r/SneerClub archives
2016 in review - Machine Intelligence Research Institute (https://intelligence.org/2017/03/28/2016-in-review/)

I’d make some funny quip but these crackpots are poisoning my field and it makes me too damn mad.

Commiserations. I can see how that would suck.
Poisoning it how? I thought everyone ignored them.
they mostly get ignored in serious circles but now that they're starting to get industry attention (see all the googlers on the MIRI board) and getting millions of dollars in annual income so it's starting to be an issue there's a nonzero amount of people who think that having read HPMOR is the same as knowing anything about AI or being an 'AI researcher', leading to a lot of people without credentials or a science background spreading a lot of nonsense and fear to the general public, and it's getting harder and harder to start conversations about real concerns in ongoing research without these people derailing said conversations to talk about basilisks and infinite catgirl machines or whatever
I hate it when my internet-stalking leaks into the real world.

wow, they had a back-and-forth with economist Bryan Caplan! that means they’re a serious research institute lads