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Next: Welcome Back to Hell.


Ah, Venus; Earth’s shithead sister – both the most unfriendly and earthlike place in the system; there’s a layer higher up that it’s positively earthlike in temp and pressure by now, breathable by the specially adapted, and survivable by holding your breath. The surface is the most inhospitable region in the entire planetary system, of course – I don’t need to run through the usual boilerplate about the place – hit up youtube for the children’s shows about the planets if you can’t remember.

There’s about 5 million people living up in the clouds, with 10,000 robots, both human and computer controlled on the surface, generally mining – the aerostats send down lines to anchor themselves, and winch down bots and tools, and winch up material.

Most of those bodies are teleoperated, on the order of 9/10ths – most don’t even have stacks, as the operators live in the clouds. When the commlink system goes hooky, or the stats aren’t above, we get folks like Hines going down to work; as stated before, they’re going to buy something better than the teleops; and we already went over what the major drawbacks are in the start.

You also get the usual bunch of free operator prospectors who turn themselves into Quartz morphs and go fuck around on the surface – this also has the advantage that it’s hard to spy on them and claim jump, what with the haze and clouds.

Trouble with a planet that hasn’t been panopticonned to hell and back like the rest, is that things could be hiding under that cloud layer – while hazards like molten metal lakes to go with the lead and bismuth snow on the mountain-tops and unstable terrain are one thing, there’s also legends of weirder things lurking down there, including TITAN mechanicals and Exsugent life forms – and while they’re commonly dismissed, the risk is not without merit – there’s plenty of places for them to hide, and there’s already been one suggestive incident at Ishtar Terra; there’s even been rumors of alien artifacts down there.

Most of the time, though, you’ll spend your time about as far into the clouds as your average transhumanist’s head – about 52-55 clicks up, where it’s 50-85% sea level pressure, around the equator where the air currents are somewhat reasonable, about in the mid cloud layer for most of them.

One irritation for offworlders is the fact that it’s roughly 0.9g there – while of course the Super Bodies of The Inevitable Transhuman future adapt quickly, minds don’, and they act like they’re under lower gravity, inevitably causing pain for them and humor for the locals; one of the stations has halfway gravity so folks can adapt.


There’s a whole section on how the MSC came to be, and it’s been expanded a bit since the core book – 4% or so of the folks there voted for an indie ref, which went through; the cause, as was stated before was the disruptiveness of terraforming along with actually liking looking at hellclouds out the window – also, the schemes were kind of loco, like giant sunshades and enormous antimatter blasts to evaporate atmosphere loco. Folks instead favored a scheme to turn the upper atmosphere into something livable, along with a flying ecosystem.

This also had a cardinal advantage of being much faster, being able to manage an O2 level of 18% in 90 years, instead of full inhabitability in 200-400 years; given how cavalier are about customizing themselves – they wouldn’t be EP factions if they weren’t -, the CO2 levels wouldn’t be an issue. The drawback is that it can’t support as many people.

After a meeting of independence radicals and Terraformers, which lead to the referendum and then to a 57% majority in favor of vexit; not all the ’stats joined either – 2 are still PC turf; some of the stations sided with the new MCS, while most didn’t.

Governmentally, the MSC is more akin to the EU than anything, if the EU had emergency powers. Management is in the hands of the individual aerostats; so long as it doesn’t violate the constitution, they don’t give a damn how they govern themselves – basically the same on paper system as the PC, but the corps are restrained here. All habitats send a rep per so and so pop, elected by the pop every 2 years. They’re much more civil libertarian than the PC, too. UHC, Freedom of speech, uplift and AI rights, the works.

They’re not as perfect as the Anarchists, tho – they still practice indenture, as the opening fiction shows; they’re also rather classist. They actually butt heads with the AA; they think the AA is loco with the weapons running about out there – not an unreasonable position - while many of the AA think they’re too controlling; in many ways they’re more friendly with the PC than the outer system. It’s not stopping a potential cold war from starting up with the PC, as the opening fiction showed; despite the threats of the PC from both economic and political perspectives, they’re still buying arms from the Extropians -of course those assholes are big gun merchants and digging in. Much to the concern of Firewall and anyone else, there’s also rumors of scorched earth policies to deter invasion – while it might deter the PC, it would also be entirely too alluring to someone with late stagee Haunting Exsurgent, or anyone else with mass death on their agenda.

Of course, they practice their own take on the New Economy – wouldn’t be grey hat without that in this universe; it’s a bit saner than most, as they live in fragile environments – you have to pay for anything big enough to damage the station. This in-between status also extends to civil liberties.

They’ve been paying big cred on trying to lure immigrants, mostly from Mars and the Moon – the outers don’t much like the idea of living under their system – there’s also folks trying to get their indentures brought, and even fleeing to Venus illegally, where the government allows them to stay; the PC is not happy, and apparently radicals from MSC are gonna make them even unhappier by creating underground railroads. They’re also trying to improve trade, particularly their imports of volatiles for terraforming. As has been said in the core book, they also have a fair bit of tourism going on.

Not everyone had that attack of semi-common sense about the terraforming scheme, or otherwise goes along with their centrism – the VTP, the Transformation party is outer system style autonomists; they’ve had marginal political successes ; some members, and some folks who see them as too much of the establishment also are trying more direct action to support the outer system; mostly spying.

On the other side of the spectrum, there’s the Solid Ground Initiative, who fall into the former category on the surface, but are in many ways a cover for a pro-PC group, some being paid, others genuine believers; they’ve been linked to sabotage of terraforming and outer system contacts.

