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Because r/slatestarcodex has banned HBD, let's play a round of HBD here instead! (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/8cwwla/because_rslatestarcodex_has_banned_hbd_lets_play/)

Human Biodiversity (HBD; also called race realism, white nationalism, the red pill, identity politics) is a fun social game that can be played in real time among close friends or in play-by-post mode on online discussion forums. Turn any conversation about social mobility and fairness into a grim realist acceptance of intractable biological differences between groups of people. Race, gender, deviant sexualities - the only limit is your imagination!

#Object of the game

Score points for your political ideology, or just for your race/gender/ingroup, by hypothesizing some inborn unalterable difference between groups that fully explains differences in their behaviors and socioeconomic outcomes with no need to consider environmental or cultural influences that might be possible to ameliorate with progressive social policies.


  1. You are welcome, even encouraged, to be uncertain and vague about your claims. Remember, you’re just asking questions, foremost among which is why won’t people even consider this? If someone tries to pin you down on a testable prediction or definition, they’re missing the point. You don’t have to play defense for challenging propositions outside your bailiwick; fall back on a motley collection of facts that everyone already agrees on. You are merely trying to open minds to the options and gain intellectual credibility for the idea and its policy implications; supporting evidence comes later.
  2. If you do cite evidence, it should be indirect and superficial. Blog posts are the best sources because they’re not full of jargon and bias; podcasts and YouTube videos are also encouraged, but they should be long enough to explain things very thoroughly. Scientific journal articles are allowed, but preferably self-published ones that don’t sacrifice free speech to the thought-police of peer review, and you may not cite information that isn’t written in the abstracts.
  3. Do not criticize another player for lack of scientific evidence or credentials. Everyone knows scientists are a bunch of SJW ideologues whom your brilliant thought-experiment probably hasn’t even occurred to, so of course they’ve never gathered the data and they’ll make fun of you for lacking an undergraduate intro-level understanding of the topic (in the biased way they teach it).


Here are a few to get you started:

  • The male sex is an existential threat to civilization and should be carefully regulated. The vast majority of violent and sexual crimes are committed by men. Man-on-man violence is the stereotypical scenario but it may even spill over into communities of noble law-abiding Females. Years of Marxist-feminist attempts to reduce the culture of toxic masculinity have failed to overcome this skew in any way. As a thought-experiment I propose a moratorium on male immigration, a national registry of all practicing heterosexual men and their gathering places, and in the long run perhaps an experimental archipelago of gendrostates in which these groups can live separately without the mistrust that inevitably builds up where populations artificially mix.
  • The achievement gap is the result of centuries of colonialism, slavery, and racism, through genetics. African Americans tend to perform poorly on standardized tests compared with other groups. This isn’t their fault; their ancestors were systematically denied access to education, civil rights, g-loaded careers, and other selective pressures for cognitive ability. Even though racism ended ten years ago, they still can’t be expected to perform as well as other groups that have evolved in a culture of safety nets and effortless privilege, because the effects of the previous environment are written in their genes. Unfortunately this one has no policy implications because there’s no way to compensate for the gene pool with social policy.
  • Women are biologically predisposed to be leaders. Scientific studies have conclusively proven that men are statistically less likely than women to possess well-developed faculties of emotional expression, verbal and nonverbal communication, empathy, and other interpersonal skills. Thus if we stop trying to skew the gender ratio with diversity programs, we may revert to a stable, natural situation where 90% of politicians, CEOs, comedians, etc. are women, and that may just be what a healthy meritocracy looks like.
  • White Americans should pay an extra tax. Even if race is skin-deep, as left-wing activists claim, skin matters. The Anglo-Saxon race evolved its fair complexion in far northern latitudes where sunlight is scarce. As such this tribe is totally maladaptive in the populous regions of North America, which are much closer to the equator. Hence an entirely unnecessary epidemic of sunburn, skin cancer, fake tans, and other side effects of living outside their geographic lane. Once again, hard-working brown Americans are subsidizing their wan neighbors’ disadvantages, whether through private insurance premiums or the Marxist redistribution regime of Obamacare, and that’s just not fair.
  • Governments should encourage miscegenation with eugenic tax credits. The phenomenon of “hybrid vigor” is well known to farmers, and it is equally obvious to all observers that social discord is the inevitable result of multiple races inhabiting the same area. Thus the state has multiple compelling interests in cucking its way to a mixed-race society. Although it is of course unconstitutional in most jurisdictions to outright ban same-race marriage, child tax credits and other perquisites could be handed out more selectively to nudge prospective parents toward the healthier path. Given its uniquely problematic social boundaries, the dilution of the white race should be an especial priority.

