r/SneerClub archives

I was glancing through this and was surprised to find that Jews make up ~14% of the readership (or at least those surveyed). Why would Jewish people be attracted to a community which tolerates or tacitly endorses Kevin MacDonald’s half-baked “Jewish nepotism” stuff? I mean, there is a non-trivial amount of anti-Semitism in the HBDosphere.

If you’re one of the people who think racial IQ differences are largely caused by genetics (a position that I reckon Scott might hold, even if they’re too clever to say it out loud), then the implication is that jews and asians are genetically the smartest racial groups. you see this defence used a lot, “I can’t be supporting white supremacy, the asians are on top!”. It’s not really a surprise that some people would be sympathetic to a position that puts them as the intellectually superior race. Of course, the whole thing is crap based on flimsy evidence, but since when has that ever stopped them?

yeah, i have had occasion to explain to non-shitheads that the LW subculture and especially the SSC offshoot subscribe to a "white + Ashkenazim supremacy" variant of white nationalism. (This rapidly explodes sensible Jews' heads of course.)

I don’t know how someone can look at the ethnofascist nationalism of Israel or the IQ (and race) obsession of the Ashkenazi Jews that make up the leaders of the lesswrong cult and broader “rational”-sphere (Eliezer Yudkowsky, Scott Alexander, Scott Aaronson, Sam Harris) and seriously ask this question.

It's worth noting that XIX century race scientists frequently allocated Ashkenazim along with most evolved Teutons, creating even the moniker of 'Aryan-Semitic race' (which sounds preposterous to our post-1945 ears). This especially ties into the self-conception of British Empire as inheritor of the Biblical civilization, which was taken with [varying degrees of metaphor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Israelism).
Lol, I didn't know that [there are unionists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelson_McCausland#Affiliations) who believe in british israelism but i am not in the least bit surprised.
Huh, very odd. Old habits die hard I guess.
They're all Ashkenazim? I didn't know that. It's just surprising to me since some radical HBD bloggers (HBDchick, Pumpkin Person) are basically anti-Semitic. It's an odd crew.
I think you'd fit right in, Mr. Vet Refugees by IQ. The HBD guys are a fringe element, most of the rationalist community are merely cryptoracists like you.
That was a long time ago. I don't believe the race and IQ stuff anymore and think it's all pretty silly.
Do you have a link for HBDchick being anti-Semitic? Asking for sneering purposes.
Not specifically, but she certainly believes in the Jews are naturally nepotistic thing
> look at the ethnofascist nationalism of Israel I like how sneerclub bascially doesn't care about this antisemitic sneer about Israel. I guess because it is considered punching up?

Why are you assuming that people would be rational and therefore, consistent?

Beliefs can exist independently of being tribal signals.