r/SneerClub archives

The dual mating strategy doesn’t mean anything like that though.

The “thug” in question will will almost always fall within the woman’s approximate social strata. Hence, for our gorgeous sorority girl, it’s not going to be a common street thug that they are interested in, though in certain circumstances that can happen, but their own class’ manifestation of that archetype. I’m sure you can imagine the obvious implication there.

when you have definitely talked to many girls

*On touching the boobies: a 17,500 word meditation-cum-primer for the rationalist set* ~ By An Experienced Sex-Haver
You're right. Clearly, anyone who has talked to a lot of females will realize that they only date homeless criminals.

So in no way, shape or form, does the rationality movement have a monopoly over the most talented quantitative thinkers in our society, which is interesting.


Not deluded enough to think they're the 100 smartest guys on the planet, I guess that technically counts as modesty.
There were [quite a few luminaries](https://futureoflife.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Asilomar-bios.pdf?x89399) at the Asilomar Conference on Beneficial AI. This makes them rationalist-adjacent, much in the same way that attending the Academy Awards makes you Scientology-adjacent.

Alternative title: Smug superiority as a pickup tactic

The people genuinely interested in “instrumental rationality for the purposes of winning” are out there building their career, working out, and forming relationships.

The unexamined life, everybody.

this is /r9k/ lamenting about Chad

I think we nerds are an extreme version of Hansonian farmers

Is that like a Jeffersonian yeoman, except he works in the bitcoin mines?

I look forward to the laborers' folk songs that will emerge from deep within the bitcoin mines.
You mine 16 bits, and what do ya get Another day older and deeper in debt

People here are probably getting sick of my devil’s advocate stuff, but I think this thread actually shows pretty strong self awareness and an ability for genuine self criticism.

Really, if you look at the top comments, it sounds exactly like something someone would write on /r/sneerclub.

The people genuinely interested in “instrumental rationality for the purposes of winning” are out there building their career, working out, and forming relationships. Frankly, that’s not what the online (and I assume IRL) rationalist community is built for. With just a frosting of lip service to the instrumental side of things in order to rationalize (ha!) all this stuff actually being useful, the whole rationalist community is based around scratching that itch for novel, interesting information that’s well written. Just like any other internet stream, it is not much more than a lever for our inner rat to pull. The relatively high intelligence and offbeat set of interests around here means that this takes a form other than people - say - following fashionistas on instagram, but it’s the same basic behavior. In other words, the rationalist community is not actually about self improvement, so we shouldn’t expect that from it’s participants. Hot, successful people become hot and successful through orthogonal means. If those are goals of yours, you should look to other resources.


People who are weird and/or unattractive are not socially successful during pre-adolescence and adolescence. They seek out other activities that are more egosyntonic. If they’re even reasonably smart, intellectual domains can provide a soothing self-identity – those popular kids are too dumb for the likes of me, that’s why I’m not liked. Video games and other nerdy subcultures are also seductive because they are open to people who aren’t attractive. So people start to identify as smart nerds when they’re young. Lo and behold, a community full of smart nerdy types ends up being unattractive.


My impression is that the irl rationalist community serves in part as a haven and safe space for aspies and weirdos, even creating social rituals to help these guys fulfill their unresolved intimacy needs w polyamory and the cuddling orgies. I personally enjoy reading the internet debates on the rationalist websites, but I have little desire to meet “rationalists” irl because I don’t want or need to be a participant in such a thing. I am probably slightly above average in terms of attractiveness and so perhaps other attractive men have a similar thought process to mine.

I’m just saying, are we really necessary here? It seems like there’s already very high quality sneering going on without us.

I wonder how much of this is driven by the community leaders. If Scott lifted, would that convince others to lift? Or would it attract people who would have lifted anyway?