Your move!


> How'd I do? Terribly. The instructions were very clear that you were _not_ supposed to make a defensible argument actually supported by the evidence.
I'm glad you brought this to my attention. It really makes me reconsider my idea that, since educational attainment is correlated with IQ, we should restrict voting rights to those with university degrees, maybe even just PhDs (because you have to make a lot of good decisions to end up at grad school) - a sort of literacy test, if you will.
-_- >Spearman advocated making the right to vote contingent on demonstrating at least a certain minimum level of general intelligence, on the grounds that stupid people cannot exercise political judgment. Implicit in this is the idea that democracy is justified only to the extent that it makes the right decision or picks the best rulers, which I find repugnant; the point of democracy ought to be that it gives people power over their own lives, and makes rulers accountable to the ruled. (That it also tends to lead to better decisions and more social power helps it survive, but those aren't the point.) http://bactra.org/weblog/523.html#spearman-politics-note
But the measure of a person is IQ, and IQ is of course entirely heritable. If your parents are Harvard alumni, you're probably very very smart, so you deserve to go to Harvard. This is a great measure to incentivize high-IQ breeding and also keeps the rabble whose parents are not Harvard alumni (and whose IQ is therefore lacking) away from higher education that would be wasted on them. How's that?

The shaming & bullying of shy, sexually unsuccessful nerdy men is actually the compassionate position, as we must disincentivize the low-T from reproducing to ensure proper WARRIOR MALES are able to lead civilization.

I once read on r/slatestarcodex that male specimens of the Negroid race have higher testosterone than Caucasoids. As such, we should prioritize the fecundity of black men. White women, of course, are perfectly eligible for breeding.
I feel like the more self-loathing MRA types already believe this
Are there non self-loathing MRA types?
More OPENLY self-loathing

It is well established that throughout human evolution, men have been the hunter-gatherers of the tribe. Men are unhappy today because we repress this natural instinct. We need to let men be gatherers again. At some point in the past 10,000 years, we men let the feminists and SJWs take over grocery stores. Ever notice how it’s always wives and girlfriends shopping for food? I propose we solve this by banning all women from grocery stores. Let’s return grocery stores and supermarkets to the male spaces they have been for thousands of years.

"Spare Ribs and Sweet Teeth: An Optimal Foraging Approach to Male Grocery Store Foraging Patch Preferences"

Having measured the contours of William Shakespeare’s skull very carefully (Warwickshire police: I promise I’ll return the skull once it’s finished its 6-week limited run as Yorick in my one-man show of Hamlet!), it’s clear that his degenerate low-class genes resulted in a a man of meagre wit and temperament who could have produced no more than 9 of his plays and 65.2857 of his sonnets authentically.

Most of the so-called Shakespeare’s works were obviously composed by a phrenologically superior specimen, almost certainly Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, though I speculate that The Tempest originated as one of Francis Bacon’s empirical experiments in which he banged the fingers of Christopher Marlowe’s corpse on a primitive typewriter until he successfully produced the works of Shakespeare. (Hence why the typeface Arial takes its name, albeit misspelled, from a character in that very play.)

I could never get this shocking truth posted on Slate Star Codex, because every time I mentioned the skulls, Scott Alexander would say “Yes, we’ve noticed the skulls!” and censor me immediately.

>Look. I’m the last person who’s going to deny that the road we’re on is littered with the skulls of the people who tried to do this before us. But we’ve noticed the skulls. We’ve looked at the creepy skull pyramids and thought “huh, better try to do the opposite of what those guys did”. "Guys, if you would just let us try eugenics again, we'd do it right this time, promise."