HEADS IN THE CLOUDS Aerostats, as have been said before are giant balloon cities, capable of both movement and holding position; as they fly at altitudes that are of analogous pressure to earth sea level, they don’t need to be as tough as surface bases on many worlds; they’re mainly concerned with being light – aerogel, metallic foams and exotic diamond formulas are the materials of choice; as they use earth-normal air as a lifting gas, they tend to have a lot of space inside to hold it – plazas, galleries and such like are common, allowing for a lively public life ranging from concerts to SUPER FUTURE POKEMON GO; in-between clustered lifting gas areas there’s LS, manufacturing and anything else only accessed by professionals; this being EP, there’s also places for folks who can fly to fly. The super future materials can also be made transparent or into viewscreens, for entertainment, as well as balconies for folks that can tolerate the air outside. They’re designed to be self-sufficient in case the weather cuts them off. THE SIGHTS OCTAVIA We’ve mostly gone over the vital stats of this place last thread – big, pretty, touristy, capital. Blah blah. There is a few things of interest to be found here, however. WELCOME TO OUR MASS Turns out not all the Synergists stayed on their planet; 6 came home, and after they emigrated from Luna and got over their separation sickness, they started taking applications for assimilation – some only joined for research, but didn’t leave; they’re already becoming big researchers, both on their own and for companies. Psyche tests seem to show that they’re still individuals – they claim to be able to interact with the emotions, memories and personality of fellow members, which goes toward explain why there’s still applicants, beyond the fact that they can co-operate ‘almost as if they were different limbs of the same organism’; one must wonder if they’re lying and are just able to game the test; someone with that knowledge is probably among their ranks. Of course, they claim greater happiness after joining. The big worries that Firewall has about them are as follows: they are worried that they might go all [seed ai](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wCk22ctWY8) - they recommend that new colonies be watched closely; they also get all stir-crazy when separated into small groups. They’re also known to talk in unknown tongues and show bits of each other’s personality – this is what you get when you use headware that was still not ready for prime time; apparently they’re still improving it. NIMBUS The first hypercorp on venus – been there before the fall. They are a telecom company, doing everything from transmitting around minds to securing the governmental communications of Venus. Firewall watches them to a significant degree – their tech has some degree of pervasiveness throughout the system, and thus they depend on it to a degree – worries on this front are assuaged a bit by the fact that a lot of is open source now, and they’ve examined and improved it. Trouble is, they’re also too friendly with the Factors, and using alien derived schematics to improve their electronics; both this and the increased attention that they grab because of it are of interest to our favorite murderhobos. They’re also working with the NeoSynergists to design new headware – yeah, that sounds totally legit. APHRODITE PRIME Besides the tourist trap crap, there’s also a lot of terraforming work happening here, particularly bioengineering; they’re designing the life that will live in the skies when the terraforming’s done; they even have a zoo where the they show off what will be unleashed if the terraforming works out LUCIFER Mining’s their game – this is probably where Hine’s contract was held, along with many others; the things’s designed to dip lower than many stations, and has a sapphire coating to survive the lower altitudes needed to make sure the conditions don’t trap it away from a good claim; they can change the pressure to control their dive as needed, as well as heat management tech to keep comfy when it’s 140 C outside. They also have a sideline in prisoner labour – they keep them in their own network and use them for dangerous work; between this and the fact that if anything Exsurgent comes climbing out of the depths, it’s likely going to come up on a mining tether, this is a good spot for the Murderhobos to watch. THE SHACK Basically a shipyard for aerostats – they’re filling an order for 2, with another to come. It’s run in a fairly leftist manner – citizen are given a share in the station and all get a say and an equal share of the profits; Colin Sandric, the guy who runs it is aggressive in his protection of his peoples interests, and thus is respected but not liked by his fellow councillors. The PC wants to build another yard, but as control over the construction of stations is a major part of MSC sovereignty, they’ve told them to get bent over at… PARVARTI …This lot. This one, like two others is independent; one might say because it’s too gross for the others. It’s sex tourism central for Venus; to quote a list of it’s services: “It is known for its somewhat seedy reputation as a sort of inner system swinger’s club or red light habitat that caters to almost any sort of fantasy, sexual kink, or perversion—discretion guaranteed. The habitat’s marketplace offers the entire range of vacation resort and adult services: spas, cloud-diving, gambling, customized companions, doll houses, robo-sex, exotic pleasure simulspaces, neotenic prostitution, porn XP casting, anonymous mass orgies, etc. For people in the know, various gray and black market agents provide darker services: animal sleeving/ bestiality, illegal fork-sex operations, snuff XP, non-simulated rape scenarios, and worse.” [Well. I’m glad EP is getting back to form.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvdf5n-zI14) Bleh. The privacy that makes it possible also makes it a good place to discuss sensitive things; plus, given the nature of plutocrats, the entertainment is good afterward. EVERYONE ELSE 15 in all; random grab-bag of governments and economies; 2 are still PC, one being an upside-down step pyramid. Not worth spending much time on. THE ORBITALS GERLACH As said before, it’s a big Argonaut haven, so expect techie masturbation. It’s the oldest single inhabited station in the region, with an onboard ecology that was originally supposed to be the seed population for the surface ecology, as well as bigass pyramid arcologies. During the TITAN-Bullshitapalooza, the thing got overfilled and they had to expand it quick and dirty; it’s gone down to something more reasonable since. Its purpose as a show building was ended when the locals voted to leave – though they’re not part of the -MSC, becoming the transhumatubation capital of the inner system; as said before, it’s an acclimation point for the local gravity – it’s also an acclimation point for those who are interfacing with the outer system; it’s nanowank central, both inside and outside of the folks present. There’s also clubs for folks to play at being outer system citizens. They apparently have ‘Extropian cuisine’ restaurants – what, do they have brownies and chicken tendies with rat shit from their lack of restaurant code or something? – and Titanian fashion. After the locals took over, many hypercorps pulled out, especially as the terraforming plan they favor has been shelved; those that stay are do things ranging from terraforming research to designing new morphs – course, it’s a techie mecca, so they can attract from everywhere. THOUGHT Given the name, it’s no surprise that Cognite runs it and that AI is studied here – many narrow AGI – human level intelligence, but supposedly focused and tractable, plus will stay within specifications. It’s another black lab though, and they’re going weird places, despite last lessons and the PC getting anxious. Firewall has rightly dubbed that place a threat that might need to be killed with fire and has planned accordingly. FAR REACH II Biggest private station there; Omnicor runs it. They use it to experiment on new forms of nanoplenty and ‘unusual chemical manufacturing techniques’; they do most research on the latter from a specialized aerostat called Deep Diver, which as the name implies, hovers much deeper than most – the work is mostly done by telepresence. They also lease space out on both for various kinds of research.
CYTHERA Orbiting research park for various local companies; mostly terraforming related, amongst other things designing edible creatures that can live in the open air right now; one company’s ‘blimpsteak beasts’ are apparently a real hit with everyone except presumably the aerostat cleaning and engineering staff that has to deal with birdstrikes. FROSTFIRE As the dumb name implies, they handle the ice rocks for terraforming; they divvy them up into something reasonably sized then make sure they go down in a sedate trip that takes them nowhere near anyplace inhabited. ANYONE ELSE As less people live there than Mars or the Moon, the local laws are permissive and as there’s that hellish atmosphere to dump the lab into if it all goes up the spout, a lot of dangerous research is done here, even after vexit. They don’t go into any detail though. WE ARE EXPERIENCING TURBULANCE Quite aside from the Aerostats drifting every which-way, and the hellelevators dangling below, folks need to be able to move physically. Most commonly, it’s by jet, which range from future Lears to jumboes. I can’t imagine the food or seating had improved much over the modern day, nanomagic or no. Given how predictable the wind patterns are, flight by sail-balloon or dirigible is not unknown – the latter are commonly used for freight, but also have a luxury liner variant, with small but swank accommodations; there’s also unpowered balloons that use the differing air currents to navigate, using their atmosphere as lifting gas. They’re not luxurious, but they’re very touristy and popular with the rich, not least as they’re private. There’s also a lifeboat variant. There’s a little bit of excerpt about a dirigible that turned into every cliché SF horror movie ever, as told by someone who fled onto one of the survival balloons. When you need to go down to the surface in a hurry – 20 mintures – or so, they also have emergency metallic hydrogen rockets for the job; they have to be quick about it though, and get back to the aerostat in a hurry – any kind of pressurized material is already in trouble down there; and considering what metallic hydrogen is… YOU SPIN ME RIGHT ROUND… They’re also building a cheaper ways to get things to and from orbit; as a normal elevator is impractical, what with the nature of the surface, they’re building a ‘Momentum exchange tether’, what they call a rotovator – someone really doesn’t do enough gardening. It’s something that spins around, dipping into the atmosphere to drop off and pick up and carrying up into the air; sort of a space [paternoster]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paternoster). Completion is about a year off. THE DAILY GRIND First thing to understand is that aerostats are their own things, and folks don’t often leave their home ones; even with the futurenet, they are still fairly independent and given to rivalry. Yes, yes, future idealized EU, we get it. Second thing is that, given that making room on an aerostat is fairly easy, big living quarters are not terribly status indicating – it’s having big things that is, as maternal has to be either imported or hauled up from the surface, either at vast expense; their consumer ideal is functional, elegant and very light. If you want to really show off, you import statues or even earth relics. If you’re poor, as ever you either are a robo-hobo or live in the comps; most of the scut work for mind.roms is either watching the machines so they don’t fuck up, or watching the outside of the balloons so they don’t fuck up. The robo-folk do mining, heavy labour and service work; many live in areas where it’s open to the outside air; this is mitigated by the fact that they want lots of breathable air inside and building is cheap; thus, most folks only need to work a year to get someplace to live and a biological body. THINGS TO DO They spill so many pixels about tourism here, and now we finally find out about what they and visitors do here. SMH. BTLs (I'll use the SR term, as it's basically that) and Tourism are two small, but important parts of the local economy, as folks are willing to pay to experience this weird place; besides ballooning, folks are willing to pay to go down to the surface in specially bodies like Hines had, though they mostly teleoperate. There’s also folks who are money rich and sense poor enough to skydive here! Yes, you heard me. Most generally end in nets built for the purpose; the main difference is where the dive ends, anywhere from 3 to 35 KM down (the suits having a bottom range of 40 KM down). Most just use common or garden parachutes, but some wingdive down, they picture the latter on this page – it’s less looney toons than it sounds, given the thickness of the air here; unfortunately, I can’t find an image mirror. Most are caught by nets, but the rich guys have someone net them, for extra thrills. Folks will pay a lot to do this, or to experience doing this. Given the nature of the experience, folks will have also spend a great deal of ink theorizing how it would be disrupted in murder mysteries, since there’s a perception that it would be easy to sabotage and send someone plummeting into the lethal depths; in practicality it’s much harder to fool the self-test systems than it looks – out of the 12 attempts, only one’s ever worked. YO-HO-HO! Of course, there’s also something that can done fucking with the omnipresent acronyms ending in -R; rich assholes play around being sky pirates in adapted morphs or the folks hunting them on sky ship in the zoo that the terraformers set aside for their animals; folks also sell BTLs and other recordings; sounds dumb – but I would totally buy video of it all going pear shaped and some shit corp officer getting et by some sky monster. That would be prime entertainment. It might pay for the animals, but I can’t see it being terribly popular with the zookeepers; it probably disturbs their behavioral patterns and stresses them something fierce. There's a thriving criminal presence, but one still being dickered out between the various rival groups, fed by the lack of local drug labs and the plentiful options for blackmail; it's run to a large degree by an uplifted crow. Do they have to go with the animal stereotypes? FLORA AND FAUNA As mentioned in the last thread, there’s some native life present – protobacteria flying around in clusters about 48-60 up; they’re interesting in that they hint about the origin of life in this system, suggesting a Martian origin to life in Sol in the EP universe. This being EP, they of course state that it’s mainly interesting as a laboratory curiosity and for genes to use elsewhere – the SOOPER COOL NEW sky ecology that the ubermench are coming up with is far better; they’ve already loosed flying plankton into the skies, much to the delight of the terrafomers and presumably the distaste of the poor clanking sods who have to muck out the aerostat thrusters; they use oxygen from their metabolism to fly, as well as dumping it into the skies; they’ve also loosed some animal forms – all creatures with photosynthetic symbiotes, it’s too anoxic for normal heterotrophs mainly; Jelly-floats are the most recent thing loose so far – they’re like certain species of Terran jellyfish, but gasbags; they’re still fairly uncommon and their success is still uncertain, much to the relief of the local maintenance crews. They’ve also devised a predator, a flying gasbag octopus, up to 20 meters in size and capable of hitting 20km/h; they’re still not loose yet. There is no talk on whether someone's made a sapient version. There’s faster, brighter and more aggressive lifeforms already completed, such as a sort of flying manta, but the air isn’t ready for them yet. On one hand, the critters are cool; on the other hand, there’s something fucky, protobacteria or no about creating super superior genetically engineered life to displace an existing ecology and then crowing about it – it ain’t the first time, I remember Charlie Stross on one blog section suggesting creating new things to replace stuff killed by our own fuckery; that just felt obscene to read. It reminds me about the place of normal humans in this milieu, blather about morphological freedom or not; it’s all about freedom to be some super future fucker and sneering at the existing life. NEXT: A SMASHED CRADLE


Next in our grand tour is the place where is all began, Earth, along with a change in narrative style, jarringly switching from semi-omniscient to narrated.

The reader takes on the role of a new recruit to firewall’s oversight of what’s left of Terra; you’re Martian, was only a fresh teenager pre-fall and have never been; Firewall favors such people for the duty because they don’t get sentimental. Your superior, a woman calling herself Ham has been at the job for about 3 years – remember, the great TITAN-Bullshitapalooza only ended ten years before – and they’ve been the longest lasting person here. The org doesn’t want anyone with any kind of fond memories of the place looking over it.

Besides the whole crushing depression factor, it wouldn’t be that predictive anyway.

She (the narrator) also explicitly cautions against going down there; as we all know, most folks who go down there meet sticky ends; it’s better to watch from a safe distance – she knows this from personal experience, as she tried a similar jaunt to what the opening fiction people did, and came to a similar end.


We get our first insight into what things were like before it all went to cacky here; by her own admission we were in deep shit well before the TITANs ever said ‘Hello, World’ to the thunderous applause of pimply faced techies and the brass overseeing their paychecks.

Climate change had been held back only by massive geoengineering efforts – check another futurological shibboleth off the list there – and the failure of market economics, resource descent and ‘technological advances’ – can’t forget that – was already causing things to shake to bits; hell, the TITANs would largely be a thing due to the kinds of pressure that that their erstwhile masters would be under then. It was months after the things had officially gone off the reservation that folks realized that something was up- and by that time, they were already winning. That’s when folks said it was time to pull up stakes and leg it. While folks were understandably unhappy about it, they didn’t have much choice about the matter – the TITANs certainly weren’t up for surrenders, but fortunately were mostly on earth at the time, meaning that it was still possible to win off-world. Mankind pulled together from this 3rd world war and began their Exodus. It was a cackshow from the beginning; there’s only so much mass that could be transported off earth, modern spacelift or no; elites generally got the first go – and then they had to go someplace; folks ended up getting off earth and then running out of air before anyone could take them. Of course, being EP, folks also resorted to ripping images of themselves and transmitting themselves off-world, giving us the horde of homeless folks living in the computers; many folks after ripping these images either marched off to try and buy more time for the others, or went to ground, generally ending up either dead or ended up before pedo-ancap in the que; others killed themselves after creating a copy so that the TITAN couldn’t get them, or that they wouldn’t end up becoming gribblies when the Exsurgent got to them; the corpses tended to pile up a bit.

Billions didn’t make it; it was a total shitshow down there, complete disorganization - some folks were too stubborn to leave, or let others leave, some camps were forgotten, many military forces prioritized their own dependants and first too much damage and too much infiltration. Many folks were too poor to get out – and the book calls out the lack of escape of some nations out as something many would call basically ethnic cleansing by proxy. Many folks evacing went full profiteer and only evac’d those who would pay – many of the system’s cartels started this way.

Folks were still trying to escape or evac folks when the fence went up; folks quit trying after a while. The fence was probably both murder and salvation, given what might else have come up. Earth is quarantined with killsats, mines, attack drones and jammers to try and prevent things coming up or going down; the quarantine was imposed by parties still unknown to this day. The Planetary Consortium is the obvious suspect, but they’re too quiet about it; could be avoiding trouble, or possibly they’re still afraid of the fact that they don’t know what’s afoot – oligarchs or Firewall/precursors of same are both floated as possibilities; TITANs are not that likely a culprit, as it hits their stuff too.

