you guys are one of the most perfect couples I know. I can only
think of, like… two others that are better than you
“Elizabeth Moon once wrote that courage is inherent in all living
things; it is the quality that keeps them alive; it is courage that
splits the acorn and sends the rootlet down into soil to search for
sustenance. This is not literally true. Acorns don’t have brains so they
can’t experience courage.”
pop-science bayesianism
You have the Great Responsibility of Creating New Sentient Life
god isnt rael
“We could say,”We wish you happy lives as the result of your own
decisions!“, but wishing doesn’t make anything happen.”
The scrupulous fairness that led him to mention that in 0.5% of societies, women marry multiple men, was my favorite bit. (It's my favorite bit because I couldn't get in any further than that.)
Yeah, it's like something out of Silicon Valley, the show. Sadly, it's not as far off as I'd like from the reality of working with other software devs in the tech industry.
> cites evopsych to justify marriage
Hey now you can use evo psych to justify BOTH marriage and breaking up. It's like magic!
Usually, I feel a twinge of sympathy, cause it's painful being this bad with people, and nobody chooses this on purpose...but then that's usually overcome by a wave of revulsion that your social incompetence can lead you to be this much of a dick to people.
edit: omfg some of these comments
>Humans have emotions and don't think rationally by default. Most people do not like to feel inadequate, though how they respond to that feeling varies a great deal. Most people in a relationship also don't like to feel they were rejected sexually over some perceived inadequacy.
You fucks don't realize emotions evolved for a reason, do you, and you don't fucking realize that sensitivity to status threats is perfectly understandable?
I love how all these dicks are using studies done on mutated fruit flies to back up their hideous ideologies. Climate change, please come and destroy us all, I can't take having to share a planet with these fools for much longer.
edit: a takedown of the fruit fly study, in case anyone feels the need to debate this with a mook:
It also blows my mind that these fucking numbnuts can be all YEA MALE PROMISCUITY while forgetting that human babies are completely helpless and need at least two adults, preferably more, to help it grow up.
> This is not literally true. Acorns don't have brains so they can't experience courage.
Boy I'm glad he stopped to spell that out. I definitely would have been confused otherwise.
For all the deserved fun-making, I must say that EY's blessing beats all the official wedding blessings I have witnessed, including my own (in Germany you always get an extremely cringe-worthy speech by a state official).
Churches are often pretty good at that kind of stuff, and EY obviously took his inspiration from there.
The transhumanism is imho OK in that context; he wrote his speech for his audience, just like a good priest should ask whether the audience will consist of "really religious" people or not, and speak accordingly.
> In civilized parts of the modern world, men may marry men, or women marry women.
it may be read as more general Western chauvinism, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't thinking about Japan when he wrote this line.
If they’re good rationalists overall, they could also establish as
common knowledge that they both timelessly decide not to
predict/estimate their spouse would wish to know something which is
known by themselves to be likely to bring about lower total utility to
them both than if the spouse had never wished to know it, whether the
spouse knows of this or not.
same guy later
But training new rationalists “from scratch” seems far more practical
for purely experimental purposes. Don’t they make the perfect cute
little control groups, after all?
This “Blessing” has to be satire. It’s like something from Peep Show.
The comments are really something, as well.
same guy later
Okay, this is parody right? Right?