r/SneerClub archives
Yudkowksy goes full eugenics against Trump supporters (xpost /r/slatestarcodex) (http://imgur.com/GtbPAO0)

“whatever genes are correlated with that”


You see, if you leave a man in total darkness from the time he is a baby all the way until he's a 90 year old man, then turn on the lights, because genetics he automatically interprets all light just like you would if you'd been exposed to it your entire life. It's just Science!

Which is weird, because his paypal sugar daddy is a Trump supporter

yudkowsky is supported by peter thiel? that fits so amazingly well!

X-Post referenced from /r/slatestarcodex by /u/haidtthegame
Yudkowksy goes full eugenics against Trump supporters *****

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