r/SneerClub archives

In an effort to encourage a diversity of sneers we are issuing a moratorium on /r/SlateStarCodex related content. Any links to or posts about that subreddit will be removed. This moratorium will last as long as this thread remains stickied, probably one to two weeks.

Links to Scott Alexander’s blog are still allowed—and encouraged, if they are sneer-worthy.

+1, good idea. We need more high effort sneering.


They range in variety from "painfully earnest genocidal white supremacist" to "painfully earnest."
good sneer
At this point I would support a moratorium on all SSC content period. The mooks are still coming and it was kinda fun at first, but not anymore.
The newest mook, the one who's like, SSC is a scientific racist but he CAN'T be racist because he's a Jew and potential victim of racism! is literally the worst.

That’s most of the content of the sub, though.

Yes, that is the point.


> Neoreaction: A Basilisk is a brilliant example of high-effort sneering and the work which put the final nail in the coffin as I was deciding whether any of these people had anything worthwhile to say. Mme. Sandifer has read your comment and is pleased! (but disinclined to post under a deadnamed account.)
lol at button eyes Yudz et all suck, but they've inspired some people to beautiful poetic heights.
It is a kick ass book. Can anyone name another book like *Neoreaction A Basilisk*? A strong, enjoyable take down of semi-popular ideas?
There's u/dgerard's [Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain.](https://davidgerard.co.uk/blockchain/book/)
which is, after all, NaB's direct successor! And Amazon keeps putting them together in the search results at the bottom of the page ...

What about links to comments / comment chains on SA’s blog?

~~Yes, that is the point.~~ Sorry, replied to the wrong comment. Those are fine too.
I guess that means people bringing up SA/SSC nonsense [elsewhere](https://www.reddit.com/r/philosophy/comments/8niglk/_/dzwa57g/?context=1) for no reason is fine?
That's fine.

This is amusing, since /r/SneerClub is essentially the circlejerk sub for /r/SlateStarCodex. It’s not dissimilar to the SSC sub trying to corral the things people want to talk about there (Culture War, HBD).

This is the circlejerk sub for all of LW-style rationalism. /r/ssc is just the low-hanging fruit because many of the posters are openly proud of being alt-right and whitenat, but you can find the same opinions elsewhere in the ratsphere without the self-awareness.
Some of the recent sneers are not so much at rationalism, though, but at alt-right (or IDW, whatever thing people are saying Peterson, Scott Adams, et al are adjacent to these days) figures that /r/ssc contains a lot fans of, correct?
things rationalists fanboy over are tangential but not *entirely* off topic though I would hope for an attempt to show relevance
"All things are exactly the same" really seems to be the most profound observation ever to lesswrongers
Any time any sub engages in any kind of moderation, they're behaving like /r/ssc. Therefore, all subs are circlejerks of /r/ssc.
Everything is bias and tribalism, except shit I like.
The natives always appreciate it when you go full anthropologist on them.
Not dissimilar, no. Intentionally, satirically similar.