r/SneerClub archives


That comment about Peterson and big yud is such a perfect example of how wrapped up they get in their jargon and end up exercising rituals of feeling like you're generating expert knowledge while actually making hilariously trivial points.

Was most of this thread generated by Markov chains or a neural net or something? Evidence:

In my mind, the AI alignment problem is connected to sociology, and in particular to Jonathan Haidt’s ideas about religion as an alignment of human activity.

The process of replacing metis with episteme described by James C Scott in urban planning/agriculture is actually a really great description of the transformation of prostitution in Algeria after it was colonised by the French.

The scientific method is the articulation of the same process our brain goes through during the developmental phases of early childhood literally bootstrapping itself into the world. Our brains. develop low resolution models of reality, make hypothesis about reality, test it, recording the data and reinterpreting the world for newer hypothesis.

These sound like Rationalist-y words strung together grammaically but without any real intelligence behind them.

Add ominous-looking stock photos of Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, and Sam Harris, and your Medium post is ready to go.
Could use more harry potter inspired hippy commune.
The last two actually make sense...

Wouldn’t that require a dangerously low-decoupling mindset?!

Eh, it’s oversimplified but I agree with the OP there. The adaptationist approach is one instance of functionalism. Like sociological functionalism, when pushed to its extreme, posits that there must be a good reason behind everything and becomes quasi-theological in that respect. That’s how you get people like Steven Pangloss, er, Pinker