Given the overwhelming evidence for the heritability of general intelligence, as gathered by 2 or 3 in no way motivated authors, and given that obviously heritability equals genetics equals immutable biotruths, and given that general intelligence is clearly higher among white people than all other absolutely real and exact races in the way we classified them back in 1901, and given that we want society to be a meritocracy and not some molly-coddled SJW playground of niceness (although we are also in favor of niceness and civilization), I propose:

  • a tax on IQ, proportional to the likely lifetime advantage generated by higher IQ levels, since clearly a genetic predisposition is an unearned advantage from a meritocratic viewpoint just as much as huge inheritances are.
Nah. We need the Handicapper General https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison_Bergeron
God I loved that short story.

-The Bukkake Hypothesis: Partible paternity and runaway sexual selection

As Walker et al 2010 have demonstrated, the existence of multiple fathers in partible paternity systems of kinship can greatly increase fitness. In this paper, we develop the hypothesis that multiple evolutionary by-products arose from the adaptation for orgiastic partible paternity rituals. Human sperm has a number of relevant characteristics to our line of research. First, it has recently been observed that spermine causes the skin to soften and prevent wrinkles. Second, semenal fluid is well-known to be rich in protein. Females who drenched themselves in sperm would have been at an evolutionary advantage, gaining both nutrition and a more attractive facial features displaying decreased fluctuating asymmetry. During the Pleistocene, this would have selected for men with higher-quality sperm. We hypothesize that this explains the popularity of both the bukkake porn genre (Pornhub 2018) and women’s skincare products (Avon 2018). To test our hypothesis, we sampled 50 undergraduate students (25 male, 25 female). Each student was given a questionnaire to determine their overall interest in bukkake porn. Ejaculate was collected from male students to test for quality of semen. Female students were asked to list the total amount and cost of skincare products they used. For both experiments, interest in bukkake was correlated (p<.05) with quality of seminal fluid in men and use of skincare products in women.

It’s generally known that men have a naturally higher sex drive than women, which has caused all sorts of societal problems, especially as we’re not allowed to talk about it. However, recently it has been theorised that sexual orientation is actually caused by a “gay germ” rather than being genetic as the Cathedral’s dogma would have you believe. Clearly, we need to maximize the distribution of this pathogen among men, thereby increasing the degree to which higher male libido can be satisfied by other men, decreasing the burden of male sexuality on women and society, and bringing us closer to FALGSC.

> sexual orientation is actually caused by a "gay germ" You forgot to shout out to your boy JayMan.

Liberal elites are extremely economically productive. Economic productivity correlates with IQ. Liberal elites are also very unlikely to believe in HBD.

I conclude that belief in HBD negatively correlates with IQ. We should enact a eugenic policy of paying HBD believers to sterilize themselves.

It is widely known that in order for a species to survive, genetic diversity is necessary. Without genetic diversity, it can be hard for a population to evolve and adapt to changing circumstances, and diseases that affect people with certain genotypes are likely to be more deadly. The most genetically diverse human populations are those in sub-Saharan Africa, and thus in order to preserve human genetic diversity (and thus humanity itself), every effort should be taken to ensure their survival. Countries outside of Africa made up of people of largely European or Asian descent should be subjugated and their resources should be focussed on benefiting sub-Saharan Africans. Programs of extra-terrestrial colonisation (to allow humanity to survive even in the event of a cataclysmic asteroid or similar) should focus on spreading sub-Saharan Africans to other planets, and all other measures should be taken which ensure the survival of sub-Saharan Africans as the the most genetically diverse and resilient possible future of humankind.

So why can’t we have a frank, open conversation about how city dwellers are naturally smarter and more creative than their less urban cousins? It’s the only rational explanation for why the overwhelming bulk of economic development happens in metropolitan centers.

I’m not saying ruralites aren’t fit for work in a modern economy. In just saying that any prudent company who wants to set up a factory or farm or whatever should bring in competent management from out of town instead of engaging in some doomed feel good effort to hire and train a local.

Governments should encourage miscegenation with eugenic tax credits. The phenomenon of “hybrid vigor” is well known to farmers, and it is equally obvious to all observers that social discord is the inevitable result of multiple races inhabiting the same area. Thus the state has multiple compelling interests in cucking its way to a mixed-race society. Although it is of course unconstitutional in most jurisdictions to outright ban same-race marriage, child tax credits and other perquisites could be handed out more selectively to nudge prospective parents toward the healthier path. Given its uniquely problematic social boundaries, the dilution of the white race should be an especial priority.

