r/SneerClub archives
Followup to my thread on Kathy Forth, Abuse, and the LessWrong community. (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/8sp5sz/followup_to_my_thread_on_kathy_forth_abuse_and/)

This thread includes a lot of personal experiences with emotional and sexual abuse that may come across as weird or “not that bad”, but I was asked for specifics, so here you go.

I guess I didn’t realize all of these people were in their 30s, from all their writing and opinions I’d assumed they were all like 19 year old college dropouts instead of people with neverland syndrome actively preying on teens

They got locked into the Max Fischer stage of their development. LW is sort of an old has-been internet subculture at this point. Most teenagers of that bent seem to just get sucked straight into the screeching idiocy of the alt-right or the retro *Iron John* conservatism of Jordan Peterson.
Oh no! Who should we hate on to stay current???
As long as Heather Heyer is still dead and any of the alt-right founding fathers are still doubling down, I'm prepared to keep kicking until they stop moving.
Hah, goes without saying. My ideal SneerClub would be targeted at STEMLordiness in general though.
It seems like the bloom is off that rose as well. If there was anything good to come out of the Cambridge Analytica shitstorm, it's that more people see alpha-male libertarian tech dorks for what they are. It's still a tendency that deserves to be ruthlessly mocked as long as we're stuck in the Dumbest Timeline.
I hope so, but I'd also like to see more criticism of the kind of unbalanced personality that the cult of intelligence creates. I'm really sick of being around people who are deeply stuck in their head.

Is there anyone collecting reports on abusers in the community? Theres someone who I believe was an abuser in the groups I was in a couple of years ago who apparently went on become prominent in the lesswrong group in my major city…

I'm told Julia Wise is collecting reports, but she's in deep with them and unlikely to make them publicly available
She posted [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/8sjxm9/serious_twitter_thread_by_someone_detailing_their/e134873/).
Whether a report is made public is usually up to the person who made the report, not the person who received it.
lotta gossip and whispers, don't know of collection
There's a healthy whisper network. I know Kathy was starting to collect reports before she died, but I don't know who's privy to those.
Yes; they're city-specific though. If you ask at an in-person event, someone will generally tell you who to talk to. I am aware of several people getting de facto kicked out of the rationality community this way (including a person named in Kathy Forth's post, who was banned from all the in-person spaces I know of well before that post was posted). Who these people are is semi-public, but I'm not putting it on SneerClub because that would potentially get them harrassed.

Oh man. I saw this bit: “Being a fool and also almost 20 (to his 35), I gave it to him.” and my immediate thought was “Oh no”.

Hope things are good now.

/u/PolyamorousNephandus: did the age difference between you two set off flags in the back of your mind? More generally, i.e. not to single you out, I'm curious as to why (eg) a 20f would get with a 35m, aside from something like "financial security". These kinds of relationships rarely seem to work out because of the age difference and so I don't know how they start -- but then real-time social dynamics come into play, of course.
Age difference relationships can work (I know of several in my friend circles who seem happy & have been together for years, are married now etc etc) but sometimes the older of the two is a serial abuser who churns through the young and naive because they're the only ones who haven't had enough life experience to know that relationships aren't supposed to be one-way hero worship fests. Anyone with a bit of relationship life experience won't put up with their bullshit, so they're continually on the hunt for the next naive mark as they burn through partners. I see u/PolyamorousNephandus was homeschooled. Unfortunately that made her the perfect target :( u/PolyamorousNephandus \- I hope you know that none of this was your fault: it's all theirs.
I was young, dumb, and homeschooled as a child. They were super hot and very good at saying the right thing. In retrospect, it should have. But I was craving respect and attention.
I'm really sorry this all happened to you. They're awful people and you didn't deserve any of their shitty treatment.

What exactly does the “used @slatestarcodex’s writings” remark mean, exactly? That’s the only part I don’t get (but man am I happy now I never turned into a full-blown LWer).

Am I losing my fucking mind here? A 1990s RPG about laser beaming Terminators with your topless witch girlfriend is the only source for hot insults that they can come up with?
I am laughing so much at this, thank you, especially since I'm working on the new line.
You mean you're working on the new line of Mage books? If so, congrats, can you say which ones? My college roommate played a lot of Vampire during its heyday in the 90s, I never got into playing but I'm the kind of geek who likes reading RPG setting books for fun so I would go through the ones he had around, I especially liked the Mage ones.
Technocrats are trying to squish people like them, see, because they \*think differently\*. They are all abandoned in the sea of normies or w/e so they usually choose Celestial Chorus, Hollow Ones, or VAs.
Yeah, like, it's like the 95th most important thing in that Twitter thread, but one of my main takeaways was, "couldn't they have chosen a better RPG to guide their life with?"
> Mage: the Ascension I mean, at least they picked the less-bad Mage? Also probably better than a lot of other White Wolf products. The concept of someone basing their life off of, for example, Werewolf is profoundly horrifying.
Ah, okay, that's what I was guessing.

What happened to the original thread on here?

[Still there](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/8sjxm9/serious_twitter_thread_by_someone_detailing_their/) as far as I can see.
ok it was a reddit issue on my browser apparently