r/SneerClub archives
"'Trump asked if HPV and HIV were the same thing.' As an aspiring rationalist, this raises my already high opinion of Trump because most people don't ask clarifying questions when they are confused since they would rather stay confused than risk appearing stupid. (https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/8jc7i6/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_may_14_2018/dz5q0rn/)

Everyone has big gaps in their knowledge in part because most of us are afraid to ask questions that could make us look stupid. Placing curiosity above pride is a key rationalist trait.

Look who’s being ideological now.

Like, I respect this argument. Everyone has a few weird holes in their knowledge. No one can be completely prepared all the time. It's embarrassing, but for most people it doesn't seem to happen that often. When it does, though, the best thing for everyone is for you to swallow your pride and ask the stupid question. We ought not judge others too harshly for doing what we hope we would do in their shoes. But have enough self respect not to need to ask the exact same stupid question _twice_.
If you can live-Tweet *Fox & Friends* every day, you can use Google. That is, unless your whole brand is being an ~~ignorant, oblivious boor~~ Rational Skeptical 5D Chessmaster.

Both this top level comment and the one you posted yesterday are fairly low-effort “boo out-group”. Here, I can’t even tell if you are making your statement in good faith. Let’s not make this a reoccurring pattern.

Why is it so hard to use normal words like “don’t do that again”?

Much, maybe most, of online Rationalism is taking banal things and redescribing them in Rational jargon, then selling it back to the audience.
Not Invented Here is the gold standard of rationalist discourse
could apply to a lot of pop-economics too
The cult would have never taken off if they couldn't repackage basic ideas, or just communication in general, into overly complicated jargon. Now go cash your utilons in for some warm fuzzies, do 5 de-biasing sessions, update, and then telecommunicate with my substrate-independent mind-self at 0900 hours tomorrow. Beep boop!
Just how long did you spend in the community before seeing it for what it was?
None -- my undergrad had a transhumanist prof so that's where I first ran into the stuff. I got into it a little bit as I was in a psych department with a computationalist bent, into philosophy of mind stuff, etc. But that also pulled me out of it before I could get in too deep because I realized how much of it was just repackaged Kahneman and Tversky and how they never really dealt with objections to strong AI without handwaving. Basically, both of us got redpilled by Hofstadter but I must have had a better reading of GEB because he's always complaining about his tech/engineering fanbase and his reply to his transhumanist fanboys is essentially "Fucking nerds!"
Then it's a testament to how dumb rationalism is that you can spend five minutes on it and parody it this well.
Charitably (to the mods), because then there would have been a funny half-obtuse-half-malicious slap fight about precisely what "that" means, why some large fraction of the bad behavior in question shouldn't technically qualify, and how vague and open ended moderation guidelines are just like dystopian thought policing.
My favorite thing about rationalists is how they mistake an inability to cope with ambiguity for a sign of intelligence.
Good sneer.
That's what the outgroup would do.
I think he just wanted to keep his ban hammer holstered until he actually needs to use it. "Don't do that again" would sound a bit harsh, here. And "make this a recurring pattern" is a bit more specific than "do that again."

Scott Adams fanboy detected. The Rational Community is totally open to blatant ideological hustlers as long as they’re pretentious and right-wing.

It's downvoted, but I still stand firm in my opinion that they're the political equivalent of people who fall for Nigerian prince e-mails.
It looks like a few of them think he's being sarcastic, and could be downvoting based on that. Daddy must always be steelmanned.
Agreed. You can find upvoted comments with similar reasoning in any trump thread.
eh symptomatic of our generation, the easy button. Aspire to be a rationalist (whatever the fuck that is), and you can skip all the hard work of introspection, self development and critical analysis that makes someone poignant, level headed and, if we can use the Old Tongue, wise. No, just take our buzzwords and sit in the echo chamber feeding off our insecurities, with prayers to Bayesian Reasoning and these guys who sound like they know what they're talking about.

god lmao