpleasant, bread and circuses and political oppression. They run on their AI and robotics, plans for cornucopia machines (yes they call them that), folks invade and steal from them, they enslave and brainwash you if you fuck up too badly, locals are afraid of the freedomz of the outer system, blah-de-blah. The outer planets are much less authoritarian – which is a fairly common, but rather… dumb trope in space colonization, as it’s a far less fuckup-tolerant environment then nearly anyplace above water on Earth, but it’s common enough, so not worth ragging on, except as part of the other bullshit to be seen here. Of course, the Jovians are the exception to the rule. Most polities out there are part of the Autonomist alliance. Those of you who are old FASA hands know they used to play favorites – Clan Wolf And House Davion, for those of you who are honorless and think contractions are for stravags, respectively. Catalyst had tried a few times to recapture the magic that Btech and SH had, and at least twice has failed horribly and utterly, if this and the even worse Cthulutech are to go by – I’ve not looked at Leviathans, so I can’t say anything about it’s quality. One thing they did replicate, unfortunately, is the favoritism issue – The Autonomist alliance are, without a doubt, the creator’s pets – even the EP fanbase has called them on it. They’re composed of “four rough groupings: the anarchists of Locus, the technosocialists of Titan, the anarchocapitalists and mutualists of Extropia, and the nomadic free-for-all societies of the individualist Scum.” Now, one of the more distinctive traits of Eclipse Phase, and one of the things that makes it stand out from the pack of transhumanist games is that it’s politics attempt to be fairly leftist – and I mean it tries to be actually left, not this American ‘liberal-is-left’ dogshite, I mean actual anarchists and reds. You’d think that would make me less critical. You would be mistaken. It’s been said by many that a bad advocate is the worst enemy you can have – this is exaggeration, but I digress. Eclipse phase is a really *fucking bad advocate* - not least as it uses magic tech to make its politics work – Socialism must focus on realism, what we call materialism. We cannot fall down the supertech lacunae that were birthed from the fever dreams of silicon valley and the bent minds of marketers– fuck’s sake, we don’t need to have cornucopia machines to give erryone errything they need, we already have the tech, and dreaming about such means to fulfil such needs is just another form of ‘Jam tomorrow’ that is pathetic when the methods are already fucking there. This is one of the two main reason why I loathe transhumanism, particularly when it attempts entryism on the left, and I will rag on it to some degree from this direction. Anyway, back to the Augean stables. The Autonomists are locked in a cold war with the inner system and the Jovians, including direct action such as smuggling forbidden tech onto EVIL NORMIE habitats – I mean, considering the bullshit cyberwar that the TITANs unleashed, they might have a good reason to not want systems that can spew out crazy things on demand aboard. It’s not one way, and the inner system+jovians might be able to bring them to heel physically, but there’s worry that they could pull some MAD bullshite out of their enhanced rectums. The outer habitats as said before have loads of experimental governance models, nothing need be said beyond the fact that they of course have “… habitats are governed by powerful specialized AIs, which in very few cases are actually hyper-intelligent AGIs. Several colonies populated by purely informorph or synthmorph inhabitants use special high-bandwidth connections to give their members access to each other’s surface thoughts and emotional reactions, allowing them to hold vast democratic political meetings where everyone present can feel the general emotional reactions of all of the other members as easily as they can feel their own.” Bleh. CRIME AND (EVEN MORE) PUNISHMENT crime is predicatably easier to catch when you download memories from someone – the inner system and Jovians can force this far easier than the outer worlds. Being a rapturefucker is illegal and extraditable everywhere. Law is most widly enforced by mega corp mercs, and at best they’re bounty-hunters in the outer system. They like ego-hunters, the freelancers even less. Punishment in the inner system and the less anarchistic parts of the AA are similar in type – labor, and good in restitution, the only difference being degree, outside of the fucked up shit, like seed AI building. In the left-anarchist habitats, expulsion and reputation penalties are the punishment of choice for real shittery – in the “in the most violent and lawless habitats are executed and all of their known backups destroyed” On others, folks are either loaded into prison programs or edited. Predictably, the hypercorps are more draconian about their editing, and the JR even more so, where they favor permanent execution over editing and prison-vr – they’re even one of the only places with real prisons still. THE DISMAL SCIENCE FICTION Right then. *Rotgut slug number 7* The stuff that’s short is space, bodies, skilled work and novelty. It details three levels: Old, Transition and New, all