r/SneerClub archives
amazing quote from great bayesian rationalist martin luther king (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/9gdbel/amazing_quote_from_great_bayesian_rationalist/)

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the content of their character, but by their iq scores from a sketchy online website.”

Martin Luther King

very inspirational

Even one of their Lords and Saviors, Paul Graham, thinks the contrary:

Take away determination bit by bit, and you have “this ineffectual but brilliant person,” says Graham. But subtract out intelligence bit by bit and “eventually you get to some guy who owns a bunch of taxi medallions but he’s still rich. Or [who has] a trash hauling business, or something like that. You can take away a lot of smart.”

Hell, even the founders of Mensa were disappointed in the “community” they attempted to build – one was upset that people transcended their socioeconomic class stereotypes and met IQ threshold for gifted (see heavily down voted comment in this post), the other upset because he knew the future leaders/innovators aren’t all about meeting to obsess over puzzles found in IQ tests.

Not trying to start a fight, but this probably the most direct way that Scott has ever discussed IQ and it is titled:“Against Individual IQ Worries”. I’m not sure they’re as obsessed with it as you think.



Dig deeper: [Brahmachariot](https://www.reddit.com/user/Brahmachariot) \-89 points · [5 months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughLibertarianSpam/comments/86n3i0/objectivist_claims_communists_want_to_take_the/dw6f57u/) >I've got to hand it to you, Vienotiba, you sure have got balls. I can tell in many ways you're trying to put up a brave face. I can't say I blame you that much, I'm sure even an insignificant insect like yourself needs to think they can put up a fight. For those lovely members of our audience this sunny afternoon, I think you'll be pleased to know *most* of what the Irishman over here has said is true. I appreciate him being able to sit up long enough to actually recognize an amount of words greater than his fingers and toes. I do think he might have underestimated just how badly he got drubbed. > >I pounded him so hard I bet it made whatever fetid potato he shoves his cock in every night absolutely green with envy. I'd title it the Battle of Aughrim: 21-moves of Williamite Rape. I think it effectively dashes any of this indigent sack's claims of legitimacy or intellectual superiority. Of course, you don't need to take my word for it, why don't we look at our little sparring match more closely? If you can't see the chess board, you'll need to download the Reddit PGN viewer for either Chrome or Firefox. I'm White by the way, as if you couldn't already tell. I hope you're willing to see a *bloodbath.* > >\[pgn\] 1. d4 e6 2. Nc3 d5 3. e4 c5 {This is exactly the kind of material I've come to expect from you, Vienotiba, I haven't seen a French this pathetic since Petain.} 4. exd5 exd5 5. dxc5 Be6 {Squirm little worm, tried to force his way with the Marshall but you can tell he can barely keep up.} 6. Bb5+ Nc6 7. Be3 d4 8. Bxd4 Qxd4 {There are reasons why some people are at the top and some people are at the slop, this is one such reason, I'm starting to think the spud you penetrate every night could do so much better than you.} 9. Qxd4 Rd8 10. Bxc6+ bxc6 11. Qa4 Bxc5 12. Qxc6+ Bd7 {It's like watching a vulture slowly pick apart a dying deer, you can't look away, but it's just so cruel isn't it? The result was decided before any of the pieces were moved, that much is obvious.} 13. Qxc5 Rc8 14. Qe5+ Ne7 15. Qxg7 Rf8 16. Qxh7 Kd8 {What cruel little twisted fate put you on top of my plate? You acted so high and mighty before, but now you're just a meal.} 17. Qg7 Kc7 18. Qxf8 Rxf8 {I decided to throw the poor imbecile a scrap here, mind you this is quite literally the only inaccuracy in the entire game, and it was intentional, I wanted to give him a tiny slice of hope before I really start to twist my cock in his pale ass.} 19. Nge2 Rg8 20. Nf4 Rxg2 {Tut tut tut, Vienotiba, do you ever learn? Oh well, guess I'll just take that bone I gave you, seems like you don't even deserve that much.} 21. Nxg2 Bh3 {Poor little thing tapped after this, like the prey that he is, a rush of hormones went straight to his brain as the predator sunk some fangs into his feeble neck. For a predator like me, all I feel is the thrill of the kill.} 1-0 \[/pgn\] > >I hope you appreciate I didn't make things too complex. I do consider myself a poet, but I doubt that many of you are really able to understand it. Pearls before swine, coin for a cat, however you'd like to think of it. Considering my audience assembled before me today, I don't think it'd be an exaggeration to say I'm superior to almost every single one of you, save a fellow friend in the audience, who, like me, browses this subreddit to marvel at your weakness and sloth. In any case, none of you could beat me in chess *even if I removed both Knights beforehand.* They call that Knight odds, by the way. > >I'd say this is a pretty good punishment, isn't it Vienotiba? I hope your fellow canaille can look you in the eye after they know how badly you got thrashed like a minnow in a hurricane. You never had even a tiny chance of defeating me. The interesting this is that I didn't even have to go all out. I could have put an end to your little struggle way earlier. However, not unlike the shrike, I enjoy impaling my prey and watch them convulse and scream before I deliver the \*coup de grace.\*Let me know if you ever want to get thoroughly trounced even harder. In fact, any of you are free to challenge me and I'll get back to you when I can. > >I don't play chess for the money, I have plenty of that which I earned in even more innovative ways. I play it because it's perhaps the best game that can allow me to demonstrate why I am such a superior individual. You may find such a statement arrogant, but I think you'll see that it couldn't be *more true.* It's people like us that are the reason you can shit in a toilet, drive in a car, whine about the unfairness of reality on your computers, and more. There are an exceedingly few individuals who can give me that much of a challenge at my fullest. If you want to reverse that status quo, my inbox is always open, I do enjoy a good bout of sodomy and choking. Dude is a living copypasta.