They give a small taxonomy of the unit types involved; counting a 2000 units in total, living in LEO; while there’s the obvious heavy watch stations to repel space forces, but there’s also a huge number of watch units, forming a constant and overlapping field of scans – the most common units of course are the various superlative-smallness titled units, ranging from spies to smart mines, to sabotage and repair units to support the others – it wouldn’t be EP without the prefix ’Nano-‘ somewhere.

There’s top-of-the-line jamming arrays, making it very difficult to manage a fix on the number of units present, and keeping electronic contagion in. The smart mines have a variety of mission profiles, ranging from camouflaged free-floaters to ones hiding in the various crap floating about – the Kessler syndrome that must be setting in there is a defence in it’s own right, though they don’t pay any mention that – to ones that just sit there out in the open like prunes, using jets to hold position. Finally, there’s the hunter-killers, things to chase what the killsats can’t catch – and they pack a punch; some are even touting nukes, which could worsen an already fattened Van Allen belt.

Firewall prefers to maintain the barrier – most things coming up are the kind of thing when you give the welcoming committees flamethrowers instead of flowers, and it can be hard to tell the difference between one and the other. The narrator and reader are watching all this from ringside seats onboard of those server space stations, hiding in plain sight and watching what happens – they even have some degree of data feed from the network, and every time it’s tested they learn more about how it works.

They’ve even worked out some reasonable plans to beat the barricade; which brings us to our next subject

LAND OF ASHES AND MONSTERS Sure, radar and talking to the comps is out; but just looking at the damn thing? That’s easy and happens a lot – burnated civilization in the air is much easier to compensate for than jamming. On the list of changes, topography isn’t very high, outside of what used to be the combined city of Chicago and Milwaukee – you may recall that the there was a antimatter bomb let off during the whole clusterfuck; this was ground zero, forming a big glass crater, evaporating the lake and creating an incredible updraft that still goes on in the area, as there’s been no clouds since, as well as a slowly increasing number of craters where the lunar massdrivers take the occasional pot shot at anything that acts suspicious – a few places got turned to volcano in the process where it went through. The big changes are climatic; some are what remains of climate migration or other projects, though the the TITAN-Bullshitapalooza mostly ended that; though some things, like the great rock mass that used to be the Gobi after some damnfool scheme to green it ended are still visible – it’s nice to see that at least there’s some acceptance of the reality that nature wouldn’t take that lying down. The majority are new however – the nuking, the antimatter bomb and the mass driving sent the air climate conditions loco down there – “Anything could happen anywhere, and often did—snowstorms followed by heatwaves, sudden massive hail out of a clear blue sky, torrential rain that turned to steam as it fell because the air was superheated”, to quote, and the sea didn’t get off much easier – daily tidal waves were a thing on the coasts. These days it’s calmer – mostly, it’s full on nuclear winter these days, and in some places glaciers that predate modern civ are back; of course, there’s another factor. The TITANs unleashed another form of the omnipresent nanobullshit of the setting to change the weather every whichway they wanted through little robots that could change albedo on command, giving everything from eternal summers to tornado clusters – they seem to be operating at random at the moment, making it all screwy as hell. Europe is an ice-ball worse than what would happen if the conveyor packed it in, with the landmarks we know buried under 50 foot snow, with the famed rivers now just roads of ice under an unnatural chill. Africa and America are deserts, filled with dust that often turns to flame; the everglades dried out like thatch and a large part of the remaining rainforest was turned to logs floating out for miles, and some areas of the rainforest completely underwater, trunks turned to wet noodles. Some places are still green though, although you wouldn’t want to smell them – the air down there is breathable by normal humans, but stinks to high heaven, like “chemicals, smoke, and raw sewage”, especially on the seaside. Also, pack sunscreen, because the Ozone’s gone. At least the clathrates and methane is staying put though. Bring a Giger counter, though – many places got hit with salted heads to try and kill the gribblies in a lot of cities. Ash is omnipresent; the air, soil, water and wherever it’s uncomfortable on your body; the haze of wood, building, industry and human cremains screws up every kind of sensor – which can act as one last gift from your departed family, as it hides you from anything but possibly the nanocrap that the TITANs unleashed; also, that looming cloud front? Not generally natural, assuming it even is one. There’s a bunch of sidebars interjecting – the first one is a report on some kind of Antarctic anomaly, near the ruins of an old outpost – there’s geometric fluid patterns in the ice down there; considering the events on the planet, this is obviously extremely worrisome; best case scenario, it’s human survivors firing up the reactor; however, the evenness of the shapes militates against this, suggesting yet more TITAN horsecrap – and not pleasant IN THE SEWERS Folks have been down there – loads of people have sent down teams and drones to take a gander at what’s been lurking about down there and they’ve found folks that aren’t TITAN robots or booglies lurking about; trapped on the surface with no way to fly or copy oneself out. The biggest single worry for survivors is food – the TITANS sabotaged everything they could – ecology, nanotech and agricultural land, both directly and otherwise; they have to subsist on a mixture of scavenged food and whatever they could gather and or kill. Water, shelter, vees and arms are not scarce, though rads are an issue; if you could dodge the TITANs and avoid killing each other, it could be survivable – and evidence supports this; there’s lots of non-TITAN seeming energy signatures alive down there. While a percent will be automatic or TITAN traps, there will likely be some that are not – as shown by the termination of several over the years – some might have been traps for TITAN minions – turn on an old system in someplace that can’t be defended, load in as much ordinance incompatible with your arms as you can find, rig up a trigger, set up some noisemakers as bait, and wait for the bots to come knocking. Some might even be beacons for rescue efforts. There’s a few spots named where the signs of continued human life are likely present – besides the Ozarks and ‘Nam that I mentioned last thread, there’s jungles of Guinea, both Papua and new, the caves in North Dakota, zones in the Swiss Alps – I guess not even the TITANs, their robots and the cronenburg hordes could shift those assholes, although it’s possible the ETI is hiding it’s money there – plus various seabed sites that might be remnants of prewar facilities. There’s also heavy neutrino transmissions – could be folks trying to leave, could be TITAN tat phoning home, who knows? Firewall certainly don’t. They could pass on rumors to the Reclaimers or allies, but that would probably end in folks ending up dead or… WORSE Of course, there’s the other inhabitants down there, and they have pretty good tabs on them. I’m talking, of course, of the local population of Exsurgents; the place is obviously crawling with them, doing who knows what for their departed machine overlords; some seems to be living like they used to before infection, albeit well underground, which brings to mind an entertaining image of a Whipper, a Jelly and a Shifter sitting on the couch flipping channels and complaining that there’s nothing good on while a Creeper begs for snacks.
CATCHING Zs As I mentioned last thread, there’s loads of corpsicles hidden underground, both for folks that already copied themselves, those who didn’t believe in it or couldn’t pay. There’s talk of bounties on their heads – folks in the PC don’t want it to be known what actually happened when it all went down, as witnessing the fate of someone who sent down to the surface and later got wiped after finding a server running some people, as related in a pair of sidebars. GROUND FLOOR: NANOSWARMS AND XENOMORPHS Now, for all this mention of the reclaimers, how do you get down there and reclaim? The junk makes it easier to sneak up, but then you have to drop down – fortunately, there’s chinks in the defenses for folks to exploit, possibly deliberately created by the blockade-builders, whoever they may be. Stealth is obviously a must – the narrator also proposes deception; try pretending to be a space rock or repair drone and sneak up, or take advantage of a diversion, or possibly let your ship be chaff and ride down on an escape pod or drop suit or something, or do what happened in the opening fiction and ride the elevator. It’s obviously easier if it’s a one-way op; if you can transmit a mind rip or don’t mind being stuck or are just dropping bots, it’s much easier. Or you could just hitch a ride with those already going down like the reclaimers… or the latest mass driver round. There’s also the possibility of beaming down by either dropping a pod with small bodies and the means to move to them; you could even reclaim an old facility and switch to for heavier usage; there might even be facilities for this that had been set up before the evac for folks to come back to. DOWN TO EARTH Things are falling apart down there pretty hardcore – things would already be giving up after that long without being maintained, even before the weather, cold and nano/bio damage. Protip: Stay out of the buildings, and if you must go inside, stay off the stairs. Some of the higher tech facilities are more intact, however, particularly corp or government facilities, or the homes of the oligarchs – SUPER FUTURE NANOBULL, materials and repair bots can do a lot after all! They’re basically dungeons, completely with monsters – the security systems most often, although if the inhabitants went Exsurgent, there’s a non-zero chance of meeting them – and loads of phat loot – media disks to pirate, various knickknacks and keepsakes that could be either returned or replicated and sold, pictures, mind.roms, all kinds of things – the narrator got a good hat she scanned for her avatar. Some of the cities still have their AB-domes – basically, they’re inflatable bubbles that you set up over aa city to keep off fallout and toxins, while controlling weather; the idea was created by one Alexander Bolonkin, a Russian dissident and board member of the Lifeboat Foundation, one of the groups expied in the earlier book, and not incidentally sharing that ‘august’ status with [Pamela Geller]( http://lifeboat.com/ex/bios.pamela.atlas.geller.oshry), that famously incoherent hater of all things left and Muslim. There’s also human and other remains everywhere – mostly bones, but with the occasional pile of ash or outline to mix it up a bit, with ever kind of body around of every age and sex; you can see the augs in many cases as they aren’t terribly biodegradable or edible – many of them have been disturbed or chewed on, hopefully only by feral dogs or the like – though they’re likely dead along with much of the higher life – the shores are filled with rotting sea creatures, as well as animal bones everwhere. Not everything’s dead though – rats and cockroaches are still thriving, having no need of genetic engineering to survive our own bullshit, along with things like foxes or raccoons or the like. Might even be uplifted whales or dolphins lurking about down there. There’s a small side bar discussing a few sites of interest: New York city got et by some kind of TITAN-locust swarm, which munched anything that was once alive and then fucked off to find more munchies. Beijing is a ruin, except for the Hidden City, which looks perfect to the point that it looks like a trap. Panama city is becoming a city again, which hasn’t gone unmolested by TITAN machinery. Netherlands is frozen, but might have underwater habs, and Tashkent is a big hive of Exsurgent freaks, just begging for a moon-rock.
LOOTING THE DEAD FOR FUN AND PROFIT There’s a surprising number of folk dropping down there to pick at things – as I mentioned, you could get high prices for quite a number of knickknacks – while you could just vacuum up random crap, it’s better and safer to target specific things, such as valuable mind.roms, fancy hats or techno-doodads. For your larger groups of murderhobos or corps doing deniable ‘mining’ ops, they tend to go dungeon crawling; either way, you’re going to have to dig for it, literally or otherwise, and no matter how big the group, the faster they are the less likely they are to annoy the players with the famously clunky bodyswapping mechanics. It’s not just profiteering, there’s knowledge to be gained down there - there’s still things that haven’t been beat by the boffins yet, plus knowledge of what the TITANS were bullshitting in their -OPALOOZA; not to mention the thrill-seekers or nostalgic. The return rate is predictably dire. Considering that the company backed expeditions seem to be able to arrange malfunctions in the grid when they want in and out, there’s pretty clinching proof that either the PC built the damn thing, or they managed the buy up the codes during the post fall fire sale; on top of that, there’s one op that looked like it might have been arranged under the aegis of the Consortum, and not just any bit of the consortium – OZMA strikes again.
TITANIC BULLSHIT Of course there’d be the section dedicated to Robot Cthulhu. While they conveniently vanished after folks left earth, they still left plenty of fun behind – the usual suspects are present – nanocrapola, kill machines, etc, but those aren’t terribly interesting. What is interesting is the ones that are building shit – like the cube farms in what used to be Moscow. They’re not factories and they ain’t doing anything – not powered on. They also chilled out St Helens and Hawaii’s volcanos, almost like the gooey stuff got sucked away, to no currently know purpose. Maybe the TITANS just wanted volcano lairs for the players to fuck around in, who knows? The pattern of the pattern being un-understandable is a wide trend – oh sure, some things are obvious, like how the machines and the Nanobull avoid Tibet and the Black Hills (lol, Shadowrun references – maybe they made a magic wall to keep out the TITAN tech magic), though they’re busily getting traumatised in Laos and ‘Nam, and the Arabian peninsula is basically one big cloud of nanocrapola (Cue someone on /r/eclipsephase saying at least that problem is solved to massive upvotes). It’s explicitly noted that they might not have been sharing agendas. They’ve really been setting down roots – literally in some cases; some got into the idea that they should reinvent the tree, turning large swaths of continent into rubbish modern art takes on forests, studded with solar cell leaves to power growth – fast to the point that you can literally watch it happen at times, ah, the joys of Nanobullshit. They also have swarms of that and little robo-animals like monkeys – it’s like a small food chain. Did I mention that they’re territorial? They don’t like the old model life much; honestly, it reminds me of what the Ubermench are doing on Venus. WHAT SLOUCHES TOWARD BETHLEHEM? Things are hotting up down there, and up there by the time of the monolog – there’s lots of energy signatures down there; whether it be folks turning on the lights or glitches booting up; either way, it might stir up the PC to come nuke the lot, as either option threatens them deeply. Folks are also trying to drop down more, on every scale of operation, and for every level of target – some folks are targeting the small out of the way areas; the narrator wonders if they might be one big thing, trying to work so that they don’t have one obvious target to burn – if so, somebody knows something. And most of them aren’t gov-sponsored, having to fight their way through; coupled with the PC beefing up their defense nets and the Reclaimers floating more cockamamy schemes with all the big terraforming ideas favored by futurists and it all spells shakeup, which scares everyone, from the elites who run the PC, to the bigwigs in Firewall, as everyone is afraid of what’s down there. There’s a little snipped of a log from a base – a fairly routine log that includes that their domes are up, they have gene-magic plants growing and defenses going, and that another base in the next few months, assuming no crap comes down the pipe, and that they will contact in 2 weeks’ time, assuming nothing major happens. This is from the surface, and this is the 4th such base so far. Is this… Metaplot, I’m seeing? Oh, my. NEXT: UP ABOVE IT ALL
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We’re not quite done with Earth – there’s still quite a bit spinning around the place – not surprisingly, Earth was the core of everything until the pimply nerds ushered forth the AI apocalypse. Being closest to the homeworld and the interface with the rest of the system gave this lot a pretty good gig – spaceports, factories, hotels you name it.