of which have their own scheme for distributing said same. Predictably, the others pity those who use the Old economy – the one where folks get charged unequal prices for stuff that’s cheap to make – free, even, with the nanobullshit. Only oppressive places can keep the cornucopia machines out; they play this for mustache twirling, but as I said before, [there’s good reasons to keep flexible nanomanufacturing out when TITAN Bullshite Hax is a possible threat]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXP2VbhNhyg). Predictably, a lot of those places fell to violent revolution, and more are expected to come. The transitional economy is more sane, mostly. Folks pay a tax, the machines a great deal of things conceivable, and the nanotech is kept limited and safely rare. They still need buy stuff with actual electronic or other depth of complexity – the machines can only really make simple or crappy things, CHON based material. The way you make money is either trade, making tradable things, or making plans for the makers. And, finally we have the New Economy. Hoo boy. It’s similar in nature to the transitional, but instead of money, it runs on reputation. You gain or lose resources by being useful to the habitat. Now in theory, it could work. As anyone who’s been on reddit can tell you, it wouldn’t work that way. Fuck, on some habitats they’d let people hire you to kill or abduct someone with a bad enough rep. Imagine what redditeurs would do with that. It would also be very encouraging toward society becoming utterly conformist, as it would mean even more impetus to maintain the ‘jerk. Reminds me of the Dispossessed, except that La Guin is a good enough writer and honest enough to think about where it could fuck up. After this is a section about how things are valued – predictably, handmade and Earth that was things are of great value for status if nothing else, but so are the things I described at the start. Habitats are hard to expand, bodies need be made and fun needs to be thought up. Everything’d like software – it’s innately cheap to make, and expensive to design. One other thing became software, and that is human labor. Most folks escaped earth as software, and only half had either contacts or skills to be reincarnated. However, there is still the other 50%, and that means getting unskilled labour, be it analyzing data, or otherwise getting drudge labour is easy. Much of humanity is simply housed either as programs, or drudging as machines to pay off indenture for their bodies in the PC – too poor even for flesh. Not to mention, the PC is very good at finding ways to extend the contract and lives where TITAN crap is a real problem. The synthmorphs are the poor of Sol. You know, reading about the clanking masses, you could do something interesting with the concept of folks being too poor to own their own bodies, as a kind of class-[Aesoptinum](http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Aesoptinum), rather than as SF that folks think reflects a future that may come. Then again, transhumanism as an ideology is pretty much born of a series of these mistakes, so I’m not surprised.
Reddit, the civilization. Christ, Reddit Island and Reddit itself should be lesson enough that "reputation" is horribly gameable and a poor way to govern anything.
TIN CANS AND OTHER SHITHOLES Right, back to the genericness. Planetary habitats tend to the fairly realistic troglodytism that you’d do IRL – dirt is cheap and being underground keeps out the rads. They have their own ubiquitous sooper-genetic-engineering spin, what with sooper grass, and indoor jungles with the fauna made all sanitary for the inhabitants. Grav’s low, so you can fly in most of these cities. There’s also dirigible towns over Venus, with genemod life living outside – they’re at the high altitudes, where the conditions are saner. Mars is domed cities, 60 years from having normally breathable air, there’s undersea cities on Europa for folks with gills. Space habitats are generally your bog standard Stanford torus and modern day style tinker toy setup, mostly built by robotics. There’s a few smaller ones inhabited by smaller groups. Some places support bio, but are in micrograv Of course, there’s a nanobullshit based flavor, called a Hamilton – no relation to the terrible play – around, because EP. Have I ever mentioned that space is the least habitable environment for nanomachines I can think of, for the same reasons we find it uninhabitable? Then, there’s the aptly named Scum barges – mostly evac transports from the TITAN Bullopallooza, with ad admixture of pre-existing malcontent boats. They’re full of crazy bullshite, as they’re a mixture of superannuated refugee camp and stereotypical anarchist maker commune. They range from pitiful, to crime boss lairs, to anarchist marysuetopias. Or course, with nanobullshit, they can make any habitat look like anyone’s vision, from the savannah to someone’s favorite [magical realm]( https://1d4chan.org/images/7/7a/Magical_realm.png). Also, there’s private habitats, which is basically this applied as a single place, with more smart materials bullshit, plus indentured infomorphs. (I would dearly enjoy watching what would happen if the Exsurgent got loose on one of these things) Next: The Too-Good, The UBERBAD, and the Scum.