That was literally Brazil’s eugenic policy.

Seems like it [still is](https://www.wsj.com/articles/in-mixed-race-brazil-sperm-imports-from-u-s-whites-are-booming-1521711000).
**Racial whitening** Racial whitening, or "whitening" (branqueamento), is an ideology that was widely accepted in Brazil between 1889 and 1914, as the solution to the "Negro problem." However, racial whitening specific to Brazil also encompasses the perception of individuals as being white in relation to their position in the class system. Supporters of the Whitening ideology believed that the Negro race would advance culturally and genetically, or even disappear totally, within several generations of mixed breeding between white people and black people. This ideology gained its support from two scientific racism beliefs that were prominent during this time. One being social Darwinism, which applied Darwin's theory of natural selection to a society or race, and the other being Aryanism, the belief that the "white" "Aryan" race was superior to all other cultures. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28

This is pretty fantastic my dude.


looking at the lesswrong/“rationalist” community, it is clear many of them struggle with finding romantic or sexual partners- just look at this excerpt from what Scott Alexander wrote in “Radicalizing the Romanceless” on slatestarcodex:

Meanwhile, here I was, twenty-five years old, never been on a date in my life, every time I ask someone out I get laughed at

from this, it is clear that this is because lesswrongers/“rationalists” are biologically gross and unfuckable. fortunately, there is no need to sterilize them to remove their undesirable genes from the gene pool, since they are already extremely unlikely to pass them on anyways.

Hey I'm fucking unfuckable and proud of that. Paul Erdos, Emmy Noether, Immanuel Kant, Issac Newton and Nikola Tesla were like that as well.
That's really not something to be proud of. To me, saying "Who needs social skills?" is as dumb as people who are like "lol math is hard. I dont need math."
Sex and relationships generally requires some conformism because conventional people are seen as less dangerous. On the other hand, really smart and innovative people tend to be non-comformist. Hence really good STEM people tend to be a lot more likely to be asexual, homosexual, bisexual or extremely promiscuous compared to the general population. Families and traditions are really not for those who truly enjoy their ideals and ambitions.
Even if that's all true (and it's not), you're not trying to date the most average, conventional, conformist woman on the the planet. You just need to find one person who doesn't find your non-conforming self to be dangerous. There's more than a few AutisticThinkerettes out there. Dating skills are a subset of social skills, and like any skills some are more naturally gifted than others, but with enough practice, anyone can learn them. Even Feynman wrote about experimenting with how to date in his autobiography. I think you're smart enough to figure it out too.
> Paul Erdos Paul Erdos was a total Volcel.

The shift in computer science from being feeeemale dominated to male dominated in the 80s was due to rapid polygenic selection for general reasoning and computer skills brought on by the increasingly meritocratic system in the US (as shown by The Bell Curve). More tech skill = more money/resources = more mating opportunities = rapid selection for tech skills. This is clearly a much more parsimonious answer to the question of why demographics in computer science changed so rapidly compared to the SJW theory that marketing targeted boys with video games and home computers causing a generational ripple effect that also made computer science become a progressively less welcoming environment for women.

I mean frankly, if some so-called 'explanation' is not phrased in terms of genetics based r², it's not really an explanation at all. It's a war on facts, which only we love and our opponents hate.
Have you considered any alternate hypotheses? Moore's Law implies a continuous increase in computational complexity. As microprocessors became more powerful in the 1980s, programming itself grew in an exponential manner in terms of occupational complexity. This would necessitate a much larger time investment in learning programming languages. Taking a costly-signalling approach to the question, we could see the possibility of runaway sexual selection for greater programming skill. This would have been adaptive for programs necessary to fulfill occupational functions such as database programs or word processors. However, this doesn't explain the development of video games, which have no adaptive value. As a result of Zahavi's handicap principle, it's easy to see why game development, and programming in general, became a male-dominated field, once it was co-opted as a means of mate selection.

You should post this to metafilter. They’d have a blast with it.


I suggest that all HBD proponents and opponents come to https://www.reddit.com/r/HardcoreRationality/comments/8emh2u/the_official_hbd_thread/ to have a fair debate on whether HBD is actually a real natural phenomenon.

So Smear Club proves they are racist. Good to know.