Unfortunately, being so close to the ground zero, the new neighbours quickly started party crashing, and that’s before the folks running away or torrenting themselves up to get away from the gribblies – the places mostly fell to hacking, many being abandoned before being overrun, though a few strategic ones being blown up to keep them out of Robot Cthulhu’s devices lists. Everyone else was filled to the gills to the point where the air was going funky and the computers were lagging, and that was before a few went down to folks either rehashing old grudges or rioting.

Obviously, anyone who could leave, did, as everything was high and dry, set up to support a dead service economy and was next to gribbly central – and that was before the border patrol and the raging Kessler syndrome was factored in – a few valuable ones were moved out of the shooting gallery, but most were abandoned in place, and they still have to skootch regularly to get out of the way of space crap wherever they are; and the internals of those places weren’t much better, being every bad refugee camp on steroids. It’s starting to trend up again, as folks are starting to get the idea that maybe Earth ought to be taken back again, and the solar La Grange points are still there, so the place still has some strategic value.


The place is basically a taxomy of almost every type of space platform to be built before the TITANic Bullshitapalooza, and even today it’s acrawl with spacecraft – it’s easy to traveller place to place physically, sometimes even easier than having yourself cut and pasted like a savegame! It’s easy to hide among the activity here, which is fully used by any kind of clandestine group, such as of course, our favorite murderhobos for doing whatever that bunch does.

Of course, the neo-elephant in the room is the smashed up cradle they hang above – some hold onto the fact that they are part of the homeland, and use this to fuel resentment at how the rest of their kind of have abandoned them – this, among other things fuels the reclaimers pushing ahead, like the regional equivalent of a band revival.

On the other hand: Living next to the home away from home for your nightmares kind of does things to you, as does having the reality of how petty your sad little dreams of technological transcendence were, and how they blew up in your face. Not to worry though – there’s a software patch for that, as “Psychosurgery for depression and similar ailments is more common here than anywhere else in the system.”


Many places here still hold onto the old identities of earth, despite how the FUTURE PERFECT TECH has changed everything elsewhere – obviously, many other ubermench look down on the folks who actually want to hold onto whatever they can of what they once had. With all these divisions, not to mention the ethnic gangs and their obscure slang, outsiders have issues, even with the ability to append crap to your mind.

Considering proximity, it’s not surprising that refugees haven’t spread far from here. Many are still living in the comps, or as robots, literally property of the local authorities, corporate or otherwise -it’s pretty wide, the range of treatment that they have here, though the local government, the Lunar-Lagrange Alliance doesn’t consider computer dwellers as citizens. Many are building new stations to house folks, but many are still just sitting around, with nothing else to do, largely unfairly blamed for the shitshow that is still going on up there.

There’s a bit of prize writing here: “It is worth noting that many refugee groups, having been uprooted from Earth and thrust into an entirely different type of existence, simply settled down wherever they ended up. Rather than embracing the full opportunities offered by transhuman society, some of these have in fact isolated themselves and become even more insular, partly due to suffering from combined culture and future shock.”


“Bioconservative ideals are often rampant among these groups, despite many being sleeved in synthmorphs.”


I’ll certainly say this, these ‘leftist’ certainly have empathy issues with those who don’t hail the inevitable rise of technology.


Living next to the stampede, they of course get first dibs at the crushed grass and shite left in the path – as I mentioned before, there’s scavenging ops of every scale and description well underway, from turning over abandoned habitats for soul.roms, lost files and various other tat, to catching various forms of space junk from the by some estimates century and 7/10s of space travel that’s been going on here, both from disposable boosters and various stuff moved into graveyard orbits before the whole shitstorm went down – though the graveyard orbits these days tend to be lower, not higher, so it skirts near the barricade – it’s no biggy if it gets zapped, and it serves as a warning to others not to get too near.

You find a crosssection of just about everything up here, from corpsicles to abandoned experimental doohickeys to just plain weird shit.

There’s also various space-UrbEx buffs up here – besides folks selling data to the scavs, there’s also the usual rich with no sense who like mapping wreckage clouds and old stations – some of these assholes even organize parties and whatnot on abandoned stations so they can have raves while looking down on the dead earth or whatnot, or do other things.

Sometimes these parties get a bit more lively than anticipated, when TITAN hardware or space monsters wake up and join the fun, or they set off the security system – or just bog standard criminals crash the party or operation or what have you.