Miniupdate: The Too-Good, The UBERBAD, and the Scum, Pt 1 – CAPITALISM HO! Right, as I said before, there’s the Hypercorps, the Jovians, the AU and the fucking Scum. The hypers have very little in the way of physical assets – mostly IP and data+infomorph in the cloud. Most of their IRL shit is terraforming and mining. Most are your common or garden company, though there’s a few other ways to do it. They give a breakdown of a few notables such as: Cognite (dumb names ahoy!) the main designers of neotroopics (Jesus, they are using every hoary TH trope), the Psilon-ripoff morph and brainwashing – they also played a role in that whole attempt at raising VR kids who ended up kinda stabby. – they also play with the cringely named Watts-Macleod virus, which we’ll see more of later. The two Milicorps –Gorgon who have military contracts with the autonomists, competing with the spectacularly evil Direct action - the nasty one who played a role in the evacuation of earth and possessed of a generic cringy amazon brigade Special Forces Ecologene, a seller of Earth’s knowledge for Factor trinkets. Gatekeeper, who fucks with Pandora Gates Experia, the blogger master, as well as media purveyor with AI ties, trading in all media ending in R as well as XPs, which are SR BTLs. Omnicor (really), who do chem, nano and energy, including Antimatter – they had a little panel involving planned unionbusting by them, nasty piece of work, though they’re treated as villains here, which is more than can be said in many other TH works FA JING, the Chinese Megacorp Somatek, uplifters who make their subject too human What I call the Skin twins –SKINEASTHESIA, who are the more ‘respectable’ and do the high quality stuffs and customized models, and do their lines of combat and sex models through front companies, and SKINTHETIC, the ancap one who does the more crazy research and raunch which is of course justified under ‘morphological freedom’ and more popular in the outer system. Starware, who are possibly dealing with the Factors to build a lighthugger, and have bad worker relationships. There’s more, but I don’t want to spend my time summarizing it, and there’s just not that many lulz to be extracted from it, IMHO, especially when there's some good nuggets to come. NEXT: The Too-Good, The UBERBAD, and the Scum Part II: POLITICAL FOAM BLOCKS
Asking for creativity and good name schemes from a bunch of tech singularity wankers is way too much to ask for. "We live forever and have all of the toys" isn't exactly a goldmine of imagination. "Omnicor"? May as well be Evilco.
The Too-Good, The UBERBAD, and the Scum Part II: POLITICAL FOAM BLOCKS Alright folks, welcome back to the cesspit, with your friendly Yehat Narrator! We’ll do this thing in the order from the title. Seems the logical option. These might be sparce, but bear in mind, there are whole sourcebooks dedicated to these groups, and I will get to them in more detail later. The Too-Good We’ll start with the creator’s pets in this group – the Anarchists, Argonauts and Titianian Commonwealth, both part of the Autonomist Alliance. As I’ve said before, those three as a group are the House Davion of Eclipse Phase, except without any analog of the delightful Franco-British style, the masterful trolling of Hanse Davion and the acknowledged faults in the original sourcebooks in the 1980s. Blocs: AUTONOMIST ALLIANCE: A quick intro to the crap The premise of dissidents fleeing to the boonies to escape Earth’s control isn’t terribly dumb – the Alliance-Union Universe is a good example of that – if done well, it can be very good. The thing is, this is EP and Posthuman! Of course, they achived a large part of the independace through breakthroughs in nanobullshit, and of course it’s a Open Source/Warez Utopia. Remember, this is a universe where hijacked nanotech could be used to do [this](https://youtu.be/nDcELUCroDs?t=1m1s). It’s not even really that organized. How in blazes did these idiots survive the Fall and the inner system dumping their malcontents on them? ANARCHISTS The Anarchists are… anarchists; It’s boilerplate technophile wing of social anarchism rhetoric turned into a faction. Self-Organized whatevers, participatory milita, AI to do the scut