r/SneerClub archives
It sucks I can't be a bigot in public. Oh, I know, let's do dog-whistling! (https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/8lhdsr/can_things_be_both_popular_and_silenced/dzfm5ul/)

I love how Scott wrote a whole post about how we shouldn’t accuse people of dog-whistling, it’s a myth used to tar innocents…

And now his supporters are openly discussing how best to use dog-whistling as a tactic.

This reminds me of when that Daily Stormer writer’s guide leaked, and how these dipshits get livid when one of them lets the normies in on their trade secrets. They’re not as subtle as they like to think they are.

You can tell he’s a Serious Intellectual because he talks about his “power level”, just like /a/ssholes from 2009.

[someone noticed](https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/8lhdsr/can_things_be_both_popular_and_silenced/dzg5048/). of course, other SSCers are quick to point out that there are other meanings, because interpreting a reactionary shibboleth present in a post advocating that reactionaries should use shibboleths as a reactionary shibboleth is uncharitable or something EDIT: [lol plagiarism](https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/8lhdsr/can_things_be_both_popular_and_silenced/dzilwfz/) (also if you see this update then I don't mind, /u/Cheezemansam)
That worm really has turned, hasn't it? Signaling an affinity with chan culture means something quite different now than it did a few years ago. I *rarely* see it done casually or ironically anymore.

I suppose that depends on how subtle you are and who your audience is. You can’t really safely do so in places that are potentially seen by HR, aka keep it off major media outlets, don’t try it at work. Or at least create a layer of deniability on the topic. Don’t go off on feminism, don’t defend Milo, avoid obvious buzzwords (viewpoint diversity) – but beyond that, you can say that you object to the way that people are getting other people fired on Twitter for saying the wrong thing.

How to be politically correct, from people who hate political correctness.

honestly considering the degree to which they’re all rapidly becoming fans of hermetic mysticism and jungian psychology it’s basically just a matter of time before they come up with their own version of the old nerd-ass KKK shibboleths about dragons, goblins, and the Esteemed Misters Ayak and Akia or some shit.

Hermetic mysticism is legitimately fun.

My question is, can we not like racist people? Can we not work side by side with them? It seems to me, people working lower paying jobs do work beside racists and get by ok with it. I know I have. I have worked with a nerdy black man and a racist redneck, and watched those two get along better than I did with the redneck.

Why do we have to “out” racists and get them fired? They need to eat and work too, just like everyone else. Same with misogynists and misandrists. If we kick them out of polite society, they just go and code their speech, find each other, and amplify, it seems to me.

presented w/o comment

It's like a reactionary twighlight zone episode.

I would also add “Obviously I don’t agree with everything he says…”


honestly this cheered me up. if racists are this afraid, maybe society is doing something right.