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how do YOU rewire the neural networks of your brain with a massive amount of training data? (http://improving_interpersonal_ability_by_gathering)

oh ffs brains neither work nor are trained like neural networks and people would be better off if they stopped making analogies between the two entirely

But then yudkowsky would have to get a job, one that might require training, or enduring conflicting views from his betters.

Come on! Some of us autists might want to understand neurotypicality through data-based training. If you think this approach is absurd please give us an alternative approach that works better. Thanks!

Thanks for your post! I often upvote smart comments that criticize me and this is not an exception. Yes, I do know some autists and other nerds in real life and I tend to get along well with them simply because we are "on the same wavelength". Why do I hate social norms? Because they are not as real as law of nature. Social constructions and natural phenomena aren't in the same class. The latter is actually real while the former is only a bunch of shared conventions that depend on where you are.
Why do you want to “understand neurotypicality”? Is this your way of asking for dating advice?
No. I don't want to date at all. The main reasons why I want to understand neurotypicality are that this can help me in my work and in correctly predicting social trends. It does not mean that I actually enjoy a neurotypical society. Nope. I don't.
Why don’t you enjoy a neurotypical society? Why do you think your coworkers do enjoy a neurotypical society?
Well, why do I want a society with really confusing communication styles? People not saying what they actually mean without even any conscious effort at lying? Speech meant only for social signalling but does not in fact contain the material it is supposed to contain? Showing allegiance by deliberately claiming that a lie is true?
Maybe a computer flavored analogy will help, given the proclivities of the average rationalist. What you perceive to be people not saying what they mean is very often just *extremely* compressed comunication. And like any good compression algorithm, it's going to seem somewhat nonsensical to those who can't decode it, and small changes in form can correspond to enormous changes in meaning. If, for instance, I say "We should meet up", then depending on the immediate context and the history of my relationship with the other person, what I can be communicating could be anything from "I'm not going to try to arrange anything, but if we happen to run into each other I wouldn't object" to "give me your schedule for the next few days". The vast majority of fluent English speakers- including, believe it or not, plenty of people with high functioning autism- will immediately understand exactly what I mean. Usually, in fact, natural language will be more easily understood than detailed, explicit statements. It's not a lie just because you don't understand it, any more than the cable company is lying to you when the signal doesn't literally come out of the wire as a rectangular grid of pixel intensities.
I can see how those things can be confusing. Can you try to answer the second question now? I know you don't know the exact reason (and it's not like there's just one correct answer), but if you had to guess, why do you think people communicate that way? In particular, since you want help at work, why do you think your coworkers communicate that way?
I’m trying to help you here. Just understanding neurotypical people isn’t a well defined problem. I need some data from you before I can suggest an alternative approach.