r/SneerClub archives
The founder and head of Quillette demonstrates her good faith and rational thinking (https://twitter.com/drmistercody/status/1030387241447841793)

Best reply:

First they came for the socialists, which was weird because technically nazism is considered a branch of socialism.

That was funny, but now that I think about it, there's actually nothing weird at all about socialists "coming for" other kinds of socialists. If I honestly try to think of reasons to liken the Third Reich to a socialist regime, the best I can come up with is their fondness for internal ideological purges.
If anything I would make crude analogies between syndicalism and Nazism: both use cartels to transform economic power directly into political power. Both would do this under the (as far as I can tell) sincerely held belief that it is in the best interests of the people. The difference seems to be in the attitude towards hierarchies: the anarchists hate 'em, and the Nazis think that they are natural and good and a great way to organize ~~lobsters~~ humans.

It kind of makes me incredibly sad that we’re having this debate again again again again, especially with ostensibly educated people. Is there a word for a sort of weary, depressed exhaustion mixed with exasperation?

> especially with ostensibly educated people This isn't a matter of ignorance, its a matter of bad faith. The intentions of the various "Nazis were actually socialists" type right wingers is to try and convince liberals that socialism is a horrible threat that needs to be stopped. Truth is unimportant. Taken in combination with the "there are no nazis any more", "the left calls everyone nazis", etc. rhetoric it's a systematic effort to get liberals to side with fascists over socialists.

You know how certain IFLS-types keep telling us that politicians are not the science-literate?

Have they considered that vice versa is also true?

There are a ton of IFLS-types that are science-illiterate as well, and quite fond of cherrypicking. A lot of their "stone cold facts" in biology are based on research that isn't even reproducible.

Socialism regardless of flavor (Marxist, National Socialist, Democratic Socialist) has always led to big government, which invariably becomes more authoritarian over time.

TIL the Paris Commune never existed

Or Catalonia, apparently. For real, this is such a tired argument. It takes an incredible amount of skill to *not fucking listen* to the extent that you can have this argument over and over and the same people are still like BUT WHAT ABOUT **NATIONAL SOCIALISM** AND **VENEZUELA** AND **GULAGS**. **BREAD LINES**
Then again the only examples of "true" socialism people keep bringing up are the Paris Commune, revolutionary Catalonia and the Ukrainian Free Territories, and all of those got squashed by outside forces way too quickly to draw any conclusions about their long-term viability. (Also, FWIW, Orwell famously observed that Catalonia got less and less revolutionary with each passing month even before Franco rolled through.)
Both good points. It's too bad she didn't make them.
> Then again the only examples of "true" socialism people keep bringing up The example was as a form of socialism at all, not anything about "true socialism" in exclusion of others. Who are you talking about "people keep bringing up"? Because it's not the above.
This is a standard Tankie talking point, you might wanna try again.
sorry, **VENEZUELA** is now the cue-word for a rant about the necessity of Bitcoin

That women is the human embodiment of whoosh. As if bad faith was some boring meteorological phenomenon—like a could of farts that hangs over Australia.

Not surprising, Lehmann pulled the same bad faith stuff towards a professor in the classics, I can’t remember her name.


I’m not sure what terms like “totalitarian”, “authoritarian”, “big government” even means here. Clearly the North Korean government is a lot less big and have a lot less authority in the world than the USA government. The US government has military bases all over the world, the North Korean government by comparison is very limited. If these so-called small government and individual freedom types were honest they’d be Marxists since Marxism is all about the withering away of the state.