LOONY TOONS The LLA predated the TITANic temper tantrum by decades, largely to maintain mutual support and keep the weapons counts low, largely under the influence of the hypercorps. Before the TTT went down, it was King Big Kaka off earth, for factors I already went over. Afterward, some more distant stations and the hypercorps joined to form the PC, built around a neoliberal dream of ended traditions and shackles, boosted by far greater innovation, forward thinking and larger intact tech base, not to mention luck. The LLA didn’t vanish however, and has been rising back to prominence again, and are getting more investment as they’re expanding to accommodate the refugees, as well as having benefitted for gaining a large number of military units from earth that hadn’t gone over to the PC or republicans. The LLA is ruled by a council based around the principles of one station having it’s own councillor, but the population of that station weighting that councillor’s vote – in theory, stations are left to their own devices, but in practice the central authority tends to intrude a lot. It’s currently run by a Thatcher analog named Avra Don, also known as the Fullerene Lady for her hardline stances and her ability to survive assassination attempts of uncertain pedigree. Sher’s noted for rightwing, biocon leaning stances of no particular camp, having favored the independence of the MSC, despite their strained relationship with that polity and for mercilessly pursuing policies that screw over the lower classes. She’s also described as being somewhat easier on the eyes than her model, and being charming, energetic and confident. At least they didn’t go completely overboard with the Thatcher analog – still, I think Gazghul was the better tabletop Thatcher ref. Their military assets, often used for handling civil unrest are lead by one Ord Brown, a quiet Biocon with little love for politics and quite completely impossible to bribe. His adult kids are both Reclaimers. There’s a rather amusing little bar encompassing a rant by some extropian backed conspiracy theorist describing how the PC might have screwed the LLA, but is not terribly of note. THE OTHER ONES The PC has a big presence, both economic and military. The latter largely watches the barricade, though this isn’t necessarily popular with the LLA government. The two sides are at a somewhat uncertain impasse – they shares goals and will work together against the outer system and space amoebas, but their politics clash to quite a degree. Fighting doesn’t seem that likely, tho. They are lead by the suitably charismatic and diabolic Randall Vox, a man preferring slim bodies to match his nature, explicitly described as a snake in the text. He’s largely concerned with stopping the Reclaimers, to the point of exerting sanctions on the LLA when they don’t go along, also being suspected of various kinds of blackmail, smear jobs and blag bag work by Firewall. He is of course an ex-exec of Omnicor. THE ORGANIZATION The premiere crime group of the region, from before the TTT and strengthen by people fleeing and some of their competition vanishing in the cackshow, in the ‘highly respectable pillar of the community mode’, this alliance of eminents from Russian, Eastern European, and Middle Eastern criminal outfits oversees a large portion of the local criminal enterprises, largely letting them do as they will so long as they get a cut. They are lead by one Nav Garson, a “A large man with ostentatious silver-plated cybernetic forearms and glittering sapphire optics”, with large and imposing offices on the station of Remembrance. Rather surprisingly, he fears uploading, presumably understanding what it actually is and hasn’t left the station since he arrived. He is suitably monstrous for the job, including stories of one memorable incident where he cut “a man’s throat, shoving a mechanical fist through, and yanking out the man’s cortical stack, all in the middle of an elegant dinner party—and without spilling his drink.” The LLA have obviously tried to get rid of him, but their folks are often on the take or too scared of him, and nothing’s pointed at him yet. Besides this lot, there’s the usual names along with the various smaller gangs, often with some ethic affiliation in the region.
MY LIFE FOR TERRA! While the PC try and move people away from Earth, amongst other things to cover their own guilt, a lot of folks don’t want to turn their backs on the homeworld. The reclaimers represent this faction, in a fairly professional and cautious fashion, carefully simulating out how to clean, regreen and terraform the place, along with scientific minds, volunteers and corps willing to back them through their legit front, the Earth Reclamation Project, gaining politicians, parties and friendly celebs. They’re opposed by folks whose main worry is about what the fuck they might find down there and that these cocksure fucks might doom us all by waking them up, which is a fairly realistic fear that is kind of hard to assuage with graphs and crap when folks still have first hand experience with this shit, especially with the gates providing mostly TITAN free worlds out there – many folks want to leave the situation down there to cool while they spread out a bit. I note they neglected one good argument for reclamation, namely clearing out the TITAN beachhead in the inner system, which would be my argument in favor of reclamation. Of course, as we already saw, many folks aren’t waiting for the go-ahead signal – robot exploration missions are already in progress, They cooking up new critters that can live down there and their military minds are making plans to hit the remaining remnants and strongholds, and building armies and arsenals to do so, and as we already know, there’s bases down there, trying to link up with survivors. Firewall is neutral to their agendas, but is pulling their hair about what they might wake up – they kick over anything that is actively dangerous, or if they can’t stop those epic idiots from going ahead, at least have some folks on hand to pull their butts or whatever the analog of their body is out of their own fire before they burn the house down. As mentioned before, these ops are wellspring of data about what exactly goes on down there, and they’re worthwhile for that. Overseeing the legit arm of the movement is one Tate Markess, the widow of someone left behind in the Great Kackstorm, who ripped copies of minds down on the surface and was overrun, blowing the transmitter before Robot Cthulhu could use it. She’s vowed to try and get a copy of him back; he’s probably part of some TITAN’s greatest hits collection right now. NO GREEN WORLD WITHOUT GREENBACKS This obviously won’t come cheap, and they have a variety of sources for their cash – the hypers who want down there are an obvious source – some want down there for ideology, but most see terraforming, supplying or TITAN tat and get dollar signs on their eyes, a worrying development from any perspective. Governmentally, some LLA habs throw in some cash as well, to the point where they have specific taxes to pay for it – a rather unpopular measure, to put it mildly. There’s also the various private money supplies out there, from CEOS sending their cigar lighters over to the Org who likely wants the black market share; it’s a rather sensible source of worry to wonder exactly what any of these parties want in return. They also fund themselves via looting, as their various clandestine missions take them in that direction – one outfit, with the suitably silicon-valley-cringe name PastFinders also looks to finding, organizing and running mind.roms from after the Bullshitapalooza for their wealthy rellies – whether it’s pawing through stacks of stacks or shoving through corpses or just finding folks thrown to the far reaches or wherever, as well as being suspected in at least one gold-mine of a haul where they found several folks’ copies and some phat loot from the surface.
THE SIGHTS There’s at most five hundred habs orbiting the place nowadays, or every size and description, including a set of cyclers, orbiting cargo haulers that go from Earth to the moon under the power that they were launched – any *Marathon* player is familiar with the concept - it’s an idea that doesn’t get nearly enough show; just wish that it wasn’t in this shiteshow of a game… or that some weren’t scum lairs. I’ll give a list of the notables that I haven’t already covered: ELEGUA Terraforming researchers under the auspices of the TerraGenesis corp. While their main concern is obvious, they also do work for extrasolar terraforming and as well as work on alien and engineered microlife in sealed ecological contexts. FRESH KILLS I mostly went over this one before – scum and villainy, large hive, yada yada. We do see the overlord of this anchorage, a Mr Sugali Ali, who enjoys playing up to his image of Pirate King, despite being ostensibly a honest businessman. Besides the rumor that he used to be an actual African pirate and he has four arms, nothing to write home about. THE HEXAGON Citadel of the Direct Action company, this is the R&D nerve center for the PC’s military machine, as well as a major training camp and fleet anchorage. It is armed to the teeth, and is crawling with combat morphs and with heavy firepower within easy reach, deterring attack by most forces, along with the heavy guns and drones defending the place. It’s also bristling with sensors, largely to watch Earth. As they share La Grange points with FK, they watch each other with some degree of caution. HOTEL CALIFORNIA Captured mining asteroid, taken over by squatters that were abandoned for two years before the PC found and checked up on them; most stayed, and the place has grown since. Some mining company came to try and get things going again, but was told to leave at gunpoint. It’s notable as the biggest hermitage in the inner system, and the only way in is physical – some suspect there may be fugitives of various kinds here. The name derives from the original name of the rock. REMEMBRANCE Biggest O’Neil known to ubermench right now; it’s one big smelly space slum on one half – overcrowded, overloaded and dangerous, and only marginally better elsewhere. It also has the towers where many of the LLA bigwigs live on the better of the two rotating wheels, such as the lair of the Organization; there’s ideas for expanding it, but the rich don’t want to be taxed to pay for it, as they don’t get the worst of it – though it does spill over into their own sections. It’s other claim to fame is being the riding of possibly the least liked pol in the entire inner system, one Nandi Setsin, a reclaimer who imposed a reclaimation tax, acts as a shield for the less popular polices of Don Fullerene and is noted for being strident on the subject of the PC, and having regular corruption allegations leveled against her. She’s a competent admin tho, and at least keeps it from getting worse. VO NGUYEN Reclaimer base study base, suspected to be a base where exploration missions to the surface are launched, as we already know. It’s also the base for the biocons in the region, and the majority of biocons that are reclaimers clash with the majority of Reclaimers that ain’t – it’s easy to understand why the biocons would feel so strongly about it, when the whole reason the movement exists* is also the biocon’s greatest bloody shirt* and sometimes those clashes are literal, particularly as some tech-magic projects of the reclaimers have been sabotaged by the former’s radicals. GHOST TOWNS There’s also a sizable group dead stations here, either abandoned or killed off outright. Most are still empty, just big loot pinatas/lairs of danger – we’ll go over the ones flagged as hazards by Firewall. BLACKROCK An iron ‘roid towed to Lunar-Earth L3, as a comms base for the dark side and commercial anchorage, serving as a trade base since. It was one of the first to go when the TITANS took their Bullshitapalooza on it’s off earth tour, being denuded of all life, biological, mechanical and electronic within minutes – could be biological with simultaneous computer attacks, could be the salted/radiological bomb that rendered the place nice and toasty with a simultaneous EMP. Some say the latter was the last stand of the crew to keep it from enemy hands. It’s been poked at with remote drones, but nothing terribly interesting has been found so far. Worryingly, the thing has gone active since and is spewing gibberish or encrypted transmissions recently, and it’s not likely to be squatters. Someone’s going to have to do something about the place soon, whatever the reason for the recent revival, as it’s straying off station and might crash into the surface in the next 5 years or so. THE FLYTRAP Former resort, under the name of De Milo, built exclusively as a retreat for one hypercorp since defunct, that used to boast everything from fine food, whatever these wierdos think that is, booze, accommodations and service, complete with bespoke wildlife. Then the TITANs – probably the Exsurgent itself - decided it wanted some of dat, and crashed the party, causing the inhabitants to die what looks like a civil war, and contributing to the fall of the company. Someone made a rather half-assed attempt to blow the thing, but only holed the wheel. Later, having found nothing TITAN left running about the place, the LLA turned it into a refugee camp; a rather foolish and ill-starred scheme from the beginning, as they never fixed the air systems back to normal and there’s still crap everywhere from the attack. It rather quickly broke down in riots. The LLA pulls most folks out and washed their hands of the matter, and most of the rest follows, as the place was already freaky to begin with. It’s just gotten weirder and weirder ever since, with the air getting more and more unbreathable – not hat you’d want to breath it, with the stench, and entire sections are full of greenery and mold, fought valiantly by the kind of person who’d stick around there. The most worrying factor is the reports of weird critters afoot; hopefully they’re just the old animals because the other probability is that there’s a xenomorph infestation. SHENLONG Chinese military research station, with a secondary role as a weapons platform, of uncertain purpose, largely suspected to be dedicated to biowarfare studies, given the ease of quarantine. Whatever they were working on, it had some importance as they had one heck of a security system. Didn’t stop the TTT from having a stopover here, though as they managed to get units aboard and made a clean sweep of the station, and were able to use the systems enough to thwart any chance of killing it before what was aboard was unleashed. Whatever was aboard wasn’t in a usable state, it seems and while they defended themselves, they never did anything else, and promptly left, leaving the security systems active enough to thwart intruders to the time of writing. The PC blocked any plans to reduce the place yet, largely as some of their members want to study what’s aboard, and have sponsored some of the attempts to investigate – though as the station seems to have been fixed up and maybe even upgunned, this has been rather futile, and once they got inside, they’d have to deal with anything TITAN left aboard, and possibly the researchs subject as well. Do I smell…. Dungeon crawl here? There’s also a little bar about how folks take to squatting old stations, from poor folks to avaricious companies, how they get thing back online, and how they risk waking up TITAN crap, or proliferating dangerous tech, making them warrant close observation. Not an overly interesting underbar, honestly. NEXT: THE BIG CHEESE


We’re now into one of the heartlands of the system, and as such, expect euphoria levels to start to climb. Luna was the site permanent offworld settlement programs on any object in the setting, and they have both the cachet and infrastructure to match, and they are ruled by their relation to the mother world, both in that they got the majority of folks who didn’t copy, and that they have the obvious hanging over their heads the whole time.


Luna hasn’t fallen behind in the same way as the earth orbitals have, but they aren’t flourishing either – Luna isn’t the easiest place to build, as they need to be underground for shielding and there’s very little in the way of volatile elements, and they’re shedding people all the time – not that that’s an issue, as they have everyone they need anyhow. Settlement building is still under way, mostly intended for robots.

Economically, they’re not big on R&D – given their experiences, they have common sense – aka strict – regulations on what goes on regarding AI, nanowank and any tech of non-human origin, and most of the techies don’t stick around for that. Their big interests are in banking and fashion, as was mentioned before. They’re also benefiting from the current fashion for reclamation.

The lunars are a conservative bunch, and paranoid with good reason – it took one patient zero to take out New Mumbai, and thus they watch outsiders, even from other lunar cities with great care. As a result, they have quite the culture of requiring one’s papers in order. They also commonly believe that either the TITANs will come back or that at least some are hanging around.

Their caution of one another extends to each other’s cities – the Moon isn’t unified under any one government, and there’s quite a degree of rivalry, although not to the point of organized violence. They’re divided largely on language lines, with the largest divide being between Indian and non-Indian colonies. Their governments are varied, but tend to not experiment with new social models, much to our relief.


