You start by writing "therefore libertarianism with ethnat characteristics" on the last line. Then above that you write the section headings "reasons I'm right" and "reasons anyone who says otherwise is pathological."
They're all idealists ahead of materialists, all believe that social patterns arise out of something ineffable rather than structural and historical, and believe that any conscious effort to change relations is ultimately doomed to failure.
You're right, of course, but it's still a little weird considering that the founding ideal behind the whole rationalist circus was supposed to be the essential effability of our materialist universe.
The more and more apparent unity isn't doing them any favors. If I was a crypto-reactionary I'd stay away from intellectual dark webs and people who are living mockeries of that shtick, like Dave Rubin.
Apologies if this is violating the ban on discussing SSC but jesus fucking christ.
The poster of the (now deleted) post can assert, without any evidence:
>Watch Rambo, Terminator or Die Hard for real T. Those tight uniforms have some inevitable homoerotic/numale/soy/cuck vibe to them. Also, let's be honest, no women would make it to the bridge without female quota and/or cucks. That's just basic human biology.
And this is apparently not worthy of any mod action. But when someone fires back (a bit downthread) with a satirical comment:
>I mean, if we're going to argue what's "true" about fictional universes, let's not make wholly unneeded assumptions that the post-humans in the Star-Trek universe are limited in any way by "basic human biology". As it happens, precisely because they're such uber-SJW-cucks (at least in Earthly early-21st-c. terms), that was the first thing they got rid of, as soon as they got the chance!
That user gets a 3-day ban. How did I ever think that sub would be a productive place to hang out?
Most of the mods are far right. Every new mod for a while has been far right. Iskander had to be demodded because he started promoting ssc on r-conspiracy and some other subs like that.
Occasionally I just realize how weird it is that Jungian psychotherapists, libertarians, and “rationalists” all get on in one big happy family.
I’d expect them to all be at each others throats.
So the correct response all along was, “get fucked, you Dr. Phil wannabe”?
big Woop