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I'm taking a deep dive into the sewage of Dark Enlightenment for an English essay about Confederacy of Dunces' lasting relevance. What resources would Sneerclub recommend? (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9b67n0/im_taking_a_deep_dive_into_the_sewage_of_dark/)

So far I’ve a couple of academic sources about the Dark Enlightenment, and am considering Nick Land’s essay and Scott Alexander’s FAQ.

I’m aiming to be more creative with my thesis statement than in past essays (this essay is meant to persuade the reader on why my chosen book should be put in a course about American literature). My spin on Confederacy of Dunces is the modern embrace of anti-Enlightenment ideologies by mostly middle-class white men in countries similar to the US, but the US especially. I’m specifically choosing Neoreaction because Ignatius J. Reilly is a pro-divine right clod who won’t shut up about Boethius.

I second the Sandifer book, it’s pretty much your ideal resource (partially second hand impressions, still haven’t read it all). Be wary about taking the FAQ at face.

The neoreaction cannon has everything you’d want. I think the most telling essay in it is Michael Anissimov’s attempt to reconcile transhumanism and neoreaction by saying that the only way we can survive as a species is by giving the elites all the power is telling of the fear of the underclasses getting their hands on technology and building something better. See also this post critiquing his assumption that we’ll all be genetically engineered to be perfect physical specimens instead of diverging in makeup and desires (this was written before he was out as NRx) is another tell about the fact that despite being superficially pro tech they desire that everything remain the same.

The anarcho-transhumanist FAQ sums it up pretty well:

Transhumanism is a quite simple position and so there’s a wide array people who’ve been attracted to it. Inevitably some of them are obnoxious, shortsighted, naive, or reactionary.

Thankfully a good chunk of the reactionary contingent abandoned transhumanism when they finally realized how inextricable the liberatory components were. “The death of the gender binary? That’s not what I signed up for!” Many of these idiots have gone onto form a fascism-for-nerds cult/fandom called “neoreaction” as part of the alt-right. In a particularly revealing reversal many now hope for and advocate the collapse of civilization. They expect this will lead to a post apocalyptic landscape where their absurd notions of biological essentialism reign supreme—where “Real Alpha Men” rule as warlords and the rest of us are used for raping, slaving, or hunting. Or where we are forced back to tribal-scale relations, better enabling (small scale) nationalistic identity, interpersonal hierarchies and traditionalism. Others envision small corporate fiefdoms and some kind of AI god that will help them maintain their desired hierarchies by stopping oppressed groups from gaining, understanding, or developing technology.

I think a pro-tech left wing perspective on neoreaction would be pretty interesting and it would be something we haven’t actually seen in a long form piece of writing

> is another tell about the fact that despite being superficially pro tech they desire that everything remain the same. they're conservatives with cyberpunk kit.

the book Neoreaction: a basilisk by Elizabeth Sandifer seems pretty relevant here, it covers neo-reactionaries Nick land and Mencius moldbug, as well as showing how Yudkowsky relates to them.

Came into the comments to make sure somebody mentioned Moldbug (real name Curtis Yarvin). Land is the most accredited of the NRx crowd, but he's largely an aesthetic provocateur- he comes from an academic background and has dabbled in performance art communities, and when you read his interviews he reveals himself to often be 'testing the limits of acceptable thought'. He has a history of pushing extreme notions mostly to see how the non-linear rhizome of the internet will respond. Yarvin, by contrast, is a true ideologue- his voluminous output is totally sincere, and is much less ambiguous in its vision for what a Reactionary future would look like. Also, as far is it relates to OP's thesis, he's a white upper-middle class software developer with ties to Silicon Valley elites- he's pretty much the poster child for the convergence of inherited social privilege and outsized technical economic value.
my favorite thing about yarvin is that he's attempting to reestablish feudalism by publishing [obscure programming languages](https://github.com/cgyarvin/urbit/blob/master/doc/book/3-syntax.markdown) and [web services](https://github.com/urbit/urbit/) on the internet

Corey Pein writes about this, especially these two:



There’s also a bunch of stuff on Land and his involvement with CCRU, accelerationism, etc. but I don’t know how much of that would be relevant to Confederacy of Dunces.

Those two are essential.

I’d recommend first reading the rules of this subreddit. There are only three.

Am I the only one who gets angry over the Moldbug calling himself “Mencius”?