As had been mentioned in the core book, Luna’s a pretty influential place – I will go through their strengths in order:

BANKING Luna’s main claim to power is stability in it’s banks, and are the main source of stability for the inner system’s credit economy. They can be divided between banks loyal to the LLA and independents – the latter are basically a swiss bank analog and use quantum encryption and communication (lol, another future tech namedrop), as well as more mundane means to maintain their confidentiality for a fee.

Being that this is economics in EP, our old favorite, the rep economy makes a return – namely, in that those banks are the main way to convert credit into rep and vice versa – the only really new thing here is that there’s various abortive attempts at competition from other inner system orgs, but that’s mostly not going anywhere – not for lack trying, including various extralegal methods, such as a possible agent of the Martian banks sponsoring a psychic bank robber gang in an attempt to discredit the banks. There’s also an possible exoplanet colonization bubble afoot.


Luna dominates style in the inner system, as we already know, but with the nanocrapola coming from the creator’s pets in the outer system, that’s coming under pressure, fortunately held off by the common sense rules against that kind of active nanotech in the inner system.

Their latest gimmick is electromagnetically confined fashion, that should look fairly stable under livable gravity and atmospheric conditions. Doesn’t seem that interesting, but I’m a butchy tomboy enbie so I ain’t one to ask.


Luna’s the Hollywood of the system – despite the CGI euphoria to match very other bit of magic computer tech, folks still like actual practical acting and SFX. Luna has simulations of just about every ecology that earth had to offer in their central parks, making it easy to act wilderness shots. They apparently make one of the current video game hits; I quote:

“the Alien Raider series, where the characters are globe-trotting secret agents on Earth during the 1970s who are hunting hidden alien invaders…. characters in this game have a chance to experience adventures in more than a dozen widely different settings, from dense cities to frozen mountain tops to tropical islands and dense jungles.”

The tourism advantages are obvious. Sounds like someone was nostalgic for that terrible FMV craze back in the 90s.

GREEN CHEESE As was hinted before, there’s a lot of green spaces in the center of lunar cities – one could say that’s their hat, as it’s a habit that goes back to the time of early colonization to avoid going loony, plus the whole biological recycling thing, though The Magic of Nanomachines ™ has since made this obsolete. there’s a culture of pets and miniature life here, largely drawn from tropical sources due to the Indian origin of the colonists, to the point where “Visitors from off-world are often surprised to find a grove of modified dwarf acacia bushes containing both a colony of dwarf lemurs and a nest of birds in their host’s living room.” Of course, all the life is gene-modded to the point where’s it’s all tamed and sanitary, and hygienic; coupled with the fact that most surface travelers use AR to cover up the look of the surface it just adds up to the kind of creepy utter disrespect for any kind of nature that characterizes transhumanist fiction. They also lapse into national stereotyping, what with “In fact, one of the markers of feeling a connection to Indian culture on Luna is keeping a pet smart monkey.” Another major local obsession is exercise – while of course SOOOPER FUTURE BODIES don’t need it no more – Jesus, I wouldn’t like to imagine how these things would fare where the environment isn’t controlled, because being able to get fat is important where food can be hard to come by – they still do it a lot, especially their own special brand. Flight. It’s an old idea from old space art that folks might be able to fly under lunar gravity, and they dirty a fair amount of the old ideas from that in EP; anyway, two cities have whole spheres this set aside, and many are designed for allowing this; it’s basically a biking analog. Most of the folks here have tried it, and 33% own their own wings, increasingly attached to their own bodies, just in case you hadn’t forgotten the body being a shell thing. Of course, all this green space and sweat from flying doesn’t come cheap – while you can get most of the basics for construction out of the regolith, the upper and bottom weight classes of elements are quite rare, having either been boiled off by the sun over the billions of years, or ended up in the earth’s core. The polar ice craters and the helium-3 fusion fuel (arghghggh, it’s not even a good scheme, fughghgjgh) are being used up quite rapidly – gone in 40 for the former, half that for the latter. They’ve already launched schemes to make sure that they don’t have to depend on imports that could be easily cut off should the inner system fall in the cacky again – importing an ice boulder from the outer system, then slicing it up and salting it away for later. Another short resource, one that can’t be imported is space – the more you have, the richer you are, and folks are generally not happy about that if they’re not the folks in there – and most folks consume space, as most of the computer-dwellers have since left. Most of the remainder are in shite robots, working their time away digging new tunnels for the cities or trenches for balloons, which are then covered with soil for shielding, with the time before getting to upgrade being measured in minimum months. FOIL WRAPPED Non-biologicals are generally discriminated against – a mixture of worry that they’re more vulnerable to viral attack and the usual mix of classist stereotypes, such as laziness or criminality. AI is illegal and soul.roms can’t vote – while discrimination is technically illegal, it’s not enforced, to the point where some young assholes in some cities have taken to attacking non-bios in their own areas, in customized suits donned in areas out of the usual panopticon, and are not generally punished hard when caught. Folks are leaving after this treatment, but not all – some are resisting, in a ‘synthmorph pride’ movement. The biggest group, the ‘Steel Liberators’ are growing widely among the poor, but are dismissed by the usual groups as dangerous radicals. They’re concerned with both combating crap work conditions and encouraging folks to stick with the robot bodies when they upgrade, with a example that they set. They’ve even got a supporting band, called Chrome Freedom who are popular with the lower classes and the rebellious and poseur upper and middle classes. As I’ve said before, I think one of the few well executed ideas and concepts in *EP* is the clanking masses; I’m probably thinking this because I haven’t seen them trying to do much detail. CASU MARZU Luna is paradoxically easy and hard to hide activity on – it’s smartest to do criminal meetings on the surface, where there’s shadows to hide in that can’t be seen from orbit, and there isn’t much monitoring for the practical reason that the sun gradually ruins instruments. As well, either very new or very old tunnels make for good meeting grounds, as the electronics are rubbish there. The low escape velocity also makes it easy to move people or objects to ships in orbit without having to hide stuff on the official systems. It’s run by the usual players. The biggest good is illicit nanocrap, of course, generally funneled to various small habitats or tunnels where they cook up illegal stuff of every description for both local and off-world consumption. They stick away from stuff that would attract the attention of the authorities and pay off the authorities for the rest. The biggest thing that would have their attention would be stuff like heavy firepower that could threaten the habs – they’re most biological, and 75% of their pop is in 6 large cities, and they don’t want to be reduced to being robots again, so threats to the cities are the biggest worry of the authorities. Their legal code reflects these values – knives and other unpowered weapons are quite legal, and powered less-than-lethals are licensed for folks without a criminal record or contact with mind-altering viruses. Anything that could open a hab to vacuum is illegal – pretty common sense stuff. They are hyperparanoid about any activity that could fuck the hab, and such are punished severely – to quote: “Deliberate actions that pose a serious risk to habitat security usually result in either mental reprogramming or heavy fines that include mandatory loss of morph and indentured service as an infomorph with severely restricted freedoms. If the offense was not deliberate, punishment typically includes either a heavy fine or immediate exile from Luna, assuming the individual can find a destination willing to accept them”
THE FROMAGE PLATTER The number of settlements number in the hundreds, with the big three (Erato, Nectar, and Shackle) being 50% percent of the populous outright, with the next 3 being the next 25%. The rest are a grab-bag of small cities, research bases, private compounds and cult towns, topping out at 100,000, generally around the travelling space elevator track. There’s fairly sensible rumors that at least some of the company bases that aren’t there are doing Weird Shit, like building big computronium brains or whatnot. ERATO One of the oldest - and the largest – of the mining settlements on the moon. This is the smallest of the big three, and the most airy of the lot, with a volume of ~3 cubic km; it used to be run by a Chinese company, and thus the dominant greenery is Chinese, crawling with birds and animals, including (probably genetically bastardized) versions of both pandas and is lit naturally with mirrored light when such is available. The city section is like a Chinese version of the classic crystal towers and togas future, with buildings nanowanked into existance. It’s also a guilded shithole for rich buttholes with buttholes, as it’s the most rich and class segregated place there, with the robot folks that do all the actual goddamn work live several hundred KM out and e-commute NECTAR Biggest of the bunch, and PC-flagged, this city is cosmopolitan and growing – literally. It’s basically two towns, composed of your standard organic growth and a huge, specifically blasted out bubble, which was then sealed and terraced by the usual mix of indentures, robots and nanobullshit, which was finished 11 months back; this was obviously a snipe at the expense of Erato, given the design – just another volley between the LLA and PC, plus their proxy cities. The flavor of the environment was designed to emulate that around Hawaii, complete with parrots shitting everywhere, and makes no concessions to the natural scenery of the moon, having no outside windows, instead having a damn great screen on the roof that projects whatever sky they want today, with light levels never dropping below full moon, with fungi in case of power failure. Honestly, that they don’t even bother having windows to the moon is just really fucking sad, being the daughter of someone who watched the moon landings on television. The older bit is your standard underground bit, as I mentioned before, and was full to the gills before the bubble; folks from more crowded habs looked forward to moving in, but of course the local rich and some rich vultures are being dogs in the manger and unwilling to share space; this has causes some degree within both official and radical circles, as in the latter, the SL are getting cold feet, as they’re afraid that folks won’t want to be robots any more. SHACKLE Number two in size, and number one in importance, there’s not all that much here that I didn’t already hit on, namely that it’s the number one water source on Luna, with the majority already found and stored, with a supply good for 35 years of use, or to top up other cities who ran into issues. It’s also a big invitation to hydraulic despotism. It’s Indian, with ‘religiously Indian’ identity being common, and indian animals. Other than being slightly more friendly to robots, nothing to note here. CLEVER HANDS Besides the horrible pun name, this station is also the local Island Of Doctor Moreau, mainly dealing in the gentrification of wildlife for the various settlements, such as chimp-smart lemurs, as well as experiments with sauropsid amniotes, with upward of 33% of the workforce being products or descendants of products of their labs. This being an SF genetics research company, they of course do military contracts, and some of the product of those have escaped on at least one occasion. THE COLONY HONEY, I SHRANK THE UBERMENCH! Basically, it’s what happens when the locals take to cosplaying George Shrinks outside of a scum swarm. Other than being small, there’s really nothing to write home about; it’s really an annex in an existing colony. FEYNMAN Omnicor black bag facility – either nanowank research involving stuff the TITANs threw out the pram, or spying on the local shipbuilders. MUIR As appropriate for a city named for a sea deity, they’re a big green and preservationist presence, as the whole settlement is a low-impact living test bed, as well as a ideological milieu against the colonization and terraforming of planets outside sol, as well as “ and various technologies they [and anyone else with a modicum of sense] deem too dangerous”. Some folks think it’s a hard-green training camp, but nothing real’s popped up. THE RIND. The usual orbital zoo is restrained by the common sense laws enforced by a polity which stares down on what happens if you don’t have then restrains the zoo up above somewhat, but there’s still room for some euphoria. KOROLEV SHIPYARDS Second biggest shipyard in the inner system, mostly inhabited by robots (either soul.rom controlled, or normal), with the remainder being made vacuum resistant on some or another level – many pressurized spaces are filled with inert gas. It’s got labor drama afoot, as the .roms are annoyed at robots putting them out of work, which has been made worse by a new work pod being contructed – rumor has it that the owners, Starware, have Factor tech and are looking to build shit with it. MARE VAPORUM CIRCUMLUNAR PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC Everyone’s favorite Dengist republic away from Republic, now corrupted by the triads. They do various scavenging things here, both legit and otherwise. For the complete china stereotype, they also make counterfeit earth goods. Blech, could they have come up with something a bit less stock-sino? MITRE Euphoria central for the region, where the Argonauts are consulting for all parties concerned in the region, as well as doing open source work. They also have open archives about the hard sciences, Luna or what the Basilisks have done and can do – tho they get DDOSed, filtered and whatnot at times because the PC and LLC don’t like them spreading what they know here, such as certain blueprints. They also spam the entire system with neutrinos carrying their propaganda, news and gimmicks across Sol. Beyond these, there’s Selene Station, 4th biggest city in the region, and Tsukomo, headquarters of Go-nin; neither are terribly interesting. There’s a section about ways to get around on Luna, but there’s not all that much to snark at there, beyond the moving space elevator, or to see beyond an image with a bunch of Robo-hobos setting some folks up the bomb.
GOING MOLDY Given their proximity, it’s not surprising that some of the TITANs’ toys landed here when they launched their BULLSHITAPALOOZA, and this is made worse by the fact that many shadows and valleys aren’t penetrable by satellite scan. While most disappearances of people and machinery are explicable, some aren’t. And when it’s aren’t, it’s usually nanobullshit. The TITANs spat nano-tipped missiles all over Luna, and some spots still have lurking patches; when the locals are lucky, victims die or are et. However, some of these patches are Exsurgent, often enough that there’s one incident a month at least, forming a major part of the local pop culture; while they carry detectors, I can’t imagine their habit of skinning it with various AR crap does much for the infection rate. Most gribbies seem to follow a given game plan: Step 1: Build a base – with the nanowank, and easily availed oxygen from the regolith, it’s not hard to set up a lair. Step 2: Join The Exsurgents, Meet Your Friends and Kill Them – recruit others; mostly by laying more minefields like what made them in promising places. Over time, they can build up a small squad this way – they explicitly note that two pockets that formed this way were found and killed recently, as well as giving a modus operandi for both – one was snatching and basilisking folks for sabotage ops, the other was more open and launched an assault on Nectar, using their space magic to fuck the sensors. To stop anything coming aboard, habs always require screening before anyone comes inside, and Luna takes this to an even… Loonier level. They put the person in a isolated and armored room and scan them, with robot guns trained on them the whole time; I don’t need to specify what happens if you try to dodge it? There’s an image of some chummer spectacularly failing said inspection on the adjacent page. This only works against those currently infectious, of course, and many strains know this; fortunately making oneself undetectable also makes you less infectious – though if you know the recipe, that’s not an impediment. ROTTEN PANEER Annnd we come to the biggest plague pit in the region, New Mumbai. Returning readers might remember >New Mumbai Containment zone – still patrolled, due to worries about TITAN bullshite. There’s a bit more detail here – place had a pop of about 50,000 before the TITANic Temper Tantrum, extracting helium-3 - I’ll link to that Cstross rant about why He3 is bullshit in the afterward, don’t you worry - and was expanded by 333% when you-know-what happened. Unfortunately, they had an unforeseen passenger coming along, somehow beating customs, and spreading to 70% of the pop over the next fortnight, activating at some kind of covert signal, taking over the city and anyone not killed or escaped within the hour, and getting ready to march on the rest of Luna. Luna dropped an atomic shoe on the problem, turning it into a blasted crater. Officially, the exsurgents are gone. Unofficially… not so much, and they acknowledge this with how much they quarantine the site – this is vindicated by how our muderhobo’s robots have found signs of the critters with robots and nanocrap, with guesses leaving them somewhere around a pop of +/- 25 of the things in the remaining catacombs, with little idea as to what they even look like by then – they must pretty psychic tho, as an psi moving overhead was able to sense something down there, and it noticed her as well, and they’re already worrying about what might come lurking out. … Right, I’m out of crackers – time to move on to the next course. NEXT: MUSK’S PROMISED LAND

