r/SneerClub archives

There is not one person, literally not a single person on God’s green earth, who has gotten more fawning media coverage over the last five years than Elon Musk. The press (especially the blogosphere “new press” like the Verge, who kicked off this whole kerfuffle) has been kissing his feet and completely avoiding ever saying anything negative or even slightly skeptical.

And then, the instant the press dares to actually do their fucking job and bring up things like “hey, the doors on this car don’t fit”, “hey, this Autopilot thing swerves into crash barriers and kills people”, “hey, this company’s financial statements, which have to be accurate under penalty of SEC sanctions, indicate that it’s going to be bankrupt in 18 months”, “hey, this guy is forcibly preventing his factory workers from unionizing”, Musk and his fan club throw a temper tantrum and think they’re somehow the victims of some grave injustice. I’m not going to use the P word, but I will say that Musk looks to be yet another example of the man who pitches a fit as soon as he doesn’t get the writhing supplication he thinks he deserves.

What shitbags, Musk and Harris both.

I'm just glad Samwise is back in his element, which is Hollywood schmoozing. It's what he does well.
  • Elon’s company loses money every year for 9 years.
  • Media finally start to catch on in year 9 that Elon may not be god-king genius
  • Sam Harris: “This is an extraordinarily cynical attack”.

What kind of bubble world does this man live in? All he’s doing is making the case that he’s even dumber than mainstream media

Narcs, I'm a fan of your work (and celebrated your move to the Harris subreddit). But this is an extraordinarily dishonest attack on a man who is doing as much to move his crypto-conservative listeners in a sophomoric circlejerk than anyone you can name. Please fucking improve in an unspecified manner...
Thanks but I'l probably not post on rsamharris too much
(My post was copying the Harris tweet, in case you missed it) Honestly, I thought you were a unique voice. I enjoyed seeing you post, and the reactions taught me a lot about the subreddit. Why back off?
Oh I'm just kinda busy lately and I shouldn't waste so much time with silly jokes and such.
Smart, mate. Regardless, looking forward to your return.
The reactions.
good call
He's protecting a vaguely racist white dude who has popularity through charisma rather than substance because that's what he is and he doesn't want the clock to strike midnight on his grift.
Dude is he even that charismatic? I watched a few seconds of him talking about the Boring Company and he was just painfully awkward to watch. edit: watched another one just to make sure, and yeah, the best I can say for him is that he's not as awkward as some people in tech/grad students.
Charismatic may be an exaggeration. He has some fucking mojo to make people cream their pants around him though

The most oppressed demographics in the world are tech CEOs and eugenicists with sinecures at corporate propaganda mills.

^The linked tweet was tweeted by @SamHarrisOrg on May 27, 2018 22:11:49 UTC (1345 Retweets | 8754 Favorites)

Bret, I’m a fan of your work (and celebrated your move to the NYT). But this is an extraordinarily cynical attack on a man who is doing as much to move humanity in a positive direction than anyone you can name. Please get your shit together… @elonmusk @BretStephensNYT https://twitter.com/BretStephensNYT/status/1000368955532378112

^^• Beep boop I’m a bot • Find out more about me at /r/tweettranscriberbot/ •

Can’t believe nobody’s mentioned that Harris is apparently a huge fan of Bret Stephens but ok

Has been for a minute. Searching Twitter for their names opens a magical world of obsequious ass-kissing. Sam is one of maybe five people who are just delighted with the current NYT opinion page.