r/SneerClub archives
Guy starts Jordan Peterson meetup, Marxist regularly shows up and destroys him, guy can't cope with the feels (https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/8wlhgw/i_started_a_jordan_peterson_meetup_and_now_im/)

The Chad Marxist vs. the virgin Lobster

But honestly, there is no way this is true. It reads like one of those posts on r/relationships where a terrible woman gets epically pwnd by some god tier Chad and is clearly written by an incel. Those responses are hilarious though.

I wish I shared this sentiment. Unfortunately I think it's perfectly likely that it's true, given that their life coach is likely the most hyperbolic cold-warrior this youngster has ever read. In *studying authoritarian ideology for 40 years*, the guy has learned what can be roughly summarized as *Marxists are literally Hitler*.

The reaction in the comments is exemplary.

It is pretty great but I think it's a Chapo brigade.
Oh, most definitely. edit: they've voted up a breadpost.
Is it? I guess when things all seem like tribal battles it's cool. I wonder if the reality is more mundane: A shy or socially anxious guy wanted to start a group, and literally does not know the correct way to deal with someone who is a more skilled orator than he is, so he asks for help navigating what really amounts to a personal problem of social interaction -- and in response vast numbers of people call him all sorts of names and denigrate him. When you assign someone to a tribal outgroup I guess it's pretty easy to just be mean and look past their more boring individuality.
He probably has lots of fans of varying degrees of smugness and close-mindedness. I suspect assuming the worst of them all will improve or detract from the mission of people who hate Peterson. Anyway, sorry, will leave.
If somebody finds purpose in a cult that eats babies, their increased confidence isn't of any good to society. Kinda the same thing with Jordan Peterson fans.
Yeah, people deserve to be judged by the coping mechanisms they pick.
>A shy or socially anxious guy wanted to start a group, and literally does not know the correct way to deal with someone who is a more skilled orator than he is, so he asks for help navigating what really amounts to a personal problem of social interaction -- and in response vast numbers of people call him all sorts of names and denigrate him. Shy nerds were a mistake. And frankly, he deserved some banter for it. Seriously though, let me preface this by saying I think you're a very insightful poster on SSC, I like a lot of what you say, But this is precisely the type of "nerd idpol", as I'd describe it, that seems to run rampant throughout a community who claims to despise idpol. Everything is \*literally\* viewed through a jock/nerd/mean girl lens, and who's shoving who in a locker & taking lunch money & who's having SECKS with the hot girls. You see this with the incel/Robin Hanson discussions a great deal - you guys are all A-OK with identity politics, provided the tribe is right.
Thanks! And yeah there is probably some truth to what you're saying. I have a soft spot in my heart for people like him, which I guess is because I used to be the same when I was younger. Having said that, I think some of the highly upvoted brigade comments were needlessly mean spirited
okay but his tribe believes in upholding patriarchy though?
> A shy or socially anxious guy wanted to start a group, and literally does not know the correct way to deal with someone Literally the only thing his post was about. He would have probably received better feedback if he left out the "Self proclaimed Marxist" bit.
Cut the bullshit. He deserves the treatment he gets, and worse.
I sense a deep hate.

Ever read any Marx? >Yeah enough to figure out he was a lazy jealous closet jew who literally HATED Christians. His idea later went on to genocide over 100 million of them.


Laying it on a bit thick today aren’t we? I’d say he’s fucking around but he’s posting to /r/Billionshekelsupreme and /r/metacanada so idk

> /r/billionshekelsupreme The actual fuck is that subreddit? Is it like /r/milliondollarextreme, only for the nazis who are "too nazi" for /r/mde?

This is a little outside our wheelhouse, but I’m going to make an exception because this is really funny.

This place has my favourite rules.

My heart bled for the guy submitted to the infinitely superior eloquence of the super-soldier (I thought we were supposed to be undercover until Operation Thanksgiving?) who said “shut up nerd”

Good lord. So relevant. [So fucking relevant.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlLpCh-lE54)
Picking things up and putting them down again repeatedly and regularly is often good for your physical health and psychological well-being. There is a wealth of scientific data backing that up. Cardio also works of course. And if you're so sensitive that you cannot constructively deal with confrontation or things going sideways, that is going to cause you problems. You don't have to become Chad McAntisocialpants, nowhere near, but sometimes problems need direct solutions and sometimes you can't afford to feel all your feelings right at the moment, you have to just set them aside and deal with them later. If you can't do that it's a skill that's worth learning, though obviously it's a thing you can take to an unhealthy extreme (and many do) and knowing when to act one way vs the other is critical.
the joke is more that nobody who tells people the solution to all their social and psychological problems is just "lift weights" has a halfway decent wilks, and yeah it's fine completely generic advice on the level of "drink water" and "brush your teeth", but bringing it up unprompted is almost always just a way of performing masculinity online rather than anything actually intended to be constructive or helpful
It's just a call to self-improvement. Study and exercise. Make yourself a better person. More so, It's something people can go and do IRL, instead of having conversations online that just devolve into mental masturbation.
Why can't it be a call to self-improvement and a blatantly masturbatory performance of online masculinity?
You've got me there. Poptart.
It kind of is, but given the obesity rates of North America I think it's still pushing in the right direction.
like I said the content of the advice is fine, in the same way that, say, telling somebody to get enough vitamin d is fine, but it's obviously something that only gets brought up for reasons unrelated to the utility of the advice- when's the last time you saw someone say similar stuff about any other sport or physical activity? it's almost always just about trying to be a keyboard warrior and not about finding the right solution for the person asking for help

I’mma just reheat some Nietzche here, “Of all evil I deem you capable: Therefore I want good from you. Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws.”

These fucks have this delusion that they’re good because they’re timid little toadies who yearn for an overlord.

It's crazy how Nietzche has a quote that applies to almost anything.
MAN that's rationalism/stemlords/general toxic nerdiness all over!!

Funny but I assume it’s a joke like that ancap that was beaten up by Greek anarchists and posted about it to reddit.

Damn that gave me a lot of very loud chuckles