r/SneerClub archives
Slate: "DNA Tests Quietly Reinforce Terrible and Scientifically Inaccurate Concepts of 'Ethnicity'" (http://www.unz.com/isteve/slate-dna-tests-quietly-reinforce-terrible-and-scientifically-inaccurate-concepts-of-ethnicity/)

This is a pretty weird rebuttal to an article I haven’t read. Specifically: it’s weird to rebut a claim about the nature of “ethnicity” without ever using the term itself. It’s as if Steve Sailer (checks wikipedia), a columnist for VDARE.com, does not have a nuanced view of ethnicity and the problems of contemporary racism.

I've been trying to comprehend why this was posted here, and why it wasn't immediately downvoted to oblivion. There's... 2 links to holocaust denial articles on that website.
I'm not sure. The title does not make it clear what's being linked to: it's Slate [colon] "a title to a slate article," but it's a link to unz. So it's not entirely clear what it is we're supposed to be sneering at. You'll notice that most link posts make explicit what is worthy of sneer here: "Scott Alexander believes pocket-spaghetti gave his ancestors an edge during lean periods" or "SSC posters don't know how to use public transit." This title here indicates that the slate article is what's worthy of sneers (it's not), and I think that's why it was downvoted.