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Decoupling has hit the big time, folks! (https://quillette.com/2018/05/25/groups-groups-idw/)

They cite Rationality and the Reflective Mind, which looks potentially interesting.

Stanovich argues that to fully characterize differences in rational thinking, we need to replace dual-process theories with tripartite models of cognition. Using a unique individual differences approach, he shows that the traditional second system (System 2) of dual-process theory must be further divided into the reflective mind and the algorithmic mind. Distinguishing them will allow us to better appreciate the significant differences in their key functions: The key function of the reflective mind is to detect the need to interrupt autonomous processing and to begin simulation activities, whereas that of the algorithmic mind is to sustain the processing of decoupled secondary representations in cognitive simulation.

The same author also wrote What Intelligence Tests Miss: The Psychology of Rational Thought, which also looks pretty good.

He mentions Georges Bush, Jr. who was very intelligent as measured by IQ tests. But, he was not a proficient thinker as he was dogmatic, ill informed, impatient, and prone to rash decisions sometimes associated with devastating outcomes. Stanovich describes Bush condition as Dysrationalia or someone who is less rational than his IQ would suggest.

What IQ tests miss is good, and it's been a long time since I read it, but IIRC it also covers some of the stuff mentioned there. There was even a [write-up](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/zRbh2mYgXtDJk8T42/what-intelligence-tests-miss-the-psychology-of-rational) of it on LW a long time back.

Papers on the genetics of intelligence are published every other month. Who would defend a morality that can be discredited by a single study?

Those studies don’t discredit egalitarian morality. They discredit scientific authority with bad science. That’s not to say their conclusions are necessarily wrong, just that their arguments and evidence are not worth the paper they’re printed on (though they cost a lot more than that.)

> They discredit scientific authority with bad science How are such studies "bad science", if I may ask?
They never properly account for confounding factors. It's probably impossible to do so ethically, at least with current knowledge and methods. But tell me your favorite study, if you like. I'm open to reading new work in this area.
I don't have a favorite study, I just had yet to see somebody describe them so frankly as "bad science". Still, here's one [I recently saw](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-04362-x), if you're interested. Do you have any source for more in-depth critiques following your line of thinking?
This is a meta-study. The first question is whether they properly controlled for sequencing center, day, etc. I'm not sure where their statistical model is described, so I don't know. I hope so; [plate effect is a huge concern in assessing any GWAS](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3297828/). The usual conceptual problem with such models is that they don't account for genealogical relations between participants, but there are many confounding effects which correlate with genealogy, like socio-economic status, and obviously genes correlate with genealogy, too. This is kind of the main issue with the whole race/IQ debate, and has been at least since Glymour's [What Went Wrong: Reflections on Science by Observation and The Bell Curve](http://repository.cmu.edu/philosophy/304/) Look at the [Q-Q plots](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q%E2%80%93Q_plot) in fig.2, p. 94 of the [supplementary materials to that Nature paper](https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41467-018-04362-x/MediaObjects/41467_2018_4362_MOESM1_ESM.pdf). It shows that the null model is badly broken for all of their analyses: Extremely low p-values are much more frequent than you'd expect. When you see a Q-Q plot like that, it means your null model is broken, not that you've struck gold. My view is that this is being published because the result is sexy, not because it's in any way convincing or [likely to lead to real biological insight](https://bmcgenomics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2164-15-S4-S5). GWAS results should be treated as suggestive until they've been validated by causal testing (which is mostly unethical, for human biology.)
**Q–Q plot** In statistics, a Q–Q (quantile-quantile) plot is a probability plot, which is a graphical method for comparing two probability distributions by plotting their quantiles against each other. First, the set of intervals for the quantiles is chosen. A point (x, y) on the plot corresponds to one of the quantiles of the second distribution (y-coordinate) plotted against the same quantile of the first distribution (x-coordinate). Thus the line is a parametric curve with the parameter which is the number of the interval for the quantile. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28
Thanks for the response! Your insight is much appreciated. I'm not really so much concerned with the race/IQ debate (I'm not an "HBD" person or whatever). Simply a person with an interest in intelligence. Hopefully the genes associated with intelligence will be better discerned using more sophisticated methods in the future.

Munguia’s article offered no support to Hispanic students, it was simply a defense of affirmative action and, by extension, any political party prepared to support that particular policy. A contextualizer will usually invoke higher motives, such as aiding the oppressed. But, in reality, they are simply promoting their in-group. So runs the decoupler argument.

So is Falkovich, the guy who wrote this, a contextualizer, a coupler? Is it OK for him for some reason? I’m confused.

