I like Scott and SSC. I think there is a slight anti-SJW bias, though. It seems like this place focuses on criticism of the ‘rationalist’ community. I find Scott to try very hard to be intellectually honest and as evenhanded as possible. I’d like to find opposing perspectives that take Scott down with that same sort of approach. Can you offer me up the best of Sneerclub to convert me to the Sneer side?
I think his treatment of leftist perspectives in the whole “conflict theorist” debacle should disabuse pretty much all of his readership of the idea that he’s in any way intellectually honest or evenhanded when dealing with anyone to the his left, but then again from the first page of your post history it seems like you want to ethnically cleanse the roma because you think they have an inherently degenerate culture or whatever, so it doesn’t seem to me like you’re going to be particularly welcome in this forum
reread untitled
But more importantly: if you need to be converted to the “Sneer side,” you’re not ready for it.
Hmm, I can’t think of a big centralized critique a la Alexander’s anti-NRx FAQ, but there is Jaron Lanier’s Half a Manifesto as a general critique of transhumanism/tech culture. In terms of Big Yud himself, there’s Massimo Pigliucci’s run-ins with him:
I mean, Sneerclub responded to my and Kathy’s testimonials with compassion and humanity.
Scooter and co. responded with “Kathy was crazy” and “We don’t have a larger instance of sexual assault than humanity at large so why fix it” and completely ignoring my existence to attack the one of us who was dead (Kathy Forth) so, you know, they can eat me.
You may find this discussion of Bayesian rational agents and how they are completely and stupidly misinterpreted by that crowd here: http://bactra.org/notebooks/612.html
EDIT: you may also find this paper (from somebody I once played beer pong with) tangentially related https://academic.oup.com/analysis/article-abstract/78/2/207/4061068
Agreed, Scott is a very friendly and polite nazi.