> I wanted to give him a tiny slice of hope before I really start to twist my cock in his pale ass. > However, not unlike the shrike, I enjoy impaling my prey and watch them convulse and scream before I deliver the *coup de grace.* Are we sure this isn't copypasta from Carl Panzram's autobiography?
He’s actually an alt of self-proclaimed “esoteric Hitlerist” Vox-Triarii. He has dozens of these alts, they all have some kind of extremist political orientation, half of them are Nazis and the other half are evil Jews, and they like to play Reddit chess with each other while having extremely silly conversations. The guy he’s playing chess with in Earthly_Knight’s quote, Vienotiba, is also one of his alts.
can't believe this website is free
Yeah but for the time being I'm not banning this one.
He'll be back
And in greater numbers.
Hey that's not true, if your number is high enough you can also pay money to join a useless club celebrating that fact
You missed out "and if even have any"
> I got myself tested officially, Me too. Turns out I'm HIV-negative. Edit: > The only reason anyone with sense wouldn't cough up the money to get a professional [IQ test] is because they live somewhere where IQ tests are illegal, Even if we have the fantasy that the only thing that matters is how bigsmart our brains are, that's obviously not the case. There are accomplishments that people can point to which signal their bigsmartbraininess better than IQ tests. E.g. if I want to convince someone I'm bigsmartbrainy then I'd be more successful by casually mentioning that I have a PhD in a difficult, technical field, rather than bragging about my IQ score, whatever the hell it is. So why bother to waste the money on an exam? Come to think of it, it seems like the reason one would pay up to get a professional IQ test is if one didn't have those accomplishments to point at to signal one's intelligence. I suppose in that case one might decide it's rational to spend money on that.
funnily enough I prolly lean more pro iq than most people here because iq tests allow for digging up “diamonds in the rough” so to speak. I remember seeing a reddit post some time where a tech company they worked for hired 2 ppl for entry positions with iq test being one of the criteria. they got two people a lazy guy with masters and a girl who worked in factory and took a coding class in community college and was interested. eventually the guy was fired but the girl went on to stay and learn a lot more about her job with good training. sure they got a typical “lazy genius” one but the girl would have never gotten a chance if not for iq tests
I think that's the main way I support its use [1] as well --- for providing unprivileged groups an "objective" way to compare themselves to the privileged, as "holistic" ways can often be subtly biased. I see this as similar to how the IIT's operate on (strictly meritocratic) admissions, which I believe your "finding diamonds in the rough" comment would track rather well with. Essentially, I see IQ as an indication you "can" do things. This isn't to say you *can't* do things without a high IQ, but that's all I view high IQ as --- some *potential* for success. This is why I find pointing to IQ so unconvincing --- why not just point to the success? There's one case when I find pointing to IQ over success convincing, and that's why you belong to a group where *finding the opportunity* for success may be difficult (be it for gender/race/socio-economic status reasons). ___ [1] This is *completely* assuming it isn't biased along race/gender/class lines. If it is, imagine we're talking about some "idealized measure of intelligence" instead.
>This is why I find pointing to IQ so unconvincing --- why not just point to the success? That's exactly why these IQ supremacists remind me of Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite, filming himself throwing a football to feel good about what should've been an NFL career; bragging about potential with no results comes off as ego fuel. >There's one case when I find pointing to IQ over success convincing, and that's why you belong to a group where *finding the opportunity* for success may be difficult (be it for gender/race/socio-economic status reasons). If there were to be any further innovations in IQ measure that filter out the noise from gender/race/socio-economic status, a lot of those IQ supremacists would be like one of the founders of Mensa, who was dismayed that those he believed beneath him were revealed to be "diamonds in the rough" rather than the inherent aristocracy he imagined.
>IQ while far from being perfect, is at least a passable measure of intelligence, Why do you believe this? Do you have evidence that it's true, or is it an article of faith for you? >they live somewhere where IQ tests are illegal, like it was in California for years. California only ever banned IQ testing for the purpose of [placing black schoolchildren in special education classes](http://articles.latimes.com/1991-08-05/news/mn-139_1_iq-test).
copypasta edit: if you're *really* superior, how hot are you? post pics
> I got myself tested officially, and I'm pretty proud of the result, of course you would think I'm bragging if I told you it. K
Who are you, you precious baby?
> 50 years from now my descendants will be the sculptors, and if even have any, your children will merely be the sculpted.
> all a part of the plan Do we look like people with a plan ?
The fact that you seem not to see a significant difference between a person's IQ and "the content of their character" is very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very telling.
Do you mean to be a parody of yourself or do you just not proof your shit before posting?
NGL this might be my favourite post on SC.