work, reputation economy, blah blah. TITANIAN COMMONWEALTH Of course, these writers being American 'leftists', they frigging love the Scandinavian’s system, never mind their checkered past with things such as eugenics. Of course, they’re up to their ears in the New Economy. Beyond a rather boring explanation of their socioeconomic system (social democracy/market socialism, with techie flavor), there really isn’t that much to them here. ~~BOWEL~~ SOCIOECONOMIC MOVEMENTS ARGONAUTS Basically an NGO – with yet more open source fetishism – they trade their expertise for material being released into the public domain. They claim openness, but there’s rumors of a secret inner circle, supported by the existence of their direct action wing, the Medeans. ~~RED FACTION~~BARSOOMIANS: CORPORATIONS OFF MARS! Basically, the Martian lower class liberation movement – with, of course, Autonomist leanings. They’re a group of escaped and former Robo-serfs and martian slum children, seeking more equitable economic arrangements. They apparently have an issue with folks who go into adapted morphs and go off into the wilds and be primmies, and occasionally sabotaging them. MURCURIALS Non-human rights – they’ve got some actual grievances, as they’re slaves and have breeding controls, not to mention cultural imperialism. I’m frankly reminded of some of Dale Carrico’s writings on animal uplift: >…I do indeed think that a profoundly and perniciously eugenic outlook drives the curious thought experiments of the transhumanists who would seek to impose anthropocentric cognitive homogeneity on all conscious beings in the name of "universal rights… NANO-ECOLOGISTS More nano-wankers, occupying a center group between the biocons and hypercorps. Nothing really to report here. NEXT: THE UBERBAD
... It gets more bad than this?! :O
[You poor dumb stravag](https://youtu.be/jXNjQhFg5H8?t=2m9s)
BLOCS: PLANETARY CONSORTIUM Basically, the Dracs of the setting. Respectable power, unpleasant politics, nasty policies. An enemy to beat on, but one you can respect. As I’ve said before, democratic façade peopled by a rotating caste of the ususal beige dictatioship scum, small ruling corporate council actually runs things, in favor of the transitional economy, earth quarantine and expanding through the gates. Blah blah, we heard it before. There is one howler tho. >” Aside from economic interests, the Consortium advocates the imperative of eugenics as social responsibility” FFFUFUFHFUI[FUUUUUUU-](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oGo3H6j7_Q) TRANSHUMANISTS DON’T GET TO DIS FOLKS ABOUT EUGENICISM! JOVIAN REPUBLIC Hooo boy, they certainly pulled together their favorite bogymen here – the Jovians are, as I said before, the EVIL Biocon normies. They’re basically everything the authors hate pulled together as a faction – extremely politically repressive, censorious, treat every created non-human as property, militaristic, big on the old economy and as I said, biocon normies. They’re basically the Cappies of the setting – Crazy-As-Fuck, politically unpleasant assholes that exist for the good guy factions to fuck with, as they’re conveniently nearby. I doubt they’ll ever turn into the equivalent of the classy, skillful, trolling, mine-farting loons that the Cappies became in Btech later. The biggest thing I hate about them is that the writers making me vaguely sympathetic for these assholes. Also, there’s a sidebar about escaped AI from their research programs, with the escapees claiming that they’d researched [seed AI](https://youtu.be/CrO5HJJjjso?t=3s) stuffs to free themselves from the Jovians. SOCIOECONOMIC MOVEMENTS: BIOCONSERVATIVES About what could be expected: >” Bioconservatives are strongly suspicious and critical of the transhuman direction the human race is taking. They are strong proponents of limiting technological development due to the threat it manifests to existing social orders.” They don’t like the cognitotech, nanomagic, uplifiting and all the other magic bullshit that the setting’s about. Of course, they support the old economy. They at least acknowledge that there are leftist biocons. They of course use the classic transhumanist strawman of skeptics believing “WE’RE NOT