Chapter 1: Welcome Back To Hell

Welcome back everyone – I am your hostess and resident D-class, Jeep-Eep, welcoming you back to hell in Eclipse Phase: Sunward.

The PDF opens with the usual free edition blurb – as those who follow it may know, the game is distributed under a version of the Creative Commons Licence, allowing both paid-for and free distribution; this both explains its irritating prevalence across the net and the fact that I can spork it here; they make a request for folks to buy it from them if they want to pay for it, in some attempt to validate their Open-Source-Everything-Philosophy.

They also add exhortations to make Your Local Game Shop order it for you, if you want a physical copy. Well screw you PH!

I hope I can hoist you by your own petard and reduce your sales!


Venting over with, it’s time to get back to work.

Appropriately, given how hellish this experience is gonna be, the opening fiction starts on Venus. We focus on a member of the Clanking masses, wearing a body we’ve never seen before, a Quartz morph – rather than some oh-so-clever reference that the writers of this damnable game seem so fond of, it’s just made of SiO4. The operator, an unfortunate male by the name of Hines has been exploring a local lava field – it’s pretty fresh too, the place he’s standing is rather soft, like thick jello; looking at the local lava flow, he considers ending himself by jumping in it – rather understandable thought, when you can’t even drink to deal with the horror of this shithole.

Of course, his nanny AI tells him, in vomitously sweet words that “We have goals, Hines. Stay focused on them, and the time will melt steadily away. I promise”. Not the best choice of words when 3 of his friends had other things melt away in the first month of 12 of his indenture. Much like him, I suspect his AI is gaslighting him; even if he did die, this being EP, he’d be back – though it would be a new copy, legally through some corp game so they start the term from scratch; often, they die at the hands of careless teleoperators above – they went for the less balls to the wall indenture option, and are going to be at it much longer. This is actually vaguely sympathetic.

So of course we’re switching perspective.

Now, we come to an femme enbie smurf jaeling off. Yes, you heard that right.

It’s a femme agender enbie, jaeling off and writhing on a foam mattress and pillow, getting off on their own reflection and touching entirely new erogenous zones on their customized blue-skinned neuter body.

This not being hardcore enough, they switch on a simulation that basically amounts to the higher atmosphere of Venus fucking them with the winds; apparently gobs of flesh don’t even compare.

Okay. This is a thing.

I didn’t expect to be doing this so early…


Ahh, bad Timmies coffee, with acetone and cheap gumballs. Score!

Fortunately, this is interrupted. The focus character being greeted by an old mentor/friend/enemy/fuckbuddy. Dumb banter aside, and creepy reminiscences about their love of inevitable victory, they get down to business – there’s some new PC negotiator, with no background. Smurf is intrigued at getting to wreck someone with no exploitable past. Once they finish plotting, Smurf returned to their windfucking – the sim being a gift of the Venusian people and now spiced with getting to politically ruin someone and their masters.

[Did I mention there was a picture of the Jaleing-off?] (https://eclipse-phase.wikispaces.com/file/view/sunward-piece-1.jpg/331041506/sunward-piece-1.jpg) (OBVIOUSLY NSFW)

We’ve swapped viewpoint again, to someone watching a corp wanker snack on pufferfish balls; with the Wonder of Medichines, fugu just brings euphoria, rather than death. He’s briefing the same negotiator that was mentioned above – he wants Smurf wrecked, and he knows he has viewpoint character on a leash; said character is currently reveling in having a proper organic body again, and is a bit crude about it – he immediately chides her about it, then reassumes a jovial demeanor and invites her to look outside; our viewpoint character is an ex-UN negotiator that got transmitted off earth during the TITAN-Bullshitapalooza, ending up a hooker for the triad running various puppet bodies; her benefactor found her here, saw she was criminally underused, and acquired her, seeing her void of history as a potential advantage.

She successfully chameleons at him, saying that she saw the ‘little people’ down there; this background player has dreams of preserving an empire, and he’s first taking a swing at Morningstar.

We’re back to Smurf here, and an attempt at a public appearance just went pear shaped, as she got caught out after 36 surface workers ended up dead, and with no mind.roms to recover from – even with the philosophical stupidity of it, it was scummy for MS to offer an option without backup, and both the people and the PC, in the case of the mystery envoy are slanging them for it.

This preludes a multi-month underground tug of war, with interrupted shipments, defections and incidents on either side, and Jeue still hasn’t budged.

Finally, however, someone comes forward with a trick – an anonymous source that Smurf has gotten good use out of for some time as they rose to the top of the veen’s diplomacy. Apparently, our mystery diplomat ‘is’ one of the Lost. After using it and getting rid of their enemy, Smurf’s schadenfreude is interrupted by a caller with an creepy avatar – turns out it’s our mystery benefactor – someone with a voice ruined by various drugs of abuse; apparently that databomb was bullshit – or rather, it applied to Smurf, not her victim; she was reminded of her own acts that had been deleted from memory; he reminds them that they is his dog, and he is rich, powerful and experienced enough to see whatever she can think of doing coming.

Finally, we cut back to Hines; he’s now counting down, and thinking about other things than the shitbirds running the show; turns out that he was here for something other than freedom – he was a programmed sleeper agent, sent to asplode his camp – only this time, he was sent an abort code, rather than an order to make a kamikaze run; rather than asploding, he just jumps in a lava river though.

We cut back to Smurf; they’re the one who had thwarted the attack; there is very little jubilation, however – her mood matches the storm outside; after all ‘It’s simple, really, to wind up on the winning side when you’ve created the winner. And the loser.’ – so much for the creator and destroyer, when you realize you’re as disposable as Hines or Jeue.

Speaking of which, we return to an earlier version of the latter, now awakening in a pleasure pod; she has no idea that her boss is about to use her again, or keep doing so, for all eternity; she then heads off to service some corp drone with a humiliation fetish.

Btw, we get a shot of the pleasure pod (NSFW)

We finally cut back to our hyper-oligarch, strolling past a roulette table – he notices an incipient streak with some new math headware he had installed – he tosses a good 10,000 creds at the table; while he waits for it to spin, he homes in on a pleasure pod at the end of the table – he smoozes up to the pod and is rewarded with a smile; he flirts with the pod, as he waits on the bet and shake ice cubes – and as predicted, he gets it.

Well; this was debatably somewhat better than the base book’s story – it’s definitely showing its Shadowrun origins here; unfortunately, it’s the current groady form of Shadowrun; also, you can deffo tell it’s written by het male nerds here, especially when you look at the art.

Just because it’s possibly better than the first, don’t mean it’s not shite tho – jesus, that was horrible; I did not need to read about some grody old man controlling and abusing women like that for cheap villain heat - or some creep nerdboy’s take on future enbie sexuality. Christ; I hate the way transhumanists treat us trans folk.