He praises noted researcher Ben Shapiro for his "decoupling mindset," so I'm going with "making shit up as he goes."
Shapiro has successfully decoupled a sense of shame from a political grifting career, I'll grant him that


… If I call people idiots who won’t listen to reason, how likely are they to want to engage me in reasoned discourse? I honestly do think this is a tendency that men often have, which is to say things that are obviously going to cause an emotional reaction, and then say “See, look how emotional you are, why can’t you respond with logic?” Charles Murray, for instance, should have known exactly what he would get when he wrote a book making arguments about racial intellectual inferiority in a country with a hideous history of racial dehumanization. But instead of trying to understand where his critics were coming from, he simply assumed that they could not handle his ideas. Same with James Damore: There were many ways he could have written his memo that would have been more empathetic to the feelings of his colleagues. But instead, he adopted a “fuck your feelings” mindset and was deliberately provocative.

I don’t think ignoring people’s feelings makes you more “rational.” I think it just makes you an asshole. …

Meanwhile, [once again] (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/7szldi/in_which_scott_alexander_is_amazed_to_have/dtchyd6) we’ve turned a method of thought into a tribal identity, because people always talk more rationally when you divide them into rival factions:

To a contextualizer, decouplers are allowing themselves to be manipulated. …

America’s coastal enclaves are mostly populated by educated urban progressives.

I love how these dumbasses keep forgetting about the existence of POCs and the working-class.

>They prefer cosmopolitan culture: soccer, sushi, Despacito. 
Sounds exactly like my weekend.
Oooh, look at Mr. fucking Cosmopolitan right here! Careful with that soy sauce, Mr. Coastal Elite!
Not to mention how many of those coastal elites are not really progressive. Michael Bloomberg is basically Trump with a fitbit. These super-geniuses can't come up with anything better than something that reads like a Bobo column.
That too. I'm sure Bloomberg has eaten way more, and way better, sushi than I have.
I bet you can win at least one of those battles
It's really amazing what the View from the Bay misses
The Bay Area is full of Hispanic and black people. It just siloed them into the working class. Rich people are literally not capable of seeing who brings their catered lunches and cleans their bathrooms.
It's also why they're such fans of every gentrifying and 'flexibilizing' policy that moves the working class out of view.

Sam Harris is a science LARPer, you insufferable suckers.

man, remember when the term “dangerous professor” was pretty exclusively reserved for Toni Negri?

also lol this figure how do you get a venn diagram this wrong?

That's not even close to the worst graphic on the site. Check out these suckers: https://i1.wp.com/d24fkeqntp1r7r.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/27201959/1-iQMztGXANhTVIlgzJES8VQ.png?resize=600%2C434 https://i2.wp.com/d24fkeqntp1r7r.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/27201955/1-4NOVEwax64idHUj5n9kNSQ.png?resize=470%2C391
from http://quillette.com/2017/10/05/universalism-not-centrism/
Fuck that article, I sent them several so many citations asking them to print a retraction on like almost half the claims made in the article, and I was only limited because I was focusing on the phil sci stuff As usual: fucking physics dudes man
"Where we're going, we don't need retractions!" -Doc Quillette
Looks like we've got a new contender for [The Chart](https://i.imgur.com/3jVjzAk.png).
That is a thing of beauty.
what *is* that? I hope it's really postmodern art meant to subvert corporate powerpoint culture through the careful use of logos and clip art.

The IDW is a nascent group of thinkers mainly composed of high- decoupling scientist types, like Jordan Peterson


Jacob Falkovich is a former tennis coach, soldier, and hedge fund trader; current math geek, rationalist, and effective altruist. He writes about numbers, rationality, and hedgehogs at Putanumonit.com. You can follow him on Twitter @yashkaf

It’s got to the point where I just scroll down to the bottom of Quillette articles for laughs.

Presumably this makes me a non-decoupler or whatever

1 Stanovich, K. E. “Rationality and the reflective mind” (2011)

2 Kevin Simler and Robin Hanson. “The Elephant in the Brain” (2018)

3 Stanovich, K.E. and West, R.F. “Individual Differences in Rational Thought” (1998)

4 Stanovich, K.E. et al. “Myside Bias, Rational Thinking, and Intelligence” (2013)

I also tend to cite more than two distinct authors in any one paper, and vet my sources for signs of “being a shithead contrarian for money”

Drawing on and analysing diverse sources is also, presumably, non-coupling

Harris is a scientist by training

And thought experimenter by occupation.