READY!!!” – they never do seem to grasp that some of us at least don’t trust the idea for other reasons – like, for example ‘Uploading’ being a philosophical absurdity. Predictably, they gained a lot of converts when Fall predictably happened. Of course, folks somehow are still taken with tech euphoria after earth got fucked. They of course have terrorists and sabs. EXHUMANS Folks who want to be more transhuman than the Transhumans, basically. They see the fall as either a missed chance or a demonstration of how inferior humanity is. It’s more of a classification, there’s a lot of different types – some try to become monstrous human apex predators, others try and become as powerful as the TITANs. Some are lightningchasers, that seek singulatarian artifacts to become as great as the TITANs, or even merge with the damn things. No one trusts the fuckwits, and with good reason, considering that they experiment with alterations that end with death and disfigurement at best, abomination at worst. They at least aren’t organized on any kind of scale, and mostly hide out in the Kuiper belt, like the monsters they are. Some even make prey of their parent species, quite probably literally in some cases. ULTIMATES Honest transhumanists – they recognize it is master race bullshit, and embrace it. They’re Social Darwinist assholes who have a Sparta Complex – to quote: >"The ultimates advocate the use of applied eugenics, strict physical and psychological training, and asceticism in order to improve their overall mental and physical stamina and environmental adaptability….” >”… Their social traits and entire subculture visualizes life in the universe as an evolutionary battle for survival and is built around the victory of the superior transhuman over both its opponents and peers.” They’re militaristic to an extreme and unlike the Exhumans, they're organized, more's the worry. Folks hire them as mercs for some idiot reason - like I wouldn't expect to find a knife sprouting from my back afterward. Fuck, with these walking billboards about where this shit leads, I’m surprised there isn’t more Biocons. Next: The Scum.
For some reason I find the "ULTIMATES" even more wanky and awful than the "EXHUMANS" here. Probably because of the implied "Master Chief is my waifu" mentality.
I find them more alarming because they're organized. Although both are what you get with EP munchkins I suspect.
Agreed. My big question: is a tabletop group supposed to PLAY this somehow? Serious question there. It sounds like a bunch of LessWrong jackoffs, well, jacking off. Where does the adventure start?
Apparently so - there's threads about it all the time on RPG.net - granted, this is a place where unironic LWers can post and not be laughed off, despite their notable issues with atheists. RPG.net is the best of the RPG forums out there - and that's says how fucking *bad* that milieu is. There's the character creation section just after this one - after the Scum, there's a bit about the geography of Sol, as well as organized crime and one good howler of a section to come.
Doesn't sound like there'd be much to do except euphoria tourism. "Look how awesome the future totes is! And how invincible we are as nanogods!" And RPG.net is a hot mess, largely because of the overcompensating "let me tell you what I'm smoking and drinking now" tryhard that runs it.
Not to defend it, but there's a whole lot of things what can humble them yet. Their enemy design is fairly fucked up, and in a good way mostly. Granted, those enemies are a pretty good argument for the Jovian philosophies in many ways, which is another way EP is shite, as it fails at advancing it's own pet philosophy.
Maybe they admitted to themselves that it'd be a boring game if it was all about being immortal and invincible with no threats. They inserted tech-immortality in the margins and then resumed having a game. Even Shadowrun had Leonization so to some extent I should give it a pass.
It still manages to undermine a lot of their own horror themes, so no, it kind don't.
Well, look at the zombie fad that went on for about 10 years. "horror" my ass, it was all about wish-fulfillment power fantasy. Woo hoo! Society collapsed! Time to kill everything!