Next: Sunny Side up, with Quicksilver

Chapter 2: Sunny Side up, with Quicksilver

We begin our Firewall guided in-detail sightseeing tour of the inner solar system with the object that lends it it’s name, Sol. Sol is what you can expect from a star – big, hot and rather dangerous to live near – they rather intelligently say that it’s not going to be a boring assignment – quite aside from some of the bullshit living in the region – and there is quite a bit of that – they list several ways that the star could be fucked with to cause trouble:


Flares and Corona mass events are results of various particle interactions with the sun’s magnetic field, the exact details of such being beyond the remit of this thread’s learns value; one game that someone could play here is taking a bigass magnetic field of some kind and fucking with the suns surface to send it vomiting high energy particle death across the solar system – probably not that big an issue overall, as they’d be good at handling the natural version, but a big one – a superflare - could cause a hell of a lot of trouble, especially as much of the locals live outside a magnetic field, frying just about anything not in a rock cave caught in the path.


Those who remember their earth and space science classes will recall that a type-II supernova happens when a star of sufficient size get choked up with iron at it’s core – the stuff needs energy input to fuse, which means there’s less to stop a star from collapsing on itself. There’s not enough iron in Sol to kill the Sun, they note – just enough to screw with the system enough to get big solar flares; I dunno enough astrophysics to assess this claim.

What I can say is horse hockey, is that if some godlike asshole [CoughTITANSCough] replaced the core of the sun with iron, that it would asplode; yellow dwarfs like our good old primary just don’t have the mass to manage a type-II, no matter what you do – it would kill it, certainly, but nothing so dramatic. Fuck, you could do that with enough oxygen or carbon. First scientific screamer of the book, right here.

Shot 2


Fortunately, this is the version from science class, rather than fapping computer nerds.

Basically, you put a Ceres mass black hole inna middle and watch the fireworks – basically an induced type-II again; honestly, I doubt it would work that way, for the same reason I said so above.


As mentioned before, there’s habs in the solar corona – only three officially known, as even EP has to acknowledge that even THE SINGULATARIAN FUTURE can’t beat the fury of one sun all that well – they orbit where they’ll go through the poles, as that’s where the fewest flares happen – even then, they have to hide in magnetic fields that make them look like comets from afar; they draw their power from the fields of the sun using MHD generators in the station walls, under which is loads of water as yet another layer of shielding – resupplying these stations with water in the form of comets is quite the production, with entertainingly violent results if it fucks up. We’ll go through these stations in order of appearance.


On paper, a station run by a Martian uni, concerned with drive and energy collection technology and does legit research to those ends among others, but in practice it’s a black site – Cognite, Direct Action and the Nine Lives syndicate all have monetary interests here, and it’s not normal weapons being studied here – weaponizing Exsurgent virii, brain-crashing images – basilisk hacks, in other words and even studying the copied minds of leaders to gain advantage. Firewall hasn’t been able to learn much more – they’ve been quite successful in keeping a lid on it.

There’s some recovered data in an underbar, found in a counterintell specialist’s data files that had been taken from a former student– some students found a bunch of nutrient feed piping in the Molecular biology building, the sort used when they have blank morphs around waiting for someone to commit suicide to use, plus medical containment feeds.

They also found one of the poisons used for said suicides; it’s used when they want to not only delete the mind, but be absolutely sure it’s gone; good for maintaining security… or for dealing with those who the TITANS had their grubby claws on; they raise the possibility of it being purely benign, but haw, especially when it’s kept under wraps; that security is also in the Uplift section’s 3rd floor; the students were planning some cockamamie scheme to get in and see what’s going on with a journo. It went pear shaped.

Pretty good place to put that kind of hot-lab – if things go to hell, you can jettison the infested section and kill it with solar fusion fire


The region’s obligatory Autonomist/Argonaut station; it has 1/3rd the pop, but is more honest about what they’re doing – pure solar science and making new bodies to run about in the sun are two biggies

Given how open it is, Firewall of course uses it as a major base in the area, not least as it’s the easiest spot to make contact with the wierdos who live on the sun. There’s also tourism here for folks to run about fucking around in the solar atmosphere.



It’s basically the local’s own station, named for one of the more beautiful sounds the sun can apparently make; they go here when it get stormy, as well when they get thirsty, copy and kill themselves before moving into new bodies, or create lobotomized copies to do tasks that need hands and of course fuck. Normal folks don’t come here often – quite aside from the fact that the facilities don’t accommodate them, they’re just not invited often. Not to mention, they speak Finnish here.


Most of the locals live in Surya morphs - literal sunwhales – and don’t use habs; outside of researchers, it’s mostly whales and dolphins, as it’s similar to home – pods, open society where sun-ar means you can’t hide things, little goal direction and, being EP, lots of sexy sex. Guhhhh.

Shot 3

They’re generally stand-offish, especially to tourists in local morphs – given the whole dolphin thing, I really don’t wanna know what those were. They’re also worrying to some folks as they represent a society of basically aliens going alien in the inner solar system.


The Solar vulcanoids in real life are a hypothetical family of asteroids inwards of Mercury; here, they’ve found they exist, and folks are using them as places to do secret corp stuff because of the whole looking at the sun factor for spying.

It’s especially hilarious now, as that we know there’s probably nothing big enough for that in there nowadays, though to be fair, this was found after this was written.


First of the lot – and lol at the zeerust, given the discovery year -to be found, it was mostly unimportant until someone found a Pandora gate; TerraGenesis Cooperative quickly acquired it, and started exploring and terraforming worlds; they were originally much more open about it until some people in Reaper Morphs rampaged everywhere and nearly nuked it; no one knows who they were, and they’re still paranoid to this day. Terragen is in a unique position – lotta folks wanna deal with them but that has created friction between them.

MS are working with them in their schemes to terraform the upper clouds, but that and their links with the reclaimers means that the PC is not happy with them, and is trying various ways to seduce them back into their camp, such as access to Mars’s gate or terraforming contacts to drop MS.


4 asteroids in an orbit which always takes at least one near Caldwell; multiple groups own them parts of them, though Terragen owns the biggest bit of the lot. They’re research bases, as well as military anchorages to protect the gates or rush reinforcements through.


A rival company is hollowing out this rock near Caldwell; Terragen is distinctly paranoid about this rock, connecting the owner, Ecologene and their long standing habit of selling stuff to the Factors for trinkets with the attack, or future attacks. It may be smokescreen… or not.


Small, mineral rich and tidally locked – those who know their planets know what Mercury is about. Given how much metal there is here, there’s of course mining; folks also do energy related things here, ranging from solar feeds to making antimatter; given how hostile and volatile poor it is, only the corps have enough cash and reach to make it livable; the world is now scarred with strip-mining wounds as well as craters.

There’s not much culture here – it’s either transients or exiles here mainly – folks either moving up or down, and using mercury as a stepping stage; There is a small society of nomads here, called sifters, that run across the world, following the sunrise/fall to protect their gear and scraping out minerals to sell to the companies, despite how they came here for independence.Both are useful to Firewall, as they can make use of either the resources of the companies, or the skill of the nomads.

They mostly run the place on solar power, and it’s the abundance of that which makes Antimatter manufacturable here; 4 companies are known to be doing in here by Firewall, although only one, Omnicor, cops to it. Given what antimatter does, it’s of obvious interest to Firewall – especially as how just half a year before, there was an attempted infiltration by the Exhuman sort of Honest Transhumanist of one company. There’s also corp slave labour prison camps here, with both genuine criminals and dissidents, unlucky refuges and the mentally ill here.

THE SIGHTS AL-HAMADHAN Sifter Central. Trading, fixing shit, news and voting on their behavior as a whole – the sifters do it here. The corps inevitably mock it. It’s the place to go if you need data and gear without the company knowing. CALORIS 18 The local franchise of the TITAN-Bullshitapalooza – the local AGI turned the bodies of the inhabitants into a great big flesh tube – rather more boring than the centipede they described in the core book - and then tried to merge with the minds in it. It died. Some folks say that possibly copies of the thing survive, or that some mad minds still survive within the flesh tree, but it’s all behind quarantine, so no one knows. Even Firewall stays away from that place – they won’t pick up anyone who went in – even their minds won’t be recovered - this is not a place of honor for Firewall, and anyone who goes there is darwinning themselves, and hopefully only themselves. CANNON It’s a giant cannon on wheels for launching minerals into space; it’s got suitably close security for what it is, considering how much shit you could wreck with the thing if you aimed it right. Also, they speak Korean. DELACROIX-SHELLEY Super secret squirrel Fa Jing base– incidentally, the same company that got that exhuman infiltrator - base, far from any place inhabited and got it’s own water supply in the crater. It’s heavily automated and armed to the teeth; no one’s sure what they’re doing there, but it’s probably TITAN related; it’s only a matter of time before Firewall has to take a butcher’s. THE EGG Some kind of super-advanced satellite, made of who knows what that the Factors left. They’ve not ID’d it, beyond hinting that it’s not a weapon and shouldn’t be tampered with. No one’s quite sure what it is, though with it’s flight path takes it constantly over Calloris 18; it’s probably a supertech spy sat, though it might be spying on the gate, or both sites of interest at once; it’s still under guard by the PC, and already some idiot’s tried to blow it sky high. HELLWATCH Boring-ass admin torus in orbit; the main thing that’s interesting is all the sabotage, sometimes even deadly sabotage, happening there. No one knows if it’s the workers or something else doing it – could even be super-spooky shit out of Calloris! LUMINA Catching rays, both for power and your tan. Yes. Basically, it’s the swankiest place on the planet, with every luxury you can get; pretty exclusive joint. Beyond that, there’s also manufacturing and research driven by the solar power here; mostly isotopes and panicle accelerator’s and the like. Given what’s here, security is predictably tight. Next: PRETTY AS HELL, BUT WHAT AN ASSHOLE.
I have to admit that the world building at a structural level is impressive, at least from the point of view of presumed time and effort taken. But the weird thing to me about all of this, from Venus to the super-cyborz to the solar habitats, is that they all force me to ask a question akin to what Crow T. Robot asked Mike Nelson during Mike's *Mole People* skit: "At what point... do we adventure?" I'm not kidding there. I'm seeing an entire museum gallery of techbro fantasies, but I'm not seeing something thematically useful to adventure in! I mean, I could just sit a group down and roleplay being a tour guide of this mysteriously sterile setting, and just point stuff out as I go (and do it humorously, as you did), but considering how dry and lifeless the original material presumably is, and how you had to zest the hell out of it to present it in an entertaining way, I really am at a loss of what I'd have a group of player characters DO in this setting. "Do you want to visit techbro masturbatory power fantasy #532532, or would you like to visit Call of Cthulu Ripoff #532523?"
They always have a section at the back dedicated to how to actually use it... ...Annnd from my regular trips to the EP forums to gawk at the euphoria (I'll have threads about their greatest hits when I've worked through the books and other official material) they certainly seem to manage, much to my horror cum dark amusement. But yeah, it's deffo like someone's showing off how much technophile writing they've read.
That might be worth a telling, because I have no idea what a bunch of gentlesirs actually do with this guided tour of Big Yud's wet dreams.
I wish SA was taking guest writers for their website tours, because PH certainly qualifies.
The Dork Enlightenment thread is still active and ongoing on SomethingAwful!