r/SneerClub archives

This post is not what one would like it to be. That said, the title is apt. I myself have often declared that a rationalist is someone who, believing themselves to be Spock, proceeds to interact with the world like Data.

Yeah the argument seems to be "shit's complicated, therefore ideology." I think, besides the obvious ones, the real problem has been that the whole thing was based on a fallacy man/cognitive bias boy style of argumentation analysis. Over time, it iterated on that until its head got so far up its own ass that it created an infinite loop. So now you've got stuff like conflict theorists vs mistake theorists, high decouplers vs low decouplers, blue tribes vs red tribes, paper vs plastic, batman vs superman and so on. It's now so meta- that there's no actual content left, it's just slotting things into the correct rationalist buzzphrase du jour.

This unsupported assertion is totally illogical.

So poorly written.