The Scum. >“*an entire slitheroid entering the genitals of a female pleasure pod, fully animated*” All right you creatures, I’m pretty sure you were waiting for this. I hope you’re happy about it, because this is gonna be shite. The shite is divided into two groups – those who don’t fall into any other group and… Scum. There’s a reason why in some circles EP has a reputation beyond tech euphoria. *Slug of rotgut No. 8* LUNAR-LAGRANGE ALLIANCE Bunch of habs that fell by the wayside after the Fall; they’re a minor rival of the PC – they want to take back earth, which is a major sticking point between the two factions. They have some hypercorp support, and the backbone of the economy seems to be mining and refining – given their position in relation to earth, they also have loads of refugees – real slum hellhole, on a lot of their habitats. MORNINGSTAR CONSTELLATION\ The new kid on the block, busily trying to prevent the hypers from dominating venus -they’re still choosing their agenda. The PC is bemused, the Barsoomians suspect they’re reformists rather than radicals. If they can keep their shit together, they’re the real rival to the PC. Of course, being leaning toward the good-guy camp, they’re free with morph and enhancement tech. THARSIS LEAGUE Basically the martian rulling body – mostly divided between the Barsoomian sympathisers and corp puppets. They ain’t getting much done, and tensions are rising. SCUM >“*an entire slitheroid entering the genitals of a female pleasure pod, fully animated*” Remember this? They’re the purveyors of this. To quote the book: >“Scum are nomadic space gypsies, traveling from station to station in heavily modified barges or swarms of smaller space vessels, mostly former colonial ships. I thought this was by Catalyst originally, not by the [old White wolf!] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CdVTCDdEwI) Basically a travelling cavalcade of criminals, smugglers and scam artists – pople only put up with them because they provide entertainment. They’re drawn from every from refugees to dropouts, exiles, anarchists(of course), dropouts and every kind of weirdo. The name is one they re-appropriated themselves. Of course, they’re big on the extreme modifications – many barely even have a shadow of being human any more. At least they’re not that big on the new economy – having to trade with others means they have to retain some sanity, though they use it among themselves, of fucking course. You’ll be seeing a lot of these guys, oh my fucking god, you will. EXTROPIANS Oh these fuckers. Anyone who knows transhumanism knows this kind of hypercapitalist freak, with their contract fetishism on top of their tech fetishism. There’s not much I can say here, other than to snark at this howler: >” Many of these corporations are worker-owned cooperatives, with workplace councils in local offices and an elected cooperative congress handling management.” I don’t think these anarchists understand how libertarians think. Socio-Economic movements BRINKERS Basically everyone who wants to be isolated from this shitshow, either because they recognize it as loco, or because they don’t want to have their own brand interfered with. Hermits, basically. Some like visitors, some don't. SOCIALITES The 1%. They’re immortal now, which means they have no limits on their ability to fuck about. At least they’re treated as shitheads in the text. RECLAIMERS Yet another Macleod ref. They want the [quarantine of earth lifted]( http://imgc.allpostersimages.com/images/P-473-488-90/63/6335/1OM7100Z/posters/did-you-eat-a-bowl-of-stupid-for-breakfast-funny-poster.jpg), and engage in research and simulations to figure out how to try and turn earth into something other than a nanoinfested radioactive shitehole. They of course are suspected of clandestinely landing exploration and terraforming teams – these idiots are gonna let something out, aren’t they? Next: The Too-Good, The UBERBAD, and the Scum Part III: GODS AND CRIME-KINGS
"At least they’re not that big on the new economy – having to trade with others means they have to retain some sanity, though they use it among themselves, of fucking course." The techbros that conjured up this setting seemed to have a glimmer of self-awareness that their "new economy" is at least as dehumanizing, if not more, than space magic body modifications. I took a deeeeeeeeeeeeeep breath when I saw the word "EXTROPIAN". I knew it was going to be a roller coaster ride through a sewer of god-complex narcissism. I love the cereal clown pic, by the way. Oh no, there's more? There's something worse? I don't know if I want to continue Mr. Extropian's Wild Ride!
