r/SneerClub archives
Idk if this is sneer worthy (I think it is) but there's something really funny about this to me. "A Celebration of Science & Reason" (https://i.redd.it/qnrvd9u6mjh11.png)

A Celebration of Science & Reason: two men sitting in over-sized chairs that make them look like children (look at Dillahunty’s elbow higher than his armpit trying to use that left wall like it’s actually intended to be used as an armrest) separated by a side table with water and (maybe?) a bottle of wine

A Celebration of Art & Passion: an intoxicated orgy, probably

Edit: seriously, my hardest sneer is at those chairs

> two men sitting in over-sized chairs that make them look like children Maybe they're normal sized chairs, and Harris and Dillahunty are both tiny. You don't know.
Then the set designer should have known to have tiny chairs for the tiny men! And, in whatever size, the design of having the back and arms at the same height is mod kitsch without comfort to basic posture!
Harris does have the look of a Lord of the Rings extra kind of character and those come in all sizes so yeah you never know.
I love that they both wore brown jackets as well. Look at Harris, it's like he hasn't any arms at all!
Must be reading the same men's fashion magazine: brown blazer, light blue shirt, brown leather boots, and whatever slacks.
If humans evolved from chameleons, why are there still chameleons? Checkmate, atheists.
Honestly who pays the price of about 4 grams of shit coke to go see two middle aged men talking.

We’re going to worship the Cult of Reason and there’s nothing the Girondins can do about it

What’s Dillahunty up to these days aside from looking adorably tiny in comparison to furniture? I used to listen to the Atheist Experience a lot as a teenager (even bought the guide to a roleplaying game that one of his cohosts designed), and I think he had a much bigger impact on me than Dawkins of Harris ever did. In retrospect that may have been a really good thing.

I only know that he's spatting with JBP. For that purpose, and I know that this is somewhat scandalous, even Harris will do sometimes... Despite his general being okay with sophistry, the common *rationalist* objections do make the mystic sound insane.

That this post is just a screenshot of some dumb conversation posted to YouTube is the quality sneer content that I, as a young hip millennial, crave. But lets really give a hand to the 19 people who’ve watched this video and given it a thumbs down. Those are brave souls.

I thought some more visual based sneer could be good but I apologize if I've sullied the sub lol
I was being sincere. I'm always sincere. I even gave a sincere upvote. And this sub can't be sullied. We're unsulliable. (We've banned Andrew Sullivan.)
> (We've banned Andrew Sullivan.) Hail!
Haha ok cool. It was my first sneer so I was nervous
In the same way that something that is 100% wood can't become more wooden, this is true. It's one of the best things about this place. <3
19 people are fundies who hate Logic.

It’s sneer worthy but not a fit for this sub imo.