r/SneerClub archives
Diana Fleischman's twitter feed is peak smug EA (http://i.imgur.com/PKsWYBK.jpg)

Re: that last one - yeah, she seems to be a creepy ev-psych TheRedPill type.

It’s unsettling how some… Californian Ideology women seem to enjoy flirting with scientific misogyny - as well as plain old misogyny - to be edgy and cool.

I don't understand how someone can say bad thing A causes bad thing B but that we should really just focus on bad thing B
I mean, at least she seems to be talking about herself? I don't know much about her, (though I did just find [this gem](http://dianafleischman.com/DisgustChapter2014.pdf)), so if I were putting my best pomo shoe forward, I'd say that this is more confessional/performative than it is some sort of dispassionate evaluation of ovulation's contemptuous induction. But still pretty smug.
I dunno, this could be useful information. Should ovulating women be used to conduct job interviews? Can we screen male politicians against a panel of ovulating women to see if they're as good as they say or not? Is it an acceptable excuse for being criticised by a woman to say that she was probably ovulating?
We hate smugness here at /r/sneerclub!
> SJW Banned.