The Too-Good, The UBERBAD, and the Scum Part III: GODS AND CRIME-KINGS Now, we’re on to religion these days. Given what kind of folks wrote Eclipse Phase, this is going to be FUCKING AWESOME /s Predictably, religion has changed, and, given how euphoric these shits are >”While Earth’s old religions were already in decline in the face of technological immortality.” It’s still around, which is more than you might expect. However, they’re still manage to euphoric it up. To quote: >“ The rigid structures and dogmas enveloping Christianity and Judaism prohibited these religions from adapting to the cultural, philosophical, and especially scientific/technological changes transhumanity underwent. Today, they are mere shadows of their former glory, with many practitioners seen as pitiful individuals unable to let go of their earthbound delusions.” [REVOLVING FEDORA.GIF](http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/616/505/3fe.gif) Surprisingly, Islam gets off a whole lot lighter, followed by an absolutely cringy take on Hinduism, based around resleeving being seen as a sort of reincarnation and morphs being part of a caste system – I don’t know what a student of Hindu theology would make of this, but I bet it would be an entertaining rant. Of course, the old religionists live in isolated stations away from the SOOPER TRANSHUMAN FUTURE. Annd now we get to the new religions. FML. *Slugs of Rotgut: 9* Neo-Buddhism Redditeur Buddhism. >“. Neobuddhists assert that transhumanist technologies are decreasing suffering and increasing happiness and that they will also allow the continual progression of transhumanity’s understanding of the universe through successive lives.” Hey /u/PhyrexianDildo – You’re gonna fucking love this shit! Technocreationists They think the fall was a sign from god, but go in the utterly nonsensical direction. They think we should double down on the bulltech and social engineering to find coexistence with itself and other species. Of course they have hindu converts because they sound like they’re trying to become the brahman. Xenodeism Alien worshippers – they think the factors and the dead species on the other side of the Pandora gates are prophets of a creator species that seeded Earth. Who’s betting they’ve got a factor or Titan hand up their arse telling their higher-ups what to do? I’m surprised there’s no Biocon luddite cult – that’s standard for transhumanists. CRIMINAL FACTIONS Of course there’s crime in the system and of course magic tech opens up new ways to be fucked up. We’ll go through a who’d who of the major players: INTELLIGENT DESIGN CREW (ID CREW) Hollywood black-hat hackers – credit and rep fraud, stealing copies of folk’s minds, data theft, that kind of thing. Lead by an infomorph cabal. Given how they hide, and how good at mindfuck they are, they probably have AGIs helping them on some level. NIGHT CARTEL A bunch of ethnic crime groups allied of convenience, but of course the multiethnic habitats and soopertech ended racism, so blech. They’re the ‘respectable businessmen of the setting, even operating openly as a hypercorp in some places, though with ‘legit’ products. Racketeering, extortion, slavery, pimping and kidnapping are their turf as well as both electronic and physical drugs and nanofab piracy. NINE LIVES Traders in souls. Every kind of mind theft is their game, competing with the ID crew. They are scary fuckers. PAX FAMILAE A crime hivemind, basically. If you’ve read Ancillary Justice, imagine Anaander Mianaai, but a crime boss. And now I’ve just insulted one of the best SF novels I’ve read. Fuck. They’re all clones, some gender switched, with copies of the founder’s mind running them, that regularly sync up again. They tend to favor white collar crime. PIRATES YOHOHO AND A BOTTLE OF SIMULATED RUM! They do the usual pirate things. They flog their crud to the scum after they stolen it and hide among them. TRIADS Of course they’d be around. They have triads focused on just about errything. They have the top 4 ones listed: The 14K Triad - Gambling The Shui Fong – Vice that’s not gambling The Sun Yee On – Counterfeiting, benefiting from the slave trade. The Big Circle Gang – Drug Cooking Next: The Too-Good, The UBERBAD, and the Scum Part IV: Firewall.
I feel like this entire RPG project was like trying to build a sandcastle around where a puddle of their transhumanist ejaculate landed on the beach. MUST ESCAPE DEATH RAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH okay now that I feel safely immortal how do we make a game about that? Oh yeah, they had to bridge the sandcastle to the second puddle of ejaculate which was RAAAAAAAAAAAGH religion is so dead it's back again take that fuck you mom going to church sucks!