Out of interest, are you MarxBro, or just his doppleganger?
Yes I am MarxBro. I periodically delete accounts. I have no evidence that I'm MarxBro other than the correctness of my writing here.
Cheers, love your stuff!
One wonders how you get these concentrated bursts of upvotes while being so silly...
the obvious method
Concentrated upvotes for a concentrated mind.
"I'm not sure what terms like 'hemorrhagic,' 'fever,' 'virus' even mean here. Clearly Ebola virus is a lot less common and has a lot less victims in the world than influenza. Flu pandemics have killed people all over the world, Ebola outbreaks by comparison are very limited." Okay. On the other hand, Ebola does things like [this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007DCU4IQ/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1): >He is holding an airsickness bag over his mouth. He coughs a deep cough and regurgitates something into the bag. The bag swells up. Perhaps he glances around, and then you see that his lips are smeared with something slippery and red, mixed with black specks, as if he has been chewing coffee grounds. His eyes are the color of rubies, and his face is an expressionless mass of bruises. The red spots, which a few days before had started out as star-like speckles, have expanded and merged into huge, spontaneous purple shadows: his whole head is turning black-and-blue. The muscles of his face droop. The connective tissue in his face is dissolving, and his face appears to hang from the underlying bone, as if the face is detaching itself from the skull. He opens his mouth and gasps into the bag, and the vomiting goes on endlessly. It will not stop, and he keeps bringing up liquid, long after his stomach should have been empty. The airsickness bag fills up to the brim with a substance known as the *vomito negro*, or the black vomit. The black vomit is not really black; it is a speckled liquid of two colors, black and red, a stew of tarry granules mixed with fresh red arterial blood. It is hemorrhage, and it smells like a slaughterhouse. The black vomit is loaded with virus. It is highly infective, lethally hot, a liquid that would scare the daylights out of a military biohazard specialist. The smell of the *vomito negro* fills the passenger cabin. The airsickness bag is brimming with black vomit, so Monet closes the bag and rolls up the top. The bag is bulging and softening threatening to leak, and he hands it to a flight attendant. And the North Korean regime does things like [this](http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/HRC/25/CRP.1): >+ A former SSD official described how a special torture chamber existed at the SSD interrogation detention facility in the province where the witness was deployed. The torture chamber was equipped with a water tank, in which suspects could be immersed until the suspect would fear drowning. The room also had wall shackles that were specially arranged to hang people upside down. Various other torture instruments were also provided, including long needles that would be driven underneath the suspect’s fingernails and a pot with a water/hot chili pepper concoction that would be poured into the victim’s nose. As a result of such severe torture, suspects would often admit to crimes they did not commit. + A woman who was tortured by the SSD in a different province on suspicion of practising the Christian religion, described how a water tank similar to that described by the foregoing SSD official was used to torture her. She indicated that she was fully immersed in cold water for hours. Only when she stood on her tip-toes would her nose be barely above the water level. She could hardly breathe. She was gripped by panic, fearing that she might drown. + A former MPS official revealed that the pre-trial investigation bureau in the headquarters of the Ministry of People’s Security in Pyongyang made use of a small metal cage. Victims would be crammed into the cage for several hours so that the circulation of blood to extremities becomes interrupted and other parts of the body swell up. The victim turns into a rusty brown colour. After removal from the cage, the victim is abruptly “unfolded” causing further excruciating pain. The witness also recalled receiving formal training on torture techniques from a senior investigator holding the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. That senior official taught MPS officials how to cut off a suspect’s blood circulation using straps, while simultaneously placing the suspect in physical stress positions in order to inflict the maximum level of pain. >... >1036\. The Commission finds that inmates of political prison camps are victims of the crime of imprisonment. Inmates are imprisoned, usually for life, in camps without ever having been brought before a judge in accordance with article 9 (3) and (4) of the ICCPR. They have never been charged, convicted or sentenced to imprisonment, following a fair and public hearing, by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law as would be required by article 14 (1) of the ICCPR. >1037\. In addition, inmates are generally not imprisoned for reasons that conform to international human rights law. In many cases, their only transgression was to freely express themselves on political questions, to leave their own country, to hold a religious belief, or to exercise other human rights guaranteed to them under international law. Many inmates are not accused of any personal wrongdoing. They are incarcerated based solely on the principle of guilt by family association. Some are even born prisoners. >... >1043\. The Commission’s factual findings on the political prison camps in the DPRK match the definition of extermination. Across the various camps, the living conditions imposed on the political prisoners cause the deaths of thousands of inmates every year. Over the period of the existence of the camp system, hundreds of thousands have died. >1044\. The Commission finds that the living conditions in the political prison camps are calculated to bring about mass deaths. Forced to carry out grueling labour, inmates are provided food rations that are so insufficient that many inmates starve to death. Those prisoners who survive do so by devising their own coping mechanisms, often having to resort to means, such as stealing food, that are illegal in the camp and subject to harsh punishment. The death toll is further exacerbated by executions, deaths from torture, the denial of adequate medical care, high incidence of work accidents, lack of shelter and lack of appropriate clothes. >1045\. The authorities administering the political prison camps are aware that deaths on a massive scale occur in the ordinary course of events. Information provided to the Commission by former guards and inmates suggests that the camps have the objective of gradually eliminating the camp population by working many prisoners to death. As noted by former political prison camp guard Ahn Myong-chol, political prison camp inmates “*are supposed to die in the camp from hard labour*”. This corresponds with the instruction, attributed to Kim Il-sung and taught to camp officials, that three generations of class enemies and factionalists must be eliminated.
Nice try, but that UN report was itself written by right-wing Human Rights abusers, including someone who served the Suharto regime in Indonesia and an Australian Monarchist. Projection much? How about you take your US apologetics elsewhere.

An argument I haven’t yet seen (so I thought of it all by myself, but no doubt it already exists in the wild): our world of free web services offered by giant tech companies is cybersocialism, socialism always leads to authoritarianism, and getting your account suspended by them is “the road to serfdom” in cyberspace.