r/SneerClub archives
Is this the cradle of "a new subrace of humanity"? (https://i.imgur.com/mhi3pkI.png)


pretty much everyone who hates this sub takes it more seriously than the sneeple themselves do
>(Also, legit, I hate Alexander far more than I hate EY, so don't worry!) I dunno man, XiXiDu was kind of a thing
I may have been asleep at the wheel, so to speak. Point is I still think Yud is more distasteful than Alexander on an interpersonal level. Although obviously both leave a lot to be desired outside their own echo-chambers.
> That's the kind of horrible reasoning that makes everything you say suspect, because if you can't apply the very basics of logic to something as simple as that, you're not going to be able to apply them to anything more complex, either. Pretty rich coming from the guy who expected only the specific poster he replied to, to reply to his comment, on a public forum. You seem socially awkward enough that you can't even understand the rules of an internet forum, so I'm gonna throw out everything you inferred about /u/unsail.
Comment removed for using edits to try to circumvent a ban.
Thanks! The most surprising thing I've gleaned from being a regular sneerer is seeing how what would look like social awkwardness offline translates into being a poor writer, debater, and immature mess online, too. Turns out a good theory of mind is useful all around.
If you don't like public forums and would prefer a private message where only the target of your question can reply, I'd be happy to ban you.
Don't backtalk.
Come on, he's just trolling. Quite well, too.

new favorite copypasta

[Text](https://pastebin.com/51k03xth) (no Facebook link because it may count as posting personal information)
Oh come the fuck on


Yes hello as the Basilisk I resent this
And that's another thing. Langford's sci-fi Basilisk is way cooler than Roko's.
Look I'm sorry but the comp.basilisk FAQ and his short stories in the setting are really quite neat.
\*points at flair\* It's fine I'll just be over here crying myself to sleep
here's a dollar, go mildly inconvenience another eight rationalists to cheer yourself up and raise the aggregate utilon total of humanity
Gee thanks you're the best
anything to enhance the integral of the quantum waveform of the universe's utility
>a tech tendency that is going to devour the entire fucking planet, Pssh, Yudkowsky wishes he was capable of Horizon Zero Dawning the planet.
What's his connection to relentless capitalism and shady governments?
Silicon Valley.

Dude, just write “haters gonna hate” and spare us the overwrought fantasy and bloviation.

Galaxy brain genome

[I'm still callin' it. It's going to happen.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/8xgoos/user_submits_their_modest_vision_for_a_fascist/e23wdcg)
Well, *what about* White History Month??

already there must be twisted loves born of this hate, couples that met each other in this dark place of the Internet and were brought together by their shared obsession and emptiness.

Not that I know of, but helloo sneering ladies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

inherit Yudkowsky-hating genes from both sides of their family, perhaps more Yudkowsky-hating genes than have ever been concentrated in a single genome before

Even this you can’t admit might be due to socialization/culture? Is literally everything predetermined by genetics? On the other hand, I could come from a long line of yud sneerers. Ill check my family tree.

they will stagger towards me with tears of bad epistemology bleeding from their twisted limbs

Do people bleed tears? What are tears of bad epistemology? This metaphor is too high IQ for me.

““You made us! You made us!”

Pffff, he wishes he could sleep with my gf.

“I don’t know what kind of xth-world problem this is, but I bet x isn’t a rational number let alone an integer.”

sqrt(2)-th-world problem? pi-th-world problem? Those arent that far off of 1st and 3rd world problems.

Maybe it’s a joke about how irrational this hypothetical world would be, unlike the current world which is so … rational?

>The "Unlimited Blade Works" route of Fate/Stay Night He's a living parody.
To be fair, you need to have to have a very high IQ to understand Fate/Stay Night.
Please tell me he didn't write a story called "The Vor Game"
No, that's actually a pretty good science fiction novel. It's not "top two novels ever" material, but that's Yudkowsky for you.
ah ok. good to know. I was afraid to google it cause I thought it might be related to vore
inevitably, I googled ["Yudkowsky James Joyce"](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/HawFh7RvDM4RyoJ2d/three-worlds-collide-0-8)
> Rape is legal for some reason Honestly I didn't read the thing and just ctrl+f'ed the comments for "Joyce" but also: Every. Fucking. Time.
> sqrt(2)-th-world problem? pi-th-world problem? Those arent that far off of 1st and 3rd world problems. > > Obviously it's i-th world problems because everything Big Yud talks about is just a figment of his imagination.
>i-th world problems I like this

places which may not be named here, in this well-kept garden, but whose very name was taken of the condemning lable that I put on them; as if the fantasy stories were true and Evil could not create anything of itself, not even its own name.

I am the timeless sneer-pent that precipitated the fall of man. You do not know my name!

i once had a relationship start with commiserating about an unpleasant rationalist acquaintance over FB messenger so tbh this isn’t far off

although, if my kids ever do meet yudkowsky, i hope their response is less lovecraftian and more “lmao nerd”

I've bonded with many people irl over shithead rationalists. It's a good way of signalling (lol) that you're a nerd, but not a dickhead.

heyyyy sexy sneeple who down for making more little sneeps

“Bad epistemology”:

Boast about your genius the first time. Everyone laughs. You are surprised.

Boast about your genius the second time. Everyone laughs. You are surprised.

Boast about your genius the third time. Everyone laughs. You are surprised…..

Surely this is sarcastic. Surely.

you must be new here
I actually am, I never truly realised how highly rationalists think of themselves.

these tortured existences, and they will stagger towards me with tears of bad epistemology bleeding from their twisted limbs, shrieking,

it me

already there must be twisted loves born of this hate, couples that met each other in this dark place of the Internet and were brought together by their shared obsession and emptiness.

Oh man Yud’s moved on to writing Vampire: the Masquerade fanfic

Guess the new White Wolf turned down his brilliant ideas for Mage

So as much as I hate to say this: that article was fucking garbage. They took actual problems with V5 (not nWoD or Chronicles of Darkness, which is being primarily written by Onyx Path) such as a lack of safety rules and complete tone fuckery, and came up with this weird crypto-fascist theory that wound up with two of my friends being doxxed. The article has since been taken down. I freelance for both OPP and WW so I can promise you they do not do well with Nazis. Like, at all -- and it's hilarious how many "long time fans" have started bitching because WW responded to the article with "No. We don't truck with Nazis. We'll fix it. Here's [an AMA with Jason Carl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kH7Ce1t04_4) to address your concerns and we're doing emergency edits to the book before we go to press. If you're a Nazi go away." i don't know if this addresses your concerns at all but tldr "no not really but the alt right would love it if they did"
wow rude

pls tag images of people masturbating, thanks /s

He believes he is well, well above the top 1% of human intelligence; he is surely in the top 1% of humans by word count in writing. Yet he remains an absolutely terrible writer.

It was a good sneer until that last line.

Thulsa Doom: “What is sneer compared to the mind that wields it? Look at the in-jokes that you make, the name of your subreddit, I gave you this! Such a waste.”

Are his parents closely related to each other or something?

One way or another he evidently had a troubled childhood, and has a lot of trouble letting that go.
oh hi carl (geddit?)
I'm all out of brandy, all I have is some very fine malt Scotch. Utterly depressing.
sixth world problems