The Too-Good, The UBERBAD, and the Scum Part IV: Firewall Right, some of the audience are getting impatient about when we get to some of what you’re supposed to fight, and we’ll be getting to that soon. But first, we need to see one more faction, and a basic rundown of the solar system. Right, most of it is the same boilerplate seen before – clandestine network, existential scope, blah de blah. We know now that Firewall agents are called Sentinels, with a sooper secret squirrel social network called The Eye which handles logistics like sleeving and gear; of course they have an internal rep network on this fucking thing, like fucking everywhere. Was this written by /u/spez or something? They’re always on call, and they’re formed on teams for missions – jesus, how are you supposed to have any kind of team cohesion here, but they do seem to allow teams to stay together somewhat afterward – and resurrections are guaranteed for anyone who dies on op. They’re managed and overseen by agents called proxies – the maintainers of this infrastructure. Proxies have more data then Sentinels and will dispense it by rep and need to know. There’s also a sidebar about something called Project Ozma; some kind of PC project that went clandestine – they’re well equipped, nasty as hell, got loads of resources and they have similar interests to Firewall – even Firewall runs away from them. Prometheans Some kind of conspiracy theorist bogyman – [seed AIs]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wCk22ctWY8) either coming before the TITANS, or splitting off from them, or even alien AI that’s invaded terran systems. No-one know they are, and what they want, and very few acknowledge their existence. Next: The Sandbox.
This part is just tacticool meets spywank meets techwank. All I can do here is make this face: :I
Holy crap. All of this. Holy crap. Did you know that the the douchebag that owns and runs Mechwarrior Online took a ton of capital he picked up from the game, abandoned a lot of promises to further expand and improve MWO, and tried to make, basically, Eclipse Phase, the MMO? It was not only masturbatory in the extreme (even the basic story was a heavily-biased "oh those poor awesome transhuman immortals that are hated and feared by those dirty statists! They are forced into exile in space where they get to be extra awesome and win forever but keep the exile label because exiles are cool!" wank-job), but almost all of its art and modeling assets were stolen from Star Citizen, and he had the chutzpah to actually demand a new crowdfunding campaign ON TOP OF THE MONEY HE STOLE FROM MWO to fund it. It flopped, hard. People were pissed, and he sulked for a while and commented regularly about how his "vision" was rejected. Transhumanists, for all their claims of radical forward-thinking, are generally hopelessly-backward manchildren with "I wanna live forever and have lots of sex and mom won't be able to make me do any chores!" immaturity issues.
Just an aside, there will be delays on the next bit - vacation stuff.
All good. Ambitious posts! I wish there was an appropriate sub that was more commonly visited to see them. I assume mainline tabletop game subs would scream themselves hoarse about you dare criticizing their masturbatory tech power fantasy, though.
Also RPG.net, prolly eat a ban for 'group attacks' or some such.
And be called "swine" by that edgy tryhard that runs the place and needs to announce his many smoking and drinking products each post.
You're confusing it with one of their competitors - Nisarg is something of a subject of mockery there. RPG.net's brand of stupid goes in the exact opposite direction - basically being a hugbox for anything not immediately obviously terrible, like FATAL. They had a AMA for CTech. CTECH, FFS, the game worse than what I'm mocking here.
I don't know what CTech is, but my guess is "CthuluTech" because Cthulu fanboys are so awful that they ruin anything interesting about the premise just by babbling about it.
It was also by catalyst.
Bunch of assholes. Ruining Shadowrun and bro-ifying Battletech wasn't enough.
Did I guess right? Cthulutech?
Yup. Edit: Do tell about Btech, I've been meaning to catch up a bit.
The Sarna wiki covers much of it. Instead of the rich and detailed complicated space-politics of all the time before, there are VAST swaths of "something mysterious happened, then for unknown reasons another mysterious thing happened, leading to a mysterious leader that wins all the time saying mysterious things before winning a lot, then forming the Republic of the Sphere, then mysteriously vanishing."
That was something they inherited from Clickytech; they can't really get rid of it, legally speaking, as Btech is actually a licensed product. They're past that with the current stuff, and are doing their best with the bad situation Topps handed them. They've done plenty of indefensible stuff, to be sure, but the Dork Age isn't on their conscience.
Ohhhh, all right. The Jihad was a mess (with a lot of attempts to retroactively make it make sense) and "Dark Age" was hot garbage. :/
Honestly, Cata has actually done a fairly good job on BT, which is surprising, given their many failures elsewhere.
Well, damn then. I assumed they were responsible because of what a mess they made of Shadowrun. If you look closely, they took out the running in the shadows part. Going "SINless" is now basically meaningless and all the cool things require having spare SINs. And of course the technocool future sureveillance makes actually sneaking around basically impossible.