r/SneerClub archives
"It wasn't a barely-veiled threat to massacre leftists. You guys are a problem but modern one not really a civilizational one. It was a not-at-all-veiled threat to wipe Mohammedans off the face of planet." (https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/8mqh4t/culture_war_roundup_for_memorial_day_2018_please/dzr6apa/?context=3)

And yes the comment was bad, but bad behavior by another user does not excuse bad behavior on some other user’s behalf.

Ohhhh, the mods are so cute. I’d argue that shaming users who make genocidal comments is good behavior, but I expect that would get me banned.

Well this is coming from someone who argues that “I don’t identify as NRx because I’m pretty sure Yarvin/Land are basically pushing Luciferianism/Satanism in multiple senses of those terms, and while I am not exactly bursting with humility, I still think I know enough to not go down that path”. A healthy sign of a Rationalist community, of course

Out of morbid curiosity, I went back through his posting history and found this nugget re: Jewish fears of persecution: >[edit2: I will acknowledge that the Holocaust was a big deal, but it seems to predate that by millennia.] Incredible. It's the opposite of rational to ignore the empirical fact that people have been persecuting Jews for millennia. Nobody who's capable of saying the Holocaust was merely "a big deal" can be trusted to make a halfway decent moral judgment.








The mods have deleted it, so here’s an archive link.

We didn't delete it. The user did. It even says so in your archive link.
So much the worse for you

Wait what was the barely-veiled threat to massacre leftists

He edited it out

This post seems undialectical to say the least.

Sick nerd macho posturing on SSC.

His citations included Gavin McInnes.

/r/SneerClub - Your Personal Army