r/SneerClub archives
For a site full of people that are into future speculation, Reddit certainly seems terrified of actual societal change. (https://np.reddit.com/r/ChapoTrapHouse/comments/8bbs6a/for_a_site_full_of_people_that_are_into_future/)

Excitement about the future is a control fantasy, as the future is impossible to know & manipulate with all certainty. However, it is far from impossible to change the future, and there is where people get hung up…because if you can change the future, so can someone else, and that gray area is where your fantasy becomes someone else’s playground of reality.

> playground of reality. That's the most pothead phrase I've heard in a long time.

I don’t remember who made this joke, but someone remarked about the Jetsons that almost everything was automated but it still ran on a 1950s nuclear family.

My political program is Neither The Jetsons Nor The Flintstones
Mine is Jetsons face with a Flintstones booty.
Ditto with the flintstones. pop culture is informed by its times. You see many broken families/single parents in contemporary work, but the more mainstream it is, the more traditional it gets.

Fuck Chapo. Let’s not make this an explicitly Communist/Socialist sub.

I can want to make fun of SSC without wanting to dismantle capitalism.

I agree actually - I'd rather talk at least *primarily* focused on rationalism and its issues. More productive that way.
I enjoy the intellectual diversity here, much less stifling than /r/ssc or /r/chapo.
There's just so many angles you can sneer at the Rationalists from, would be a shame to limit them to a political ideology.
Beneath all the "Liberalism cannot defeat fascism" posturing, the actual political beliefs of the Chapo boys are relatively moderate social democrat stuff. There's a lot of bluster going on, so I can see why you're confused, but Will Menaker's dad is an editor for the New Yorker and they're so ideologically lazy they can't even be assed to stop saying "r*tard" every five seconds because, I dunno, not being pointlessly cruel to marginalized groups is bourgeoisie civility. American politics is fuuuucckeddd.
To play devil's advocate, relatively moderate social democrats are already well past the left edge of the American Overton window.
Well yes, which is part of why America is fuckeddddddddddddd
> fuckeddddddddddddd Needs more "d"s
Don't we all.
Economically, the American political Overton window has shifted dramatically rightward in the past 40 years.
How does my dad being an editor for the NYT say literally anything about my personal politics?
I'm sure someone here can dig up a Quillette article lamenting how we can't openly discuss the well known fact that political affiliation is 82.7% genetic. /s
>/s [Poe's Law](http://quillette.com/2017/06/14/are-liberals-dying-out/)
> I can want to make fun of SSC without wanting to dismantle capitalism. [Hmm](https://giant.gfycat.com/EquatorialForthrightBuffalo.webm)
Oh man are we RPing Star Fox characters? Can I be the chameleon?
> I can want to make fun of SSC without wanting to dismantle capitalism. Yeah, but why? If you're gonna have the same cruel economics as those chuds, what's your disagreement with them based on? Decorum?
>Yeah, but why? Because the alternatives to capitalism suck; I am ~~neo~~liberal scum. >If you're gonna have the same cruel economics as those chuds, what's your disagreement with them based on? SSC nincompoops are a very small portion of people who support capitalism, broadly. And capitalists are a very diverse group - I certainly am not a libertarian but we both would want to avoid a Communist revolution, for example.
Communist revolutions are caused by the cruelty of capitalists and oligarchs, though. It's not just some random evil horde of barbarians wanting fairer wages or whatever
I'm here to mock rationalists on SSC, not to have the zillionth debate on the merits of capitalism vs. whatever else. Neither of us are changing the other's mind.

Well, you might not be noticing anyone who likes societal change, I’ll be off hanging out with rationalist vegan polyamorous catgirls who want a UBI implemented.